1 Introduction
If ${\mathcal I}$ is a graph invariant and G a graph, then it is natural to consider the minimum number of vertices of G whose removal results in an induced subgraph $G'$ with ${\mathcal I}(G') \ne {\mathcal I}(G)$ or with $E(G') = \emptyset $ (see [Reference Alikhani and Piri2]). Let us call this number the ${\mathcal I}$ -stability number of G and denote it by $vs_{\mathcal I}(G)$ . Similarly, one may be interested in the minimum number of edges that have to be removed in order to obtain a spanning subgraph $G'$ with ${\mathcal I}(G') \ne {\mathcal I}(G)$ or with $E(G') = \emptyset $ . In this case let us call the minimum number of edges the ${\mathcal I}$ -stability index of G and denote it by $es_{\mathcal I}(G)$ .
Here we consider the $\chi $ -stability index ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}$ , spelled out as chromatic stability index. The $\chi $ -stability index ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)$ of a graph G with at least one edge is thus the minimum number of edges of G whose removal results in a graph with chromatic number smaller than that of G. If $E(G) = \emptyset $ , then ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G) = 0$ . In some papers the term ‘chromatic edge-stability number’ is used, but in our general framework and since the investigation of the $\chi '$ -stability number was initiated in [Reference Alikhani and Piri2], this earlier terminology would be confusing.
The $\chi $ -stability index was first studied by Staton [Reference Staton10], who provided upper bounds ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}$ for regular graphs in terms of the size of the graph. The invariant was subsequently investigated in [Reference Arumugam, Sahul Hamid, Muthukamatchi, Balakrishnan and Madhavan3, Reference Brešar, Klavžar and Movarraei4, Reference Kemnitz, Marangio and Movarraei8]. We continue this line of the research, focusing on the following three open problems on the chromatic stability index.
Problem 1.1 [Reference Akbari, Klavžar, Movarraei and Nahvi1, Reference Arumugam, Sahul Hamid, Muthukamatchi, Balakrishnan and Madhavan3].
Characterise graphs G with ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)=1$ .
Problem 1.2 [Reference Akbari, Klavžar, Movarraei and Nahvi1].
Characterise graphs G with ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)+{\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(\overline {G})=2$ .
In [Reference Akbari, Klavžar, Movarraei and Nahvi1] it was proved that if G is a graph of order n with $r=\chi (G)$ , then
Problem 1.3 [Reference Akbari, Klavžar, Movarraei and Nahvi1].
Characterise graphs that attain the upper bound in (1.1).
In the rest of this section we recall definitions needed in this paper. In Section 2 we consider graphs G with ${\mathrm { es}_{\chi }}(G) = 1$ and construct examples which demonstrate that a known characterisation of k-regular graphs G with ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G) = 1$ does not extend to $k\ge 6$ . Then, in Section 3, we characterise graphs G with $\chi (G)=3$ for which ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)+{\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(\overline {G}) = 2$ . In the concluding section we obtain necessary structural conditions on graphs G which attain the upper bound in (1.1). The conditions are proved to be sufficient when $n\equiv 2 \pmod 3$ and $\chi (G)=3$ .
The chromatic number $\chi (G)$ of a graph G is the smallest integer k such that G admits a proper colouring of its vertices using k colours. Unless stated otherwise, we will assume that the colours are from the set $[k] = \{1,\ldots , k\}$ . A $\chi (G)$ -colouring (or simply $\chi $ -colouring) of G is a proper colouring using $\chi (G)$ colours. In a colouring of G, a set of vertices having the same colour form a colour class. If c is a k-colouring of G with colour classes $C_1, \ldots , C_k$ , then we will identify c with $(C_1,\ldots , C_k)$ , that is, we will say that c is a colouring $(C_1,\ldots , C_k)$ . When we wish to emphasise that these colour classes correspond to c, we will denote them by $(C_1^c,\ldots , C_k^c)$ . If c is a colouring of G and $A\subseteq V(G)$ , then let $c(A) = \bigcup _{a\in A} c(a)$ . Let $c^*(G)$ denote the cardinality of a smallest colour class among all $\chi $ -colourings of G. If $c^*(G) = 1$ , then we say that G has a singleton colour class. The chromatic bondage number $\rho (G)$ of G denotes the minimum number of edges between two colour classes among all $\chi $ -colourings of a graph G. Clearly ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)\leq \rho (G)$ .
