R1. Introduction
Is perceptual decision making optimal or not? At a superficial level, our commentators could not disagree more. On one hand, many commentators strongly defended optimality. Stocker wrote a “credo for optimality,” Howes & Lewis proposed that “a radically increased emphasis on (bounded) optimality is crucial to the success of cognitive science” (para. 1), and Shimansky & Dounskaia suggested that examples of suboptimality are in fact optimal if neural effort is included in the cost function. On the other hand, Withagen, van der Kamp, & de Wit (Withagen et al.) claimed that there are “suboptimalities for sure,” Chambers & Kording endorsed the view that “humans deviate from statistically optimal behavior” (para. 2), and Salinas, Seideman, & Stanford (Salinas et al.) argued that “a normative benchmark … is by no means necessary for understanding a particular behavior” (para. 8). Hence, it may appear that we, as a field, are hopelessly divided.
The division extended even to the commentators’ treatment of evolution. Whereas some commentaries expressed the view that optimality “directly follows from the theory of evolution” (Stocker, para. 3; also endorsed by Moran & Tsetsos and possibly by Shimansky & Dounskaia), two other commentaries argued that “evolution does not work toward optimalities” (Withagen et al., abstract; also endorsed by Zhao & Warren).
Nevertheless, a close reading of the commentaries convinced us that there is perhaps more common ground than it appears on the surface. In fact, a large part of the disagreements can be traced to a failure to clearly distinguish substantive issues (i.e., issues relating to the nature of human behavior) from tools (i.e., the methods we use to uncover the nature of behavior). We believe that appreciating this distinction and maintaining it zealously will go some way toward resolving disagreements in the optimality debate.
We organize this response in two parts. In the first part (sects. R2–R4), we discuss three main topics of disagreement:
(1) Are people globally optimal? (sect. R2)
(2) Is assuming that people are optimal a fruitful empirical strategy? (sect. R3)
(3) Should we adopt Bayesian approaches or not? (sect. R4)
In the second part of this response, we discuss a number of topics that arose from our target article, such as the merits of focusing on building a standard observer model (sect. R5) and specific comments regarding individual approaches or findings (sect. R6). We conclude (sect. R7) on a hopeful note that rather than entrenching fissures in the field, the current collection of articles would contribute to a deep level of agreement and give us the tools to express and recognize this agreement.
We include a Glossary to facilitate communication and as a primer to those new to the field. Although our target article was relatively narrowly focused on perceptual decision making, this response is intended to generalize more broadly to all areas of study where optimality considerations are relevant (Barth, Cordes, & Patalano [Barth et al.]).
R2. Optimality as a substantive claim: Sensibleness versus global optimality
The first area of disagreement among the commentators, and the topic of our target article, is whether people's behavior is optimal. One set of commentators considered optimality a foregone conclusion (Geurts, Chetverikov, van Bergen, Zhou, Bertana, & Jehee [Geurts et al.]; Howes & Lewis; Moran & Tsetsos; Shimansky & Dounskaia; Stocker). For example, one of these commentators argued that there is no alternative to optimality because non-optimality means that “we reason in a deliberately inconsistent [i.e., random] way” (Jaynes Reference Jaynes1957/2003, as cited by Stocker, para. 4). The surprise and horror could be sensed in some of these commentaries: Could so many scientists really believe that people's behavior comes out of thin air and makes no sense? Do they really believe that humans act randomly rather than in ways that are shaped by our environments?
At the same time, another set of commentators considered lack of optimality a foregone conclusion (Bachmann; Booth; Brette; Withagen et al.). These commentators argued that optimality in its strictest sense is either not well defined or clearly unachievable. A similar level of surprise and horror could be sensed in some of these commentaries: Could so many scientists really believe that people's behavior is optimal given that it was produced by the messy process of evolution? How can anyone claim that optimality is ever achievable in a biological system?
Although there is likely a substantive disagreement between these two groups of commentators, we believe that a large part of the disagreement boils down to differences in terminology.
R2.1. The concept of sensibleness
Some pro-optimality commentators (e.g., Stocker) saw the alternative to optimal behavior to be “deliberately random” behavior. However, neither we nor a single commentator endorsed a view that behavior is random or makes no sense. In fact, impassioned arguments against optimality were followed by statements about how animals “adaptively cope with the environment” (Withagen et al., para. 6) or that “it is not difficult to imagine why” a particular case of suboptimality occurs (thus indicating that the suboptimality is not random [Salinas et al., para. 6]).
We think it is fair to say that every single commentator agreed that behavior “makes sense” on some level. To highlight the substantive agreement, we find it useful to invent a term unburdened by previous inconsistent usage in order to communicate the concept that behavior “makes sense.” We propose to use the term sensibleness (see Glossary).
Sensibleness is a weak concept. We define sensible behavior as behavior that is motivated by a combination of our goals and constraints, driven by the environment and evolutionary history. It is generally accepted that natural selection produces sensible behavior in that behavior is adaptive and functional (Rosenberg & McShea Reference Rosenberg and McShea2008) – though it could be maladaptive in particular circumstances or environments. Sensible behavior may be suboptimal according to some definitions while remaining a “feature” and not a “bug” (Summerfield & Li).
R2.2. The concept of global optimality
Many commentators embraced sensibleness but argued against optimality. Rejecting optimality for these commentators does not mean that behavior is random, but that behavior is not always as optimized as it possibly could be. Another way to put this is that behavior cannot be predicted by optimality considerations alone. However, statements like “people are optimal” or “perception is optimal” are not uncommon in the literature. These statements give the impression that optimality can in fact be used to predict all of our behavior.
