1. Introduction and motivations
The law of any Lévy process X is the convolution between a Gaussian process, the martingale M describing its small jumps, and a compound Poisson process. For most Lévy processes, a closed-form expression for the law of its increments is not known. The core of the problem lies in computing the distribution of the small jumps. This technical limitation makes both inference and simulation difficult for Lévy processes. To cope with this shortcoming it is usual to approximate a general Lévy process X by a family of compound Poisson processes, by ignoring the jumps smaller than some level
. Also, when the Lévy measure is of infinite variation, solutions that consist in approximating the law of
with a Gaussian distribution are motivated by [Reference Gnedenko and Kolmogorov10] (see also [Reference Cont and Tankov6], [Reference Cohen and Rosinski5], or [Reference Carpentier, Duval and Mariucci4]). This type of approximation is of interest as both Gaussian and compound Poisson processes are well understood, in terms of both continuous and discrete observations. The same cannot be said for the small jumps, which remain complex objects, difficult to manipulate.
To quantify the precision of such approximations, it becomes crucially important to have a sharp control of quantities such as
$\mathbb P\big(|X_t|>\varepsilon\big)$
. This control, besides being interesting in itself, is sometimes required, for instance, to get Monte Carlo approximates of functionals of Lévy processes or to study non-asymptotic risk bounds for estimators of the Lévy density from discrete observations of X (see [Reference Figueroa-López and Houdré9] or [Reference Duval and Mariucci7]). This has important consequences in various fields of application where Lévy processes are commonly used to describe real-life phenomena. The literature on the applications of Lévy processes is abundant, ranging from finance, biology, geophysics, and neuroscience, to name but a few fields. In this respect, we will limit ourselves to mentioning [Reference Barndorff-Nielsen, Mikosch and Resnick2] and the references therein.
Formally, a Lévy process X is characterized by its Lévy triplet
, where
$\Sigma\ge 0$
, and
is a Borel measure on
such that
$\int_{\mathbb{R}}\big(y^2\wedge 1\big)\nu(d y)<\infty.$
The Lévy–Itô decomposition (see [Reference Bertoin3]) allows one to write a Lévy process X of Lévy triplet
as the sum of four independent Lévy processes, as follows: for all
$\Delta X_r$
denotes the jump at time r of the càdlàg process X :
$\Delta X_r=X_r-\lim_{s\uparrow r} X_s. $
The first term is a deterministic drift, W is a standard Brownian motion which is pathwise continuous, and M and Z compose the discontinuous jump part of X. The process M is a centered martingale gathering the small jumps, i.e. the jumps of size smaller than 1, and it has Lévy measure
$\mathbf{1}_{|x|\leq 1}\nu$
. The process Z, on the other hand, is a compound Poisson process gathering jumps larger than 1 in absolute value; it has Lévy measure
$\mathbf{1}_{|x|> 1}\nu$
. In the sequel we let
The choice
has been made to avoid too cumbersome proofs. A discussion about the general case is postponed to Section 2.5. Then, we rewrite (1) as
$M(\varepsilon)=(M_t(\varepsilon))_{t\geq 0}$
is a Lévy process accounting for the centered jumps of X with size smaller than
, i.e.
$Z(\varepsilon)=(Z_t(\varepsilon))_{t\geq 0}$
is a compound Poisson process of the form
$N(\varepsilon)=(N_t(\varepsilon))_{t\geq 0}$
is a Poisson process of intensity
$\lambda_\varepsilon\,:\!=\,\int_{|x|> \varepsilon} \nu(dx)$
independent of the sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables
$\big(Y_i^{(\varepsilon)}\big)_{i\geq 1}$
with common law
. In the sequel we use the notation
$a\wedge b=\min(a,b)$
$a\vee b=\max(a,b)$
A first well-known result (see e.g. [Reference Bertoin3, Section I.5] or [Reference Rüschendorf and Woerner16, Corollary 3]) relates the Lévy measure to the limit of
$\mathbb{P}(|X_{t}|\ge \varepsilon)$
$t\to 0$
as follows.
