1. Introduction
Let $\{ (\varphi(t)):t\geq 0\}$ be an irreducible, positive-recurrent, continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC) with some finite state space $\mathcal{S}=\{1,2,\ldots ,n\}$ and infinitesimal generator T. Let $\{(\varphi(t),X(t)):t\geq 0\}$ be a Markovian stochastic fluid model (SFM) [Reference Ahn and Ramaswami2, Reference Ahn and Ramaswami3, Reference Ahn and Ramaswami4, Reference Asmussen7, Reference Bean, O’Reilly and Taylor15, Reference Bean, O’Reilly and Taylor16, Reference Bean, O’Reilly and Taylor17, Reference Ramaswami43, Reference Ramaswami44], with phase variable $\varphi(t)\in\mathcal{S}$, level variable $X(t)\geq 0$, and constant rates $c_i\in\mathbb{R}$, for all $i\in\mathcal{S}$. The model assumes that when $\varphi(t)=i$ and $X(t)>0$, the rate at which the level is changing is $c_i$, and when $\varphi(t)=i$ and $X(t)=0$, the rate at which the level is changing is $max\{0,c_i\}$. Therefore, we refer to the CTMC $\{ (\varphi(t)):t\geq 0\}$ as the process that is driving (or modulating) the SFM $\{(\varphi(t),X(t)):t\geq 0\}$.
SFMs are a key class of models in the theory of matrix-analytic methods [Reference He29, Reference Latouche and Ramaswami36, Reference Latouche37], which comprises methodologies for the analysis of Markov chains and Markovian-modulated models that lead to efficient algorithms for numerical computation.
Let $\mathcal{S}_1=\{i\in\mathcal{S}:c_i>0\}$, $\mathcal{S}_2=\{i\in\mathcal{S}:c_i<0\}$, $\mathcal{S}_0=\{i\in\mathcal{S}:c_i=0\}$, and partition the generator as
according to $\mathcal{S}=\mathcal{S}_1\cup\mathcal{S}_2\cup\mathcal{S}_0$.
We assume that the process is stable; that is,
where $\boldsymbol{\xi}=[\xi_i]_{i\in\mathcal{S}}$ is the stationary distribution vector of the Markov chain $\{(\varphi(t)):t\geq 0\}$.
So far, the analysis of SFMs has focused on the transient and stationary behaviour. In this paper, we are interested in the behaviour of the process conditional on absorption not having taken place, where absorption means that the busy period of the process has ended, that is, the process has not hit the level zero as yet. For $x\geq 0$, let $\theta(x)=\inf\{t>0:X(t)=x\}$ be the first time at which the process reaches level x. To this end, we define the following quantity, referred to as the Yaglom limit.
Definition 1. Define the matrix $\boldsymbol{\mu}(dy)^{(x)}=[\mu(dy)^{(x)}_{ij}]_{i,j\in\mathcal{S}}$, $x,y> 0$, such that
and the matrix $\boldsymbol{\mu}(dy)^{(0)}=[\mu(dy)^{(0)}_{ij}]_{i\in\mathcal{S}_1,j\in\mathcal{S}}$, $y> 0$, such that
whenever the limit exists. We refer to $\mu(dy)^{(x)}_{ij}$ as the limiting conditional distribution (Yaglom limit) of observing the process in level y and phase j, given that the process started from level x in phase i at time zero and has been evolving without hitting level zero.
Remark 1. In general, for Markov processes there are no sufficient conditions that we can refer to under which the Yaglom limit or quasi-stationary distribution exists. Usually, the existence of the Yaglom limit is proved case by case. Here, we prove that it exists for our model.
We partition $\boldsymbol{\mu}(dy)^{(x)}$, $x>0$, according to $\mathcal{S}_1\cup\mathcal{S}_2\cup\mathcal{S}_0 \times \mathcal{S}_1\cup\mathcal{S}_2\cup\mathcal{S}_0$ as
and partition its row sums accordingly, as
where ${\boldsymbol{1}}$ denotes a vector of ones of appropriate size, so that $\boldsymbol{\mu}(dy)^{(x)}_{1}=\boldsymbol{\mu}(dy)^{(x)}_{11}{\boldsymbol{1}}+\boldsymbol{\mu}(dy)^{(x)}_{12}{\boldsymbol{1}}+\boldsymbol{\mu}(dy)^{(x)}_{10}{\boldsymbol{1}}$, and so on.
We partition $\boldsymbol{\mu}(dy)^{(0)}$ according to $\mathcal{S}_1\times\mathcal{S}_1\cup\mathcal{S}_2\cup\mathcal{S}_0$ as
and let
This paper is the first analysis of the Yaglom limit of SFMs. We derive expressions for the Yaglom limit, show its uniqueness, and illustrate the theory with simple examples. The Yaglom limit concerns some Markov process X(t) and some almost surely finite absorption time $\theta$ (usually the first exit time from some set, such as a positive half-line), and is defined by
It describes the state of the Markov system conditioned on surviving killing coming from $\theta$ for a very long time. The Yaglom limit is strongly related to the so-called quasi-stationary distribution, which satisfies
see for example [Reference Darroch and Seneta21]. In particular, the Yaglom limit $\mu$ (if it exists) is necessarily quasi-stationary, but it may be difficult to show its uniqueness [Reference Asmussen8, Section 3]. In other words, there might be more quasi-stationary laws, and the Yaglom limit might be one of them. It might be the case as well that there exists a quasi-stationary distribution but that the Yaglom limit is not well-defined.
A related class of models in the theory of matrix-analytic methods is that of quasi-birth-and-death processes (QBDs) [Reference Latouche and Ramaswami36], in which the level variable is discrete. The quasi-stationary analysis of QBDs has been provided in [Reference Bean10, Reference Bean, Pollett and Taylor11, Reference Bean, Pollett and Taylor12], along with several examples of areas of applications, which are relevant here as well, due to the similar application potential of QBDs and SFMs [Reference Bean and O’Reilly13].
