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Functional Analysis


, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal
Published 2023


Since its inception in the early 20th century, Functional Analysis has become a core part of modern mathematics. This accessible and lucid textbook will guide students through the basics of Functional Analysis and the theory of Operator Algebras. The text begins with a review of Linear Algebra and Measure Theory. It progresses to concepts like Banach spaces, Hilbert spaces, Dual spaces and Weak Topologies. Subsequent chapters introduce the theory of operator algebras as a guide to study linear operators on…

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Key features

  • Lucid and classroom-style language promotes ease of understanding
  • More than 450 practice exercises for sharpening problem-solving skills
  • 'Aside' sections provide a deeper understanding of concepts
  • 'Additional reading' sections provide further information for interested students

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