Internet Explorer 11 is being discontinued by Microsoft in August 2021.
If you have difficulties viewing the site on Internet Explorer 11 we
recommend using a different browser such as Microsoft Edge, Google
Chrome, Apple Safari or Mozilla Firefox.
Integration options
Browse our FAQs to get answers to your common questions on integrating our content with your systems.
Integration options
Yes. We offer LMS integration for eTextbooks delivered through Cambridge Spiral. We have extensive technical guides on setting up the integration within your learning management system.
The institution does not need to have subscribed to any of our textbooks in order to set up LMS integration.
We offer the functionality for instructors to place chapter-level deep links (or permalinks) into their syllabi or reading lists. These links appear next to each chapter in the table of contents tab on the textbook overview page. To see our deep links on on the table of contents for any given textbook, you must be registered as an instructor. Instructor status can be set on registration, or updated in a user's account settings .
Once approved as an instructor, deep links will become visible on the table of contents listings of a book. We offer two ways for you to gather the links for use.