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Ecohydrology Dynamics of Life and Water in the Critical Zone


, Princeton University, New Jersey, , Nanjing University, China
Published 2022


Ecohydrology is a fast-growing branch of science at the interface of ecology and geophysics, studying the interaction between soil, water, vegetation, microbiome, atmosphere, climate, and human society. This textbook gathers the fundamentals of hydrology, ecology, environmental engineering, agronomy, and atmospheric science to provide a rigorous yet accessible description of the tools necessary for the mathematical modelling of water, energy, carbon, and nutrient transport within the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. By focusing on the dynamics at multiple time scales, from the diurnal scale…

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Key features

  • First comprehensive yet accessible textbook focussing on ecohydrology and the critical zone
  • Provides a step-by-step guide to ecohydrological processes in relation to biogeochemical cycles, agroecosystems, and human society, particularly in light of the severe threats posed by human population growth, climate change, and land use change
  • Gathers the necessary fundamentals from many disciplines to offer a rigorous yet accessible description of the tools required for the mathematical modelling of water, energy, carbon, and nutrient transport within the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum (the critical zone)
  • Focuses on the dynamics at multiple time scales, from the diurnal scale to the long-term
  • Explains the impact of hydroclimatic variability on vegetation and soil microbial systems through biogeochemical cycles and ecosystems under different socioeconomical pressures

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