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Mental Health A Person-centred Approach

This textbook has now been replaced with a newer edition and is no longer available for personal or institutional sales. This will not affect access for customers who have previously redeemed access codes or purchased the title via ecommerce.


, University of South Australia, , Helen Hamer & Associates, , Australian Catholic University, North Sydney, , University of Southern Denmark, , Nan Tien Institute
Published 2017


Mental Health: A person-centred approach adopts an all-encompassing approach to engaging with, responding to and supporting people with mental illness and substance abuse. This substantially updated second edition incorporates the latest mental health research, including a new chapter focusing on psychotropic medications, while retaining the strong narrative approach of the first edition. Readers are encouraged to connect theory, practice and the lived experiences of consumers and carers. The diverse range of consumer and carer perspectives enhances readers' understanding of the…

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Key features

  • Covers a broad range of topics, providing students with a comprehensive understanding and encouraging best practice
  • Adopts a person-centred, strengths-based approach that is supported by personal narratives from both consumers and carers
  • Connects theory with practice through highly effective pedagogy
  • Includes exciting new chapters on psychotropic medications and e-mental health that prepare students for the future of the profession

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