Just as with the concept of sensibleness, we find it useful to introduce an unburdened term for this interpretation of optimality. We propose the term global optimality (see Glossary). Global optimality is the view that behavior can be fully predicted by optimality considerations alone after taking into account our environment and evolutionary history, which together determine our goals and the constraints on our behavior. Concretely specifying globally optimal behavior would require full knowledge of these goals and constraints. At an abstract level, global optimality entails that (1) given enough information, we can unambiguously specify the globally optimal behavior, and (2) people's behavior perfectly matches the globally optimal behavior.
Let us illustrate this position with two examples. In the famous marshmallow task, people are allowed to have one marshmallow immediately or two after a certain delay. The global optimality assumption holds that in this task one can identify the globally optimal course of action for every individual and that everybody takes this course of action (though what is globally optimal may be different for different people). Both behaviors are sensible because they can easily be justified, but only one of them can be globally optimal for a given individual. A second example, from perception, is the following: Should different images presented to the two eyes be merged, should they alternate, or should one image dominate in conscious perception? Again, each possibility is sensible (can be reasonably justified), but for every pair of images only one of these possibilities can be globally optimal. The global optimality assumption holds that it is theoretically achievable to identify the best possible percept and that people actually form that percept.
Global optimality is a strong concept. It implies that each organism is constantly at its most optimized state. In other words, global optimality holds that complex organisms are able to optimize jointly the thousands of behaviors in which they engage.
R2.3. The case against global optimality
There are both theoretical and practical arguments against global optimality. Such arguments are featured in the target article and in several of the commentaries.
Theoretically, it is unlikely that any optimization algorithm could find the global optimum in an optimization task as complex as jointly optimizing all behaviors, especially considering that the algorithm would also need to optimize resource allocation to different behaviors (Mastrogiorgio & Petracca). Given the trial-and-error process behind natural selection, genetic drift, and random genetic variation across individuals, it is doubtful that all behaviors are as optimized as they possibly could be (Bachmann; Withagen et al.; Zhao & Warren).
More practically, our target article illustrates that a global optimalist view is not appealing given existing data. Our approach was to define optimality in the most “standard” way and then survey hundreds of instances of suboptimality. As might be expected, several commentators took issue with the assumptions we used to define optimality. For example, Shimansky & Dounskaia argued that “inclusion of neural effort in cost function can explain perceptual decision suboptimality” (similar sentiments were expressed by Howes & Lewis; Stocker), whereas Moran & Tsetsos showed that assuming late noise in the system leads to qualitatively different predictions for optimal behavior. We anticipated such criticisms and in the second part of our target article argued that it is impossible to specify what is optimal in a global sense.
Indeed, although we define global optimality in the abstract, we doubt it can be specified in a way that would make it empirically testable. The commentators who defended optimality unfortunately did not seriously grapple with the issue of whether it is possible to define global optimality unambiguously – though this issue was addressed by many others such as Bachmann; Brette; Love; Meyer; Noel; and Wyart. It is easy to argue that a conclusion of suboptimality in some task is invalidated because it is based on wrong assumptions. However, that argument also invalidates all of the conclusions of optimality that are based on the same assumptions.
If we follow this line of reasoning, then we must conclude that there is no firm evidence that people are either globally optimal or suboptimal. This is in fact the conclusion we reached in our target article and is precisely why we argued that the optimal/suboptimal distinction is not useful. We were especially surprised to read Stocker’s admission that this distinction is “ill-defined,” as it was followed by a fervent defense of optimality. Later on, Stocker claimed that optimality allows us to build “a quantitative model hypothesis before actually running the experiment” (para. 3). We see a contradiction here, which is at the heart of the issue at hand: If we do not have enough information to specify what is globally optimal, how can we generate any firm predictions based on the concept of optimality? All predictions can only be based on the assumptions built into a specific model and are therefore tentative and dependent on the validity of the model's assumptions.
We do not think that at present there is evidence for a global optimalist view and, given the definitional difficulties, are doubtful that there ever could be. We therefore consider the argument between sensibilists and global optimalists to be philosophical rather than scientific.
R2.4. Pinning down the commentators’ philosophical commitments
The majority of our commentators (e.g., Booth; Chambers & Kording; Cicchini & Burr; Love; Ma; Meyer; Salinas et al.; Simen & Balcı; Summerfield & Li; Wyart; Zednik & Jäkel) appeared to be sensibilists but not global optimalists. Although it is impossible to prove that all behavior is sensible, both we and all commentators consider behavior to be generally sensible.
However, it was more difficult to discern whether any commentator is a global optimalist. In particular, the commentaries of Geurts et al.; Howes & Lewis; Moran & Tsetsos; Shimansky & Dounskaia; and Stocker could be interpreted as supporting a global optimalist position. Another interpretation, however, is that these commentators only argued that optimality is a fruitful empirical strategy, without committing themselves to a global optimalist view. We explore this position in section R3. We hope researchers can use the sensibilist/global optimalist distinction to clarify their positions regarding the nature of human behavior.
