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Urban Nature New Directions for City Futures


, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Lund University, , Lund University, , Lund University, , Durham University, University of Utrecht, , Ecologic Institute, , Monash University, , Durham University, , Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde
Published 2024


This introductory textbook with a global scope aims to train students of geography, sustainability, and urban and environmental studies to re-imagine and transform cities to meet climate, biodiversity, and sustainability challenges. A dedicated team of authors critically examine the relationships between nature and urban areas, sharing an inspiring account of how nature helps us re-think our cities and their futures. Prior to this textbook, literature for courses covering urban nature was written by and for practitioners, whereas this textbook is…

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Key features

  • Chapters are short, engaging in style, and relate to students as future practitioners
  • Achieves a truly international lens, spotlighting locations ranging from Cape Town to Mexico City, Tianjin to Malmö
  • A multi-author team representing urban nature from many angles captures the interdisciplinary nature of thinking on cities, nature, and sustainability
  • Considers cities as dense networks of interwoven socio-spatial processes that are simultaneously local and global, human and physical, cultural and organic, which opens the door for more integrated measures
  • Encourages students to notice the siloed structure of conventional approaches to city governance, finance, and engineering in meeting profoundly interconnected sustainability challenges
  • Uses focus boxes to highlight the design and impact of nature-based solutions to urban problems

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