For the Choquard equation, which is a nonlocal nonlinear Schrödinger type equation,
$$-\Delta u+V_{\mu, \nu} u=(I_\alpha\ast \vert u \vert ^{({N+\alpha})/{N}}){ \vert u \vert }^{{\alpha}/{N}-1}u,\quad {\rm in} \ {\open R}^N, $$ where
$N\ges 3$, Vμ,ν :ℝN → ℝ is an external potential defined for μ, ν > 0 and x ∈ ℝN by Vμ,ν(x) = 1 − μ/(ν2 + |x|2) and
$I_\alpha : {\open R}^N \to 0$ is the Riesz potential for α ∈ (0, N), we exhibit two thresholds μν, μν > 0 such that the equation admits a positive ground state solution if and only if μν < μ < μν and no ground state solution exists for μ < μν. Moreover, if μ > max{μν, N2(N − 2)/4(N + 1)}, then equation still admits a sign changing ground state solution provided
$N \ges 4$ or in dimension N = 3 if in addition 3/2 < α < 3 and
$\ker (-\Delta + V_{\mu ,\nu }) = \{ 0\} $, namely in the non-resonant case.