For $v\in V(G)$ , let $d_G(v)$ and $N_G(v)$ denote the degree and the open neighbourhood of v in G, respectively. If $A\subseteq V(G)$ , then let $N_G(A)=(\bigcup _{v\in A}N_G(v))\backslash A$ . For $A,B\subseteq V(G)$ , let $E[A,B]$ be the set of edges which have one endpoint in A and the other in B, and let $e(A,B)=|E[A,B]|$ . The subgraph of G induced by $A\subseteq V(G)$ will be denoted by $G[A]$ . The girth $g(G)$ of a graph G is the length of a shortest cycle in G. The order of a largest complete subgraph in G is the clique number $\omega (G)$ of G. The complement of G is denoted by $\overline {G}$ .
2 On Problem 1.1
Problem 1.1, which asks for a characterisation of graphs G with ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)=1$ , has been independently posed in [Reference Arumugam, Sahul Hamid, Muthukamatchi, Balakrishnan and Madhavan3, Problem 2.18] and [Reference Akbari, Klavžar, Movarraei and Nahvi1, Problem 5.3]. The two equivalent reformulations of the condition ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)=1$ from the next proposition are from [Reference Kemnitz, Marangio and Movarraei8, Proposition 2.2] and [Reference Arumugam, Sahul Hamid, Muthukamatchi, Balakrishnan and Madhavan3, Remark 2.15], respectively. To be self-contained, we include a simple proof of the result.
Proposition 2.1. If G is a graph with $\chi (G) \ge 2$ , then the following claims are equivalent:
(i) ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)=1$ ;
(ii) $\rho (G) = 1$ ;
(iii) G admits a $\chi (G)$ -colouring $(C_1, \ldots , C_{\chi (G)})$ , where $|C_1| = 1$ and $e(C_1,C_2) = 1$ .
Proof. Let ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)=1$ and let $e=uv\in E(G)$ be an edge such that $\chi (G-e) = \chi (G) - 1$ . If c is a $(\chi (G) - 1)$ -colouring of $G-e$ , then $c(u) = c(v)$ , for otherwise c would be a proper colouring of G (using only $\chi (G) - 1$ colours). Recolouring u with a new colour yields a colouring of G as required by (iii). Hence (i) implies (iii). The implication (iii) $\Rightarrow $ (ii) is obvious and (ii) $\Rightarrow $ (i) follows from the fact already noted that ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G) \le \rho (G)$ .
Although Proposition 2.1 formally gives two characterisations of graphs G with ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)=1$ , it should be understood that Problem 1.1 asks for a structural characterisation of such graphs. The next result gives a partial solution of the problem.
Theorem 2.2 [Reference Akbari, Klavžar, Movarraei and Nahvi1, Theorem 4.4].
Let G be a connected, k-regular graph with $k\leq 5$ . Then ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)=1$ if and only if G is $K_2$ , G is an odd cycle, or $\chi (G)>3$ and $c^{\star }(G) = 1$ .
The second part of [Reference Akbari, Klavžar, Movarraei and Nahvi1, Problem 5.3] says: ‘In particular, for the regular case extend the classification of Theorem 2.2 to $k>5$ .’ We do not solve the problem, but demonstrate in the rest of the section that (i) the problem appears difficult and (ii) $k=5$ is the threshold for regular graphs. Let X be the graph drawn in Figure 1.
Proposition 2.3. The graph X is a $6$ -regular graph with $\chi (X)=4$ , $c^{\star }(X) = 1$ and ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(X) = 2$ .
Proof. Since $\omega (X)=4$ , we have $\chi (X)\geq 4$ . We give a 4-colouring c of X as follows: $c(w)=4$ , $c(v_1)=c(u_3)=c(u_6)=1$ , $c(v_3)=c(u_2)=c(u_5)=2$ , $c(v_2)=c(u_1)=c(u_4)=3$ . Since colour 4 is used exactly once, $\chi (X)=4$ and $c^*(X)=1$ . It remains to prove that ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(X) = 2$ .
