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Learning Law

This textbook has now been replaced with a newer edition and is no longer available for personal or institutional sales. This will not affect access for customers who have previously redeemed access codes or purchased the title via ecommerce.


, Central Queensland University, , University of New England, Australia, , University of Southern Queensland, , Curtin University, Perth, , Southern Cross University, Australia, , University of Western Sydney
Published 2017


Learning Law is an indispensable guide for students beginning their law studies. It provides the foundational knowledge and skills required for the study and practice of law, and also instils in students a passion and excitement for the law. This text challenges students' traditional notions of the law and encourages them to think critically. Each chapter is supported by tools for self-assessment and self-reflection: review questions to revise complex concepts; 'Alternative Voices' breakout boxes, which provide a different perspective on…

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Key features

  • Written in an engaging style that is designed to demystify the law and get students excited about their law studies and careers
  • Includes a fully integrated interactive ebook, replete with useful links and videos as well as extension and revision questions that allow students to test their own knowledge as they go
  • Encourages students to think critically about the future of the law profession by including an 'Alternative Voice' boxed feature for each chapter and 'Living Law' case studies that highlight the diversity of career opportunities available to law graduates

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