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What is your first reaction when you hear the word “physics”? As you begin your exploration of this broad-ranging subject, you may soon come to realize that physics plays a much larger role in your life than you first thought, no matter your life goals or career choice. This adaptive and interactive courseware covers key topics of algebra-based physics, from an initial prerequisite mathematical concepts review, to applying these concepts to solve various physics problems across the course. Combine with College Physics I depending on your curricular needs.
In Books 6 and 7 Thucydides' narrative is, as Plutarch puts it, 'at its most emotional, vivid, and varied' as he describes the Sicilian Expedition that ended so catastrophically for Athens (415–413 BCE). Book 7 opens with Athens seemingly on the point of victory, but the arrival of the Spartan commander Gylippus marks a change in fortunes and the Athenian commander Nicias is soon sending home a desperate plea for reinforcements. Three narrative masterpieces follow their arrival, first the eerie confusion of the night battle on the heights, then the naval clash in the Great Harbour, and finally the desperate attempt to escape and the slaughter at the river Assinarus. Following the sister commentary on Book 6, the Commentary offers students considerable help understanding the Greek while the Introduction discusses Thucydides' narrative skill and the part these books play in the architecture of the history.
In Books 6 and 7 Thucydides' narrative is, as Plutarch puts it, 'at its most emotional, vivid, and varied' as he describes the Sicilian Expedition that ended so catastrophically for Athens (415–413 BCE). Book 7 opens with Athens seemingly on the point of victory, but the arrival of the Spartan commander Gylippus marks a change in fortunes and the Athenian commander Nicias is soon sending home a desperate plea for reinforcements. Three narrative masterpieces follow their arrival, first the eerie confusion of the night battle on the heights, then the naval clash in the Great Harbour, and finally the desperate attempt to escape and the slaughter at the river Assinarus. Following the sister commentary on Book 6, the Commentary offers students considerable help understanding the Greek while the Introduction discusses Thucydides' narrative skill and the part these books play in the architecture of the history.
This adaptive courseware establishes the relationship between agriculture and agribusiness. Students will learn about the management and leadership principles needed for agriculture and agribusiness, as well as the types of agricultural businesses. Key topics of accounting, economics, marketing and government are also introduced.
The Pro Milone numbers among Cicero's most famous speeches. In it he defends his friend T. Annius Milo against the charge of murdering P. Clodius Pulcher, Cicero's own archenemy. Clodius' death, Milo's trial, and their aftermath consumed Roman public life in 52 BC, involving every major political figure of the day. Although Cicero's defense failed, the published speech remains one of his finest, a fascinating document from a turbulent time, full of interest both historical and rhetorical. This edition, aimed at students and scholars alike, provides readers with the help that they need to appreciate the speech as a literary masterpiece and a historical text. Including a comprehensive introduction and a newly constituted Latin text, it provides detailed treatment of Cicero's language, style, and rhetorical techniques, as well as full discussion of the historical background and the larger social and cultural issues relevant to the speech.
The Pro Milone numbers among Cicero's most famous speeches. In it he defends his friend T. Annius Milo against the charge of murdering P. Clodius Pulcher, Cicero's own archenemy. Clodius' death, Milo's trial, and their aftermath consumed Roman public life in 52 BC, involving every major political figure of the day. Although Cicero's defense failed, the published speech remains one of his finest, a fascinating document from a turbulent time, full of interest both historical and rhetorical. This edition, aimed at students and scholars alike, provides readers with the help that they need to appreciate the speech as a literary masterpiece and a historical text. Including a comprehensive introduction and a newly constituted Latin text, it provides detailed treatment of Cicero's language, style, and rhetorical techniques, as well as full discussion of the historical background and the larger social and cultural issues relevant to the speech.
Developed by the American Psychological Association, this personalised digital learning solution covers the full Research Methods course curriculum, including qualitative methods. Designed by psychology instructors and professionals with extensive teaching experience, PsycLearn immerses students in engaging course material in multiple formats, including videos, graphics, and interactive activities. Students complete formative assessments to gauge their understanding and get just-in-time feedback to reinforce clear learning objectives. Allowing for spaced practice, PsycLearn guides students in making informed judgments of their learning while they build skills and master concepts. PsycLearn's unique design uses learning science research to support deeper classroom instruction. A comprehensive data dashboard provides instructors with the tools to effectively address individual and class-wide progress, and a test bank and correlated activity guides help instructors enrich the overall learning experience.
This adaptive courseware helps students answer the question of how we know that the food we eat is safe for human consumption. Learners will discover the processes and procedures used to process our food, investigating topics including labeling, regulations, packaging, distribution and food chemistry.