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Introduction to Software Testing


, George Mason University, Virginia, , George Mason University, Virginia
Published 2016


This extensively classroom-tested text takes an innovative approach to explaining software testing that defines it as the process of applying a few precise, general-purpose criteria to a structure or model of the software. The book incorporates cutting-edge developments, including techniques to test modern types of software such as OO, web applications, and embedded software. This revised second edition significantly expands coverage of the basics, thoroughly discussing test automaton frameworks, and it adds new, improved examples and numerous exercises. The theory…

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Key features

  • Includes five chapters on the foundations of software testing to provide students with a strong background in the subject
  • Separates the theory from its application during software development for each family of coverage criteria, making it easier for students to grasp the underlying concepts
  • Presents the JUnit test framework for both ordinary tests and advanced JUnit features, demonstrating the rationale for different ways of writing tests

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