Even if most (or all) researchers turn out to agree that human behavior is sensible but not globally optimal, it is still likely that there are remaining differences in opinion about the substantive question of how close behavior is to global optimality. There is potentially a vast space between a sensibilist and a global optimalist. The disagreement is perhaps best captured by the simple question: “Assuming perfect knowledge of an organism, what percent of its behavior can be predicted using optimality considerations alone?” This question can be seen as defining a “global optimality scale.” To be a global optimalist is to answer 100%. It is likely that researchers who are moved to defend optimality are high on the global optimality scale, whereas researchers who are moved to attack optimality are low on the global optimality scale. It should be stressed that where one places oneself on the global optimality scale is based on a philosophical perspective rather than empirical findings; in fact, it is unclear that we can ever find the correct answer or that such an answer even exists. We think of the global optimality scale as a useful shorthand for highlighting differences in opinion rather than as a topic for empirical investigation.
Hence, appreciating the distinction between sensibleness and global optimality does not necessarily resolve all our differences. However, it (1) forces us to clarify our positions, which may otherwise slide back and forth between implying global optimality or only sensibleness; (2) highlights agreements, which we think are more extensive than they appear on the surface; and (3) discourages arguments that misrepresent other researchers’ views as belonging to 0% or 100% on the global optimality scale. We hope this distinction provides the language to express more precisely one's position and escape false either/or dichotomies. We are all optimalists when that means sensibleness; few (if any) of us are optimalists when that means 100% global optimality.
R2.5. Relating sensibleness and global optimality to other optimality-related terminology
We defined the terms sensibleness and global optimality to clarify areas of agreement and disagreement in the optimality debate. We think these terms are useful, because careful consideration of the commentaries convinced us that common optimality-related terms are used inconsistently. Here we briefly review how our commentators used such terms and relate their meaning to our sensibleness/global optimality distinction.
R2.5.1. Optimality
Some authors expressed the view that optimality is an ill-defined concept (Bachmann; Brette; Cicchini & Burr; Love; Meyer; Noel; Stocker; Summerfield & Li; Wyart). Others talked about optimality as an a priori assumption (Danks; Geurts et al.; Howes & Lewis; Moran & Tsetsos; Shimansky & Dounskaia; Stocker). Still others described optimality as defined in the context of a specific model (Bachmann; Barth; Brette; Chambers & Kording; Geurts et al.; Howes & Lewis; Ma; Mastrogiorgio & Petracca; Moran & Tsetsos; Nardini & Dekker; Summerfield & Li, Stocker; Turner, McClelland, & Busemeyer [Turner et al.]; Wyart; Zednik & Jäkel; Zhao & Warren). Importantly, there is significant overlap in these lists showing that the same people sometimes talk about optimality in different ways. This is not a criticism of our commentators; in fact, we made each of these three claims about optimality in our target article. Rather than contradicting each other, these different uses of the term optimality refer to different concepts. Statements about optimality as an ill-defined concept or as an a priori assumption refer to a “global” sense of optimality, which is best captured by our term global optimality. Statements about optimality in the context of a specific model have a “local” sense, which we call local optimality (see Glossary).
Note that all empirical studies test for optimality in the “local” sense. For all such studies, it should be understood that because the model itself is not definitely correct, findings of optimality/suboptimality do not allow statements about global optimality. That is, optimality/suboptimality according to a particular model only has implications about global optimality if the model faithfully captures all of the goals and constraints of decision making, including how they developed over evolutionary history. It can be safely assumed that no current model does, and therefore “local” and “global” optimality remain unbridgeable.
These considerations demonstrate that the word optimality can be used in a global sense to mean global optimality or in a local sense to refer to a specific decision rule in the context of a specific model. Because these concepts are very different, we advise that the term optimality be used only in the local sense. When a global meaning is desired, optimality should be replaced by sensibility or global optimality, depending on the intended interpretation. We adopt this practice in the rest of this response.
R2.5.2 Normativity, rationality, and ideal observer
When discussing the topic of optimality, many commentators also used related terms such as normativity, rationality, and ideal observer.
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy defines a normative (see Glossary) theory of decision making as “a theory of how people should make decisions” (Briggs Reference Briggs2017). Defined this way, normative implies that some decisions are better than others according to some standard, but it leaves entirely open how one determines better and worse. This definition of normative is closest to our term sensible. Indeed, some commentators (Mastrogiorgio & Petracca; Summerfield & Li) used the term in this way. However, the majority of the commentators (Geurts et al.; Howes & Lewis; Moran & Tsetsos; Salinas et al.; Simen & Balcı; Stocker) used the term seemingly synonymously with either local or global optimality, as they asserted that a normative approach allows us to make specific predictions. In fact, we also equated normativity with optimality when we wrote that according to bounded rationality (see Glossary), evolution does not produce normative behavior. What we meant is that according to bounded rationality, evolution does not produce globally optimal behavior. However, Mastrogiorgio & Petracca criticized us as they interpreted this statement to mean that bounded rationality does not produce sensible behavior. Clearly, then, different researchers use normativity with different intended meanings.
Another common optimality-related term is rationality (see Glossary). Rationality was mostly used in the commentaries in the context of economic decision making (Moran & Tsetsos; Summerfield & Li; Zhao & Warren) to refer to concepts such as intransitivity (the notion that if you prefer A over B and B over C, then you should prefer A over C). However, rationality was also a component of two other terms, computational rationality and bounded rationality. Howes & Lewis seemed to use the term computational rationality as synonymous with global optimality, whereas Mastrogiorgio & Petracca described the long tradition of bounded rationality theories that use this term in ways that are closest to what we call sensibleness. Again, the term rationality does not have a single meaning.