Let $X'$ be the graph obtained from X by deleting the edges $wv_1, wu_6$ . Then we can get a 3-colouring $c'$ of $X'$ as follows: $c'(w) = c'(v_1) = c'(u_3) = c'(u_6) = 1$ , $c'(v_3) = c'(u_2) = c'(u_5) = 2$ , $c'(v_2) = c'(u_1) = c'(u_4) = 3$ . Hence ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(X) \le 2$ .
Suppose now by contrast that ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(X) = 1$ . Then by Proposition 2.1(iii), there exists a colouring $c = (C_1, C_2, C_3, C_4)$ , such that $|C_1| = 1$ and $e(C_1, C_2)=1$ . Since $X[\{v_1,v_2,v_3,w\}]\cong K_4$ , we have $c(w)=1$ or $c(v_i)=1$ for some $i\in [3]$ . If $c(w)=1$ , then $\chi (X[N(w)])=3 $ and colour 2 appears only once in $N(w)$ . But this is impossible because $X[v_1,v_2,v_3]\cong K_3$ and $X[u_2,u_4,u_6]\cong K_3$ . If $c(w)\ne 1$ , then by symmetry we may without loss of generality assume that $c(v_1)=1$ . Then we consider the colouring of $N(v_1)$ . If $c(u_5)\neq c(v_3)$ , say $c(u_5)=a\in \{2,3,4\}$ and $c(v_3)=b\in \{2,3,4\}\backslash \{a\}$ , then $c(v_2)=c(u_1)=c=\{2,3,4\}\backslash \{a,b\}$ , $c(w)=a$ and $c(u_2)=b$ , contradicting the fact that $e(C_1, C_2)=1$ . If $c(u_5)=c(v_3)$ , say $c(u_5)=c(v_3)=a\in \{2,3,4\}$ , then $c(v_2)=b\in \{2,3,4\}\backslash \{a\}$ and $c(w)=c=\{2,3,4\}\backslash \{a,b\}$ . Since $\{w,v_2,u_5\}\subseteq N(u_6)$ , we have $c(u_6)=1$ , contradicting the fact that $|C_1| = 1$ . So ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)\geq 2$ and we are done.
Proposition 2.3 shows that Theorem 2.2 does not extend to $6$ -regular graphs. On the other hand, consider the following example to see that there exist $4$ -chromatic, $6$ -regular (and higher regularity) graphs with ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)=1$ . A graph $G=C(n; a_0,a_1, \ldots , a_k)$ is called a circulant if
where $1\leq a_0<a_1<\cdots <a_k\leq n/2$ . If $a_k<n/2$ , then G is a $(2k+2)$ -regular graph; otherwise, G is $(2k + 1)$ -regular. In [Reference Dobrynin, Melnikov and Pyatkin5, Theorem 2.1], Dobrynin et al. constructed 4-critical r-regular circulants for $r\in \{6,8,10\}$ . (Recall that a graph G with $\chi (G)=k$ is called edge-critical (or simply k-critical) if its chromatic number is strictly less than k after removing any edge.) Hence these regular graphs satisfy ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)=1$ .
3 On Problem 1.2
Let G be a graph with ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)=1$ and $\chi (G)=r$ . We say that a $\chi $ -colouring of G is a good colouring if it satisfies the conditions of Proposition 2.1(iii). Let $\mathcal {C}(G)$ be the set of good colourings of G. If $c = (C^c_1, \ldots , C^c_r) \in \mathcal {C}(G)$ , then we may always without loss of generality assume that $|C^c_1|=1$ and $e(C^c_1, C^c_2)=1$ .
Clearly, ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)+{\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(\overline {G}) = 2$ holds if and only if ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G) = {\mathrm { es}_{\chi }}(\overline {G}) = 1$ . We first characterise disconnected graphs G for which ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)+{\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(\overline {G}) = 2$ .
Proposition 3.1. Let G be a graph with components $G_1, \ldots ,G_s$ , $s\ge 2$ , and let $\mathcal {G}=\{G_i:\ \chi (G_i)=\chi (G), \ i\in [s]\}$ . Then ${\mathrm { es}_{\chi }}(G)+{\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(\overline {G})=2$ if and only if
(i) $|\mathcal {G}|=1$ and ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G_i)=1$ for $G_i\in \mathcal {G}$ , and
(ii) there exists a $G_j$ such that ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(\overline {G_j})=1$ , or there exist components $G_j$ and $G_k$ , $j\neq k$ , such that $c^*(\overline {G_j})=1$ and $c^*(\overline {G_k})=1$ .
