Biomphalaria glabrata embryonic (Bge) cells have been shown to be a valuable in vitro cellular model for the study of snail host–parasite interactions. They both promote the growth and differentiation of various trematode species including Schistosoma mansoni, and Echinostoma caproni and share some morphological and functional features with circulating haemocytes. As an approach to investigate snail genes potentially regulated following exposure to trematode excretory–secretory (ES) products, we compared gene expression profiles of Bge cells exposed to saline solution, or saline solution containing ES products from S. mansoni or E. caproni, two trematode species parasitizing B. glabrata. Following differential display RT-PCR analysis we characterized 23 differentially displayed cDNAs and we focussed on the 5 cDNAs showing sequence similarity to known genes for expression validation. Using RT-PCR, we confirmed that ES products from S. mansoni and E. caproni differentially affect the expression levels of 4 out of the 5 transcripts. These partial transcripts corresponded to novel B. glabrata sequences, and showed significant sequence similarity to genes coding for (i) cytochrome C, (ii) methyl-binding proteins, (iii) glutamine synthetases, and (iv) protease inhibitors from the Kunitz family. The possible significance of these gene expression changes in host–parasite molecular interactions is discussed.