Lemma 1. Let X be a Lévy process with Lévy measure
. For all
it holds that
In particular, this leads to
Lemma 1 suggests that
$\mathbb{P}(|X_{t}|\ge \varepsilon)\asymp \lambda_{\varepsilon}t$
‘for t small enough’; however, it gives no information on how small t should be, on the size of the error term
$\mathbb{P}(|X_{t}|\ge \varepsilon)- \lambda_{\varepsilon}t$
, or on what happens if
becomes small. Of course,
$ \mathbb{P}(|X_t|\geq \varepsilon)$
can be controlled with elementary inequalities, such as the Markov inequality, but this often leads to suboptimal results. Indeed, the Markov inequality gives
$\mathbb{P}(M_t(\varepsilon)>\varepsilon)\leq t\sigma^2(\varepsilon)\varepsilon^{-2},$
if we denote by
$\sigma^2(\varepsilon)\,:\!=\,\int_{-\varepsilon}^\varepsilon x^2\nu(dx)$
the variance of
, whereas a sharper result can be achieved using the Chernov inequality, as follows.
Lemma 2. For any
, it holds that
Moreover, if
$t\sigma^2(\varepsilon)\varepsilon^{-2}\leq 1$
, this leads to
Lemma 2 is a modification of [Reference Figueroa-López and Houdré9, Remark 3.1]; its proof is postponed to Appendix A. A similar result can also be obtained using martingale arguments (see [Reference Dzhaparidze and Van Zanten8, Theorem 4.1]). Again, Lemma 2 is suboptimal, as it does not allow us to derive that
If we want to be more precise about the behavior for
$t\to 0$
, we need additional assumptions.
The study of the behavior at small times of the transition density of a Lévy process goes back to [Reference Léandre, Azéma, Mayer and Yor12] (see also [Reference Ishikawa11]) and is carried out in the real case in [Reference Picard14], which is also interested in the behavior of the supremum of this quantity and its derivatives. For the cumulative distribution function, expansions of order 2 for
$\mathbb{P}(X_{t}\ge y),$
for fixed y and t going to 0, are given in [Reference Marchal13] in the particular cases where X is the sum of a compound Poisson process and either a Brownian motion or an
-stable process.
The most complete results can be found in [Reference Figueroa-López and Houdré9] (see also [Reference Barndorff-Nielsen and Hubalek1]), which, for general Lévy processes, establishes asymptotic expansions at any order of
$\mathbb{P}(X_{t}\ge y)$
, for fixed y bounded away from 0 and
. In particular, [Reference Figueroa-López and Houdré9] proves that
$d_2(y) = \lim_{t\to0} \frac1t\big(\frac1t\mathbb{P}(X_{t}>y)-\nu((y,\infty))\big)$
exists, when the Lévy density f is bounded outside the interval
$0<\eta<y/2\wedge 1$
, and either f is
in a neighborhood of y, or f is continuous in a neighborhood of y, of bounded variation, and
(defined as in (1)). This is an asymptotic result; therefore, it provides no information on how small t should be for the approximation of
to be accurate. Moreover, even though an explicit characterization of
is given, this does not translate to a readily understandable dependency on y.
Our main contribution is a non-asymptotic control of
$\mathbb{P}(|X_{t}|\ge \varepsilon)$
, which is valid for any
and any
. A considerable effort has been made to make the dependency on
explicit, both in
and in the final bound. Concerning the hypotheses on the Lévy density f, in the finite-variation case we do not require any continuity, but only that it is bounded from above by an
-stable-like density in a neighborhood of 0; see the definition on the class
${\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$
below. In the setting of infinite variation, we distinguish between two cases: when f is also Lipschitz continuous in a neighborhood of
(a similar condition to that of [Reference Figueroa-López and Houdré9]), we find a non-asymptotic bound of the order of
. We also analyze the case where the continuity hypothesis on f is dropped. Then the order in t of the non-asymptotic bound deteriorates to
$t^{1 + 1/\alpha}$
$1 \leq \alpha < 2$
. This is not an artifact of the proof, as an example in [Reference Marchal13] indicates.
