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Quantum Field Theory From Basics to Modern Topics


, Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA), Saclay
Published 2019


This modern text combines fundamental principles with advanced topics and recent techniques in a rigorous and self-contained treatment of quantum field theory.Beginning with a review of basic principles, starting with quantum mechanics and special relativity, students can refresh their knowledge of elementary aspects of quantum field theory and perturbative calculations in the Standard Model. Results and tools relevant to many applications are covered, including canonical quantization, path integrals, non-Abelian gauge theories, and the renormalization group. Advanced topics are explored, with…

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Key features

  • Connects physical theory with formal mathematics, with numerous worked examples
  • Fully up-to-date, with an emphasis on modern techniques important for current and future research
  • Begins with a concise overview of basic topics to refresh knowledge and ensure a complete understanding of the subject

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