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International Organisations and Global Problems Theories and Explanations


, University of Sydney
Published 2018


International organisations (IOs) are considered fundamental in addressing global problems, but how effective are they? Conflict (war), human rights, global health, financial governance, international trade, regionalisation, development and the environment are all issues that international organisations have been created to address. This book looks at these eight key issue areas and guides the reader through an analysis of the successes and failures of international organisations in solving issues in global politics. With an introduction to international relations theory, it incorporates…

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Key features

  • Examines international organisations from a theoretical perspective and analyses their function and effectiveness when faced with different global issues
  • Includes the most up-to-date research and theory on international relations and international organisations, enriched by a comprehensive further resources section at the end of each chapter
  • Chapters are sorted by eight key issue areas: conflict (war), human rights, global health, financial governance, unions, international trade, development, and the environment
  • Features include chapter overviews and introductions, highlighted key terms, text boxes, questions, and examples from around the world

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