Proof. The following fact is essential for the rest of the argument: if c is a proper colouring of $\overline {G}$ , then $c(V(G_i))\cap c(V(G_j)) = \emptyset $ for every $i, j\in [s]$ , $i\ne j$ . If G satisfies (i) and (ii), then (i) yields ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)=1$ , while (ii) gives ${\mathrm { es}_{\chi }}(\overline {G})=1$ . Conversely, suppose that ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)+{\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(\overline {G})=2$ . Then ${\mathrm { es}_{\chi }}(G)=1$ and ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(\overline {G})=1$ . If $|\mathcal {G}|\geq 2$ or ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G_i)\geq 2$ for any $G_i\in \mathcal {G}$ , then $\chi (G - e)=\chi (G)$ for any $e\in E(G)$ , a contradiction. This means that (i) holds. Since ${\mathrm { es}_{\chi }}(\overline {G})=1$ , there exists an a edge $\overline {e}\in E(\overline {G})$ such that $\chi (\overline {G} - \overline {e})<\chi (\overline {G})$ . We consider two cases for the edge $\overline {e}$ . If $\overline {e}\in E(\overline {G_j})$ for some $j\in [s]$ , then ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(\overline {G_j})=1$ . In the other case the two endpoints of $\overline {e}$ lie in different components, say in $G_j$ and in $G_k$ , $j\ne k$ . But then $c^*(\overline {G_j})=1$ and $c^*(\overline {G_k})=1$ . Thus (ii) holds as well.
In the main result of this section we now characterise connected graphs G with $\chi (G)=3$ for which ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)+{\mathrm { es}_{\chi }}(\overline {G})=2$ .
Theorem 3.2. Let G be a connected graph of order n, with $\chi (G)=3$ . Then ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)+{\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(\overline {G})=2$ if and only if
(i) all odd cycles in G share one edge,
(ii) $c^*(\overline {G})=1$ ,
(iii) $\chi (\overline {G})\geq \lceil {n}/{2}\rceil $ ,
(iv) if n is even, $\chi (\overline {G})={n}/{2}$ and $||C^c_2|-|C^c_3||=1$ for each $c = (C_1^c, C_2^c, C_3^c)\in \mathcal {C}(G)$ , then $g(G)=3$ and for any proper colouring of $\overline {G}$ , if $\{x_1,x_2,x_3\}$ is a colour class, then $d_{G}(v)\geq 2$ for each $v\in N_G(\{x_1,x_2,x_3\})$ .
Proof. Necessity. Since ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)=1$ and $\chi (G)=3$ , there is an edge $e\in E(G)$ such that $G - e$ has no odd cycles. So (i) holds. It was observed in [Reference Akbari, Klavžar, Movarraei and Nahvi1, Lemma 4.3] that ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)=1$ implies $c^*(G)=1$ , hence (ii) holds. Let $c = (C^c_1,C^c_2, C^c_3)\in \mathcal {C}(G)$ . We have $\omega (\overline {G})\geq \lfloor {n}/{2}\rfloor $ since $|C^c_1|=1$ . So, $\chi (\overline {G})\geq \omega (\overline {G})\geq \lceil {n}/{2}\rceil $ when n is even. When n is odd and $\omega (\overline {G})={(n-1)}/{2}$ , we have $|C^c_2|=|C^c_3|={(n-1)}/{2}$ and $\overline {G}[C^c_2]\cong K_{C^c_2}$ , $\overline {G}[C^c_3]\cong K_{C^c_3}$ . Note that for any proper colouring of $\overline {G}$ , there is at most one colour class with three vertices and there must be fewer than three vertices in other colour classes. By Proposition 2.1(iii), there exists a $\chi $ -colouring of $\overline {G}$ such that some colour class has exactly one vertex. Then $\chi (\overline {G})\geq {(n+1)}/{2}=\lceil {n}/{2}\rceil $ .
