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European Union Law Text and Materials

This textbook has now been replaced with a newer edition and is no longer available for personal or institutional sales. This will not affect access for customers who have previously redeemed access codes or purchased the title via ecommerce.


, London School of Economics and Political Science, , Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, , European University Institute, Florence
Published 2014


As the preferred choice of both teachers and students, this textbook offers an unrivalled combination of expertise, accessibility and comprehensive coverage. The new edition reflects the way the economic crisis has impacted the shape and nature of European Union law. Materials from case law, legislation and academic literature are integrated throughout to expose the student to the broadest range of views. Additional online material on the application of EU law in non member states and on rulings on the Fiscal…

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Key features

  • Completely updated to reflect EU law's reaction to Eurozone upheavals
  • Restructured to add and remove material in response to teachers' feedback
  • Retains hallmark style of critical analysis combined with engaging discursive tone

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