1. Introduction
A hypergraph $G = (V, E)$ is a set of vertices $V$ together with a set of edges $E \subset 2^V$ . A hypergraph is $k$ -uniform if every edge has size $k$ . The degree of a vertex $v \in V$ , denoted by $d(v)$ , is the number of edges it appears in; in a hypergraph with maximum degree $\Delta$ , each vertex appears in at most $\Delta$ edges.
An independent set in $G$ is a set of vertices $I \subset V$ such that $I$ contains no edge. Let $\mathcal {I}(G)$ denote the family of all independent sets in $G$ . The independence polynomial of $G$ is defined by
This polynomial plays an important role in mathematics, physics and computer science [Reference Davies and Perkins1, Reference Heilmann and Lieb3, Reference Jain, Perkins, Sah and Sawhney4, Reference Scott and Sokal7–Reference Weitz10]. A key property for understanding this polynomial is the largest radius of a disk-shaped zero-free region(ZFR), a region in $\mathbb {C}$ where $Z_G$ has no zero. We refer the reader to the introduction of [Reference Galvin, McKinley, Perkins, Sarantis and Tetali2] for a survey of how knowledge of the zeros of $Z_G$ can lead to interesting results about independent set.
When $G$ is a graph with maximum degree $\Delta$ , the ZFRs for $Z_G$ are well-understood [Reference Peters and Regts6, Reference Shearer8]. Specifically, Shearer [Reference Shearer8] showed that $Z_G$ has no zero inside the disk $\left \vert \lambda \right \vert \lt \frac {(\Delta - 1)^{\Delta - 1}}{\Delta ^{\Delta }}$ , and this bound is the best possible.
In a recent paper [Reference Galvin, McKinley, Perkins, Sarantis and Tetali2], Galvin, McKinley, Perkins, Sarantis and Tetali studied the zeros of $Z_G$ when $G$ is a general hypergraph with given maximum degree $\Delta$ . They showed that $Z_G$ has no zero inside the disk $\left \vert \lambda \right \vert \lt \frac {\Delta ^\Delta }{(\Delta + 1)^{(\Delta + 1)}}$ . Furthermore, for each uniformity $k \geq 2$ , they constructed a family of $k$ -uniform hypergraphs with arbitrarily large maximum degree $\Delta$ such that $Z_G$ has a zero $\lambda$ with $\left \vert \lambda \right \vert \lt O_k\left (\frac {\log \Delta }{\Delta }\right )$ , thereby showing that their bound is tight up to a logarithmic factor if we place no additional assumption on $G$ .
A hypergraph is linear if each pair of edges intersect in at most one vertex. The aforementioned constructions in [Reference Galvin, McKinley, Perkins, Sarantis and Tetali2, Section 4] are far from linear, since they contain edges that intersect in $(k - 1)$ vertices. In [Reference Galvin, McKinley, Perkins, Sarantis and Tetali2, Conjecture 3], Galvin, McKinley, Perkins, Sarantis and Tetali conjectured that their lower bound on the maximum radius of the zero-free disk for $Z_G$ can be improved under the additional assumption that $G$ is linear.
Conjecture 1.1. For each $k \geq 2$ , there exists a constant $C_k \gt 0$ such that the following is true. If $G$ is a $k$ -uniform, linear hypergraph with maximum degree $\Delta$ and if
then $Z_G(\lambda ) \neq 0$ .
This conjecture is motivated by results on asymptotic enumeration in [Reference Mousset, Noever, Panagiotou and Samotij5]. Galvin, McKinley, Perkins, Sarantis and Tetali verified this conjecture when $G$ is a hypertree [Reference Galvin, McKinley, Perkins, Sarantis and Tetali2, Theorem 4],
In this note, we disprove Conjecture1.1 in any uniformity $k \geq 3$ . Our counterexample shows that the radius of the disk-shaped ZFR $\left \vert \lambda \right \vert \lt \frac {\Delta ^\Delta }{(\Delta + 1)^{(\Delta + 1)}}$ is tight up to a logarithmic factor even if we assume that $G$ is a $k$ -uniform linear hypergraph.
Theorem 1.2. For each uniformity $k \geq 3$ and $\Delta \gt 100k^2$ , there exists a $k$ -uniform linear hypergraph $G$ with maximum degree $\Delta$ , such that $Z_{G}$ has a negative real zero $\lambda$ with $\lambda \in [-\frac {6k \log \Delta }{\Delta }, 0]$ .
2. The counterexample
We begin by describing a general construction.
Definition 2.1. Let $G = (V, E)$ be a hypergraph. We define $S_G$ as the hypergraph whose vertex set is $V \sqcup E$ , and whose edge set is $\{e \cup \{e\}\,:\, e \in E\}$ .
We begin by showing a basic property of $S_G$ .
Proposition 2.2. If $G = (V, E)$ is a $(k - 1)$ uniform linear hypergraph with maximum degree $\Delta$ , then $S_G$ is a $k$ uniform linear hypergraph with maximum degree $\Delta$ .
Proof. Each edge in $S_G$ has the form $e \cup \{e\}$ for some $e \in E$ , and $\left \vert e \cup \{e\} \right \vert = \left \vert e \right \vert + 1 = k$ . So $S_G$ is $k$ uniform.
For any pair of distinct edges $e_1 \cup \{e_1\}$ and $e_2 \cup \{e_2\}$ in $S_G$ , we have
Thus $S_G$ is linear.
Finally, each vertex in $V$ has the same degree in $G$ and $S_G$ , while each element in $E$ has degree $1$ in $S_G$ . Therefore, the maximum degree of $S_G$ is the same as the maximum degree of $G$ .
