Sather-Wagstaff et al. proved in [8] (S. Sather-Wagsta, T. Sharif and D. White, Stability of Gorenstein categories, J. Lond. Math. Soc.(2), 77(2) (2008), 481–502) that iterating the process used to define Gorenstein projective modules exactly leads to the Gorenstein projective modules. Also, they established in [9] (S. Sather-Wagsta, T. Sharif and D. White, AB-contexts and stability for Goren-stein at modules with respect to semi-dualizing modules, Algebra Represent. Theory14(3) (2011), 403–428) a stability of the subcategory of Gorenstein flat modules under a procedure to build R-modules from complete resolutions. In this paper we are concerned with another kind of stability of the class of Gorenstein flat modules via-à-vis the very Gorenstein process used to define Gorenstein flat modules. We settle in affirmative the following natural question in the setting of a left GF-closed ring R: Given an exact sequence of Gorenstein flat R-modules G = ⋅⋅⋅
⋅⋅⋅ such that the complex H ⊗RG is exact for each Gorenstein injective right R-module H, is the module M:= Im(G0 → G−1) a Gorenstein flat module?