Section 2 gathers the main results of the paper. We begin by defining the classes of Lévy densities that we consider. On these classes we provide a non-asymptotic control of
$\mathbb{P}(|M_{t}(\varepsilon)|\ge \varepsilon)$
$\mathbb{P}(|X_{t}|\ge \varepsilon)$
. We consider separately finite-variation Lévy processes and infinite-variation Lévy processes, for which we detail only the symmetric case. In both cases our results permit us to recover Lemma 1. We compare our results to examples for which the quantity
$\mathbb{P}(|X_{t}|\ge \varepsilon)$
is known. The case of the small jumps is treated separately as an intermediate step to the general case (see Theorems 1 and 3). We think that these results are of independent interest and provide new insight into the process of the small jumps. Section 2 ends with a discussion on the validity of the results in presence of a Brownian component. Section 3 gathers the proofs of the main results, whereas in Appendix A all auxiliary results are established and the computations of the examples are carried out. Our proofs are elementary and self-contained, and they do not rely on the use of the infinitesimal generator.
2. Non-asymptotic expansions
In the sequel, let
be a Lévy measure that is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure, and denote by
its density. Letting
and K be positive constants, define the classes of functions
A Lévy density f belongs to the class
${\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K}}$
${\rm K}>0$
, if it is bounded outside a neighborhood of the origin. It belongs to
${\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$
${\rm K}>0$
, if
$\sup_{x\in[{-}2,2]}f(x)|x|^{1+\alpha}\le {\rm K}$
. In particular
${\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$
contains any
-stable Lévy density such that
. We stress that no lower-bound condition is required for the Lévy density. In this paper we consider only Lévy measures in these classes, the assumptions above being crucial in our proofs. However, we emphasize that the results recalled in Lemmas 1 and 2 hold true for any Lévy process, without any assumption on the Lévy measure.
2.1. Finite-variation Lévy processes
We state two non-asymptotic results offering a control of the distribution function of a finite-variation Lévy process.
Theorem 1. Let
and let f be a Lévy density such that for
${\rm K}>0$
it holds that
$f\in{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$
. Then there exists a constant
$ {\rm C}_1 >0$
, depending only on
, such that
If, in addition, f is a symmetric function, then there exists a constant
${\rm C}_2 >0$
, depending only on
, such that
Explicit formulas for the constants
$ {\rm C}_1$
$ {\rm C}_2$
are given in (21) and (22), respectively.
Theorem 1 highlights how likely the process of the jumps smaller than
is to present excursions larger than their size
in a time interval of length t. When we are dealing with a discretized trajectory of a Lévy process, this provides relevant information on the contribution of the small jumps to the value of the observed increment. The following result generalizes Theorem 1 to any Lévy process with a Lévy density in
${\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$
, or in
${\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}\cap {\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K}}$
. In particular it permits us to derive an order of the rate of convergence in Lemma 1.
Theorem 2. Let
$X_t=\sum_{s\leq t} \Delta X_s$
be a finite-variation Lévy process with Lévy density f. Then the following hold:
$\varepsilon\in(0,1]$ and
$f\in{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$ for some
$\alpha\in(0,1)$ and
${\rm K}>0$ , then for all
$0<t< (1-\alpha) {\rm K}^{-1} \varepsilon^{\alpha}4^{-(1+\alpha)}$ it holds that
\begin{equation*}|\mathbb{P}\big(|X_t|>\varepsilon\big)-\lambda_\varepsilon t|\leq t^2{\rm K}^2\varepsilon^{-2\alpha}\big( 2{\rm C_1}+ {\rm D}_1\big)+t^2{\rm K}\lambda_\varepsilon\varepsilon^{-\alpha} {\rm D}_2+2t^2\lambda_\varepsilon^2,\end{equation*}
$\rm C_1$ ,
$\rm D_1$ , and
$\rm D_2$ depend only on
$\alpha$ and are defined in (21) and (41).
