1 Introduction
For an odd prime p, an integer a with $(a,p)=1$ is called a quartic or biquadratic residue modulo p provided $x^4\equiv a\pmod {p}$ is solvable. Clearly a is a quartic residue if and only if $ a^{{(p-1)}/{4}}\equiv 1\pmod {p}.$ We need only consider $p\equiv 1 \pmod {4}$ , since for $p\equiv 3\pmod {4}$ , the quartic residues coincide with quadratic residues.
Concerning quartic residuacity of $2$ modulo p, we may further assume $p=8n+1$ so that $(\frac 2p)=1$ . Then the quartic residue symbol $(\frac {2}{p})_4 = \pm 1 $ is determined by the congruence $(\frac {2}{p})_4 \equiv 2^{{(p-1)}/{4}} \pmod {p}.$
It was observed by Euler and first proved by Gauss [Reference Gauss5] via the law of quartic reciprocity (see [Reference Berndt, Evans and Williams2, Reference Ireland and Rosen7]) that
Barrucand and Cohn [Reference Barrucand and Cohn1] proved several more equivalences:
Here, $h(-4p)$ is the class number of $\Bbb Q(\sqrt {-p})$ and $\sqrt {2}$ denotes any integer x satisfying $x^2\equiv 2 \pmod {p}.$ (A simple proof for the last three expressions can be found in [Reference Williams10].) Hasse [Reference Hasse6] obtained a simple expression via the class number of $\Bbb Q(\sqrt {-2p})$ :
(Note that (1.2) is related to (1.1) because $h(-4p)+h(-8p)\equiv 4n \pmod {8}$ by [Reference Pizer9, Proposition 2].) Lehmer [Reference Lehmer8] modified the argument of Gauss’ lemma to prove
Let $\Bbb F_p$ denote the finite field with p elements. The Legendre symbol $(\frac {a}{p})$ can be defined as the sign of the permutation of $\Bbb F_p$ sending $x \mapsto ax$ by Zolotarev’s theorem (see [Reference Conway3, Reference Dressler and Shult4]). Our aim is to find a simple permutation, the sign of which is determined by the quartic residuacity of $2$ modulo p.
Assume $p\equiv 1 \pmod {4}$ from now on. For such primes, there are nontrivial solutions to $x^2+y^2\equiv 0\pmod {p}$ in $\Bbb F_p^{*}$ . Moreover, for any x with $1\leq x \leq (p-1)/2$ , there exists a unique y with $1\leq y \leq (p-1)/2$ such that $(x,y)$ is a solution. So there are $(p-1)/4$ essentially different solutions. For example, for $p=29$ , we need only consider seven pairs $(x,y)$ with $1\leq x < y \leq (p-1)/2$ :
Observe that the difference of the two numbers in any pair always gives the first component of another pair, that is, $12-1=11, \ 13-11=2, \ 5-2=3 $ and so on. This observation leads to the following theorem.
Theorem 1.1. Let p be a prime with $p\equiv 1\pmod {4}$ . Set
Then we can define a permutation $\psi _p$ of A by the rule $a \mapsto \tilde {a}-a $ applied to the first component.
The theorem implies
However, $\{1,2,\ldots ,(p-1)/2\}$ is partitioned into $(p-1)/4$ pairs in A. Thus
Thus we immediately obtain the next corollary.
Corollary 1.2. We have
We now study the sign of $\psi _p$ . Let $\{x\}_p$ as usual denote the least nonnegative residue of x modulo p. Set $i=\{\prod _{x=1}^{(p-1)/2}x\}_p$ so that $i^2\equiv -1\pmod {p}$ by Wilson’s theorem.
We define ${\mathcal U}_4= \{\pm 1, \pm i\}$ . Then $ \Bbb F_p^{*} / {\mathcal U}_4$ is a cyclic group of order $(p-1)/4$ and multiplication by $i-1$ induces a permutation $\Psi _p$ of this quotient group. As an example, for $p= 29$ again, $i=\{14!\}_{29}=12$ . Thus $\Psi _{29}$ is obtained from multiplication by 11 and can be illustrated by its action on cosets as follows:
Comparing this with (1.3), we see that the permutation $\psi _p$ shows the behaviour of certain representatives in the cosets under $\Psi _p$ . This is because for any pair $(a,\tilde {a})\in A$ , we have $\tilde {a}=\pm ia \pmod {p}.$ Hence the rule of $\psi _p$ can be considered as $a \mapsto \{\pm (\pm i-1)a\}_p$ . However, all the four possibilities $\pm (i\pm 1)$ are in the same coset in $ \Bbb F_p^{*} / {\mathcal U}_4$ , which implies that $\psi _p$ induces $\Psi _p$ in the quotient group. Hence they have the same sign.
Theorem 1.3. For a prime $p\equiv 1\pmod {4}$ , define $i=\{\prod _{x=1}^{(p-1)/2}x\}_p$ and ${\mathcal U}_4= \{\pm 1, \pm i\}$ . Then the sign of $\psi _p$ in Theorem 1.1 is equal to that of $\Psi _p$ , the permutation of $ \Bbb F_p^{*} / {\mathcal U}_4$ induced by $x \mapsto (i-1)x$ . Further
In other words, $\psi _p$ is an odd permutation only in two cases:
(i) $p\equiv 1\pmod {16}$ and $2$ is a quartic nonresidue modulo p;
(ii) $p\equiv 9\pmod {16}$ and $2$ is a quartic residue modulo p.