A final optimality-related term that appeared in many commentaries was ideal observer. Most authors saw ideal observer models as examples of optimal models (Geurts et al.; Salinas et al.; Schultz & Hurlemann; Simen & Balcı; Zednik & Jäkel). That is, an ideal observer model includes a full generative model of an observer's internal responses and mathematically specifies all of the components of the decision-making process. The decision rule that minimizes costs can then be determined, and this is the rule an “ideal observer” uses. Because the optimal decision rule here is based on a specific model, the concept of ideal observer is equivalent to local optimality. Stocker, however, drew a distinction between ideal observer models and optimal models, where an ideal observer “only considers limitations in terms of information provided to the observer,” whereas an optimal observer “also includes constraints that are internal to the observer” (para. 2). This is an interesting distinction, which may reflect early uses of the term ideal observer (e.g., Siegert's ideal observer, described in Lawson & Uhlenbeck Reference Lawson and Uhlenbeck1950), but in the current literature, ideal observer models typically include at least internal noise and often additional constraints (Geisler Reference Geisler2011), which makes them indistinguishable from optimal models. For the most part, the term ideal observer does seem to be used in a consistent way.
R2.5.3. Adopting unambiguous terminology
Common optimality-related terms, then, have multiple interpretations and are used inconsistently. This is especially true for optimality, normativity, and rationality. On the other hand, terms such as bounded rationality and computational rationality have well-defined meanings but are more specialized. Finally, the term ideal observer is a good synonym for what we have been calling local optimality. However, when global statements are intended, we suggest the use of the terms sensibleness and global optimality.
We believe that the use of more unambiguous terminology will help the field find common ground in the optimality debate. For example, the disagreement regarding whether evolution makes us (globally) optimal – Moran & Tsetsos; Shimansky & Dounskaia; and Stocker argued yes; Withagen et al. and Zhao & Warren argued no – could perhaps be settled using unambiguous terminology: Evolution produces sensible but not globally optimal behavior. Better terminology would not dissolve the substantive areas of disagreement, but it would help us form more nuanced positions. The distinction between global optimality and local optimality (ideal observer models) might help distinguish between the rather philosophical issue of the global nature of human behavior and the more concrete issue of how close behavior is to a specific ideal based on a particular set of assumptions.
R3. Optimality as an empirical strategy: Studying behavior by assuming optimality
Several commentators we identified as potential global optimalists (Geurts et al.; Howes & Lewis; Moran & Tsetsos; Shimansky & Dounskaia; Stocker) may instead have been defending the assumption of optimality as a useful empirical strategy, rather than as a fact about human behavior. Other commentators were skeptical of assuming optimality, given doubts about the substantive claim of global optimality (Bachmann; Brette; Love; Meyer; Noel), though they did not explicitly discuss optimality as an empirical strategy.
R3.1. What is optimality as an empirical strategy?
Cicchini & Burr; Geurts et al.; Howes & Lewis; Moran & Tsetsos; Shimansky & Dounskaia; Simen & Balcı; Stocker; and Zednik & Jäkel argued that, at least in some cases, optimality is useful as an a priori assumption for studying behavior. In this empirical strategy, it is assumed that the correct model of a task will have a locally optimal decision rule. The idea is that assuming local optimality (often along with various other standard assumptions, as described in the target article) constrains the problem of generating a model of a task. Critically, a finding of suboptimality leads to proposals about new constraints that will preserve the presumed optimality, and these new constraints are then independently validated.
For example, in a Bayesian framework, one specifies the relevant likelihood function, prior, cost function, and decision rule – what we call the LPCD components (see Glossary). Optimality as an empirical strategy (see Glossary) consists of assuming that the decision rule (D) should be optimal and adjusting the LPC components to make it so. These LPC components are new hypotheses that are then independently tested and either supported – leading to new discoveries – or disconfirmed – prompting new LPC hypotheses to be generated. Several commentaries (e.g., Cicchini & Burr; Geurts et al.; Stocker) provided compelling examples of this strategy at its best.
R3.2. Pitfalls of optimality as an empirical strategy
Although optimality as an empirical strategy is fruitful when used carefully, it invites a number of pitfalls that require consideration by researchers who use this strategy.
R3.2.1. Using the strategy to infer optimality
Unfortunately, there is a tendency to conflate optimality as an empirical strategy – a tool for generating hypotheses – and the substantive claim about the local optimality of human behavior. For example, Stocker wrote that “the optimality assumption is a well-supported, very useful assumption” (para. 3). There are two separate statements here: (1) (global?) optimality is well supported, and (2) optimality as an empirical strategy is useful. We disagree with (1) but agree with (2). We think that the conflation of these two statements contributes to unnecessary disagreement in the field.
For researchers who use optimality as an empirical strategy, we urge clear separation of tool from substance. If local optimality is already assumed, it cannot be falsified (Barth et al.); it is an a priori commitment (as can be seen, for example, in Geurts et al.; Howes & Lewis; Moran & Tsetsos). The only things that can be uncovered are relevant LPC components, because the decision rule is already assumed to be optimal. Therefore, what should be advertised is the nature of the LPC components and not optimality, which was assumed all along.
R3.2.2. Accepting hypotheses without independent validation
It is inappropriate to accept hypotheses generated using optimality as an empirical strategy without independently validating them.