$\varepsilon>1$ and
$f\in{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}\cap {\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K}}$ for some
$\alpha\in(0,1)$ and
${\rm K}>0$ , then for all
$0<t<(1-\alpha)(5{\rm K})^{-1}\wedge(1-\alpha) K^{-1} 4^{-1-\alpha}$ it holds that
\begin{align*}|\mathbb{P}\big(|X_t|>\varepsilon\big)-\lambda_\varepsilon t|&\leq 2{\rm K}^2t^2 \big(\tilde{\rm D}_1+ {\rm C_1}\big)+2t^2\lambda_1^2\\ &\quad+2{\rm K}^2t^2\bigg(\frac{4}{2-\alpha}(\varepsilon-3/2-t|b(1)|)\mathbf{1}_{\varepsilon>3/2+t|b(1)|}\Big)\\&\quad +{\rm K}t^2\bigg(4\times 5^{\alpha}\mathbf{1}_{1<\varepsilon<1+2t|b(1)|}+\frac{8}{5}+\frac32\lambda_2+\frac{4\lambda_1}{2-\alpha}\bigg),\end{align*}
$\rm C_1$ and
$\tilde{\rm D}_1$ depend only on
$\alpha$ and are defined in (21) and (49).
If in addition we suppose that
is a symmetric measure, then we have the following:
$\varepsilon\in(0,1]$ and
$f\in{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$ for some
$\alpha\in(0,1)$ and
${\rm K}>0$ , then for any
$(2-\alpha){\rm K}^{-1}2^{-\alpha-1}$ it holds that
\begin{equation*}|\mathbb{P}\big(|X_t|>\varepsilon\big)-\lambda_\varepsilon t|\leq 2t^2{\rm K}^2\varepsilon^{-2\alpha}({\rm C_2}+{\rm D_3})+\frac{{\rm K}t^2}{2(2-\alpha)}\big(\lambda_\varepsilon \varepsilon^{-\alpha}+4\lambda_{2\varepsilon} \varepsilon^{-\alpha}\big)+2t^2\lambda_\varepsilon^2,\end{equation*}
$\rm C_2$ and
$\rm D_3$ depend only on
$\alpha$ and are defined in (22) and (50).
$\varepsilon>1$ and
$f\in{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}\cap {\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K}}$ for some
$\alpha\in(0,1)$ and
${\rm K}>0$ , then for any
$(2-\alpha){\rm K}^{-1}2^{-\alpha-1}$ it holds that
\begin{equation*}|\mathbb{P}\big(|X_t|>\varepsilon\big)-\lambda_\varepsilon t|\leq 2t^2{\rm K}^2{\rm C_2}+\frac{{\rm K}t^2}{2-\alpha}\bigg(\lambda_1 2^{-\alpha}+\frac{4K}{\alpha(1-\alpha)}+\lambda_{1+\varepsilon} \bigg)+2t^2\lambda_1^2,\end{equation*}
$\rm C_2$ is defined in (22).
The results of Theorems 1 and 2 are non-asymptotic. If we apply Theorem 2 to a Lévy process X whose Lévy measure
is concentrated on
, for
, we recover the result of Theorem 1 up to the constant
${\rm D}_{1}$
, as in that case
. However, Theorem is not a corollary of Theorem 2, as the proof of the latter uses Theorem 1.
These results show that for a finite-variation Lévy process whose Lévy density lies in
${\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$
, for some
${\rm K}>0$
, the discrepancy between
is in
. Moreover, as the role of the cutoff
is made explicit in the upper bound, it is possible to measure the accuracy of this approximation when
gets small. Then, the rate of the upper bound is—up to a constant—in
$t^{2}\big(\varepsilon^{-2\alpha}\vee\lambda_{\varepsilon}\varepsilon^{-\alpha}\vee \lambda_{\varepsilon}^{2}\big)$
. For example, for an
-stable process with
, this order simplifies to
2.2. Symmetric infinite-variation Lévy processes
We generalize Theorems 1 and 2 to symmetric infinite-variation Lévy processes whose Lévy density lies in
${\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha},\ \alpha\in[1,2)$
${\rm K}>0$
Theorem 3. Let
$0<t<(\varepsilon/2)^\alpha(1\land ((2-\alpha)/2{\rm K}))$
. Let f be a symmetric Lévy density such that for
$f\in{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$
. Then there exists a constant
$ {\rm E}_{1}>0$
, depending only on
(see (30)), such that
Theorem 4. Let f be a symmetric Lévy density and
$f\in {\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}\cap {\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K}}$
for some
${\rm K}>0$
. Then, for all
$0<t<((\varepsilon\wedge1)/2)^\alpha\big(1\land ((2-\alpha)/2{\rm K})\big)$
, it holds that
$C\,:\!=\,\big(1\wedge\big((2-\alpha)/2{\rm K} \big)\big)^{1/\alpha}$
${\rm G}_{1}$
${\rm G}_{2}$
are positive constants, depending only on K and
, defined in (31).
