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Modern Standard Arabic

There is currently no institutional online access for this textbook. Other individual purchase options may be available.


, University of Texas, Austin, , Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania, , University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, , University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Published 2023


Modern Standard Arabic: Advanced to Superior Level is designed to prepare students with Intermediate High proficiency in standard Arabic to move successfully towards Advanced to Superior level. Following the communicative-proficiency-learner approach, the book uses guided learning strategies, which encourage students to collaborate, share information, and negotiate meaning through critical study and analysis of the topics. This teaching methodology promotes the learning of four key skills in the use of modern standard Arabic: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Drawing on the…

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Key features

  • Emphasizes the importance of four skills-reading, writing, speaking, and listening-for students to steadily acquire knowledge and understanding of Modern Standard Arabic to achieve a high level of proficiency, with Superior as the ultimate goal
  • Provides an active vocabulary by introducing terms and then including them in the following lesson and then in every third lesson for the rest of the book, if not more often, to help students better learn basic vocabulary by presenting words in varying contexts throughout the text
  • Explains, illustrates, and drills every grammatical feature used in the Basics Texts to aid students in learning Arabic grammar, which differs from English grammar in fundamental ways, so that upon completion of the course they can handle any MSA text on their own
  • Introduces the history and culture that surrounds the Arabic language, which is essential for understanding the linguistic meaning, through cultural notes added in the text and the use of Basic Texts

About the book

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