A tendency to overlook the independent validation step can be seen in some commentators’ statements about what makes a model believable. For example, Geurts et al. contended that “precisely because human behavior matched that of the ideal observer, rather than some arbitrary formulation, the findings provided strong evidence for the computational theory” (para. 4). This statement seems to suggest that optimal behavior implies the veracity of the model even without independent verification. An apparent underemphasis of independent validation could be detected in statements by commentators who maintained that optimality as an empirical strategy can be used to “explain” behavior. For example, Shimansky & Dounskaia argued that “the explanatory power is perhaps the main advantage of an optimality approach” (para. 1), and Stocker contended that optimality has “provided quantitative but nonetheless intuitive explanations” (para. 1).
However, as we and others have pointed out, one can always find a set of LPC components that makes the decision rule locally optimal. Therefore, the ability of optimality as an empirical strategy to “explain” behavior is trivial; it is only useful as a tool for generating hypotheses. The strategy succeeds not when one finds a model that makes behavior locally optimal but when new hypotheses expressed as components of the model have been independently validated.
R3.2.3. Overemphasizing the decision rule
The optimality of the decision rule should not be emphasized over the other model components. In the target article, we advocated for moving away from such overemphasis, which we called “the optimality approach.” In retrospect, this wording was unfortunate, as this phrase was interpreted by many commentators to mean what we now call “optimality as an empirical strategy.” Optimality as an empirical strategy can invite overemphasis of the decision rule, because it is focused on making the decision rule optimal. But used carefully, it will not do so. In fact, optimality as an empirical strategy cannot discover anything about the decision rule, because the exact form of the decision rule is already assumed. Therefore, researchers interested in the decision rule should not use this strategy. Instead, they should test a variety of decision rules, which could be optimal or suboptimal (Love; Ma).
R3.3. Is optimality as an empirical strategy a fruitful strategy?
In the commentaries, it seemed that researchers who thought optimality as an empirical strategy was useful were high on the global optimality scale, and vice versa. However, views on tools and substance need not be this tightly linked. We believe that as long as behavior is sensible, optimality as an empirical strategy is likely to be fruitful.
At the same time, other research strategies can also be fruitful. A great many discoveries have been made by explicitly rejecting optimality (e.g., Kahneman & Tversky Reference Kahneman and Tversky1979) or not considering optimality (e.g., Gibson & Radner Reference Gibson and Radner1937; Hubel & Wiesel Reference Hubel and Wiesel1970; Müller-Lyer Reference Müller-Lyer1889). Hence, we agree with Barth et al.; Danks; and Zednik & Jäkel on the importance of maintaining a diversity of strategies for understanding human behavior. What is critical is to uncover phenomena that are replicable and generalizable, not the strategies that we use to uncover them.
R4. Bayesian approaches: Bayesian tools versus Bayesian theories
The third area of disagreement among our commentators relates to the usefulness of Bayesian approaches to perceptual decision making. A number of commentators appeared strongly either pro- or anti-Bayesian. Here we examine the areas of agreement and disagreement, as well as the relationship between Bayesian approaches and optimality.
As discussed in sections R2 and R3, a considerable part of the optimality disagreement could be attributed to whether one focuses on the nature of behavior or optimality as an empirical strategy. In a similar fashion, the conflict between pro-Bayesian and anti-Bayesian commentators may be largely attributable to whether a commentator focused on Bayesian tools or Bayesian theories. Bayesian tools (see Glossary) refer only to the mathematical formalism for decomposing decision behavior into likelihood, prior, cost function, and decision rule (the LPCD components); they make no scientific claims. Bayesian theories (see Glossary), on the other hand, entail scientific claims, such as that Bayesian components (LPCD) are explicitly represented by the brain and people actually calculate posteriors and decision rules using Bayes’ rule.
Note that what we are calling Bayesian tools are different from Bayesian statistics (see Glossary), which were discussed by Turner et al. The term Bayesian statistics refers to a statistical analysis method that uses Bayes’ theorem to draw inferences from data and is often contrasted with frequentist statistics.
R4.1. Bayesian tools
Multiple commentators argued for the usefulness of Bayesian tools in research on perceptual decision making (Chambers & Kording; Cicchini & Burr; Geurts et al.; Howes & Lewis; Nardini & Dekker; Schultz & Hurlemann; Stocker). Commentators noted that Bayesian tools provide a compact, transparent, and explicit formulation of how to integrate different pieces of information. The Bayesian formulation can also provide a benchmark for human performance (but see Noel for an argument against this claim). Commentators who seemed to adopt optimality as an empirical strategy also noted that Bayesian tools are a natural analytic framework for this strategy (Geurts et al.; Howes & Lewis; Stocker); optimality is naturally expressed in Bayesian terms. We agree with all of these arguments for the usefulness of Bayesian tools, and we used these tools extensively in our target article.
At the same time, it is important to acknowledge the limitations of Bayesian tools. Several commentators pointed out that Bayesian approaches do not provide insight into some of the hardest problems of perceptual decision science. Summerfield & Li noted that the LPCD framework does not automatically provide meaningful explanations of behavior and pointed to the idea of efficient coding as a more satisfying kind of explanation. Brette observed that a major challenge in developing a standard observer model under the LPCD framework is specifying the generative model. Perhaps another way to say this is that the hardest part of understanding perceptual decision making is understanding perception itself. In fact, according to Brette, an overemphasis on using Bayesian approaches can obscure the difficulties that perception poses and can lead researchers to ignore or underemphasize these difficulties. Finally, Bachmann argued that Bayesian models may not map well onto the phenomenology of conscious perception. We agree with these perspectives, too.
In the end, this is almost always the nature of a single tool (e.g., a hammer): It is useful in certain contexts (e.g., putting a nail in a wall) but is virtually never sufficient by itself to solve a larger problem (e.g., building a house). Overly high expectations of Bayesian tools can lead to both excessive reliance on them and excessive criticism of them.
