1 Introduction
A continuum is a compact, connected metric space. A point x in a plane continuum $X\subset \mathbb R^2$ is buried if x is not in the boundary (or frontier) of any component of $\mathbb R ^2\setminus X$ . We denote by $\operatorname {\mathrm {bur}}(X)$ the set of all buried points of X. Note that $\operatorname {\mathrm {bur}}(X)$ is a $G_{\delta }$ -set.
Motivation to study buried points comes from complex dynamics. Specifically, one of the difficult problems in complex dynamics asks whether $\operatorname {\mathrm {bur}}(J(R))$ must be zero-dimensional in case it is punctiform, where $J(R)$ is the Julia set of a rational function on the sphere $\mathbb C_\infty $ . The Devaney–Rocha examples of Sierpiński gasket like Julia sets have this property. Curry, Mayer, and Tymchatyn proposed to study it from a purely topological point of view. For more details, see [Reference Curry and Mayer1, Reference Curry, Mayer and Tymchatyn2, Reference Devaney, Rocha and Siegmund4].
In [Reference van Mill and Tuncali9, Proposition 3.1], van Mill and Tuncali prove that the set of buried points of a plane continuum can be a Cantor set. They use this to provide in §4 of their paper an example of a plane Suslinian continuum whose set of buried points is totally disconnected and weakly $1$ -dimensional. Their example answers in the negative Question 1 of Curry, Mayer, and Tymchatyn [Reference Curry, Mayer and Tymchatyn2], concerning whether or not a set of buried points is zero-dimensional provided it is totally disconnected. Note that if a plane continuum is regular (that is, has a basis of open sets with finite boundaries), then the set of buried points is either empty or zero-dimensional (see [Reference Curry, Mayer and Tymchatyn2, Theorem 3]).
Curry et al. showed that if X is a plane continuum with complementary components whose boundaries are locally connected and $\operatorname {\mathrm {bur}}(X)$ is Suslinian, then in fact X has to be Suslinian [Reference Curry, Mayer and Tymchatyn2, Theorem 6]. This is the case for the example in [Reference van Mill and Tuncali9, Section 4] (the buried point set in that example is even totally disconnected). However, it is not locally connected. A plane continuum X is locally connected if and only if the boundaries of complementary components are locally connected and form a null-sequence [Reference Whyburn13, VI Theorem 4.4]. Using this fact, we construct in §5 a locally connected plane continuum whose set of buried points is totally disconnected but not zero-dimensional. The set at which the buried points are $1$ -dimensional is countable. This is sharp according to the following theorem, which we prove in §3.
Theorem A Let X be a Suslinian plane continuum. If $Y\subset X$ is a totally disconnected Borel set, then Y is zero-dimensional at all but countably many points.
Corollary B Let X a plane continuum such that the boundary of each component of $\mathbb R^2\setminus X$ is locally connected (e.g. X is locally connected). If $\,\operatorname {\mathrm {bur}}(X)$ is totally disconnected, then $\operatorname {\mathrm {bur}}(X)$ is zero-dimensional at all but countably many points.
Countable sets are zero-dimensional, so under the assumptions of Corollary B the buried set is either zero-dimensional or weakly $1$ -dimensional. There is no almost zero-dimensional, weakly $1$ -dimensional space [Reference Lipham7, Theorem 1]. Therefore, $\operatorname {\mathrm {bur}}(X)$ cannot be almost zero-dimensional in the proper sense (cf. [Reference Curry and Mayer1, Question 2.7]). To summarize:
Corollary C Let X be a plane continuum such that each component of $\mathbb R^2\setminus X$ has locally connected boundary (e.g. X is locally connected).
(i) If $\,\operatorname {\mathrm {bur}}(X)$ is totally disconnected, then $\operatorname {\mathrm {bur}}(X)$ is at most weakly $1$ -dimensional.
(ii) If $\,\operatorname {\mathrm {bur}}(X)$ is almost zero-dimensional, then $\operatorname {\mathrm {bur}}(X)$ is zero-dimensional.
It is still unknown whether the Julia set of a rational function may have a buried set which is totally disconnected but not zero-dimensional (cf. [Reference Curry, Mayer and Tymchatyn2, Question 3]).