Suppose now that n is even, $\chi (\overline {G})={n}/{2}$ and $||C^c_2|-|C^c_3||=1$ for any $c = (C_1^c, C_2^c, C_3^c)\in \mathcal {C}(G)$ . Let $C^c_1=\{x_1\}$ and let $x_2$ be the vertex of $C^c_2$ such that $x_1x_2\in E(G)$ . Let $\bar {c}\in \mathcal {C}(\overline {G})$ and let the colour set used by $\bar {c}$ be $[{n}/{2}]$ . We claim that $\bar {c}(x_1)=\bar {c}(x_2)$ and $\bar {c}(x_1)\in \bar {c}(C^c_3)$ . Notice that $x_1$ is in $\overline {G}$ adjacent to all vertices of $C^c_2$ except $x_2$ . If $|C^c_2|-|C^c_3|=1$ , then $|C^c_2|={n}/{2}$ . Then the claim holds because $\chi (\overline {G})= {n}/{2} = |\bar {c}(C^c_2)|$ . Suppose next that $|C^c_3|-|C^c_2|=1$ . Then $|C^c_3|={n}/{2}$ and $|C^c_2|={(n-2)}/{2}$ . We have $|\bar {c}(C^c_3)| = {n}/{2}$ . If $\bar {c}(x_1)\neq \bar {c}(x_2)$ , then $\bar {c}(x_1\cup C^c_2)=[{n}/{2}]$ , contradicting the fact that $\bar {c}\in \mathcal {C}(\overline {G})$ because there is no singleton colour class. Hence $\bar {c}(x_1)=\bar {c}(x_2)$ and $\bar {c}(x_1)\in \bar {c}(C^c_3)$ since $\bar {c}(C^c_3)=[{n}/{2}]$ . Thus $g(G)=3$ . We can set $x_3\in C^c_3$ and $\bar {c}(x_1)=\bar {c}(x_2)=\bar {c}(x_3)=1$ in the following. Suppose there is a vertex $v\in N_G(\{x_1,x_2,x_3\})$ such that $d_G(v)=1$ . If $|C^c_2|-|C^c_3|=1$ , then $C^c_2\subseteq N_{\overline {G}}(v)$ when $v\in N_G(x_1)$ , $(C^c_2\backslash \{x_2\})\cup x_3\subseteq N_{\overline {G}}(v)$ when $v\in N_G(x_2)$ and $V(G)\backslash \{x_3\}= N_{\overline {G}}(v)$ when $v\in N_G(x_3)$ . Thus $\chi (\overline {G})>{n}/{2}$ when $v\in N_G(x_1)\cup N_G(x_2)$ , a contradiction. When $v\in N_G(x_3)$ , we may assume without loss of generality that $\bar {c}(C^c_3)=[ {(n-2)}/{2}]$ . Then $\bar {c}(v)={n}/{2}$ since $x_2\in N_{\overline {G}}(v)$ . But every colour in $[({n-2)}/{2}]$ appears exactly twice in $N_{\overline {G}}(v)$ , contradicting the fact that $\bar {c}\in \mathcal {C}(\overline {G})$ . If $|C^c_3|-|C^c_2|=1$ , then $\chi (\overline {G})>{n}/{2}$ when $v\in N_G(x_3)$ and $\bar {c}\notin \mathcal {C}(\overline {G})$ when $v\in N_G(x_1)\cup N_G(x_2)$ by the same analysis as above, a contradiction.
Sufficiency. Suppose an edge e is shared by all odd cycles of G. Then $\chi (G -e)\leq 2$ . Hence ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)=1$ by definition. Suppose $\chi (\overline {G})\geq \lceil {n}/{2}\rceil $ . In [Reference Akbari, Klavžar, Movarraei and Nahvi1, Lemma 4.2] it was proved that if $\chi (\overline {G})\geq {(n+2)}/{2}$ , then ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(\overline {G})=1$ . So we may assume $\chi (\overline {G})=\lceil {n}/{2}\rceil $ in the following.