In the next two lemmas, we give an explicit formula for the independence polynomial $Z_{S_G}$ of $S_G$ and prove that it has a zero close to the origin whenever $G$ satisfies a mild expansion property.
Lemma 2.3. Let $G = (V, E)$ be a hypergraph. For each set of vertices $S \subset V$ , let $E(S)$ denote the edges of $G$ with at least one vertex in $S$ , and write $e(S) = \left \vert E(S) \right \vert$ . Then we have
Proof. Classifying the independence sets of $S_G$ based on their intersections with $V \subset V(S_G)$ , we have
A set of vertices $I \subset V \sqcup E$ with $I \cap V = V \backslash S$ is independent in $S_G$ if and only if $J \,:\!=\, I \cap E$ is contained in $E(S)$ . So we have
and the lemma follows.
Lemma 2.4. Let $G = (V, E)$ be a hypergraph with $n \geq 3$ vertices. Assume that $n$ is odd. Furthermore, assume that for some $\alpha \in [3\log n, n]$ , we have $e(S) \geq \alpha \left \vert S \right \vert$ for any $S \subset V$ . Then $Z_{S_G}$ has a negative real zero in the interval
Proof. Set $\lambda _0 = -\frac {3\log n}{\alpha }$ . As $Z_{S_G}(0) = 1$ , it suffices to show that $Z_{S_G}(\lambda _0) \lt 0$ .
By Lemma2.3, we have the identity
We isolate the term with $S = \emptyset$ and obtain
Since $0 \leq 1 + \lambda _0 \leq e^{\lambda _0}$ , for each $S \subset V$ we can estimate
Thus we have
where the second inequality uses the estimate $\binom {n}{k} \leq \frac {n^k}{k!}$ .
We assume that $\alpha \leq n$ , so $\left (\frac {\alpha }{n^2}\right )^k \lt \frac {1}{n}$ for each $k \geq 1$ . This leads to
Thus we conclude that
so $Z_{S_G}(\lambda _0) \lt 0$ , as desired.
Our main theorem is an easy corollary of this result. Indeed, for any $(k - 1)$ uniform hypergraph $G$ we can show that $e(S) \geq \frac {\delta (G) \left \vert S \right \vert }{k - 1}$ for any $S \subset V$ . So when $\delta (G) \geq \Delta (G) - 1$ , one can take $\alpha = \frac {\Delta (G) - 1}{k - 1}$ in Lemma2.4. We give an explicit construction of such a hypergraph.
Lemma 2.5. For any uniformity $k \geq 2$ and $\Delta \geq k$ , there exists a $k$ uniform, $\Delta$ regular linear hypergraph $H_{k, \Delta }$ on at most $2k \Delta$ vertices.
Proof. We take a prime $p$ in $[\Delta, 2\Delta ]$ , which exists by Chebyshev’s theorem. Let $H_{k, \Delta }$ be the hypergraph on the vertex set $V = [k] \times \mathbb {Z}_p$ with an edge $\{(i, a + id)\,:\, i \in [k]\}$ for each pair $(a, d) \in \mathbb {Z}_p \times [\Delta ]$ . The number of vertices in $H_{k, \Delta }$ is $\left \vert V \right \vert = kp \leq 2 \Delta k$ .
Any vertex $(i, x) \in V$ is contained precisely in the edges corresponding to $(a, d) \in \mathbb {Z}_p \times [\Delta ]$ with $a \equiv x - id \pmod {p}$ . As there is exactly one $a \in \mathbb {Z}_p$ corresponding to each $d \in [\Delta ]$ , $H_{k, \Delta }$ is $\Delta$ regular.
The size of the intersection between two distinct edges corresponding to $(a, d)$ and $(a', d')$ is the number of solutions $i \in [k]$ to the linear congruence equation $a + id \equiv a' + id' \pmod {p}$ . As $k \leq \Delta \leq p$ , there is at most one solution $i \in [k]$ to this linear congruence equation, so every pair of hyperedges in $H_{k, \Delta }$ intersect in at most one vertex. Therefore, $H_{k, \Delta }$ is a linear hypergraph.
Proof of Theorem 1.2. Let $H = H_{(k - 1), \Delta }$ be the $(k - 1)$ uniform linear hypergraph constructed in Lemma2.5. If $H$ has an even number of vertices, we remove an arbitrary vertex $v$ of $H$ together with any edge containing the vertex. Thus, we obtain a $(k - 1)$ uniform linear hypergraph $H$ with an odd number of vertices, maximum degree $\Delta$ , and minimum degree at least $(\Delta - 1)$ . By Proposition2.2, $G = S_H$ is a $k$ uniform linear hypergraph with maximum degree $\Delta$ .
Let $n \leq 2k \Delta$ be the number of vertices in $H$ . For any vertex subset $S$ of $H$ , the $(k - 1)$ uniformity of $H$ implies that the number of edges in $G$ with at least one vertex in $S$ is lower bounded by
By our assumptions $\Delta \gt 100k^2$ and $n \leq 2k \Delta$ , we can check that
Furthermore, we have $\frac {\Delta - 1}{k - 1} \leq \Delta - 1 \lt n$ . So we can apply Lemma2.4 with $\alpha = \frac {\Delta - 1}{k - 1}$ . We conclude that $Z_{G}$ has a negative real zero $\lambda$ with
where the last two inequalities follow from $\Delta \gt 100k^2$ . So $G$ satisfies the requirements of Theorem 1.2.
I am supported by the Craig Franklin Fellowship in Mathematics at Stanford University. I thank Professor Nima Anari and Professor Will Perkins for many helpful discussions and comments. I also thank the anonymous referee for valuable feedbacks on the manuscript.