2 Definitions
All spaces under consideration are assumed to be separable and metrizable.
A space X is Suslinian if each collection of pairwise disjoint nondegenerate continua in X is countable.
A space X is totally disconnected if every two points of X are contained in disjoint clopen sets, and zero-dimensional if X has a basis of clopen sets. Respectively, X is zero-dimensional at $x\in X$ if the point x has a neighborhood basis of clopen sets (written $\operatorname {\mathrm {ind}}_x X=0$ , cf. [Reference Engelking3, Problem 1.1.B]).
A space X is almost zero-dimensional if X has a basis of open sets whose closures are intersections of clopen sets [Reference Lipham7, Reference Oversteegen and Tymchatyn12]. Observe that every almost zero-dimensional space is totally disconnected.
The dimensional kernel of a $1$ -dimensional space X is defined to be the set of points at which X is not zero-dimensional; $\Lambda (X)=\{x\in X:\operatorname {\mathrm {ind}}_x X=1\}.$ A $1$ -dimensional space X is weakly $\mathbf {1}$ -dimensional if $\Lambda (X)$ is zero-dimensional.
A domain is a connected open subset of the plane or topological $2$ -sphere. If X is a continuum on the $2$ -sphere, then each complementary component of X is a simply connected domain. Riemann’s mapping theorem implies that every simply connected domain $U\subset \mathbb C$ is homeomorphic to the unit disc $\{z\in \mathbb C:|z|<1\}$ . Carathéodory’s theorem implies moreover that if $\partial U$ is a simple closed curve then $\overline U$ is homeomorphic to the closed unit disc $\{z\in \mathbb C:|z|\leq 1\}$ .
3 Main result
Suppose that X is a continuum and $Y\subset X$ . For each $y\in Y$ let $\mathcal U_y$ be the collection of all open subsets U of X such that $y\in U$ and $\partial U\subset X\setminus Y$ . For each $y\in Y$ put
Lemma 1 If Y is totally disconnected and $y\in \Lambda (Y)$ , then $F(y)$ is a nondegenerate subcontinuum of X and $F(y)\cap Y = \{y\}$ .
Proof Suppose $F(y)=\{y\}$ is degenerate. We show that Y is zero-dimensional at y. Let V be an arbitrary relatively open subset of Y that contains y. Pick an open subset W of X such that $W \cap Y = V$ . Since $F(y) = \{y\} \subset V$ , there is by compactness an element $U \in \mathcal U_y$ such that $\overline {U} \subset W$ . But then $y \in U \cap Y \subset V$ , and $U \cap Y$ is clopen in Y.
Now suppose that $y\in Y$ and $z\in Y\setminus \{y\}$ . Pick by total disconnectedness of Y clopen subsets $C_0$ and $C_1 = Y \setminus C_0$ of Y such that $y \in C_0$ and $z \in C_1$ . There are disjoint open subsets $V_0$ and $V_1$ of X such that $V_0 \cap Y = C_0$ and $V_1 \cap Y = C_1$ . Observe that the boundary of $V_0$ is contained in $X \setminus Y$ . Since $V_1 \cap V_0 = \varnothing $ , this shows that $z \notin F(y).$ Hence, $F(y)\cap Y = \{y\}$ .
It remains to prove $F(y)$ is connected. Just suppose $F(y) = A \cup B$ where A and B are disjoint closed sets with $y \in A$ . Let U and V be disjoint open neighborhoods of A and B in X, respectively. By compactness, there exists $W \in \mathcal U_y$ such that $\overline W \subset U \cup V$ . Then $W \cap U \in \mathcal U_y$ , so $B = \varnothing .$
Remark 1 If X is locally connected and $U\in \mathcal U_y$ , then the connected component of y in U is path-connected and belongs to $\mathcal U_y$ .
Lemma 2 Let S be a circle in the plane, and $a_1,a_2,a_3,a_4$ four points of S in cyclic order. Let $A_i$ , $i\in \{1,2,3,4\}$ , be pairwise disjoint arcs intersecting S only at an endpoint $a_i$ , with opposite endpoints $b_i$ in the bounded component of $\mathbb R ^2\setminus S$ , denoted $\operatorname {\mathrm {int}}(S)$ .
