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Mental Health A Person-centred Approach

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Edited by , University of South Australia, , University of Auckland, , Charles Sturt University, Bathurst, New South Wales, , University of New England, Australia, , University of Wollongong, New South Wales
Published 2013


Mental Health: A Person-centred Approach aligns leading mental health research with the human connections that can and should be made in mental health care. It seeks to deepen readers' understanding of themselves, the work they do, and how this intersects with the lives and crises of people with mental illness. This book adopts a storytelling approach, which encourages engagement with the lives and needs of consumers and carers in mental health. Each chapter features learning objectives, reflective and critical thinking…

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Key features

  • This book has a nursing focus but considers the broader health context and a range of practice settings
  • Chapters include stories of those with experience of recovering from mental illness, using mental health services or giving mental health support
  • Each chapter features learning objectives, reflective and critical thinking questions, extension activities and further reading

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