Information on quasi-stationary distributions for other Markov processes can be found in the classical works of Seneta and Vere-Jones [Reference Seneta and Vere-Jones45], Tweedie [Reference Tweedie46], and Jacka and Roberts [Reference Jacka and Roberts32]. The bibliographic database of Pollet [Reference Pollett42] gives a detailed history of quasi-stationary distributions. In particular, Yaglom [Reference Yaglom48] was the first to explicitly identify quasi-stationary distributions for the subcritical Bienaymé–Galton–Watson branching process. Some of the results on quasi-stationary distributions concern Markov chains on the positive integers with an absorbing state at the origin [Reference Collet, Martnez and San Martn20, Reference Ferrari, Kesten, Martínez and Picco23, Reference Flaspohler and Holmes25, Reference Seneta and Vere-Jones45, Reference Van Doorn47, Reference Zhang, Li and Song49]. Other objects of study are the extinction probabilities for continuous-time branching processes and the Fleming–Viot processes [Reference Asselah, Ferrari, Groisman and Jonckheere9, Reference Ferrari and Marić24, Reference Lambert35]. A separate topic is that of Lévy processes exiting from the positive half-line or a cone. Here the case of the Brownian motion with drift was resolved by Martínez and San Martín [Reference Martnez and San Martn40], complementing the result for random walks obtained by Iglehart [Reference Iglehart31]. The case of more general Lévy processes was studied by [Reference Bogdan, Palmowski and Wang19, Reference Kyprianou and Palmowski33, Reference Kyprianou34, Reference Mandjes, Palmowski and Rolski39]. One-dimensional self-similar processes, including the symmetric $\alpha$-stable Lévy process, were subject of interest in [Reference Haas and Rivero28].
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we define the Laplace–Stieltjes transforms (LSTs) which form the key building blocks of the analysis, and in Section 3 we outline the approach based on the Heaviside principle. The key results of this paper are contained in Section 4. To illustrate the theory we construct a simple example with scalar parameters, which we analyse throughout the paper, as we introduce the theory. In Section 5 we analyse another example, with matrix parameters, where we provide some numerical output as well.
2. The Laplace–Stieltjes transforms
Note that by Definition 1, for $x\geq 0$,
For all $x\geq 0$ and $y>0$, define the matrix ${\textbf{E}}(dy)^{(x)}(s)=[E(dy)^{(x)}_{ij}(s)]_{i,j\in\mathcal{S}}$ and the vector ${\textbf{E}}^{(x)}(s)=[E^{(x)}_i(s)]_{i\in\mathcal{S}}$, which record the corresponding Laplace–Stieltjes transforms (LSTs),
where ${\boldsymbol{1}}\{\cdot\}$ denotes an indicator function. We have
We partition ${\textbf{E}}(dy)^{(x)}(s)$, $x>0$, according to $\mathcal{S}\times \mathcal{S}$ for $\mathcal{S}=\mathcal{S}_1\cup\mathcal{S}_2\cup\mathcal{S}_0$ as
and ${\textbf{E}}^{(x)}(s)$, $x>0$, as
We partition ${\textbf{E}}(dy)^{(0)}(s)$ according to $\mathcal{S}_1\times\mathcal{S}_1\cup\mathcal{S}_2\cup\mathcal{S}_0$ as
and let
Define ${\textbf{C}}_1=diag(c_i)_{i\in\mathcal{S}_1}$, ${\textbf{C}}_2=diag(|c_i|)_{i\in\mathcal{S}_2}$, and let ${\textbf{Q}}(s)$ be the key fluid generator matrix ${\textbf{Q}}(s)$ introduced in [Reference Bean, O’Reilly and Taylor16],
where the block matrices are given by
Here, ${\textbf{Q}}(s)$ exists for all real s such that $({\textbf{T}}_{00}-s{\textbf{I}})^{-1}=\int_{t=0}^{\infty}e^{-st}e^{{\textbf{T}}_{00}t}dt<\infty$, or for all real s when $S_0=\emptyset$.
Also, let ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)$ be the key matrix for SFMs [Reference Bean, O’Reilly and Taylor16] such that, for all $i\in\mathcal{S}_1, j\in\mathcal{S}_2$,
is the LST of the first return time to the original level zero, with this occurring in phase j, given a start at level zero in phase i. Let $\boldsymbol{\psi}(t)$ be the corresponding density, so that ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)=\int_{t=0}^{\infty}e^{-st}\boldsymbol{\psi}(t)dt$. Clearly, ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)>0$ for real s such that ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)<\infty$ exists.
Define matrices
and note that by the assumed stability of the process, the spectra of ${\textbf{K}}(s)$ and $({-}{\textbf{D}}(s))$ are separate for $s\geq 0$ by [Reference Bean, O’Reilly and Taylor15, Reference Bean, O’Reilly and Taylor16, Reference Bean, O’Reilly and Taylor17]; that is, $sp({\textbf{K}}(s))\cap sp({-}{\textbf{D}}(s))=\varnothing$.
We extend the result in [Reference Bean, O’Reilly and Taylor16, Equation (23)] from $Re(s)\geq 0$ to all real s such that ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)<\infty$ exists.
Lemma 1. For all real s such that ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)<\infty$ exists, the matrix ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)$ is a solution of the Riccati equation,
Proof. Suppose s is real and ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)<\infty$. Then, by [Reference Bean, O’Reilly and Taylor16, Theorem 1] and [Reference Bean, O’Reilly and Taylor17, Algorithm 1 of Section 3.1],
Then, letting
we have
and so
which implies that ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)$ is a solution of (21).
Below, we state expressions for ${\textbf{E}}(dy)^{(0)}(s)$ derived in [Reference Ahn and Ramaswami3, Theorem 3.1.1] and [Reference Bean and O’Reilly14, Theorem 2].
Lemma 2. We have
In the next lemma, we derive expressions for ${\textbf{E}}(dy)^{(x)}(s)$, $x>0$. The formal proof of this lemma was already given by Ahn and Ramaswami [Reference Ahn and Ramaswami5]. However, since the lemma is crucial to all of the remaining analysis, we include its proof for completeness.
Lemma 3. For $x>0$ we have
Proof. The expressions for ${\textbf{E}}(dy)^{(x)}(s)_{10}$ and ${\textbf{E}}(dy)^{(x)}(s)_{20}$ follow from the argument in the proof of Lemma 2. Furthermore, by partitioning the sample paths, since the process may visit level y after returning to level x first, or without hitting level x at all, we have
and so the expressions for ${\textbf{E}}(dy)^{(x)}(s)_{11}$ and ${\textbf{E}}(dy)^{(x)}(s)_{12}$ follow from Lemma 2.
Next, we consider ${\textbf{E}}(dy)^{(x)}(s)_{22}$. For $x>0$, define a matrix ${\textbf{G}}(x,t)=[G(x,t)_{kj}]$ such that for $k,j\in\mathcal{S}$,
is the probability that, given that the process starts from level x in phase k, it first hits level zero by time t, and does so in phase j. We partition ${\textbf{G}}(x,t)$ according to $\mathcal{S}_1\cup\mathcal{S}_2$ as
Also, define $\widetilde{\textbf{G}}(x,s)=\int_{t=0}^{\infty}e^{-s t}d{\textbf{G}}(x,t)$, which we partition in an analogous manner.