If $K\subset \mathbb R ^2\setminus (A_2\cup S\cup A_4)$ is a continuum containing $b_1$ and $b_3$ , then $b_2$ and $b_4$ are in different components of $\mathbb R^2\setminus (A_1\cup S\cup A_3\cup K).$
Proof We may assume that S is the unit circle in the complex plane $ \mathbb C$ , and
Let $\gamma \subset \mathbb C\setminus (A_1\cup S\cup A_3)$ be any arc from $b_2$ to $b_4$ . We will show that $\gamma $ intersects K. This will imply that $b_2$ and $b_4$ are in different components of $\mathbb C\setminus (A_1\cup S\cup A_3\cup K)$ , as all such components are path-connected.
In $\gamma \cup A_2\cup A_4$ , there is an arc $\hat \gamma $ intersecting S only at endpoints $\pm {\mathrm {i}}$ . Let $\alpha $ and $\beta $ be the left and right halves of the circle S. By the $\theta $ -curve theorem [Reference Munkres10, Lemma 64.1], $\text {int}(S)\setminus \hat \gamma $ is the union of two disjoint domains U and V whose boundaries are $\alpha \cup \hat \gamma $ and $\hat \gamma \cup \beta $ , respectively. Let W be an open ball centered at $-1$ that misses $\hat \gamma $ . Then $W\cap \text {int}(S)\subset U\cup V$ . Since $W\cap \text {int}(S)$ is connected and $-1\in \partial U$ , we have $W\cap \text {int}(S)\subset U$ . Thus, $U\cap A_3\neq \varnothing $ . It follows that $A_3\setminus \{-1\}\subset U$ . Thus, $b_3\in U$ . Likewise, $b_1\in V$ . Now K is a connected subset of $\text {int}(S)$ meeting both U and V. So $K\cap \hat \gamma \neq \varnothing $ . Therefore, $K\cap \gamma \neq \varnothing $ .
We can now prove Theorem A for locally connected X.
Theorem 3 Let X be a locally connected Suslinian plane continuum. If $Y\subset X$ is a totally disconnected Borel set, then $\Lambda (Y)$ is countable.
Proof For a contradiction suppose that $Y\subset X$ is totally disconnected and Borel, and $Z=\Lambda (Y)$ is uncountable. By Lemma 1 there exists $\varepsilon>0$ such that for uncountably many z’s, $\operatorname {\mathrm {diam}}(F(z))\geq 5\varepsilon $ . The set of all z’s with this property is closed in Y, thus it is Borel and contains a Cantor set. Let us just assume that $Z $ is a Cantor set in Y with the property $\operatorname {\mathrm {diam}}(F(z))\geq 5 \varepsilon $ for each $z\in Z$ . We may further assume that Z lies inside of an open ball of radius $\varepsilon $ centered at one of its points. Let S and $S'$ be the circles of radii $\varepsilon $ and $2\varepsilon $ , respectively, centered at the point. Observe that every $F(z)$ crosses $S'$ .
In the claims below, all boundaries are respective to X (not $\mathbb R ^2$ ).
Claim 4 Let U be an open subset of X intersecting Z with $\partial U\subset (X\setminus Y)\cup S$ . Then for every point $p\in \mathbb R^2$ there exists a connected open set $W\subset U$ intersecting Z such that $p\notin \overline W$ and $\partial W\subset (X\setminus Y)\cup S$ .
Proof of Claim 4 For each z in the uncountable set $Z\cap U\setminus \{p\}$ there is a nondegenerate continuum $K(z)\subset F(z)$ containing z and missing $S\cup \{p\}$ . Just take any closed neighborhood N of z missing $S\cup \{p\}$ , and let $K(z)$ be the component of z in $F(z)\cap N$ ; by the boundary bumping theorem [Reference Nadler11, Theorem 5.4] $K(z)$ is nondegenerate. Note that $K(z)\cap Y=\{z\}$ by Lemma 1.
