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World War One The Global Revolution

This textbook has now been replaced with a newer edition and is no longer available for personal or institutional sales. This will not affect access for customers who have previously redeemed access codes or purchased the title via ecommerce.


, University of Indianapolis
Published 2011


World War One was the cause, catalyst, trigger and accelerator of revolutionary change on an unprecedented scale. This is an indispensable new introduction to the global history of the conflict and its revolutionary consequences from the war's origins to the making of peace and across all of its theatres, including the home fronts and the war at sea. Lawrence Sondhaus sets out a new framework for understanding key themes such as the war aims which inspired the belligerents, the technological…

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Key features

  • A global history of World War One and its decisive influence in shaping the twentieth-century world
  • Incorporates all of the war's theatres including the war at sea and the home fronts
  • Heavily illustrated, the book has a range of features to help students to engage with the topic such as timelines, guides to further reading, excerpts of key documents, short essays on daily life during the war and 'opposing viewpoints' boxes which highlight the war's most controversial aspects

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