The expression for ${\textbf{E}}(dy)^{(x)}(s)_{22}$ then follows from partitioning the sample paths. The process can visit level y in some phase in $\mathcal{S}_2$ directly after a visit to level y in some phase in $\mathcal{S}_1$, or without visiting level y in some phase in $\mathcal{S}_1$ at all, and so we take the sum of expressions corresponding to these two possibilities, which gives
The result follows since by [Reference Bean, O’Reilly and Taylor16], $\widetilde{\textbf{G}}(x-y,s)=e^{{\textbf{D}}(s)(x-y)}$.
Finally, we consider ${\textbf{E}}(dy)^{(x)}(s)_{21}$. Define
Note that, given that the process starts with $X(0)=x$, $\varphi(0)=i$, for the process to end with $X(t)\in dy$, $\varphi(t)=j$, with a taboo $\theta(0)>t$, one of the following two alternatives must hold.
The first alternative is that $y\geq x$. In this case, the following occurs:
• First, given $X(0)=x$, $\varphi(0)=i$, the process must reach some infimum $\underline{X}(t)=z\in(0,x]$ at some time $u\in[0,t]$, in some phase in $\mathcal{S}_2$, with the corresponding density recorded by the matrix ${\textbf{G}}_{22}(x-z,u)$. This is followed by an instantaneous transition to some phase k in $\mathcal{S}_1$ according to the rate recorded by the block matrix ${\textbf{Q}}_{21}$ of the fluid generator Q, by the physical interpretation of Q in [Reference Bean, O’Reilly and Taylor16]. The corresponding density of this occurring is therefore $[{\textbf{G}}_{22}(x-z,u){\textbf{Q}}_{21}]_{ik}$.
• Next, starting from level z in phase k at time u, the process must remain above level z during the time interval [u,t], ending in some level y in phase j at time t. The corresponding density of this occurring is $[\boldsymbol{\phi}(y-z,t-u)]_{kj}$.
Consequently, the LST of this alternative is
The second alternative is that $y<x$. The LST of this alternative, by an argument similar to the above, is
Taking the sum of the expressions corresponding to the two alternatives and right-multiplying by ${\textbf{C}}_1^{-1}$ results in the integral expression for ${\textbf{E}}(dy)^{(x)}(s)_{21}$.
Remark 2. Consider
where ${\textbf{X}}=\int_{y=0}^{\infty}{\textbf{X}}(y)dy$, and
Then, by integration by parts in (39), ${\textbf{X}}(y)$ is the solution of
and by integrating (40), X is the solution of
3. Approach
The key idea is to write each of ${\textbf{E}}(dy)^{(x)}(s)$ and ${\textbf{E}}^{(x)}(s)$ in the form
and then apply the Heaviside principle in order to evaluate (10). In this section, we summarise the relevant mathematical background required for this analysis.
Consider a function $f:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$. Let $\tilde f(s):=\int_0^\infty e^{-s x}f(x)\ dx$ for $s\in \mathbb{R}$ be its Laplace transform. Consider the singularities of $\tilde{f}(s)$. We assume that one with the largest strictly negative real part is real, and we denote it by $s^*<0$. Notice that this yields the integrability of $\int_0^\infty|f(x)|\ dx$. The inversion formula reads
for some (and then any) $a>s^*$.
We now focus on a class of theorems that infer the tail behaviour of a function from its Laplace transform, commonly referred to as Tauberian theorems. Importantly, the behaviour of the Laplace transform around the singularity $s^*$ plays a crucial role here. The following heuristic principle given in [Reference Abate and Whitt1] is often relied upon. Suppose that for $s^*$, some constants K and C, and a non-integer $q > 0$,
where $\Gamma(\cdot)$ is the gamma function. Below we specify conditions under which this relation can be rigorously proven. Later in our paper we apply it in the specific case that $q=1/2$; recall that $\Gamma({-}1/2)=-2\sqrt{\pi}$.
A formal justification of the above relation can be found in Doetsch [Reference Doetsch22, Theorem 37.1]. Following Miyazawa and Rolski [Reference Miyazawa and Rolski41], we consider the following specific form. For this we first recall the concept of the $\mathfrak{W}$-contour with a half-angle of opening $\pi/2<\psi\le \pi$, as depicted in [Reference Doetsch22, Figure 30, p. 240]; also, ${\mathscr G}_{\alpha}(\psi)$ is the region between the contour $\mathfrak W$ and the line $\Re(z)=0$. More precisely,
where $\arg z$ is the principal part of the argument of the complex number z. In the following theorem, conditions are identified such that the above principle holds; we refer to this as Heaviside’s operational principle, or simply the Heaviside principle.
Theorem 1. (Heaviside principle) Suppose that for $\tilde f:\mathbb{C}\to \mathbb{C}$ and $s^* < 0$ the following three conditions hold:
(A1) $\tilde f(\cdot)$ is analytic in a region ${\mathscr G}_{s^*}(\psi)$ for some $\pi/2<\psi\le \pi$;
(A2) $\tilde f(s) \to 0$ as $|s| \to \infty$ with $s \in {\mathscr G}_{s^*}(\psi)$;
(A3) for some constants K and C, and a non-integer $q>0$,
(47) \begin{eqnarray} \tilde f(s)=K - C (s-s^*)^{q}+o((s-s^*)^{q}), \end{eqnarray}where ${\mathscr G}_{s^*}(\psi)\ni s \to s^*$.
as $x\to\infty$.
We now discuss when the assumption (A1) is satisfied. To check that the Laplace transform $\tilde{f}(\cdot)$ is analytic in the region $\mathscr G_{s^*}(\psi)$, we can use the concept of semiexponentiality of f (see [30, p. 314]).
Definition 2. (Semiexponentiality) f is said to be semiexponential if for some $0< \phi\le\pi/2$ and all $-\phi\le {\vartheta}\le \phi$ there exists finite and strictly negative $\gamma({\vartheta})$, defined as the infimum of all a such that
for all sufficiently large r.
Relying on this concept, the following sufficient condition for (A1) applies.
Proposition 1. [Reference Henrici30, Theorem 10.9f] Suppose that f is semiexponential with $\gamma({\vartheta})$ fulfilling the following conditions: (i) $\gamma=\gamma(0)<0$, (ii) $\gamma({\vartheta})\geq\gamma(0)$ in a neighborhood of ${\vartheta}=0$, and (iii) $\gamma({\vartheta})$ is smooth. Then (A1) is satisfied.
Note that by Lemma 3, all assumptions of Proposition 1 are satisfied, and we can apply the Heaviside principle given in Theorem 1 for ${\textbf{E}}(dy)^{(x)}(s)$ and ${\textbf{E}}^{(x)}(s)$.
