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Culture and Communication An Introduction


, Northern Arizona University
Published 2017


James M. Wilce's new textbook introduces students to the study of language as a tool in anthropology. Solidly positioned in linguistic anthropology, it is the first textbook to combine clear explanations of language and linguistic structure with current anthropological theory. It features a range of study aids, including chapter summaries, learning objectives, figures, exercises, key terms and suggestions for further reading, to guide student understanding. The complete glossary includes both anthropological and linguist terminology. An Appendix features material on phonetics…

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Key features

  • Covers an extensive range of topics not found in existing textbooks, including the most up-to-date contemporary anthropological theory, semiotics and the evolution of animal and human communication
  • Ample pedagogical features include learning objectives, summaries, exercises, questions, key terms and further reading, to guide student understanding
  • Accompanying online resources include a test bank with answers, instructor's manual, useful links, and a sign language case study

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