This textbook bypasses the need for advanced mathematics by providing in-text computer code, allowing students to explore Bayesian data analysis without the calculus background normally considered a prerequisite for this material. Now, students can use the best methods without needing advanced mathematical techniques. This approach goes beyond “frequentist” concepts of p-values and null hypothesis testing, using the full power of modern probability theory to solve real-world problems. The book offers a fully self-contained course, which demonstrates analysis techniques throughout with…
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Online publication date: 10 September 2020
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From Statistical Physics to Bio and Nano-motors
Online publication date: 05 January 2016
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Online publication date: 11 December 2020
Print publication date: 21 January 2021
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Online publication date: 28 April 2018
Online publication date: 24 October 2017
Online publication date: 05 December 2012
Hardback publication date: 12 November 2012
Paperback publication date: 21 August 2014