4. Application of the Heaviside principle
By Section 2, ${\textbf{E}}(dy)^{(x)}(s)$ and ${\textbf{E}}^{(x)}(s)$ are expressed in terms of ${\textbf{Q}}(s)$ and ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)$, and so we derive the expansion around $s^*$ for each of them first.
Consider ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)$ as defined in (19). We have ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)=\int_{t=0}^{\infty}e^{-st}\boldsymbol{\psi}(t)dt<\infty$ for all $s\geq 0$ by [Reference Bean, O’Reilly and Taylor16, Reference Bean, O’Reilly and Taylor17]. Define the singularity
where the existence of $s^*$ follows from [Reference Doetsch22, Theorem 3.3, p. 15].
Consider matrices ${\textbf{K}}(s)$ and ${\textbf{D}}(s)$ as defined in (20), and recall that $sp({\textbf{K}}(s))\cap sp({-}{\textbf{D}}(s))=\varnothing$ for all $s\geq 0$. Define
whenever the maximum exists. The definition implies that ${\textbf{K}}(\delta^*)$ and $({-}{\textbf{D}}(\delta^*))$ have a common eigenvalue.
Lemma 4. We have $s^*=\delta^*$.
Proof. Consider Equation (21), and for all s for which ${\textbf{Q}}(s)$ exists, define the following function of ${\textbf{X}}=[x_{ij}]_{i\in\mathcal{S}_1,j\in\mathcal{S}_2}$:
For ${\textbf{X}}\geq {\boldsymbol{0}}$, ${\textbf{X}}\not= {\boldsymbol{0}}$, we have
since $({\textbf{T}}_{00}-s{\textbf{I}})^{-2}=\left(\int_{t=0}^{\infty}e^{-st}e^{{\textbf{T}}_{00}t}dy\right)^2>{\boldsymbol{0}}$, and so $g_s({\textbf{X}})$ is a decreasing function of s.
Also, define the functions $g_s^{(u,v)}({\textbf{X}})=[g_s({\textbf{X}})]_{uv}$, for $u\in\mathcal{S}_1$, $v\in\mathcal{S}_2$, by
each of these corresponds to an $|\mathcal{S}_1|\times|\mathcal{S}_2|$-dimensional smooth quadratic surface. The matrix equation (21) is equivalent to the system of $|\mathcal{S}_1|\times|\mathcal{S}_2|$ quadratic polynomial equations given by
each corresponding to the (u,v)th level curve.
Now, by Lemma 1, for all $s\geq s^*$, ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)$ is a solution of $g_{s}({\textbf{X}})={\boldsymbol{0}}$ and so is an intersection point of all level curves (53).
Some other solutions to $g_{s}({\textbf{X}})={\boldsymbol{0}}$ may exist. For all real s, we denote by ${\textbf{X}}(s)$ the family of solutions that correspond to the intersection point ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)$. That is, when $s\geq s^*$, ${\textbf{X}}(s)={\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)$, and if ${\textbf{X}}(s)$ exists for $s<s^*$ in some neighbourhood of $s^*$, then ${\textbf{X}}(s)$ must be a continuous function of s in this neighbourhood, by the monotonicity and continuity of $g_s({\textbf{X}})$.
So suppose that there exist solutions ${\textbf{X}}(s)$ to $g_{s}({\textbf{X}})={\boldsymbol{0}}$ for $s<s^*$ in some neighbourhood of $s^*$, and that $\lim_{s\uparrow s^*}{\textbf{X}}(s)={\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s^*)$. Then, since ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s^*)>{\boldsymbol{0}}$, there exists ${\textbf{W}}>{\boldsymbol{0}}$ with $g_{s}({\textbf{W}})={\boldsymbol{0}}$ for some $s<s^*$ with $sp({\textbf{Q}}_{11}(s))\cap sp({-}{\textbf{Q}}_{22}(s))=\varnothing$ (since the spectra $sp({\textbf{Q}}_{11}(s))$ and $sp({-}{\textbf{Q}}_{22}(s))$ are discrete).
Therefore, by [Reference Guo27, Theorem 2.3] and [Reference Bean, O’Reilly and Taylor17, Algorithm 1], we have ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)<\infty$ for such $s<s^*$, and this contradicts the definition of $s^*$. Consequently, ${\textbf{X}}(s)$ does not exist for $s<s^*$, and so the level curves (53) must touch (have a common tangent line) at $s=s^*$, but not at $s>s^*$.
and note that
The tangent plane to the (u,v)th level curve (53) at ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s^*)=[x_{ij}^*]$ is the solution to the equation
From linear algebra, a matrix equation of the form ${\boldsymbol{0}}={\textbf{A}}{\textbf{X}}+{\textbf{X}}{\textbf{B}}$ has a nonzero solution if and only if A and $({-}{\textbf{B}})$ have a common eigenvalue (e.g. see [Reference Bhatia and Rosenthal18]). Therefore, the equation
has a solution ${\textbf{Z}}=[z_{ij}]\not= {\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s^*)$ if and only if ${\textbf{K}}(s^*)$ and $({-}{\textbf{D}}(s^*))$ have a common eigenvalue, in which case the tangent planes (56) to all level curves (53) at ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s^*)$ intersect one another at a tangent line that goes through Z and ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s^*)$.
That is, the level curves (53) touch if and only if $sp({\textbf{K}}(s^*))\cap sp({-}{\textbf{D}}(s^*))\not=\varnothing$. Hence, $s^*=\delta^*$.
We now extend the result for $s>0$ in [Reference Bean, O’Reilly and Taylor16, Theorem 1] to all $s\geq s^*$.
Corollary 4.1. For all $s\geq s^*$, ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)$ is the minimum nonnegative solution of the Riccati equation (21).
Proof. Suppose $s\geq s^*$. Then ${\textbf{Q}}_{11}(s)\leq {\textbf{K}}(s)={\textbf{Q}}_{11}(s)+{\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s){\textbf{Q}}_{21}(s)$ and ${\textbf{Q}}_{22}(s)\leq {\textbf{D}}(s)={\textbf{Q}}_{22}(s)+{\textbf{Q}}_{21}(s){\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)$, and so $sp({\textbf{Q}}_{11}(s))\cap sp({-}{\textbf{Q}}_{22}(s))=\varnothing$.
Therefore, by [Reference Guo27, Theorem 2.3] and [Reference Bean, O’Reilly and Taylor17, Algorithm 1], ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)$ is the minimum nonnegative solution of (21).
In order to illustrate the theory, we consider the following simple example, which we will analyse as we develop the results throughout the paper.
Example 1. Let $\mathcal{S}=\{1,2\}$, $\mathcal{S}_1=\{1\}$, $\mathcal{S}_2=\{2\}$, $c_1=1$, $c_2=-1$, and
with $a>b>0$ so that the process is stable.