Compared to Theorems 1 and 2, the rates of Theorems 3 and 4 are slower, as
$t^{2}\le t^{1+1/\alpha}$
. Nevertheless, the rate
of Theorems 3 and 4 seems optimal. Indeed, as shown in [Reference Figueroa-López and Houdré9, Remark 3.5] (see also [Reference Marchal13]), it is possible to build a discontinuous Lévy measure f as the sum of an
-stable Lévy process and a compound Poisson process presenting a discontinuity at
that lies in
${\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$
and attains this rate
. Adding a regularity assumption on f in a neighborhood of
, it is possible to have a finer bound in
, as established in the following result.
Theorem 5. Let f be a symmetric Lévy density such that
$f\in {\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$
for some
${\rm K}>0$
. Let
and assume that f is
${\rm K}(\varepsilon\wedge 1)^{-(2+\alpha)}$
-Lipschitz on the interval
. For all
it holds that
${\rm F}_1,\dots, {\rm F}_5$
are universal positive constants, depending only on
, defined in (32).
First, note that any Lévy density f that can be written as
$x\in[{-}2,2]\setminus \{0\}$
, where L is differentiable and bounded, with bounded derivative, and
, satisfies the assumptions of Theorem 5. Moreover, under the latter assumption, the application of Theorem 5 to a Lévy process X whose Lévy density f is concentrated on
leads to a finer rate than that of Theorem 3, namely,
2.3. Discussion
The results of Theorems 1–5 are non-asymptotic and show the impact of the cutoff
in the constants. In particular they permit us to recover, for every fixed
, on the classes considered, the result of Lemma 1 with
Optimality of the results. The rates of Theorems 1, 2, and 5 are of the form
$t^{2}(\varepsilon\wedge 1)^{-2\alpha}$
, up to a constant depending on K and
. This quantity is optimal in t on the classes considered, in the sense that the rate in t cannot be improved under the general assumptions of these theorems. Indeed, in Section 2.4 we show that for compound Poisson processes, for which explicit calculations can be performed and which are included in
$\mathscr{L}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$
for all
examples can be built attaining this rate. As already highlighted, the rate of Theorem 3 is also optimal when considered in this general setting. The dependency on
of the constant
also appears to be the right one, since, for an
-stable process, it holds that
. Therefore, in general it is not possible to improve the rates derived in these theorems, even though we stress that this might be possible in specific examples (see the Cauchy process in Section 2.4).
