A Mach-10 hypersonic boundary layer of air overriding a cold, isothermal, non-catalytic flat wall, and with a stagnation enthalpy of
$21.6\ \textrm {MJ}\ \textrm {kg}^{-1}$, is analysed using direct numerical simulations. The calculations include multicomponent transport, equilibrium vibrational excitation and chemical kinetics for air dissociation. The initially laminar boundary layer undergoes transition to turbulence by the resonance of a two-dimensional mode injected by a suction-and-blowing boundary condition imposed over a narrow spanwise porous strip. The ensuing turbulent boundary layer has a momentum Reynolds number of 3826 near the outflow of the computational domain. The relatively low temperature of the free stream renders the air chemically frozen there. However, the high temperatures generated within the boundary layer by viscous aerodynamic heating, peaking at a wall-normal distance
$y^\star \simeq 10\text {--}20$ in semi-local viscous units, lead to air dissociation in under-equilibrium amounts equivalent to 4 %–7 % on a molar basis of atomic oxygen, along with smaller concentrations of nitric oxide, which is mainly produced by the Zel'dovich mechanism, and of atomic nitrogen, the latter being mostly in steady state. A statistical analysis of the results is provided, including the streamwise evolution of (a) the skin friction coefficient and dimensionless wall heat flux; (b) the mean profiles of temperature, velocity, density, molar fractions, chemical production rates and chemical heat-release rate; (c) the Reynolds stresses and root-mean-squares of the fluctuations of temperature, density, pressure, molar fractions and chemical heat-release rate; and (d) the temperature/velocity and mass-fraction/velocity correlations.