8.2Jimi Hendrix’s right hand
8.4Robert Smith’s (The Cure) left hand
10.1Main riff of Polyphia’s “G.O.A.T.” (2018)
10.2Solo line including sweep picking by Manuel Gardner-Fernandes in “In the Cut” (2021)
10.3Combination of alternate and sweep picking in Jason Richardson’s “Hos Down” (2016) at 120 bpm
10.4Linear tapping on multiple strings in Guthrie Govan’s “Wonderful Slippery Thing” (2006)
10.5Pianistic tapping in Stanley Jordan’s “Treasures” (1987)
10.6Multi-role tapping in Covet’s “Ares” (2020) in the second half of bars 1, 2, 5, and 6
10.7Multi-role and glitch tapping in Standards’ “Pineapple” (2019)
10.8Butterfly tapping in Little Tybee’s “Left Right” (2013)
10.9Thumping outlining different groupings in Animals as Leaders’ “The Woven Web” (2014)
10.11Selective picking in Animals as Leaders’ “Kascade” (2014)
10.12Droning notes created through thumping in Animals as Leaders’ “Monomyth” (2022)
11.1The guitar’s function within Moore’s model of textural layers in popular music
11.2Charlie Christian’s rhythm guitar part, with a counter-melodic line in the top voice, on “Gone With ‘What’ Wind” (1940). Track time 0:27–0:41
11.3Willie Kizart’s rhythm guitar part on “Rocket 88” (1951)
11.5Rhythm section groove of “People Get Ready” (1965)
11.6Turnaround, bars 10–12, “Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag” (1965)
15.1Examples of online guitar community communication typeface
15.2Online tablature with duration legend
15.3Favorite YouTube guitarists – Everything Guitar Facebook community
15.4Favorite YouTube guitarists – Top Guitar Players Facebook community
16.1Anthony Akablay in a promotional photo for Western Diamonds, 1992