Then ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)$ is the minimum nonnegative solution of (21), here equivalent to
which has solutions provided $\Delta(s)=(a+b+2s)^2-4ab \geq 0$, that is, for all
it follows that ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)$ exists for all $s\geq \frac{-(a+b)+2\sqrt{ab}}{2}$, and
Note that $s^*=\delta^*$.
Lemma 5. For all $s>s^*$,
where, for all $s> s^*$,
and ${\textbf{A}}_{22}(s^*)=\lim_{s\downarrow s^*}{\textbf{A}}_{22}(s)<\infty$, ${\textbf{A}}_{11}(s^*)=\lim_{s\downarrow s^*}{\textbf{A}}_{11}(s)<\infty$, ${\textbf{A}}_{12}(s^*)=\lim_{s\downarrow s^*}$ ${\textbf{A}}_{12}(s)<\infty$, and ${\textbf{A}}_{21}(s^*)=\lim_{s\downarrow s^*}{\textbf{A}}_{21}(s)<\infty$.
Proof. For all $s>s^*$,
and so by (18),
which, with the notation ${\textbf{A}}_{22}(s)=-\frac{d}{ds}{\textbf{Q}}_{22}(s)$, implies
Next, since ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s^*)<\infty$ by Lemma 4, we have $\left({-}({\textbf{T}}_{00}-s^*{\textbf{I}})^{-1} \right)<\infty$ and $({\textbf{T}}_{00}-s^*{\textbf{I}})^{-2}<\infty$, which implies that ${\textbf{A}}_{22}(s^*)<\infty$. Taking the limits as $s\downarrow s^*$ in (80) and substituting $h=(s-s^*)$ gives
The proofs for the remaining expressions are analogous.
For $s>s^*$, let
and, for $s\geq s^*$, let
noting that ${\textbf{U}}(s^*)$ exists by Lemma 5.
Lemma 6. For $s>s^*$, ${\boldsymbol{\Phi}}(s)$ is the unique solution of the equation
Furthermore, ${\boldsymbol{\Phi}}(s^*)=\lim_{s\downarrow s^*}{\boldsymbol{\Phi}}(s)=-\infty$.
Proof. By Lemma 4, for all $s>s^*$, ${\textbf{K}}(s)$ and $({-}{\textbf{D}}(s))$ have no common eigenvalues, and so by [Reference Laub38, Theorem 13.18], Equation (84) has a unique solution. We now show that ${\boldsymbol{\Phi}} (s)$ is the solution of (84). Also see [Reference Bean, O’Reilly and Taylor16, Corollary 3]. Indeed, by taking derivatives with respect to s in Equation (21) for ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)$, we have
Also, ${\boldsymbol{\Phi}}(s)<{\boldsymbol{0}}$, since
When $s=s^*$, however, by Lemma 4, ${\textbf{K}}(s)$ and $({-}{\textbf{D}}(s))$ have a common eigenvalue, and so by [Reference Laub38, Theorem 13.18], Equation (84) does not have a unique solution.
Finally, we show that $\lim_{s\downarrow s^*}{\boldsymbol{\Phi}}(s)=-\infty$. By standard methodology [Reference Laub38, Section 13.3], for $s>s^*$, the unique solution to Equation (84) can be written in the form
where $vec({\boldsymbol{\Phi}}(s))$ and $vec({\textbf{U}}(s))$ are column vectors obtained by stacking the columns (from left to right) of the original matrices one under another,
and the eigenvalues of ${\textbf{Z}}(s)$ are $(\lambda_i-\mu_j)$, where $\lambda_i$ are eigenvalues of ${\textbf{K}}(s)$ and $\mu_j$ are eigenvalues of $({-}{\textbf{D}}(s))$. Because $det({\textbf{Z}}(s))$ is the product of the eigenvalues of ${\textbf{Z}}(s)$, and because, as $s\downarrow s^*$, one of the eigenvalues will approach zero since $s^*=\delta^*$ by Lemma 4, we have $\lim_{s\downarrow s^*}det({\textbf{Z}}(s))=0$ and so ${\boldsymbol{\Phi}}(s^*)=\lim_{s\downarrow s^*}{\boldsymbol{\Phi}}(s)=-\infty$, where the negative sign is due to the fact that ${\boldsymbol{\Phi}}(s)<{\boldsymbol{0}}$ for all $s>s^*$.
We now state the key result of this paper.
Theorem 2. For all $s>s^*$,
where ${\boldsymbol{0}}<{\textbf{B}}(s^*)<\infty$ solves
Proof. Note that for any function $h(\cdot)$ with $h(s-s^*)=o(s-s^*)$ or $h(s-s^*)=c\cdot (s-s^*)$ for some constant c, we have
Consider $h(s-s^*)=(s-s^*)/|| {\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)-{\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s^*) ||$. We have
which implies $(s-s^*)=o(h(s-s^*))$, and
Therefore, there exists a continuous, positive-valued function $h(\cdot)$ such that $(s-s^*)=$ $o(h(s-s^*))$ and
for some constant matrix ${\boldsymbol{0}}<{\textbf{B}}(s^*)<\infty$. For such $h(\cdot)$, define the function $g(\cdot)$ by
clearly $\lim_{s\downarrow s^*}g(s-s^*)=0$ since $(s-s^*)=o(h(s-s^*))$.
Consequently, we have
which implies that
We now solve for ${\textbf{B}}(s^*)$ and $g(s-s^*)$. By (21) and Lemma 5, since
we have
and so
where ${\textbf{U}}(s^*)$ is as defined in (83), and
We now use (102) to solve for ${\textbf{B}}(s^*)$ and $g(s-s^*)$. We note that ${\textbf{V}}(s^*)\not= {\boldsymbol{0}}$ and ${\textbf{U}}(s^*)\not= {\boldsymbol{0}}$. Indeed, ${\textbf{V}}(s^*)\not= {\boldsymbol{0}}$, since ${\textbf{V}}(s^*)> {\boldsymbol{0}}$ because ${\textbf{B}}(s^*)>{\boldsymbol{0}}$, ${\textbf{Q}}_{21}(s^*)\geq {\boldsymbol{0}}$, and ${\textbf{Q}}_{21}(s^*)\not= {\boldsymbol{0}}$. Furthermore, ${\textbf{U}}(s^*)\not= {\boldsymbol{0}}$ since ${\textbf{U}}(s^*)> {\boldsymbol{0}}$. Indeed, in the case $\mathcal{S}_0=\varnothing$, since ${\textbf{C}}_1,{\textbf{C}}_2>{\boldsymbol{0}}$ and ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s^*)>{\boldsymbol{0}}$, we have ${\textbf{U}}(s^*)={\textbf{C}}_1^{-1}{\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s^*)+{\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s^*){\textbf{C}}_2^{-1}>{\boldsymbol{0}}$. In the case $\mathcal{S}_0\not=\varnothing$, we have $-({\textbf{T}}_{00}-s^*{\textbf{I}})^{-1}=\int_{t=0}^{\infty}e^{-s^*t}e^{{\textbf{T}}_{00}t}dt>{\boldsymbol{0}}$, and $({\textbf{T}}_{00}-s^*{\textbf{I}})^{-2}=({-}({\textbf{T}}_{00}-s^*{\textbf{I}})^{-1})^2>0$. Therefore ${\textbf{A}}_{11}(s^*),{\textbf{A}}_{22}(s^*)>{\boldsymbol{0}}$, ${\textbf{A}}_{12}(s^*),{\textbf{A}}_{21}(s^*)\geq 0$, and ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s^*)>{\boldsymbol{0}}$, so that ${\textbf{U}}(s^*)={\textbf{A}}_{12}(s^*)+{\textbf{A}}_{11}(s^*){\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s^*)+{\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s^*){\textbf{A}}_{22}(s^*)+{\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s^*){\textbf{A}}_{21}(s^*){\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s^*)>{\boldsymbol{0}}$.
