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Psychopathology A Social Neuropsychological Perspective


, Bath Spa University, , Bath Spa University
Published 2018


In Psychopathology: A Social Neuropsychological Perspective, Lee and Irwin demonstrate that mental distress often defies traditional forms of medical classification. Integrating both psychosocial and neuropsychological frameworks, they present a unique and balanced perspective on psychopathology, emphasising the importance of context, relationships and neuroplasticity. Written to support teaching and learning at the undergraduate level, Psychopathology: A Social Neuropsychological Perspective encourages students to explore alternatives to traditional diagnostic models. Pedagogical features such as reflection points in each chapter encourage critical engagement and…

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Key features

  • Questions the validity of the dominant diagnostic framework of psychopathology (grounded in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and the International Classification of Diseases)
  • Presents a variety of perspectives on mental distress, emphasising the importance of context, relationships and neuropsychological processes
  • Encourages critical engagement through pedagogical features such as reflection points in each chapter, and provides a balanced discussion of issues from differing perspectives and authors, supporting classroom debate
  • Fills a much-needed gap in the market for instructors who do not want to base their class on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM)/International Classification of Diseases (ICD) approach to abnormal psychology

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