Suppose first that n is odd. Let $\bar {c}$ be a proper colouring of $\overline {G}$ . Since $\chi (\overline {G})=\lceil {n}/{2}\rceil ={(n+1)}/{2}$ , the complement $\overline {G}$ has a singleton colour class under $\bar {c}$ . If $\overline {G}$ has two singleton colour classes under $\bar {c}$ , then $\rho (\overline {G})=1$ . Otherwise, other colour classes have exactly two vertices. Since G is connected, $\Delta (\overline {G})<n-1$ , thus $\rho (\overline {G})=1$ . Suppose next that n is even. We have $||C^c_2|-|C^c_3||=1$ for any $c_i\in \mathcal {C}(G)$ since $\chi (\overline {G})={n}/{2}$ . Since $c^*(\overline {G})=1$ , there is a proper colouring such that some colour class contains three vertices. Let $\bar {c}$ be the proper colouring and $\bar {c}(x_1)=\bar {c}(x_2)=\bar {c}(x_3)$ , where $x_s\in C^c_s $ for $s\in [3]$ . Let $\{\alpha ,\beta \}=\{2,3\}$ . If $|C^c_\alpha |-|C^c_\beta |=1$ , then $|C^c_\alpha |={n}/{2}$ and $|C^c_\beta |={(n-2)}/{2}$ . Since $\chi (\overline {G})={n}/{2}$ , we may assume $\bar {c}(C^c_\alpha )=[{n}/{2}]$ and ${n}/{2}\notin C^c_\beta $ , say $\bar {c}(u)={n}/{2}$ . Since G is connected and $d_G(v)\geq 2$ for any $v\in N_G(\{x_1,x_2,x_3\})$ , we have $N_{C^c_\beta }(u)\backslash \{x_\beta \}\neq \emptyset $ or $\{x_1,x_\beta \}\subseteq N_G(u)$ . Thus $\rho (\overline {G})=1$ , and by Proposition 2.1 we conclude that ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(\overline {G})=~1$ .
4 On Problem 1.3
Obviously, when $r=2$ , the upper bound in (1.1) is attained if and only if the graph in question is a complete bipartite graph in which the orders of its bipartition sets differ by at most one. For an arbitrary r we have the following result.
Theorem 4.1. Let G be a graph of order n and with $r=\chi (G)$ .
(i) Suppose that $n\equiv r-1 \pmod r$ and ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)=\lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor \lfloor {n}/{r}+1\rfloor $ . Then for any r-colouring $(C_1,\ldots , C_r)$ of G, where $|C_1|\leq \cdots \leq |C_r|$ ,
(1) $|C_1|=\lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor $ and $|C_2|=\cdots =|C_r|=\lfloor {n}/{r}+1\rfloor $ ;
(2) if $2\leq i\leq r$ , then $G[C_1\cup C_i]$ is a complete bipartite graph with bipartition $(C_1, C_i)$ ;
(3) if $v\in C_i$ and $j\in [r]\backslash \{i\}$ , then $e(v, C_j)\geq \lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor $ .
(ii) Suppose that $n\not \equiv r-1 \pmod r$ and ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)=\lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor ^2$ . Then for any r-colouring $(C_1,\ldots , C_r)$ of G, where $|C_1|\leq \cdots \leq |C_r|$ ,
(1) $|C_1|=|C_2|=\lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor $ ;
(2) if $|C_i|=\lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor $ , $v\in C_i$ and $j\in [r]\backslash \{i\}$ , then $e(v, C_j)\geq \lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor $ ;
(3) if $|C_i|>\lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor $ , then $\sum _{v_s\in C_i} \ell _s\geq {\lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor }^2$ , where
$$ \begin{align*}\ell_s=\min\{e(v_s, C_j):\ v_s\in C_i, j\in[r]\backslash \{i\}\}.\end{align*} $$
Proof. (i) Consider an r-colouring $(C_1,\ldots , C_r)$ of G, where $|C_1|\leq \cdots \leq |C_r|$ .