Strategy of the proofs. All the proofs are self-contained; they rely on the decomposition (2), which holds for any Lévy process and any level
, and on Lemma 2. More precisely, to establish Theorems 2 and 4, we consider the decomposition (2), and decomposing on the values of the Poisson process
leads to
The last term raises no difficulty as
$\mathbb{P}\big(N_{t}(\varepsilon)\ge 2\big)=O\big(\lambda_{\varepsilon}^{2}t^{2}\big)$
. The first term is treated in Theorems 1 and 3, which are established using the decomposition (2) at level
and Lemma 2. The proof of Theorem 1 is made particularly technical by the presence of the drift term
. This is why, in the infinite-variation counterpart Theorem 3, we specialize to the symmetric case, so that
. Finally, to prove Theorems 2 and 5 (resp. Theorem 4) it remains to show that
$\big(\textrm{resp.}\ O_{\varepsilon}\big(t^{1/\alpha}\big)\big)$
, which corresponds to proving that
$|\mathbb{P}\big(\big|tb(\varepsilon)+M_t(\varepsilon)+Y_1^{(\varepsilon)}\big|>\varepsilon\big) e^{-\lambda_\varepsilon t}-1|=O\big(\lambda_\varepsilon t\big)$
$\big(\textrm{resp.}\ O_{\varepsilon}\big(t^{1/\alpha}\big)\big)$
For this term, the cases of finite-variation (Theorem 2) and infinite-variation (Theorems 4 and 5) Lévy processes essentially differ. For finite-variation Lévy processes,
, the result
holds true, and a main difficulty here lies in the management of the drift, which can be nonzero. For infinite-variation Lévy processes,
, this result is not true in general. For instance, consider the case of a Cauchy process X and fixed
. The Cauchy process has a Lévy density
$(\pi x^{2})^{-1}\mathbf{1}_{\mathbb{R}\setminus\{0\}}$
and is therefore in
and is
$\pi^{-1}2^{7}3^{-3}(\varepsilon\wedge 1)^{-3}$
-Lipschitz on the interval
for all
. Theorems 3, 4, and 5 thus apply. For this example, direct calculations allow one to show that
$|\mathbb{P}\big(|X_t|>\varepsilon\big)-\lambda_\varepsilon t|=O\big(\lambda_\varepsilon^3 t^3\big)$
(see Section 2.4); however,
$\lim_{t\to 0}\frac1t{\mathbb{P}\big(\big|tb(\varepsilon)+M_t(\varepsilon)+Y_1^{(\varepsilon)}\big|\leq\varepsilon\big)}=\infty$
, implying that
cannot hold. Indeed, since the Lévy measure is symmetric, it leads to
Fatou’s lemma, together with the fact that
$\nu_\varepsilon=\nu\mathbf{1}_{|x|\leq \varepsilon}$
, and f is symmetric, gives
We derive that the decomposition (4) that leads to Theorem 2,
, does not permit one to obtain optimal results for
such as Theorem 5. These are instead obtained by firstly adding a regularity assumption in a neighborhood of
and secondly modifying the decomposition (4), considering a cutoff level
, for example
(see Lemmas 5 and 6 below).
Generalizing the results of Theorems 3, 4, and 5 to non-symmetric Lévy processes is possible at the expense of more cumbersome proofs and modifying the conditions on t. To exemplify this point, consider the proof of Theorem 1, for which a comparison between the non-symmetric and the symmetric case is possible, as we propose an alternative compact proof in the symmetric case.
2.4. Examples
We consider four examples of Lévy processes for whose laws explicit formulas are available. This permits us to conduct direct computations and expansions for the marginal laws and to compare them with the previous results. Let us stress that even in these cases where the law of the process is known, we do not know the law of the process corresponding to its small jumps. Besides the compound Poisson process, it is hard to propose examples to compare with Theorems 1 and 3. Finally, we present a non-asymptotic control of the marginal law of
-stable-type processes. Proofs are postponed to Section A.7.
1. Let X be a compound Poisson process. Then, for any
$\varepsilon>0$ ,
\begin{equation*}\big|\mathbb{P}(|X_{t}|>{\varepsilon})-\lambda_{\varepsilon}t \big| = O_{\varepsilon}\big(t^2\big)\quad\text{and}\quad \mathbb{P}(|M_{t}(\varepsilon\wedge 1)+tb(\varepsilon\wedge 1)|>{\varepsilon\wedge 1}) = O_{\varepsilon}\big(t^2\big),\end{equation*}
$t\to 0$ . It is possible to build examples for which these rates are sharp (see Section A.7).
2. Let X be a gamma process of parameter (1,1), that is, a finite-variation Lévy process with Lévy density
\begin{equation*}f(x)=\frac{e^{-x}}{x}\mathbf{1}_{(0,\infty)}(x), \qquad \lambda_\varepsilon=\int_\varepsilon^\infty \frac{e^{-x}}{x}dx,\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*}\mathbb{P}(|X_{t}|>\varepsilon)=\mathbb{P}(X_t>\varepsilon)=\int_\varepsilon^\infty \frac{x^{t-1}}{\Gamma(t)}e^{-x}dx,\quad \forall \varepsilon>0,\end{equation*}
$\Gamma(t)$ denotes the
$\Gamma$ function, i.e.