Now consider the mapping $\tilde {a} \mapsto a+\tilde {a}$ . As in the argument before Theorem 1.3, it induces the same permutation $\Psi _p$ . In view of Theorem 1.1, $(a,\tilde {a})$ is sent by $\psi _p$ to either $(\tilde {a}-a, \ a+\tilde {a})$ or $(\tilde {a}-a, \ p-(a+\tilde {a}) )$ , depending on which one belongs to A. This gives the next corollary.
Corollary 1.4. For an integer x, determine $\|x\|_p $ as the unique integer such that $0\leq \|x\|_p< p/2$ and $ \| x \|_p \equiv \pm x \pmod {p}.$ Then the permutation $\psi _p$ of A sends $\tilde {a}$ to $\|a+\tilde {a}\|_p$ applied to the second component.
Theorems 1.1 and 1.3 will be proved in the next two sections, respectively.
2 Proof of Theorem 1.1
Let i be defined as in Theorem 1.3 so that $i^2\equiv -1 \pmod {p}$ and let $\|x\|_p $ be as in Corollary 1.4. Clearly $\|x\|_p = \|-x\|_p$ and $\|xy\|_p = \|\,\|x\|_py\,\|_p$ . Define
Clearly $ |{\mathcal V}_p|={(p-1)}/{4}.$ For each $a\in \{1,\ldots ,(p-1)/2\}$ , we set $\tilde {a}:=\|ia\|_p.$ In view of the definition of A in (1.4), we have $\{(a,\tilde {a}): a\in {\mathcal V}_p\}=A $ .
For convenience, we use the same $\psi _p$ for the mapping $a\mapsto \tilde {a}-a$ with domain ${\mathcal V}_p$ . It suffices to prove that $\psi _p$ is a permutation of ${\mathcal V}_p$ . First we show that $\psi _p({\mathcal V}_p)\subseteq {\mathcal V}_p$ . As $\tilde {a}=\|ia\|_p$ , we partition ${\mathcal V}_p$ into $V_1\cup V_2$ , where
For $a\in V_1$ , we have $a< \tilde {a} =\{ia\}_p\leq (p-1)/2$ and hence
Furthermore, as $i^2\equiv -1\pmod {p}$ ,
To show $\psi _p(a)\in {\mathcal V}_p$ , we need to verify
If $\{ (i+1) a \}_p> p/2$ , then
Then (2.1) holds since
If $\{(i+1)a\}_p < p/2$ , then (2.1) is also true since
Therefore, $\psi _p(V_1)\subseteq {\mathcal V}_p$ . Using a similar argument, $\psi _p(V_2)\subseteq {\mathcal V}_p$ . Thus it suffices to show that $\psi _p$ is an injection to prove the theorem.
Assume, on the contrary, there exist distinct $a_1,a_2\in {\mathcal V}_p$ such that $\psi _p(a_1)=\psi _p(a_2)$ . If $a_1,a_2 \in V_1$ , then $a_1 \not \equiv a_2 \pmod {p}$ and $\{(i-1)a_1\}_p = \{(i-1)a_2\}_p,$ which is evidently impossible. Similarly, $a_1,a_2\in V_2$ is impossible. So we may assume that $a_1\in V_1$ and $a_2\in V_2$ , that is, $\tilde {a}_1\equiv ia_1\pmod {p}$ and $\tilde {a}_2\equiv -ia_2\pmod {p}$ . Then
It follows that
which contradicts the fact that $1\leq a_1,\tilde {a}_2\leq (p-1)/2$ .
Thus $\psi _p$ is an injection and the proof is complete.
3 Proof of Theorem 1.3
Since $\Bbb F_p^{*}$ is cyclic, $\Bbb F_p^{*} / {\mathcal U}_4$ is also a cyclic group and of order $(p-1)/4$ . Let the order of the coset of $1+i$ be m. Then $\Psi _p$ is composed of $(p-1)/4m$ disjoint cycles of length m. Thus
Now we divide the discussion into five cases.
Case (i): $p\equiv 1\pmod {16}$ and $2$ is a quartic residue modulo p.
Case (ii): $p\equiv 9\pmod {16}$ and $2$ is a quartic nonresidue modulo p.
In these two cases,
which implies $(1+i)^{{(p-1)}/{8}} \in {\mathcal U}_4$ . Hence $(p-1)/8$ is divisible by m and $\psi _p$ is even from (3.1).
Case (iii): $p\equiv 1\pmod {16}$ and $2$ is a quartic nonresidue modulo p.
Case (iv): $p\equiv 9\pmod {16}$ and $2$ is a quartic residue modulo p.
In these two cases,
Therefore, $(1+i)^{{(p-1)}/4}\in {\mathcal U}_4$ while $(1+i)^{{(p-1)}/8} \not \in {\mathcal U}_4$ . In other words, m, a factor of $(p-1)/4$ , does not divide $(p-1)/8$ . So $q=(p-1)/4m$ must be odd while m is even. Thus $\psi _p$ is odd from (3.1).
Case (v): $p\equiv 5\pmod {8}$ . Now m must be odd since it divides $(p-1)/4$ from the definition. Thus ${{\textrm {sign}}}\;\psi _p=1$ in view of (3.1). The proof is complete.□
We are deeply grateful to the anonymous referee, whose valuable suggestions enabled us to simplify our proof substantially. We would also like to thank Professor Zhi-Wei Sun for his guidance.