Consequently, below we consider the two cases ${\textbf{W}}(s^*)\not= {\boldsymbol{0}}$ and ${\textbf{W}}(s^*)= {\boldsymbol{0}}$, respectively labelled Case I and Case II.
Case I. Suppose ${\textbf{W}}(s^*)\not= {\boldsymbol{0}}$. Then
Consider $(s-s^*)$ and $g(s-s^*)$. Either one of them dominates the other, or one is a multiple of the other.
(i) If $g(s-s^*)=o(s-s^*)$, then dividing Equation (104) by $(s-s^*)$ and taking limits as $s\downarrow s^*$ gives ${\boldsymbol{0}}={\textbf{U}}(s^*)$, a contradiction.
(ii) If $(s-s^*)=o(g(s-s^*))$, then dividing Equation (104) by $g(s-s^*)$ and taking limits as $s\downarrow s^*$ gives ${\boldsymbol{0}}={\textbf{W}}(s^*)$, a contradiction.
(iii) If $g(s-s^*)=c\cdot (s-s^*)$ for some constant $c>0$, then without loss of generality we may assume $c=1$, since ${\textbf{B}}(s^*)g(s-s^*)=({\textbf{B}}(s^*)c )(s-s^*)$ suggests the substitution $\tilde {\textbf{B}}(s^*)\equiv {\textbf{B}}(s^*)c$. We then have
(105) \begin{eqnarray} {\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)&\,=\,&{\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s^*)-\tilde{\textbf{B}}(s^*)(s-s^*) +o(s-s^*),\end{eqnarray}with $\tilde {\textbf{B}}(s^*)<\infty$. However, dividing Equation (105) by $(s-s^*)$ and taking limits as $s\downarrow s^*$ gives, by Lemma 6,(106) \begin{eqnarray} \tilde{\textbf{B}}(s^*)=-\lim_{s\downarrow s^*}\frac{{\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)-{\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s^*)}{s-s^*}=\infty,\end{eqnarray}a contradiction.
That is, the assumption ${\textbf{W}}(s^*)\not= {\boldsymbol{0}}$ leads to a contradiction.
Case II. By the above, we must have ${\textbf{W}}(s^*)= {\boldsymbol{0}}$, or equivalently,
and so,
We note that $g^2(s-s^*)=o(g(s-s^*))$, and consider the following.
(i) First, we show that $(s-s^*)=o(g(s-s^*))$. Indeed, if $g(s-s^*)=o(s-s^*)$ or $g(s-s^*)=c\cdot (s-s^*)$ for some $c\not= 0$, then dividing Equation (108) by $(s-s^*)$ and taking limits as $s\downarrow s^*$ gives ${\textbf{U}}(s^*)={\boldsymbol{0}}$, a contradiction. Therefore we must have $(s-s^*)=o(g(s-s^*))$. That is, $g(s-s^*)$ dominates both $g^2(s-s^*)$ and $(s-s^*)$.
which gives $o(s-s^*)=o(g(s-s^*))$, and so we write (108) in the form
Since $(s-s^*)=o(g(s-s^*))$, we consider two cases, $o(g(s-s^*))={\boldsymbol{0}}$ and $o(g(s-s^*))\not ={\boldsymbol{0}}$, respectively labelled (A) and (B) below.
(A) Suppose $o(g(s-s^*))={\boldsymbol{0}}$. Then (110) reduces to
If $(s-s^*)=o(g^2(s-s^*))$, we divide (111) by $g^2(s-s^*)$ and take limits as $s\downarrow s^*$ to get ${\textbf{V}}(s^*)={\boldsymbol{0}}$, a contradiction. If $g^2(s-s^*)=o(s-s^*)$, we divide (111) by $(s-s^*)$ and take limits as $s\downarrow s^*$ to get ${\textbf{U}}(s^*)={\boldsymbol{0}}$, a contradiction. So we must have $(s-s^*)=c\cdot g^2(s-s^*)$ for some constant $c>0$, and without loss of generality we may assume $c=1$. Then dividing (111) by $(s-s^*)$ and taking limits as $s\downarrow s^*$ gives ${\textbf{U}}(s^*)={\textbf{V}}(s^*)$, or equivalently,
That is, Case (A) gives $g(s-s^*)=\sqrt{s-s^*}$.
(B) Suppose $o(g(s-s^*))\not={\boldsymbol{0}}$. Then we write the term $o(g(s-s^*))$ in the form
for some function $L(\cdot)\not= 0$ such that $L(s-s^*)=o(g(s-s^*))$ and some constant ${\textbf{Y}}(s^*)\not= {\boldsymbol{0}}$.
We then have
In relation to the terms $(s-s^*)$, $g^2(s-s^*)$, and $L(s-s^*)$, we consider three cases, labelled (B)(ii)–(B)(iv). We will show that Case (B)(ii) gives a contradiction and Cases (B)(iii) and (B)(iv) give $g(s-s^*)=\sqrt{s-s^*}$.
(B)(ii) Suppose one of $(s-s^*)$, $g^2(s-s^*)$, and $L(s-s^*)$ dominates the other two.
If $(s-s^*)$ dominates the other terms, that is, $g^2(s-s^*)=o(s-s^*)$ and $L(s-s^*)=$ $o(s-s^*)$, then dividing Equation (114) by $(s-s^*)$ and taking limits as $s\downarrow s^*$ gives ${\textbf{U}}(s^*)={\boldsymbol{0}}$, a contradiction.