R4.2. Bayesian theories
In the field at large, there is a substantive debate about Bayesian theories (i.e., theories that hold that the brain explicitly represents LPCD components and explicitly computes using Bayes’ theorem). However, no commentator defended Bayesian theories outright, so here we focus on their limitations. Simen & Balcı reminded us of the computational demands of exact Bayesian inference, which they argued make Bayesian theories unlikely to be true. “Surely then,” they remarked, “heuristics are the best we can do, in general” (para. 8). Turner et al. argued that sometimes behavior is not “best understood in terms of the elements of LPCD” (para. 3) and suggested that process models (see Glossary) could better capture the true mechanisms underlying behavior. We agree that these are both serious difficulties for Bayesian theories. Withagen et al. gave an evolutionary argument for rejecting a Bayesian approach and questioned a foundation of Bayesian theories, the notion of inference, arguing that the primary challenge for human perception does not stem from uncertainty about the environment. We agree that more attention should be given to the interaction between perception and action, but we consider dealing with uncertainty to be a central issue in perceptual decision making.
R4.3. Conflating Bayesian tools and Bayesian theories
In section R3, we distinguished between optimality as a substantive hypothesis and optimality as an empirical strategy. In a similar fashion, it is important to distinguish between Bayesian theories (which are substantive claims about the nature of the internal representation) versus Bayesian tools (which simply refer to an analytical framework). Barth et al. discussed this issue extensively and pointed out that successful use of Bayesian tools does not imply that Bayesian theories are true. Danks emphasized a similar distinction. He referred to Bayesian theories as a “realist” interpretation and to Bayesian tools as an “as-if” interpretation of the Bayesian formalism. Danks explained the difference between Bayesian theories and Bayesian tools and the importance of not conflating them.
In fact, Danks criticized our target article for starting out by using Bayesian approaches as tools and then switching to using them as substantive theories. Let us clarify that we intended to use the LPCD framework purely as a tool. The positive proposal in section 5 of our target article was intended to be completely approach-agnostic. This is why we stated that the standard observer model may eventually take the form of “a Bayesian model … a ‘bag of tricks’ … a neural network … and so forth” (sect. 5.2, para. 1). The hypotheses that we thought might generalize across tasks, such as “placing a premium on accuracy” (sect. 5.2, para. 5) were not intimately linked to the Bayesian approach (we classified them under different LPCD components purely for convenience). We see the question of whether such hypotheses generalize across tasks as independent from whether one supports Bayesian theories. Nevertheless, Danks's criticism of our target article shows the practical difficulties involved in keeping Bayesian tools clearly separated from Bayesian theories and indicates the need for enhanced conceptual clarity on this issue.
R4.4. Bayesian approaches and optimality
Continuing the theme of conflating concepts that should be kept separate, the term Bayesian was sometimes equated with optimal in the commentaries, a common issue we addressed in the target article. For example, Stocker argued that “Bayesian decision theory and the optimality assumption are in many ways synonymous; without the latter, the former is not meaningful” (para. 3). This view was also endorsed by Zhao & Warren. We agree with these commentators that Bayesian tools are a natural choice if one adopts the use of optimality as an empirical strategy. However, optimality as an empirical strategy can be pursued independently of Bayesian tools (e.g., maximizing a non-Bayesian utility function), and Bayesian tools can be used without assuming optimality (e.g., an LPCD model with a suboptimal decision rule) – so the two should not be equated.
Bayesian tools and theories should also be clearly separated from claims about optimality (Ma Reference Ma2012). As just noted, the Bayesian formalism can be used to model decision behavior, whether that behavior is optimal or not, as with a suboptimal decision rule (Chambers & Kording). Similarly, Bayesian theories could be substantively correct in that the brain explicitly represents LPCD components and performs Bayesian computations, but if the brain represents the wrong components, then behavior could still be suboptimal. Hence, claims about both local and global optimality should be kept separate from Bayesian tools and theories.
R5. The standard observer model
In the first part of this response (sects. R2–R4), we addressed the three main areas of disagreement in the commentaries. In this second part, we discuss issues related to the standard observer model (sect. R5) and specific suggestions and topics (sect. R6).
R5.1. The benefits and limitations of a standard observer model
In our target article, we communicated a vision of a standard observer model that will predict observers’ behavior on a wide variety of perceptual tasks. We then urged researchers to actively work toward building such a model. A number of commentators reflected on the benefits and limitations of this type of effort.
The benefits of building a standard observer model were recognized by a number of commentators (e.g., Nardini & Dekker; Meyer; Simen & Balcı; Schultz & Hurlemann; Turner et al.; Wyart). They noted the utility of having a model that applies across a variety of tasks and quantitatively predicts novel behavior. Further, the ability to make quantitative predictions would also make the standard observer model readily falsifiable.
An observer model is a prerequisite for making any new predictions. Stocker appeared to disagree, contending that the principle of optimality could generate predictions from first principles, because optimality “allows us to formulate with relative ease an observer model for any specific task” (para. 3). However, neither global nor local optimality lead to specific models. Global optimality is not specified in sufficient detail to model specific tasks, and local optimality can only determine the decision rule after the rest of the model is formulated (e.g., as Moran & Tsetsos showed, local optimality makes different predictions depending on whether observer models feature late noise or not). At the same time, we agree with Simen & Balcı that whatever form the future standard observer model takes, some “utility function will be found at [its] core” (para. 2). In other words, the model would imply that behavior is sensible.
