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Digital Communications A Foundational Approach


, Universitat Ulm, Germany, , Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Published 2024


Introducing the fundamentals of digital communication with a robust bottom-up approach, this textbook is designed to equip senior undergraduate and graduate students in communications engineering with the core skills they need to assess, compare, and design state-of-the-art digital communication systems. Delivering a fast, concise grounding in key algorithms, concepts, and mathematical principles, this textbook provides all the mathematical tools for understanding state-of-the-art digital communications. The authors prioritise readability and accessibility, to quickly get students up to speed on key topics…

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Key features

  • Suitable for a one- or two-semester sequence in digital communications
  • Detailed coverage of core mathematical principles, algorithms, and concepts, without coverage of specific implementations
  • A reliable resource, based on three decades' worth of research and teaching

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