We give explicit formulas for the
${{L}_{4}}$ norm (or equivalently for the merit factors) of various sequences of polynomials related to the polynomials
$$f\left( z \right):=\,\sum\limits_{n=0}^{N-1}{\left( \frac{n}{N} \right){{z}^{n}}.}$$
$${{f}_{t}}(z)\,=\,\sum\limits_{n=0}^{N-1}{\left( \frac{n+t}{N} \right){{z}^{n}}.}$$
$\left( \frac{.}{N} \right)$ is the Jacobi symbol.
Two cases of particular interest are when
$N\,=\,pq$ is a product of two primes and
$p\,=\,q\,+\,2$ or
$p\,=\,q\,+\,4$. This extends work of Høholdt, Jensen and Jensen and of the authors.
This study arises from a number of conjectures of Erdős, Littlewood and others that concern the norms of polynomials with −1, 1 coefficients on the disc. The current best examples are of the above form when
$N$ is prime and it is natural to see what happens for composite