If $g^2(s-s^*)$ dominates the other terms, that is, $(s-s^*)=o(g^2(s-s^*))$ and $L(s-s^*)=o(g^2(s-s^*))$, then dividing Equation (114) by $g^2(s-s^*)$ and taking limits as $s\downarrow s^*$ gives ${\textbf{V}}(s^*)={\boldsymbol{0}}$, a contradiction.
If $L(s-s^*)$ dominates the other terms, that is, $(s-s^*)=o(L(s-s^*))$ and $g^2(s-s^*)=o(L(s-s^*))$, then dividing Equation (114) by $L(s-s^*)$ and taking limits as $s\downarrow s^*$ gives ${\textbf{Y}}(s^*)={\boldsymbol{0}}$, a contradiction.
That is, Case (B)(ii) gives a contradiction. Therefore at least two of $(s-s^*)$, $g^2(s-s^*)$, and $L(s-s^*)$ must be multiples of each other.
(B)(iii) Suppose each of $(s-s^*)$, $g^2(s-s^*)$ and $L(s-s^*)$ is a multiple of the others. Then $(s-s^*)=c\cdot g^2(s-s^*)=d\cdot L(s-s^*)$, and without loss of generality we may assume $c=1$, $d=1$, by an argument analogous to the one used before. Therefore, dividing Equation (114) by $(s-s^*)$ and taking limits as $s\downarrow s^*$ gives ${\boldsymbol{0}}=-{\textbf{U}}(s^*)+{\textbf{V}}(s^*)+{\textbf{Y}}(s^*)$, or equivalently,
That is, Case (B)(iii) gives $g(s-s^*)=\sqrt{s-s^*}$.
(B)(iv) Suppose exactly two of $(s-s^*)$, $g^2(s-s^*)$, and $L(s-s^*)$ are multiples of one another. Then these two terms must dominate the third term, or we have a contradiction by Part (i) of Case II above.
If $(s-s^*)=c\cdot g^2(s-s^*)$ for some $c>0$, then without loss of generality we may assume $c=1$. Also, we must have $L(s-s^*)=o(s-s^*)$. Therefore, $g(s-s^*)=\sqrt{s-s^*}$, and dividing Equation (114) by $(s-s^*)$ and taking limits as $s\downarrow s^*$ gives ${\textbf{U}}(s^*)={\textbf{V}}(s^*)$, or equivalently,
If $L(s-s^*)=c\cdot (s-s^*)$ for some $c\not= 0$, then dividing Equation (114) by $(s-s^*)$ and taking limits as $s\downarrow s^*$ gives ${\textbf{V}}(s^*)={\boldsymbol{0}}$, a contradiction.
If $L(s-s^*)=c\cdot g^2(s-s^*)$ for some $c> 0$, then without loss of generality we may assume $c=1$. Also, we must have $L(s-s^*)=o(s-s^*)$. Therefore, Equation (114) becomes
In this case, if $g^2(s-s^*)=o(s-s^*)$, then dividing Equation (117) by $(s-s^*)$ and taking limits as $s\downarrow s^*$ gives ${\textbf{U}}(s^*)={\boldsymbol{0}}$, a contradiction. If $(s-s^*)=o(g^2(s-s^*))$, then dividing Equation (117) by $g^2(s-s^*)$ and taking limits as $s\downarrow s^*$ gives ${\textbf{U}}(s^*)+{\textbf{Y}}(s^*)={\boldsymbol{0}}$, a contradiction. Therefore, we must have $g^2(s-s^*)=c\cdot (s-s^*)$ for some $c> 0$. Without loss of generality we may assume $c=1$. Therefore, $g(s-s^*)=\sqrt{s-s^*}$, and dividing Equation (117) by $g^2(s-s^*)$ and taking limits as $s\downarrow s^*$ gives
That is, Case (B)(iv) gives $g(s-s^*)=\sqrt{s-s^*}$.
By the above arguments, we must have
and $-\infty<{\textbf{Y}}(s^*)\leq {\textbf{U}}(s^*)$. Here, ${\textbf{Y}}(s^*)= {\boldsymbol{0}}$ whenever the term $o(g(s-s^*))$ in (110) satisfies $o(g(s-s^*))=o(s-s^*)$, and ${\textbf{Y}}(s^*)\not= {\boldsymbol{0}}$ when $o(g(s-s^*))=(s-s^*){\textbf{Y}}(s^*)+o(s-s^*)$.
Finally, we show (92). By L’Hospital’s rule,
and so, by taking limits as $s\downarrow s^*$ in (85),
which completes the proof.
The next result follows immediately by Theorem 1.
Corollary 1. We have
Example 1. Since $\lim_{s\downarrow s^*} \Delta(s)=\Delta(s^*)=0$, we have
as expected. Furthermore,
which implies
Therefore, by Theorem 1,
Also, ${\textbf{A}}_{12}(s^*)=0$, ${\textbf{A}}_{21}(s^*)=0$, ${\textbf{A}}_{11}(s^*)=1$, ${\textbf{A}}_{22}(s^*)=1$, so
For $n\geq 1$, define the matrices
and define a column vector
Below, we derive the expressions for $\boldsymbol{\mu}(dy)^{(0)}$.
Theorem 3. The matrix $\boldsymbol{\mu}(dy)^{(0)}$ is unique, and
Remark 3. From Theorem 3 it follows that the crucial step in identifying the Yaglom limit given above is identification of $s^*$. Unfortunately, this must be done for each stochastic fluid queue separately.
Proof. By Lemma 2, Lemma 5, and Theorem 2, we have
which gives
Also, noting that $({\textbf{T}}_{00}-s{\textbf{I}})^{-1}-({\textbf{T}}_{00}-s^*{\textbf{I}})^{-1}=(s-s^*)({\textbf{T}}_{00}-s^*{\textbf{I}})^{-2}+o(s-s^*)$, which gives $({{\textbf{T}}}_{00}-s{\textbf{I}})^{-1}=({{\textbf{T}}}_{00}-s^*{\textbf{I}})^{-1}+o(\sqrt{s-s^*})$, we have
The result follows from Theorem 1 and (10), since the relevant terms cancel out. Indeed, for $i,j\in\mathcal{S}_1$, by (138)–(141), Theorem 1, and (10),
which gives the result for $\boldsymbol{\mu}(dy)^{(0)}_{11}$. The expressions for $\boldsymbol{\mu}(dy)^{(0)}_{12}$ and $\boldsymbol{\mu}(dy)^{(0)}_{10}$ follow in a similar manner.
Example 1. Finally,
We plot the values of $\boldsymbol{\mu}(dy)^{(0)}_{11}$ and $\boldsymbol{\mu}(dy)^{(0)}_{12}$ in Figure 1.