$\Gamma(t)=\int_{0}^\infty x^{t-1}e^{-x}dx$ . Then
$\big|\mathbb{P}(X_{t}>{\varepsilon})-\lambda_{\varepsilon}t \big| = O_{\varepsilon}\big(t^2\big),$ as
$t\to 0.$
3. Cauchy processes. Let X be a 1-stable Lévy process with
\begin{equation*}f(x)=\frac{1}{\pi x^2}\mathbf{1}_{\mathbb{R}\setminus \{0\}}\quad \text{ and }\quad \mathbb{P}\big(|X_t|>\varepsilon\big)=2\int_{\frac{\varepsilon}{t}}^{\infty}\frac{dx}{\pi(x^2+1)},\quad \forall\varepsilon>0.\end{equation*}
(5)For this example, the bound of Theorem 5 is suboptimal. However, it is hopeless to try to improve Theorem 5 relying on the same strategy of proof, i.e. using compound Poisson approximations, and a different approach should be considered.\begin{equation} \big|\mathbb{P}\big(|X_t|>\varepsilon\big)-t\lambda_\varepsilon\big|=O_{\varepsilon}\big(t^3\big),\quad \text{ as }t\to 0.\end{equation}
$\alpha$ -stable-type processes. Results for the cumulative distribution function for
$\alpha$ -stable processes were already known (see e.g. [Reference Marchal13]). The following result is a generalization to any Lévy process whose Lévy measure behaves as an
$\alpha$ -stable process in a neighborhood of the origin, such as a tempered stable Lévy process (see e.g. [Reference Cont and Tankov6, Section 4.2] or [Reference Rosiński15]). This result is a consequence of Theorems 2, 4, and 5, observing that, under the assumptions of Corollary 1,
\begin{align*}2{\rm K} _{1}\varepsilon^{-\alpha}/\alpha\le\lambda_{\varepsilon,1}\le 2{\rm K} _{2}\varepsilon^{-\alpha}/\alpha,\quad\varepsilon^\alpha\leq \frac{2{\rm K} _2}{\alpha\lambda_{\varepsilon,1}},\quad \text{and}\quad \varepsilon^{-\alpha}\leq \frac{\alpha\lambda_{\varepsilon}}{2{\rm K} _1},\end{align*}
$\lambda_{\varepsilon,1}$ defined as in Section 3.1.
Corollary 1. Let X be a symmetric Lévy process with a Lévy density f. Suppose there exist
${\rm K}_1>0$
, and
${\rm K}_2>0$
such that
${\rm K}_1|x|^{-(1+\alpha)}\leq |f(x)|\leq {\rm K}_2|x|^{-(1+\alpha)}$
, for all
$0<|x|\leq 2$
. Let
. We have the following:
$\alpha\in(0,1)$ , there exists a constant
$\mathbf A_{{\rm K}_1,{\rm K}_2,\alpha} >0$ , depending only on
${\rm K}_1$ ,
${\rm K}_2$ , and
$\alpha$ , such that
\begin{equation*}|\mathbb{P}\big(|X_t|>\varepsilon\big)-\lambda_\varepsilon t|\leq \mathbf A_{{\rm K}_1,{\rm K}_2,\alpha} t^2\lambda_\varepsilon^2,\quad \forall \ t\lambda_\varepsilon\leq 2^{-\alpha}(2-\alpha)\alpha^{-1}.\end{equation*}
$\alpha\in [1,2)$ and
$f\in {\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K}_2}$ , there exist two constants
$\mathbf B_{{\rm K}_1,{\rm K}_2,\alpha} >0$ and
$\tilde B$ , depending only on
${\rm K}_1$ ,
${\rm K}_2$ , and
$\alpha$ , such that for any
$\ t\lambda_\varepsilon\leq 2^{1-\alpha}{\rm K}_2(1\wedge(2-\alpha)/2{\rm K} _2)\alpha^{-1}$ , it holds that
\begin{align*}|\mathbb{P}\big(|X_t|>\varepsilon\big)-\lambda_\varepsilon t|\leq \mathbf B_{{\rm K}_1,{\rm K}_2,\alpha} t^{1+1/\alpha}\lambda_\varepsilon^{1+1/\alpha}\bigg(\mathbf{1}_{\alpha\in(1,2)}+\ln\bigg(\frac{\tilde B}{\lambda_\varepsilon t}\bigg)\mathbf{1}_{\alpha=1}\bigg).\end{align*}
$\alpha\in [1,2)$ and f is globally
${\rm K}\varepsilon^{-(2+\alpha)}$ -Lipschitz on the interval