By the Suslinian property of X there exist
such that $K(z_i)\cap K(z_1)\neq \varnothing $ for each $i\in \{2,3,4\}$ . Let $U_i\in \mathcal U_{z_i}$ be pairwise disjoint. By Remark 1, we may assume that each $U_i$ is path-connected. Since $F(z_i)$ extends beyond $S'$ , so does $U_i$ . Thus, there is an arc $A_i\subset U_i$ from $z_i$ to $a_i\in S'$ that intersects $S'$ only at $a_i$ . By a permutation of indices $i\in \{2,3,4\}$ , we may assume that the $a_i$ ’s are in cyclic order around $S'$ . Let $K=K(z_1)\cup K(z_3)$ . Note that $p\notin K$ .
Case 1: $p\in U_1\cup S'\cup U_3$ . Let W be the component of $z_2$ in $U_2\cap U\setminus S$ . Then W is a connected open subset of U intersecting Z, with $p\notin \overline W$ . Note also that W is clopen in $U_2\cap U\setminus S$ , which means that $\partial W\subset \partial (U_2\cap U\setminus S)$ . The boundary of any finite intersection of open sets is contained in the union of the individual boundaries. Therefore, $\partial W\subset \partial U_2 \cup \partial U\cup \partial (X\setminus S)\subset (X\setminus Y)\cup S$ .
Case 2: $p\notin U_1\cup S'\cup U_3$ . Then certainly $p\notin A_1\cup S'\cup A_3$ and since $p\notin K$ we find that $p\in O=\mathbb R^2\setminus (A_1\cup S'\cup A_3\cup K)$ . By Lemma 2, $z_2$ and $z_4$ are in different components of O. Of these two components, at least one does not contain p. Let’s say that V is the component of $z_2$ in O, and $p\notin V$ . The component of p in O is an open set missing V, so $p\notin \overline V$ . Let W be the component of $z_2$ in $U_2\cap U \cap V\setminus S$ . Then W is a connected open subset of U intersecting Z, and $p\notin \overline {W}$ . It remains to show that $\partial W\subset (X\setminus Y)\cup S$ . Note the following:
• $\partial V\subset A_1\cup S'\cup A_3\cup K$ ;
• $\overline W$ misses $A_1\cup A_3$ because $W\subset U_2$ ;
• $\overline W$ misses $S'$ because it lies in the closed disc bounded by S.
Hence, $\overline {W}\cap \partial V\subset K\setminus \{z_1,z_3\}\subset X\setminus Y.$ We conclude that
This completes the proof of Claim 4.
Claim 5 Let U be an open subset of X intersecting Z with $\partial U\subset (X\setminus Y)\cup S$ . Then there are connected open subsets $W_1$ and $W_2$ of U each intersecting Z, with disjoint closures, such that $\partial W_i\subset (X\setminus Y)\cup S$ .
Proof of Claim 5 Let $z_1,z_2,z_3,z_4\in Z\cap U$ . Let $U_i\in \mathcal U_{z_i}$ be pairwise disjoint and path-connected. Let $A_i$ be an arc in $U_i$ from $z_i$ to $a_i\in S'$ , intersecting $S'$ only at $a_i$ . We may assume that the $a_i$ ’s are in cyclic order. Let $V_i$ be the component of $z_i$ in $U_i\cap U\setminus S$ . Assume that $\overline {V_1}$ and $ \overline {V_3}$ have a common point p (if they are disjoint then we’re done). Note that $p\notin U_2\cup U_4$ , so $p\notin A_2\cup A_4\cup V_2\cup V_4$ .
By Claim 4, there exist $z_2',z_4'\in Z$ and connected open subsets $W_2$ and $W_4$ of $V_2$ and $V_4$ whose closures miss p, such that $z_i'\in W_i$ and $\partial W_i\subset (X\setminus Y)\cup S$ . For each $i\in \{2,4\}$ , working within $V_i$ we can modify $A_i$ to an arc $A_i'$ that ends at $z_i'$ instead of $z_i$ . The other endpoint of $A_i'$ is still $a_i$ , and $p\notin A_i'$ . Let V be a connected neighborhood of p with closure missing $\overline {W_2}\cup \overline {W_4}\cup S'\cup A_2'\cup A_4'$ . For each $i\in \{1,3\}$ let $B_i$ be an arc in $V_i$ from $z_i$ into V. Let $K=B_1\cup B_3\cup \overline V$ . By Lemma 2, $z_2'$ and $z_4'$ are in different components of $\mathbb R^2\setminus (A_1\cup S'\cup A_3\cup K)$ . The continua $\overline {W_2}$ and $\overline {W_4}$ are contained in these components, hence they are disjoint.