Some commentators were concerned that a focus on building a standard observer model eschews the question of why behavior is the way it is (Summerfield & Li; Zednik & Jäkel) and that such a model is too descriptive (Howes & Lewis; Mastrogiorgio & Petracca; Simen & Balcı). We are sympathetic to these concerns, but at the same time, we doubt one could satisfactorily answer why behavior is the way it is before understanding in much more detail what people actually do and how they do it. Nevertheless, we think that various components of the standard observer model can and will be inspired by normative (i.e., sensibilist) considerations like the ones Summerfield & Li discussed. In the end, we support any approach that yields predictive, generalizable models of human behavior.
Finally, Howes & Lewis criticized observer models for being overly flexible because they are not constrained by a locally optimal decision rule. However, it is important to point out that a locally optimal decision rule is no solution for excessive flexibility either (Bowers & Davis Reference Bowers and Davis2012a). Avoiding excessive flexibility is why the components of any model need to be independently verified, and this is exactly the principle that we advocated for building the standard observer model.
R5.2. What to do about individual differences?
Perception science has traditionally focused on what is common among all observers rather than what is different. However, as several commentators pointed out, there are meaningful individual differences in how people perform perceptual decision-making tasks (Bachmann; Booth; Love; Mastrogiorgio & Petracca; Schultz & Hurlemann; Withagen et al.; Zhao & Warren). Such differences create a big additional hurdle for the global optimalist view (Bachmann; Booth; Withagen et al.), which must explain why such differences should be globally optimal in the first place. Individual differences create challenges for observer models, too. Such differences are typically accommodated by free parameters that can vary across individuals (such as the level of internal noise), but it is possible that in some cases different model components may be needed for different people (e.g., different observers may use qualitatively different decision rules). In our view, individual differences ultimately bring opportunities to develop and test observer models. The predictive validity of a model can be tested not only by generalizing to a new stimulus or task but also to the individual differences that could be expected for the stimulus or task.
R5.3. Finding the best approach for building a standard observer model
One of the most pressing questions for a researcher who wishes to contribute to building a standard observer model is what form this model should take. Stocker criticized our vision as “fuzzy,” which is not wrong. We certainly do not claim to know what the final model will be. As some commentators thought we were advocating for bag of tricks or neural network models (Geurts et al.; Stocker) and others thought we were advocating for LPCD models (Danks), we realized we did not make clear that our position is one of agnosticism, not advocacy. We support a diversity of modeling approaches in our field (Barth et al.; Danks; Zednik & Jäkel), with the common theme that all model components should be tested in multiple ways. There are many types of modeling efforts in the field right now, and this seems to us like a good thing.
Several broad views of how to proceed in studying perceptual decision making were brought up in the commentaries. None of them are specific observer models – they do not generate predictions for behavior – but they provide overarching frameworks and philosophies that guide research and can lead to the development of observer models. We have already discussed optimality as an empirical strategy (Geurts et al.; Howes & Lewis; Moran & Tsetsos; Shimansky & Dounskaia; Stocker) and the LPCD framework as potential approaches. Howes & Lewis argued for “computational rationality” (or “bounded optimality”), which is a particular take on optimality as an empirical strategy. Mastrogiorgio & Petracca advocated for “bounded rationality,” in which decision rules are selected to reach a good enough level of performance, rather than the best possible performance. Such “satisficing” is a clear example of sensibleness without global optimality. (In the target article, we mischaracterized bounded rationality as emphasizing “the optimality of the decision rule”; bounded rationality does not assert that decision rules should be globally or locally optimal.) Turner et al. and Salinas et al. discussed the option of implementing process models at Marr's algorithmic and implementational levels, which need not be formulated using Bayesian tools. We see value in all of these approaches and perspectives.
R6. Addressing specific suggestions and topics
We devoted most of this response to tackling the larger and more theoretical issues that arose in the commentaries. However, the commentaries were full of additional insights about research methods and specific research topics. Though we only have space to discuss these topics briefly here, we encourage readers to read the relevant commentaries for further information.
R6.1. Modeling suggestions
A few commentators made specific methodological suggestions related to modeling human behavior, which may prove useful in the development of a standard observer model. Ma and Love both discussed the importance of model comparison, a point with which we wholeheartedly agree. Ma introduced the notion of factorial model comparison, which allows researchers to systematically explore a large number of factors that could jointly affect behavior. Turner et al. advocated for the use of Bayesian statistics to compute posterior distributions for each model parameter rather than a single point estimate of the parameter's most likely value. Shimansky & Dounskaia proposed that to validate models, a useful strategy is to use a subset of the data to determine unknown parameters and test the resulting model using the rest of the data. Such cross-validation is already common in many fields and should indeed be adopted more often in perceptual decision making. Finally, Wyart identified a key issue in evaluating observer models: Given that behavioral data are always noisy, how will we know when a model predicts the data well enough? Wyart proposed a strategy for determining this “good enough” level, also called a “noise ceiling,” for an individual observer by measuring the observer's decision consistency across repeated trials.
R6.2. Specific topics
Many commentators gave examples of suboptimality not included in our target article: Salinas et al. on reward processing; Noel; Turner et al.; and Zhao & Warren on cue combination; Chambers & Kording on sensorimotor behavior; and Turner et al. on category learning. We appreciated these additional examples of the inability of “standard” optimality considerations to predict behavior. Though we strove to be comprehensive in our survey, there are likely many more such examples in the published literature.
