Do voters punish corrupt politicians at the ballot box? In principle, elections allow voters to vote corrupt candidates out of office (Besley Reference Besley2007). But, the empirical evidence is mixed: while some studies find evidence of punishment (e.g. Klašnja Reference Klašnja2015), others do not (e.g. Chang et al. Reference Chang, Golden and Hill2010). As a result, recent studies focus on identifying factors that mitigate the electoral sanctioning of corruption. For example, voters appear less willing to sanction corrupt politicians who belong to their preferred party (e.g. Anduiza et al. Reference Anduiza, Gallego and Muñoz2013). In this paper, we expand this emerging literature on the mitigating factors of corruption voting. Footnote 1
We use survey experiments to examine two important mitigating factors that have so far been studied only observationally or theoretically. We evaluate the extent to which corruption voting is mitigated when: (a) corruption is perceived to be widespread, potentially inducing voters to ignore it and focus on other aspects of politicians’ performance or character, and (b) corruption brings direct benefits to the constituency, potentially incentivizing voters to trade off these benefits for electoral support.
Survey experiments on vote choice do not necessarily match real-world voting (Boas et al. Reference Boas, Hidalgo and Melo2019), partly because voters need to coordinate their expectations (Arias et al. Reference Arias, Balan, Larreguy, Marshall and Querubin2019; Chang et al. Reference Chang, Golden and Hill2010). But, they do reveal something about public preferences (Hainmueller et al. Reference Hainmueller, Hangartner and Yamamoto2015), in themselves important objects of investigation. Here, we are less interested in the overall effect of corruption on voting than we are in different mitigating factors, results that are less likely to be driven by response biases. Moreover, studies like Ferraz and Finan (Reference Ferraz and Finan2008; but see Avis et al. Reference Avis, Ferraz and Finan2016: 21) and Klašnja (Reference Klašnja2015) have found substantial electoral costs for corrupt politicians, so it is unlikely that anti-corruption voting only appears in the artificial context of survey experiments.
Our second contribution is design-based. To date, most experimental studies on corruption and voting have tested one or two mitigating factors in isolation. Such approaches have several important limitations: (a) they provide little information about the relative importance of different mitigating factors; (b) they cannot shed light on potential interactions between different mitigating factors; and (c) treatment effects in such designs may be compounded, or even confounded, by other important factors that influence corruption voting but are left out (Dafoe et al. Reference Dafoe, Zhang and Caughey2018).
To address these limitations, we employ a conjoint experimental design that randomizes a larger number of experimental treatments within the same vignette (Hainmueller et al. Reference Hainmueller, Hopkins and Yamamoto2014). Footnote 2 We exploit this design to place our mitigating factors of interest in context by comparing them to two other mitigating factors: co-partisanship and voters’ general tolerance of corrupt behavior. We also examine interactions between our mitigating treatments and other factors, while controlling for a range of other features we know can affect corruption voting. These features ensure that our results generalize beyond prior experimental studies of corruption and voting. To increase the external validity, we also ran our experiment in three countries with different recent experiences with political corruption: Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay.
We find strong evidence of corruption voting: accusations of corruption decrease support by 65% compared to a candidate praised for efforts to stamp out corruption. While informing respondents that corruption was widespread in a candidate’s province does not mitigate the sanctioning of candidates for corruption, mentioning that corruption has brought construction jobs to the municipality – what we call side benefits – does, by a substantively meaningful 25%. The size of this mitigating effect is as large as the mitigation observed among individuals who find bribes justifiable, and considerably larger than co-partisanship. Footnote 3 Finally, while the mitigation due to side benefits broadly applies to a variety of contexts and respondent characteristics, it is more pronounced among citizens who are more likely to benefit from such rents.
Mitigating corruption voting
Under what circumstances do voters sanction corrupt politicians? To begin, standard accounts of corruption voting – where corruption is understood as a misuse of public resources for personal and/or political gains – suggest that less corruption is more desirable (e.g. Besley Reference Besley2007). Thus our first, baseline, hypothesis is:
• H1: Allegations of corrupt behavior will reduce support for a candidate.
