Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Sorokowska, Agnieszka
Kowal, Marta
Misiak, Michal
Butovskaya, Marina
Sorokowski, Piotr
Typical diet and type of economy do not predict food-sharing behaviors in three Tanzanian societies.
Vol. 182,
Issue. ,
Misiak, Michal
Sobol, Malgorzata
Sakowski, Lukasz
Kowal, Marta
Jurczyk, Aleksandra
Wojtycka, Lidia
Five ways to waste food: food wasting behaviours questionnaire.
British Food Journal,
Vol. 125,
Issue. 9,
Michal, Misiak
Marina, Butovskaya
Piotr, Sorokowski
Nutritional condition and nutrient intake predict moral condemnation of food wasting.
Food Quality and Preference,
Vol. 114,
Issue. ,
Target article
How foraging works: Uncertainty magnifies food-seeking motivation
Related commentaries (22)
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Complex social ecology needs complex machineries of foraging
Considerations for the study of “incentive hope” and sign-tracking behaviors in humans
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Mechanistic models must link the field and the lab
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Random isn't real: How the patchy distribution of ecological rewards may generate “incentive hope”
Simulating exploration versus exploitation in agent foraging under different environment uncertainties
The value of uncertainty: An active inference perspective
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“Incentive hope” and the nature of impulsivity in low-socioeconomic-status individuals
Author response
Incentive hope: A default psychological response to multiple forms of uncertainty