By Claim 5, there are two connected open sets $W_{\langle 0\rangle }$ and $W_{\langle 1\rangle }$ in $X\setminus S$ , intersecting Z, with disjoint closures and boundaries in $(X\setminus Y)\cup S$ . Assuming that $\alpha \in 2^{<\mathbb N}$ is a finite binary sequence and $W_{\alpha }$ has been defined, apply Claim 5 to get connected open subsets $W_{\alpha ^\frown 0}$ and $W_{\alpha ^\frown 1}$ of $W_\alpha $ , each intersecting Z, with disjoint closures and boundaries in $(X\setminus Y)\cup S$ . Their boundaries must meet S because each $F(z)$ meets $S'$ . So for every infinite sequence $\alpha \in 2^{\mathbb N}$ ,
is a continuum in X stretching from Z to S. Clearly if $\alpha \neq \beta $ then $K_{\alpha }$ and $K_{\beta }$ are disjoint. Therefore, $\{K_\alpha :\alpha \in 2^{\mathbb N}\}$ is an uncountable collection of pairwise disjoint nondegenerate subcontinua of X, a contradiction to the Suslinian property of X. Hence, $\Lambda (Y)$ must have been countable. This completes the proof of Theorem 3.
Theorem A is a direct consequence of Theorem 3 and:
Theorem 6 Every Suslinian plane continuum is contained in a locally connected Suslinian plane continuum.
Proof Let X be a Suslinian plane continuum. Let $U_0,U_1,U_2,\ldots $ be the connected components of $\mathbb R^2\setminus X$ with $U_0$ unbounded. In each domain $U_m$ , there is a sequence $S^m_0,S^m_1\ldots $ of disjoint, concentric simple closed curves limiting to the boundary of $U_m$ . Let $A^0_0=\varnothing $ , and for each $m\geq 1$ let $A^m_0$ be the closed topological disc in $U_m$ that is bounded by $S^m_0$ . For each $n\geq 1$ , let $A^m_n$ be the closed annulus in $U_m$ that is bounded by $S^m_{n-1}$ and $S^m_{n}$ . In $A^m_n$ there is a finite collection of arcs $\mathcal I^m_n$ covering $\partial A^m_n$ such that each component of $A^m_n\setminus \bigcup \mathcal I^m_n$ has diameter less than $1/(m+n)$ . We can easily arrange that the boundaries of these components are simple closed curves, and $X^m_n=\bigcup \mathcal I^m_n$ is connected. For the reader who’d like more details, one can assume that X is a subset of the Riemann sphere $\hat {\mathbb C}=\mathbb C\cup \{\infty \}$ , so that all complementary components of X are simply connected. Let $\mathbb D=\{z\in \mathbb C:|z|<1\}$ . Given a component U of $\hat {\mathbb C}\setminus X$ , apply the Riemann mapping theorem to get a continuous bijection $f:\mathbb D\to U$ and transfer the circles $\{z\in \mathbb C:|z|=1-2^{-n}\}$ to U to get the curves $S_n$ . Apply uniform continuity on each compact annulus $ \{z\in \mathbb C : 1-2^{-n} \leq |z| \leq 1-2^{-n-1}\}$ to divide it further into a grid whose cells have images with a small enough diameter. See Figure 2.
The components of $\mathbb R^2\setminus X'$ form a null sequence of domains whose boundaries are simple closed curves, so the continuum $X'$ is locally connected [Reference Whyburn13, VI Theorem 4.4]. Moreover, $X'$ is Suslinian because $X' \setminus X$ is a countable union of arcs.
4 Examples
First, we describe a locally connected extension of the continuum in [Reference van Mill and Tuncali9] with the same buried set, which is the totally disconnected and weakly $1$ -dimensional space by Kuratowski [Reference Kuratowski6], [Reference Engelking3, Exercise 1.2.E].