Existing evidence in support of this basic prediction is mixed. One mitigating factor may be the prevalence of corruption in the wider context. When corruption is widespread, voters may choose to ignore it and focus on other aspects of a politician’s performance or character (e.g. Rose and Peiffer Reference Rose and Peiffer2015). They may also believe that there are few or no clean alternatives on offer (Meirowitz and Tucker Reference Meirowitz and Tucker2013) or that corrupt politicians are more effective than clean politicians (Klašnja et al. Reference Klašnja, Little and Tucker2018):
• H2a: Voters will punish corrupt candidates less when corrupt behavior is perceived as widespread.
Other studies suggest the opposite. Informing voters that corruption is widespread may increase the salience of corruption in voters’ minds (Klašnja et al. Reference Klašnja, Tucker and Deegan-Krause2016), a process observed more generally for political phenomena (e.g. Iyengar Reference Iyengar1990):
• H2b: Voters will punish corrupt candidates more when corrupt behavior is perceived as widespread.
It is difficult to establish empirically the effect of perceived corruption prevalence with observational data. Voters in higher-corruption contexts may conceptualize corruption differently than voters in low-corruption contexts (Pavão Reference Pavão2018). And voter indifference to corruption may be both a cause and a consequence of its prevalence. Our research design helps to address these challenges.
The second mitigating factor we examine is the provision of side benefits to voters. Corrupt politicians may be forgiven if they share some of the rents with voters (Barberá et al. Reference Barberá, Fernandez-Vazquez and Rivero2016). More broadly, punishment may be lower when incumbent performance is otherwise good (e.g. Klašnja and Tucker Reference Klašnja and Tucker2013; Zechmeister and Zizumbo-Colunga Reference Zechmeister and Zizumbo-Colunga2013):
• H3: Voters punish corrupt candidates less when corrupt behavior brings side benefits to constituents.
This expectation is also difficult to establish observationally. Corruption-induced benefits may be systematically different from benefits provided by a clean politician, eliciting distinct reactions from voters. Voters may forgive corrupt politicians during good times but not during bad times because of their preference for ability over honesty rather than because of their willingness to trade off corruption for benefits. Our approach allows us to control these aspects. Footnote 4
Our survey experiment also benchmarks the two potential factors mitigating corruption voting, by comparing them to two other mitigating factors originating at the individual level: (a) co-partisanship, whereby an individual may be less likely to sanction a corrupt politician from their preferred party (Anduiza et al. Reference Anduiza, Gallego and Muñoz2013; Solaz et al. Reference Solaz, De Vries and De Geus2019) and (b) an individual’s general tolerance for corruption (e.g. Barr and Serra Reference Barr and Serra2010).
Conjoint experiments in the southern cone
We fielded conjoint candidate choice experiments embedded in nationally representative surveys in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. All three surveys were fielded between March and May 2017 as part of LAPOP’s AmericasBarometer and include just over 1,500 respondents each. Footnote 5
We focus on these three countries because they offer useful contextual variation. All three have similar political systems and demographics, allowing us to use similar candidate vignettes. Yet they vary in theoretically meaningful ways: Argentina and Chile have lower levels of mass partisanship but higher levels of corruption perceptions than Uruguay, while bribery is considerably more frequent in Argentina than it is in Chile or Uruguay. Given such variation, to the extent that we find similar results across these different settings, we can be more confident that they are not just unique to a particular context.
In our experiment, we presented survey respondents with a short vignette about two hypothetical mayoral candidates, an incumbent and a challenger, running in a local election. Within the text of the vignette, we randomly varied six characteristics of the candidates and the electoral environment: (1) candidate gender, (2) party affiliation (left party, right party, or independent), (3) corruption record (accused of taking bribes or praised for efforts to stamp out bribery in their administration), (4) the information source for the bribery allegation/praise (left or right newspaper, or judicial officials), (5) a potentially mitigating corruption factor (corruption prevalence or the creation of construction jobs; applicable only when a candidate is accused of corruption), and (6) the state of the economy (improved or worsened since the last election; applicable only to the incumbent). We randomized each attribute independently for each candidate, allowing us to simultaneously estimate the causal effect of each characteristic (Hainmueller et al. Reference Hainmueller, Hopkins and Yamamoto2014). After showing respondents the vignette, we asked our key outcome question: “If you had to choose between these two candidates, for whom would you vote?” Footnote 6
When do voters sanction corrupt politicians?
