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  • ISSN: 0963-5483 (Print), 1469-2163 (Online)
  • Editors: Professor Imre Leader DPMMS|Centre for Mathematical Sciences|University of Cambridge|Wilberforce Road|Cambridge CB3 0WB|UK, and Professor Oliver Riordan Mathematical Institute|University of Oxford|24-29 St Giles'|Oxford|OX1 3LB|UK
  • Editorial board
Published bimonthly, Combinatorics, Probability & Computing is devoted to the three areas of combinatorics, probability theory and theoretical computer science. Topics covered include classical and algebraic graph theory, extremal set theory, matroid theory, probabilistic methods and random combinatorial structures; combinatorial probability and limit theorems for random combinatorial structures; the theory of algorithms (including complexity theory), randomised algorithms, probabilistic analysis of algorithms, computational learning theory and optimisation.

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