We will now find the Yaglom limit for a strictly positive initial position of $X(0)=x>0$. For $n\geq 1$, define the matrices
and define the column vectors
with ${\textbf{E}}^{(x)}(s^*)_{21}=\int_{y=0}^{\infty}{\textbf{E}}(dy)^{(x)}(s^*)_{21}$ as considered in Remark 2, and
Theorem 4. For $x>0$, the matrix $\boldsymbol{\mu}(dy)^{(x)}$ is unique, and
The next corollary follows from Theorems 3 and 4.
Corollary 2. The Yaglom limit depends on the initial position of the fluid level $X(0)=x$ in the model.
Remark 4. There has been a conjecture that the Yaglom limit does not depend on the initial position of the Markov process. However, a counterexample to this conjecture has already been provided by Foley and McDonald [Reference Foley and McDonald26]. Our model produces another counterexample of the same kind.
Proof. Our proof is again based on Theorem 1 and (10). Note that
By (137), (150), Lemmas 5 and 3, and Theorem 2, we have
Thus, the expressions for $\boldsymbol{\mu}(dy)^{(x)}_{21}$, $\boldsymbol{\mu}(dy)^{(x)}_{22}$, and $\boldsymbol{\mu}(dy)^{(x)}_{20}$ follow from arguments similar to those in the proof of Theorem 3.
Furthermore, by (137), Lemmas 5 and 3, and Theorem 2, we have
Thus, the expressions for $\boldsymbol{\mu}(dy)^{(x)}_{11}$, $\boldsymbol{\mu}(dy)^{(x)}_{12}$, and $\boldsymbol{\mu}(dy)^{(x)}_{10}$ follow from a similar argument, with
5. Example with non-scalar ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)$
Below we construct an example where, unlike in Example 1, key quantities are matrices, rather than scalars. We derive expressions for this example analytically and illustrate these results with some numerical output as well.
Example 2. Consider a system with $N=2$ sources based on an example analysed in [Reference Anick, Mitra and Sondhi6]. Let $\mathcal{S}=\{1,2,3\}$, $\mathcal{S}_1=\{1\}$, $\mathcal{S}_2=\{2,3\}$, $c_1=1$, $c_2=c_3=-1$, and
with some parameter $\lambda>\sqrt{2}-1$ such that the process is stable. In our plots of the output below, we will assume the value $\lambda=2.5$.
Denote by $[x\ z]={\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)=\int_{t=0}^{\infty}e^{-st}\boldsymbol{\psi}(t)dt$ the minimum nonnegative solution of (21), here equivalent to
which we write as a system of equations
The minimum nonnegative solution $[x\ z]$ of (159)–(160) must be strictly positive, satisfy $2+2\lambda+2s-x> 0$, and occur at the intersection of the two curves
To facilitate the analysis that follows, we consider the shape of the curves in (161)–(162); see Figure 2. It is a straightforward exercise to verify that, when $s=0$, we have $z_1(x,0)<-\lambda<z_2(x,0)$ for all $x< 0$, and so the two curves may only intersect at some point (x, z) with $x>0$.
Furthermore, when $2+2\lambda+2s-x> 0$, we have
and so, when $s=0$, the minimum nonnegative solution $[x\ z]$ of (159)–(160) is in fact the minimum real-valued solution of (159)–(160).
Also, when $x>0$ and $2+2\lambda+2s-x> 0$, we have
and so as $s\downarrow s^*$ we have $z_1(x,s)\downarrow$ while $z_2(x,s)\uparrow$, until the two curves touch when $s=s^*$, and then move apart when $s<s^*$. Therefore, by the argument about the continuity of ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)$ which was used in the proof of Lemma 4, for all $s\in [s^*,0]$, ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)=[x\ z]$ is the minimum real-valued solution of (159)–(160).
Instead of looking at the problem in terms of two intersecting curves $z_1(x,s)$ and $z_2(x,s)$, we now look at it in terms of one cubic curve $g_s(x)$. Substitute (162) into (159) and multiply by $(2+2\lambda+2s-x)$ to get
which is of the form
with $g_s(0)=d>0$ (we have $d>0$ because $0<x<2+2\lambda+2s$, since $z>0$ in (162)). (See the plots of $g_s(x)$ in Figure 3 for the case $\lambda=2.5$.) Noting that $a=-1<0$, we conclude that when $s=s^*$, the solution $[x\ z]$ corresponds to the local minimum,
We transform the cubic equation (166) into the form
using the substitution
for suitable $c_p^{(1)}$, $c_p^{(2)}$, $c_p$, and
for suitable $c_q^{(1)}$, $c_q^{(2)}$, $c_q^{(3)}$, $c_q$.
Below, we choose the convention of writing p(s) to demonstrate that p is a function of s, with similar notation applied for other quantities such as q, x, y, and so on. Observe that
where $C_3=3(s^*)^2$ and $C_2=2s^*$, and so by (171)–(172),
where the constants $C_p$ and $C_q$ are given by
Consider (169) and apply Vieta’s substitution,
where $u^3$ solves the quadratic equation
The two solutions are
where $\Delta(s)<0$ for $s>s^*$, and the repeated root requires
When $s>s^*$, the three (real) solutions of (169) are the three cube roots
and we choose the minimum,
which corresponds to the minimum $x(s)={\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)_1$, where ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)_i$ denotes the ith element of ${\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s)$.
Therefore, by (174),
where the constant $C_\Delta<0$ is given by
where $u(s^*)\neq 0$ by (177), since $p(s^*)\neq 0$ by (168) and (171).
From the above we conclude that by (176),
Therefore, by (170), we have
Furthermore, by (162),
which gives
as expected (cf. (89)).
Now, assuming $\lambda=2.5$, we solve (180) numerically, obtaining
We evaluate $[x\ z]={\boldsymbol{\Psi}}(s^*)$, using (167) to get x and then (162) to get z,
We obtain ${\textbf{K}}(s^*)$ and $({-}{\textbf{D}}(s^*))$ using (20):
which have common eigenvalue $\gamma \approx -2.0944$. Also, we use (83) to obtain
Finally, we evaluate ${\textbf{B}}(s^*)$ using (187) and ${\textbf{Y}}(s^*)$ using (90):
This yields
which is approximately zero, as expected (cf. (91)).
where $\mu(dy)^{(0)}_{ij}$ is the limiting conditional distribution (Yaglom limit) of observing the process in level y and phase j, given that the process started from level zero in phase i at time zero, and has been evolving without hitting level zero.
We would like to thank the Australian Research Council for funding this research through Linkage Project LP140100152. Zbigniew Palmowski was partially supported by the National Science Centre (Poland) under the grant 2018/29/B/ST1/00756.