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Introduction to Modern Climate Change


, Texas A & M University
Published 2021


The third edition of this introductory textbook for both science students and non-science majors has been brought completely up-to-date. It reflects recent scientific progress in the field, as well as advances in the political arena around climate change. As in previous editions, it is tightly focussed on anthropogenic climate change. The first part of the book concentrates on the science of modern climate change, including evidence that the Earth is warming and a basic description of climate physics. Concepts such…

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Key features

  • Provides students with an entire overview of recent climate change: science, economics, and policy – students will leave the class having truly grasped the threats of climate change and ready to engage in the public debate
  • Third edition has been brought completely up to date, and reflects recent scientific progress in the field
  • Offers simple mathematical treatments of the topic that are accessible to both non-science majors and introductory science students
  • Supplementary Resources available at include additional readings and videos of the author's lectures. Supplementary Resources available at include a complete set of PowerPoint figures for instructors and solutions to exercises

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