(1) Since $n\equiv r-1 \pmod r$ , we have $n = r\lfloor n/r\rfloor + r -1$ . From here it was deduced in the proof of [Reference Akbari, Klavžar, Movarraei and Nahvi1, Theorem 2.1] that there exists at least one pair of colour classes, $C_i$ and $C_j$ , $i<j$ , such that $|C_i|+|C_j|\leq \lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor +\lfloor {n}/{r}+1\rfloor $ . Since ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)=\lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor \lfloor {n}/{r}+1\rfloor $ , we have $|C_i|=\lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor $ and $|C_j|=\lfloor {n}/{r}+1\rfloor $ . Moreover, $i=1$ and $|C_k|\geq \lfloor {n}/{r}+1\rfloor $ for $2\leq k\leq r$ , since otherwise ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)\leq |C_1||C_2|\leq \lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor ^2$ , a contradiction. Thus $|C_2|=\cdots =|C_r|=\lfloor {n}/{r}+1\rfloor $ because $n = r\lfloor n/r\rfloor + r -1$ .
(2) and (3) Observe that $G[C_1\cup C_i]$ is a complete bipartite graph with bipartition $(C_1, C_i)$ for any $2\leq i\leq r$ , since otherwise ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)\leq |C_1||C_i|\leq \lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor \lfloor {n}/{r}+1\rfloor -1$ , a contradiction. Therefore, $e(v, C_j)\geq \lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor $ when $v\in C_1$ or $j=1$ . If $e(v, C_j)<\lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor $ for some $v\in C_i$ and $j\in [r]\backslash \{i\}$ ( $i,j>1$ ), then by deleting the edge set $E(v, C_j)\cup E(C_i\backslash \{v\}, C_1)$ , we get an $(r-1)$ -colouring with the colour class set $\{C_1\cup (C_i\backslash \{v\}), C_2,\ldots ,C_j\cup \{v\},\ldots , C_r\}\backslash \{C_i\}$ . Notice that $|E(v, C_j)\cup E(C_i\backslash \{v\}, C_1)|<\lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor \lfloor {n}/{r}+1\rfloor $ . Thus ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)< \lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor \lfloor {n}/{r}+1\rfloor $ , a contradiction.
(ii) Suppose $n\not \equiv r-1 \pmod r$ and ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)=\lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor ^2$ . Consider an r-colouring $(C_1,\ldots , C_r)$ of G, where $|C_1|\leq |C_2|\leq \cdots \leq |C_r|$ .
(1) By the proof of [Reference Akbari, Klavžar, Movarraei and Nahvi1, Theorem 2.1], there exists at least one pair of colour classes, $C_i$ and $C_j$ ( $i\leq j$ ), in which $|C_i|+|C_j|\leq 2\lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor $ . Since ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)=\lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor ^2$ , we have $|C_i|=|C_j|=\lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor $ . Moveover, $|C_k|\geq \lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor $ for $1\leq k\leq r$ , since otherwise ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)\leq |C_1||C_2|< \lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor ^2$ , a contradiction. Thus $|C_1|=|C_2|=\lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor $ .
(2) and (3) Suppose $|C_i|=\lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor $ and there exists some $v\in C_i$ and $j\in [r]\backslash \{i\}$ such that $e(v, C_j)<\lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor $ . We take a colour class $C_k$ with $\lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor $ vertices, which is different from $C_i$ . This is possible because $|C_1|=|C_2|=\lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor $ . Note that k and j are not necessarily distinct. We delete the edge set $E(v, C_j)\cup E(C_i\backslash \{v\}, C_k)$ and get an $(r-1)$ -colouring with colour class set $\{C_1, \ldots , C_k\cup (C_i\backslash \{v\}), \ldots ,C_j\cup \{v\},\ldots , C_r\}\backslash \{C_i\}$ . Notice that $|E(v, C_j)\cup E(C_i\backslash \{v\}, C_k)|<\lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor ^2$ . Thus ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)< \lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor ^2$ , a contradiction.
Suppose $|C_i|>\lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor $ and $\sum _{v_s\in C_i}\ell _s< {\lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor }^2$ , where $\ell _s$ is defined as in the statement of the theorem. Let $C^s$ be one of the corresponding colour classes when $\ell _s$ is taken for $v_s$ . Then for any $v_s\in C_i$ , we delete the edge set $E(v_s, C^s)$ and get an $(r-1)$ -colouring by putting $v_s$ in $C^s$ . Thus ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)< \lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor ^2$ , a contradiction.
