We consider stochastic differential equations of the form
$dX_t = |f(X_t)|/t^{\gamma} dt+1/t^{\gamma} dB_t$, where f(x) behaves comparably to
$|x|^k$ in a neighborhood of the origin, for
$k\in [1,\infty)$. We show that there exists a threshold value
$ \,{:}\,{\raise-1.5pt{=}}\, \tilde{\gamma}$ for
$\gamma$, depending on k, such that if
$\gamma \in (1/2, \tilde{\gamma})$, then
$\mathbb{P}(X_t\rightarrow 0) = 0$, and for the rest of the permissible values of
$\mathbb{P}(X_t\rightarrow 0)>0$. These results extend to discrete processes that satisfy
$X_{n+1}-X_n = f(X_n)/n^\gamma +Y_n/n^\gamma$. Here,
$Y_{n+1}$ are martingale differences that are almost surely bounded.
This result shows that for a function F whose second derivative at degenerate saddle points is of polynomial order, it is always possible to escape saddle points via the iteration
$X_{n+1}-X_n =F'(X_n)/n^\gamma +Y_n/n^\gamma$ for a suitable choice of