Some commentators argued that a specific effect we cited as locally suboptimal is in fact locally optimal if further factors are taken into account. Cicchini & Burr contended that serial dependence is optimal if the previous perceptual information can be used to reduce the uncertainty about the current stimulus. Summerfield & Li suggested that many of the surveyed suboptimalities may arise from the principles of efficient coding. We find both of these to be promising hypotheses (efficient coding considerations were discussed in the target article). Finally, Simen & Balcı pointed out that our list of suboptimal findings in speed-accuracy tradeoff (SAT) tasks included two articles (Balcı et al. Reference Balcı, Simen, Niyogi, Saxe, Hughes, Holmes and Cohen2011b; Simen et al. Reference Simen, Contreras, Buck, Hu, Holmes and Cohen2009) that in fact primarily showed optimal behavior. Their commentary provided a balanced view of findings of optimality and suboptimality in SAT tasks.
Other commentators showed how our target article can be extended to development (Nardini & Dekker), computational psychiatry (Schultz & Hurlemann), detection of abnormalities in medical images (Meyer), and other fields beyond perceptual decision making (Barth et al.). Although we focused our target article on perceptual decision making in healthy adults, we strongly support such extensions.
Finally, Chambers & Kording criticized our claim that there is a “current narrow focus on optimality” (target article, sect. 1, para. 5). They surveyed articles from the last 23 years and found a similar proportion of optimality and suboptimality claims. However, their data, which they graciously shared with us, suggested a potential difference in the visibility of optimality versus suboptimality claims as measured by the impact factors (IFs) of the journals in which they appeared. Indeed, the numbers of optimality/“near optimality”/suboptimality claims were: 4/0/0 for IF > 10, 7/2/1 for IF > 8, and 9/2/1 for IF > 6. We note that it is difficult to know what the unbiased proportions of optimality and suboptimality claims should be.
R7. Conclusion
Reading the collection of 27 commentaries has been a tremendous source of insight and inspiration. Commentators eloquently described points of view addressed too briefly in the target article and introduced us to new perspectives and empirical findings. Finally, we appreciated the many balanced views expressed. Optimality is a complicated topic, and nuance is paramount. In our view, much disagreement will dissolve if three distinctions are zealously maintained.
First, researchers should not conflate local and global optimality. Every single empirical finding is a finding of local optimality or local suboptimality (i.e., it depends on the assumptions of a particular model). Every given behavior is simultaneously locally optimal and locally suboptimal according to different models. Arguably, “all models are wrong” (Box Reference Box, Launer and Wilkinson1979, p. 202), so local findings of optimality or suboptimality virtually never license statements about global optimality. We will likely never know how globally optimal human behavior actually is.
Second, researchers should recognize the philosophical distinction between sensibleness and global optimality. We find broad agreement that human behavior is sensible but not globally optimal, with perhaps some researchers adopting a global optimalist position. Researchers who identify as global optimalists should define and defend the view that behavior is globally optimal rather than the easier-to-defend and already widely accepted view that behavior is sensible. However, we ultimately consider this distinction to be scientifically unresolvable and therefore likely to remain a matter of opinion.
Third, researchers should clearly separate tools from substantive claims. Both the a priori assumption of optimality as an empirical strategy and the adoption of the Bayesian formalism are tools; they are not in themselves correct or incorrect. However, there are correct and incorrect ways to use them. These tools should be kept separate from substantive claims about global optimality or Bayesian theories.
Maintaining these three distinctions depends on using consistent terminology (see the Glossary). Being more precise with the language we use to talk about optimality and related concepts will help us to identify our common ground – which we believe is more extensive than it might appear on the surface.
We end on the same note as in our target article, with a plea to shift focus away from the optimality of behavior for its own sake and to independently validate all of our hypotheses and assumptions, and all components of our models. We see this practice as the best way to advance our understanding of human behavior and work toward the major goal of developing a standard observer model for perceptual decision making.
Target article
Suboptimality in perceptual decision making
Related commentaries (27)
Although optimal models are useful, optimality claims are not that common
Bayesian statistics to test Bayes optimality
Characterising variations in perceptual decision making
Credo for optimality
Descending Marr's levels: Standard observers are no panacea
Discarding optimality: Throwing out the baby with the bathwater?
Excess of individual variability of priors prevents successful development of general models
How did that individual make that perceptual decision?
Identifying suboptimalities with factorial model comparison
Inclusion of neural effort in cost function can explain perceptual decision suboptimality
Leveraging decision consistency to decompose suboptimality in terms of its ultimate predictability
LPCD framework: Analytical tool or psychological model?
Model comparison, not model falsification
Non-optimal perceptual decision in human navigation
Observer models of perceptual development
Optimality is both elusive and necessary
Optimality is critical when it comes to testing computation-level hypotheses
Perceptual suboptimality: Bug or feature?
Satisficing as an alternative to optimality and suboptimality in perceptual decision making
Serial effects are optimal
Suboptimalities for sure: Arguments from evolutionary theory
Suboptimality in perceptual decision making and beyond
Supra-optimality may emanate from suboptimality, and hence optimality is no benchmark in multisensory integration
The role of (bounded) optimization in theory testing and prediction
The standard Bayesian model is normatively invalid for biological brains
The world is complex, not just noisy
When the simplest voluntary decisions appear patently suboptimal
Author response
Behavior is sensible but not globally optimal: Seeking common ground in the optimality debate