We explore experimentally whether axisymmetry breaking can be exploited for the open-loop control of a prototypical hydrodynamic oscillator, namely a low-density inertial jet exhibiting global self-excited axisymmetric oscillations. We find that when forced transversely or axially at a low amplitude, the jet always transitions first from a period-1 limit cycle to $\mathbb {T}^2$ quasiperiodicity via a Neimark–Sacker bifurcation. However, we find that the subsequent transition, from $\mathbb {T}^2$ quasiperiodicity to $1:1$ lock-in, depends on the spatial symmetry of the applied perturbations: axial forcing induces a saddle-node bifurcation at small detuning but an inverse Neimark–Sacker bifurcation at large detuning, whereas transverse forcing always induces an inverse Neimark–Sacker bifurcation irrespective of the detuning. Crucially, we find that only transverse forcing can enable both asynchronous and synchronous quenching of the natural mode to occur without resonant or non-resonant amplification of the forced mode, resulting in substantially lower values of the overall response amplitude across all detuning values. From this, we conclude that breaking the jet axisymmetry via transverse forcing is a more effective control strategy than preserving the jet axisymmetry via axial forcing. Finally, we show that the observed synchronization phenomena can be modelled qualitatively with just two forced coupled Van der Pol oscillators. The success of such a simple low-dimensional model in capturing the complex synchronization dynamics of a multi-modal hydrodynamic system opens up new opportunities for axisymmetry breaking to be exploited for the open-loop control of other globally unstable flows.