Recall that a graph colouring $(C_1,\ldots , C_k)$ is equitable [Reference Erdős and Fiedler6] if $| |C_i| - |C_j| | \le 1$ for all $i\ne j$ . Hence all the colourings from Theorem 4.1(i) are equitable, and consequently the corresponding extremal graphs have the same chromatic number and the equitable chromatic number. (See [Reference Heckel7, Reference Li and Zhang9] for a couple of recent investigations of the equitable chromatic number.)
Theorem 4.2. Let G be a graph of order n, where $n\equiv 2 \pmod 3$ and with $\chi (G)=3$ . If any $3$ -colouring of G satisfies (1)–(3) of Theorem 4.1(i), then ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)=\lfloor {n}/{3}\rfloor \lfloor {n}/{3}+1\rfloor $ .
Proof. Let c be a $3$ -colouring of G satisfying (1)–(3) of Theorem 4.1(i). Let $\{i,j\}=\{2,3\}$ . For $v\in C_i$ we may let $e(v, C_j)=\lfloor {n}/{3}\rfloor $ (as adding edges to a graph cannot decrease its $\chi $ -stability index). Since for any $e\in E(G)$ , e lies in exactly $\lfloor {n}/{3}\rfloor $ subgraphs $K_3$ , the graph $G - e$ has at most $\lfloor {n}/{3}\rfloor $ fewer subgraphs isomorphic to $K_3$ than G. Let $F\subseteq E(G)$ with $|F|=\lfloor {n}/{3}\rfloor \lfloor {n}/{3}+1\rfloor -1$ . Then the graph $G\backslash F$ has at most $\lfloor {n}/{3}\rfloor (\lfloor {n}/{3}\rfloor \lfloor {n}/{3}+1\rfloor -1)$ fewer subgraphs $K_3$ than G. But G has $\lfloor {n}/{3}\rfloor \lfloor {n}/{3}\rfloor \lfloor {n}/{3}+1\rfloor $ subgraphs $K_3$ , so that $G\backslash F$ has at least one subgraph $K_3$ and consequently $\chi (G\backslash F)=3$ . Hence, ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G)=\lfloor {n}/{3}\rfloor \lfloor {n}/{3}+1\rfloor $ .
Let G be a graph with n vertices and $r=\chi (G)$ . Note that when $r=5$ and $n\equiv 4 \pmod 5$ , the conditions (1)–(3) in Theorem 4.1(i) are not sufficient. Let $G_{12}$ be the graph from Figure 2, and let $G_{14}$ be obtained from $G_{12}$ by adding two new vertices $u_0$ and $v_0$ and connecting $u_0$ and $v_0$ to all vertices of $G_{12}$ . Then we have the following result.
Proposition 4.3. The graph $G_{14}$ satisfies conditions (1)–(3) of Theorem 4.1(i), but ${\mathrm { es}_{\chi }}(G_{14})<\lfloor {n}/{r}\rfloor \lfloor {n}/{r}+1\rfloor =6$ .
Proof. We first show that $\chi (G_{14})=5$ . Let $A=\{a,b,c\}$ , $B=\{u,v,w\}$ , $C=\{1,2,3\}$ , and $D=\{x,y,z\}$ . We claim that $\chi (G_{14})=5$ and that $G_{14}$ has a unique $5$ -colouring. By means of a computer search (using SageMath), we found all independent sets of $G_{14}$ with at least three vertices, A, B, C, D, $\{b,u,1,z\}$ , and each $X\subseteq \{b,u,1,z\}$ with $|X|=3$ . So, if any three vertices of $\{b,u,1,z\}$ have the same colour under some proper colouring $c:V(G_{14})\rightarrow [k]$ of $G_{14}$ , then $k\geq 6$ . Thus $\chi (G_{14})=5$ and the unique $5$ -colouring has colour classes $\{u_0,v_0\}$ , A, B, C, D. Therefore, the graph $G_{14}$ satisfies conditions (1)–(3) of Theorem 4.1(i).
On the other hand, by deleting the edges $cv$ , $aw$ , $3y$ and $2x$ (coloured orange in the figure), we can get a $4$ -colouring with colour classes $\{u_0,v_0\}$ , $\{a,c,v,w\}$ , $\{b,u,1,z\}$ , $\{2,3,x,y\}$ . Therefore, ${\mathrm {es}_{\chi }}(G_{14})\leq 4$ .