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The Science of Deep Learning


, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Columbia University, New York
Published 2022


The Science of Deep Learning emerged from courses taught by the author that have provided thousands of students with training and experience for their academic studies, and prepared them for careers in deep learning, machine learning, and artificial intelligence in top companies in industry and academia. The book begins by covering the foundations of deep learning, followed by key deep learning architectures. Subsequent parts on generative models and reinforcement learning may be used as part of a deep learning course…

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Key features

  • An up-to-date guide to the field built upon clear visualizations using a unified notation and equations, making the material accessible to students, teachers, and researchers, in academia and industry of diverse backgrounds
  • Key topics are introduced using basic linear algebra and graphs simultaneously, along with the corresponding algorithms
  • Chapters on transformers, GNNs, variational inference and deep reinforcement learning present state-of-the-art techniques and applications
  • Contains around 200 figures, 500 equations, and 25 algorithms, all using the same graphical, mathematical, and pseudocode notation

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