To estimate treatment effects, we treat each hypothetical candidate as a unique case (i.e. there are two candidates for every respondent), following Hainmueller et al. (Reference Hainmueller, Hopkins and Yamamoto2014) (standard errors are clustered by respondent). We then estimate OLS models relating respondents’ choices to indicator variables for each treatment. Footnote 7 We pool estimates across the three countries and include country dummies in our specifications. Footnote 8 Since the economic performance attribute only applies to the incumbent candidate, we also control for incumbency and an interaction between economic performance and incumbency. Footnote 9
The top estimate in Figure 1 is strongly consistent with H1: corruption causes a large drop in respondents’ support, from about 53% for clean candidates to 18% for corrupt candidates – a 65% reduction. Footnote 10 The effects of the economy and co-partisanship are also not surprising: a poor economy decreases the probability of support; Footnote 11 belonging to a respondent’s preferred party increases it. Footnote 12
Figure 1 Conjoint experiment results.
Note: Values represent the difference in respondents’ propensity for supporting a hypothetical candidate based on each vignette characteristic. Lines represent 95% confidence intervals estimated using standard errors clustered by respondent. Estimates are based on OLS regressions reported in Supplementary Table A4.
While the corruption effect is sizable, it is similar in magnitude to other experimental studies from the region (for a review, see Boas et al. Reference Boas, Hidalgo and Melo2019). We suspect that the smaller magnitude of the partisanship effect is a consequence of weak partisanship, particularly in Argentina and Chile, where the effect is close to zero and statistically null (see Supplementary Figure A2). Footnote 13 Corruption voting also seems to be large relative to the effect of the economy, in contrast to some previous findings (Klašnja and Tucker Reference Klašnja and Tucker2013). But it is difficult to know how respondents envisioned the improved and worsened economic conditions signaled in the vignette, or how the magnitudes of these economic changes compared to the magnitude of corruption. Probing these contrasts is an interesting question for future research.
Prevalence and Side Benefits as Mitigating Factors
In Figure 2, we evaluate the evidence for hypotheses H2a (and H2b) and H3 on the mitigating effects of corruption prevalence and side benefits. As benchmarks, we also examine the mitigation due to co-partisanship and tolerance of corruption.
Figure 2 Contextual and individual factors mitigating corruption voting.
Note: Values represent the difference in respondents’ propensity for supporting a hypothetical candidate based on each vignette characteristic. Lines represent 95% confidence intervals estimated using standard errors clustered by respondent. Estimates are based on OLS regressions reported in Supplementary Table A4. Brackets list the difference between effects. *p < 0.1, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01
Informing respondents that corruption is widespread in a candidate’s province (the treatment we refer to in the Figures as “bribes common”) did nothing to mitigate the sanctioning of corruption: the difference between the top two values, the basic corruption treatment, and the prevalence treatment, is not statistically significant. This evidence is thus inconsistent with H2a and H2b. Footnote 14
Information about jobs created through corruption (the treatment we refer to in the Figures as “bribes but jobs”), however, noticeably mitigates the sanctioning of corruption: the difference between the first and third values, the basic corruption treatment and the side benefits treatment, is positive and statistically significant. The mention of corruption reduces the likelihood of voting for a candidate by 36 percentage points, but the side benefit of jobs decreases the corruption penalty from 36 to 27 percentage points (a 25% decrease). This mitigating effect is present in all three countries and to a very similar extent (Supplementary Table A7), bolstering our confidence in uncovering a general pattern.