Remark 2 Kuratowski’s space K is the graph of a particular function $f:C\to [-1,1]$ defined on the middle-thirds Cantor set C. It has a simple algebraic formula based on binary representations of members of C (see §4 of [Reference van Mill and Tuncali9]). Clearly K is totally disconnected, and it is weakly $1$ -dimensional by the following. Let $C_1$ be the countable set consisting of $0$ and all right endpoints of the intervals
removed from $[0,1]$ to obtain C. For every $x\in C_1$ , it happens that K is $1$ -dimensional at $\langle x,f(x)\rangle $ . On the other hand, f is continuous at each point of $C_0=C\setminus C_1$ . Hence, if $x\in C_0$ , then K is zero-dimensional at $\langle x,f(x)\rangle $ . Therefore,
and K is weakly $1$ -dimensional.
See Figure 3 for an illustration of K and its closure in $C\times [-1,1]$ .
Example 1 There exists a locally connected plane continuum whose buried set is totally disconnected and $1$ -dimensional.
Proof Let Z be the plane continuum from [Reference van Mill and Tuncali9] which has $\operatorname {\mathrm {bur}}(Z)=K$ . By construction, $\mathbb R^2 \setminus Z $ is a countable union of disjoint connected open sets with simple closed curves as boundaries. One complementary component of Z, say $W_0$ , is unbounded and the others, say $W_1, W_2, \ldots $ , form a sequence of bounded domains. Let $\mathcal I_n$ , for $n \geq 1$ , be a finite set of arcs in $\overline {W_n}$ such that the collection $\mathcal V_n$ of components of $W_n \setminus \bigcup \mathcal I_n$ has mesh less than $1/n$ . We can easily arrange that the boundary of every element of $\mathcal V_n$ is a simple closed curve, and $Z_n=\partial W_n\cup \bigcup \mathcal I_n$ is connected. Here one can even apply Carathéodory’s theorem to get $Z_n$ from a grid in the closed unit disc. As in Theorem 6,
is a locally connected continuum. Clearly, $\operatorname {\mathrm {bur}}(Z) \subset \operatorname {\mathrm {bur}}(Z')$ . For the other inclusion, note that points in $Z' \setminus Z$ have finite graph neighborhoods in $Z'$ , so are not in $\operatorname {\mathrm {bur}}(Z')$ . Now suppose $z\in Z\setminus \operatorname {\mathrm {bur}}(Z)$ . Then $z\in \partial W_n$ for some n, and there exists $V\in \mathcal V_n$ such that $z \in \partial V$ . So $z\notin \operatorname {\mathrm {bur}}(Z')$ . We conclude that $\operatorname {\mathrm {bur}}(Z') = \operatorname {\mathrm {bur}}(Z)=K$ .
The next example shows that Theorem A is false outside of the plane. By a dendroid, we shall mean a hereditarily unicoherent, arcwise-connected continuum.
Example 2 There exists a Suslinian dendroid whose endpoint set is totally disconnected and $1$ -dimensional at every point.
We briefly indicate the construction of such an example below. For further details, see [Reference Lipham8, Section 5.3].
Begin with a Lelek function $\varphi :C\to [0,1]$ whose positive graph
is $1$ -dimensional at every point [Reference Dijkstra and van Mill5]. Let
The quotient of L that is obtained by shrinking $C\times \{0\}$ to a point is a continuum known as the Lelek fan. We will identify arcs in $L\setminus E$ to produce a Suslinian continuum (a dendroid, in fact) that homeomorphically contains E.
For each $n=1,2,3,\ldots $ let $\mathscr C_n$ be the natural partition of C into $2^n$ pairwise disjoint intervals of length $3^{-n}$ . For each $i=1,\ldots ,2^n-1$ define
Put $\langle x,0\rangle \sim \langle x',0\rangle $ for all $x,x'\in C$ . If $y>0$ then define $\langle x,y\rangle \sim \langle x',y\rangle $ if there exists $n,i$ such that $x,x'\in A_{n,i}$ belong to the same member of $\mathscr C_n$ , and $y\leq i/2^n$ . It is possible to see that $\sim $ is an equivalence relation, the equivalence classes under $\sim $ form an upper semicontinuous decomposition of L, and the quotient $D=L/\sim $ is a Suslinian dendroid with endpoint set E.
Remark 3 The endpoint set of a smooth dendroid is always $G_{\delta }$ ; therefore, E is Borel and Polish.