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Author Services

Find out about how we support authors throughout the publishing process with our dedicated Author Hub platform.

Author Services

When you publish with Cambridge, our team of dedicated Editors, Content Managers and Development Editors will work with you to fully optimize your textbook for teaching. Our Higher Education sales and marketing teams, who are spread across regions globally, will promote your textbook to the relevant instructors and drive adoptions.

Access your textbook online
If you have not already, please register for a Higher Education account, so that we can provide you complementary digital access to your textbook via the Higher Education website. If you already have a Cambridge Core account, you do not have to create another Higher Education account; your account details will work across both websites. Please note, if we do not have digital permissions/rights for your book, we will be unable to supply you with an online copy.

Author Hub
Don’t forget you can use Author Hub  , the dedicated, online website for Cambridge University Press book authors. When you have an Author Hub account, you can:

  • Download royalty statements
  • View sales information for your book(s)
  • Access publishing and marketing guides and resources
  • Contact the editorial team directly
  • Keep up-to-date with news and developments from Cambridge University Press
  • Buy print books online using your 40% author discount

How can I promote my book?
Many authors ask us how they can help promote their textbook, helping to make it more discoverable. As a Cambridge University Press author, you have exclusive access to a suite of marketing guides and resources to support you in this. Simply log in to Author Hub  to get started. For help logging in, please visit our Author Hub FAQs .

Some of our most popular resources include:

Further help