Understanding the variables (biotic or abiotic) controlling coastal communities is the main goal of ecology research and it is crucial to predict how communities will evolve under the increasing pressure on coastal systems by human activities. The general aims of this study were to assess the variables affecting the distribution of the fast-growing sponge Hymeniacidon cf. perlevis, and to evaluate if physical stressful conditions have an influence in the relationship between Hymeniacidon and the sea lettuce Ulva lactuca. Specifically, the aims were to evaluate the abundance patterns of Hymeniacidon and Ulva and to assess the relationship of Ulva and physical variables on the abundance of Hymeniacidon at both intertidal and subtidal. Hymeniacidon and Ulva showed opposite abundance patterns. Hymeniacidon was more abundant in sites without Ulva, and negatively correlated with Ulva abundance at both heights. Intertidal Hymeniacidon abundance was not correlated with physical variables, but subtidal Hymeniacidon was.