$\mathbb F$ be a finite field of odd order and
$a,b\in\mathbb F\setminus\{0,1\}$ be such that
$\chi(a) = \chi(b)$ and
$\chi(1-a)=\chi(1-b)$, where χ is the extended quadratic character on
$\mathbb F$. Let
$Q_{a,b}$ be the quasigroup over
$\mathbb F$ defined by
$(x,y)\mapsto x+a(y-x)$ if
$\chi(y-x) \geqslant 0$, and
$(x,y)\mapsto x+b(y-x)$ if
$\chi(y-x) = -1$. We show that
$Q_{a,b} \cong Q_{c,d}$ if and only if
$\{a,b\}= \{\alpha(c),\alpha(d)\}$ for some
$\alpha\in \operatorname{Aut}(\mathbb F)$. We also characterize
$\operatorname{Aut}(Q_{a,b})$ and exhibit further properties, including establishing when
$Q_{a,b}$ is a Steiner quasigroup or is commutative, entropic, left or right distributive, flexible or semisymmetric. In proving our results, we also characterize the minimal subquasigroups of