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    • Contains open access
  • ISSN: 0017-3835 (Print), 1477-4550 (Online)
  • Editors: Professor Ivana Petrovic University of Virginia, USA, Professor Andrej Petrovic University of Virginia, USA, Dr John Taylor University of Manchester, UK, and Dr Phillip Horky University of Durham, UK
  • Editorial board
Published for the The Classical Association

Greece & Rome is a journal which delivers scholarly research to a wider audience. It showcases original and informative articles on ancient history, literature, art, archaeology, religion, philosophy, and reception of the ancient world. Although its content reflects current research and its contributors include leading figures in the field, undergraduates and general readers who wish to be kept informed of current thinking will also find it engaging and accessible, as well as professional scholars in Classics and in other disciplines. With the wider audience in mind all Greek and Latin quotations are translated.

Classics « Cambridge Core Blog

  • Multimedia at Minoan Myrtos–Pyrgos, Crete
  • 19 February 2024, Judith Weingarten, Silvia Ferrara and Gerald Cadogan
  • It is rare in the scholarship of Bronze Age Crete, during a period as old as the third and second millennia BCE, to present an inclusive account and analysis...