The second and third sets of values in Figure 2 show the effects of co-partisanship and corruption tolerance. We do not observe co-partisan bias in the propensity to punish corrupt politicians (the difference between the two values under Co-partisan bias); quite the opposite: respondents were on average more likely to punish co-partisan corrupt candidates, by nearly 11 percentage points. Footnote 15 This result is less surprising, however, given that partisan attachments are fairly weak in our three countries.
On the other hand, citizens who are more tolerant of corruption are on average less likely to sanction corrupt politicians. To measure corruption tolerance, we use a binary survey item (asked before the experiment) that measured the extent to which respondents find it justifiable to pay a bribe (see Section A5 of the appendix for wording). The extent of mitigation produced by corrupt side benefits is virtually identical in size to that arising from individuals’ tolerance of bribery. Note that these two mitigating factors appear to be additive: when the corrupt jobs treatment is interacted with individuals’ bribe tolerance, the extent of mitigation is essentially doubled and statistically significant.
Conditions Amplifying the Mitigating Effect of Side Benefits
Figure 3 explores the conditions that may make the mitigating effect of corruption’s side benefits particularly pronounced. In our vignette, the corrupt side benefit takes the form of construction jobs, typically positions held by individuals with lower levels of education and wealth. Footnote 16 We indeed find that such respondents are more willing to trade off corruption for jobs than other respondents, as shown in Figure 3. The mitigating effect of side benefits on sanctioning corruption is six percentage points higher among respondents with lower levels of education, a result that is in line with Truex (Reference Truex2011). And it is five percentage points higher among less wealthy respondents. Footnote 17 Both of these effects persist even when controlling for the other characteristic.
Figure 3 What conditions amplify the mitigating effect of side benefits?.
Note: Values represent the difference in respondents’ propensity for supporting a hypothetical candidate based on each vignette characteristic. Lines represent 95% confidence intervals estimated using standard errors clustered by respondent. Estimates are based on OLS regressions reported in Supplementary Table A4. Brackets list the difference between effects. *p < 0.1, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01
Other measures of economic vulnerability generally seem to amplify the mitigating effect of side benefits on corruption sanctioning, though with less statistical precision. Supplementary Figure A6 shows that economic downturns (based on our experimental manipulation) and being unemployed correlate positively with accepting corruption in exchange for construction jobs. Overall, these findings suggest that beneficiaries from the side benefits of corruption are somewhat less likely to sanction it, although the mitigating effect of corrupt side benefits is quite broad, applying to a variety of scenarios and respondents. Footnote 18
Studying the effect of corruption on voter behavior is challenging. Observational studies potentially suffer from problems of identification, especially since more popular incumbents may be more inclined to engage in corruption. Experimental studies, on the other hand, have mostly focused on one hypothesized variable at a time. This too is limiting because other important factors may be omitted.
Our conjoint experimental design addresses these limitations. Drawing on data from identical experiments in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay, we find that corruption accusations indeed strongly (negatively) affect candidate support. Influencing respondents’ perceptions about how widespread corruption is does not alter the corruption sanction. However, corrupt candidates who are reported to have brought jobs to their constituency are punished substantially less, especially by citizens with lower socioeconomic status. This mitigating effect is as large as that among citizens who find bribes justifiable and much larger than the inclination to forgive corruption by candidates from one’s preferred party.
There are doubtless scope conditions on our inferences from the Southern Cone. For one, self-reported partisanship in our cases is low in comparison to rates typical in many developed democracies. This may help explain why we do not see partisanship mitigating much of the corruption sanction. It would thus be beneficial to replicate similar conjoint experiments in other democracies with higher levels of partisanship.
Future studies might also leverage other aspects of our experiment. For example, our design included partisan media sources of corruption accusations, but we do not dwell on those results here. Scholars interested in those findings, and perhaps the individual characteristics that condition its effects, could further analyze our experiments. Indeed, the data are already publicly available through LAPOP.
Finally, our conjoint design could be extended to include additional conditions. For instance, future experiments could compare the effects of different side benefits from corruption or include comparisons with other candidate characteristics, such as race or class, or policy platforms.
Supplementary material
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