$((3/4\varepsilon,2\varepsilon-3/4\varepsilon)$ , there exists a constant
$\mathbf C_{{\rm K}_1,{\rm K}_2,\alpha} >0$ , depending only on
${\rm K}_1$ ,
${\rm K}_2$ , and
$\alpha$ , such that
\begin{equation*}|\mathbb{P}\big(|X_t|>\varepsilon\big)-\lambda_\varepsilon t|\leq \mathbf C_{{\rm K}_1,{\rm K}_2,\alpha} t^2 \lambda_\varepsilon^2,\quad \forall \ t\lambda_\varepsilon\leq 2^{-\alpha}(2-\alpha)\alpha^{-1}.\end{equation*}
2.5. Extension
A natural question is whether the above results hold true for general Lévy processes, that is in presence of a Gaussian part,
in (1). The answer is essentially positive, but to avoid cumbersome proofs we have chosen to take
. If
$\Sigma >0$
, the proofs can be adapted following the same steps as in Section 3, replacing
$\Sigma W_{t}+M_{t}(\varepsilon)$
, to yield similar results to those presented in Section 2.
More precisely, in order to mimic what is done in Section 3 for pure jump Lévy processes, we need to generalize Lemma 2. Adapting its proof, we obtain the following result. For any
, and
, it holds that
In particular, using that
$u\mapsto u\ln^{2}(1+1/u)$
is bounded by 1 for
, we observe that the additional term
is bounded.
Similarly, it is possible to have a more general drift b in the triplet (see (1)). Proofs can be adapted at the cost of a more stringent condition on t. Indeed, the condition on t in the above theorems ensures that
$tb(\varepsilon)\le \varepsilon/2$
; a similar condition should be satisfied in presence of a general drift b.
3. Proofs
3.1. Preliminaries
$b\ge a>0$
, and define
, with the convention
Recall that
, and for finite-variation processes the drift is denoted by
$b(a)\,:\!=\,\int_{0< |x|<a}xf(x)dx$
. Furthermore, we write
) for a random variable with density
). With this notation, following (2), consider the independent decomposition which plays an essential role in the sequel: for all
being a Poisson process of intensity
independent of
. Therefore, for all
$0<x\leq \delta$
it holds that
In the sequel we make intensive use of the following inequalities. For any
$0<x\le y\leq 2$
and f in
${\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$
, it holds that
3.2. Proof of Theorem 1
First, note that
We consider only the term
$\mathbb{P}(tb(\varepsilon)+M_{t}(\varepsilon)> \varepsilon)$
, as
$\mathbb{P}(tb(\varepsilon)+M_{t}(\varepsilon)<- \varepsilon)$
can be treated analogously. Define
Observe that if
$f\in{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$
${\rm K}>0$
, and
$0<t\leq (1-\alpha) {\rm K}^{-1} \varepsilon^{\alpha}4^{-(1+\alpha)}$
, then the set
is not empty, as
$\varepsilon/4\in A_{\varepsilon,t}$
$t\lambda_{\varepsilon/8,\varepsilon/4}\le (1-\alpha)(2^\alpha-1)/(2\alpha)<1$
, using (9).
By means of (6) and the definition of
, we have
where we decomposed on the values of the Poisson process
. Using (7), we have
$\mathbb{P}\big(N_{t}(\eta,\varepsilon)\geq 2\big)\leq (\lambda_{\eta,\varepsilon}t)^{2}$
. We thus only have to control the first and second summands in (12). For the first one, we apply Lemma 2, using that
$t\leq (1-\alpha) {\rm K}^{-1} \varepsilon^{\alpha}4^{-(1+\alpha)}$
implies that
$t\sigma^2(x)x^{-2}\leq 1$
for all
. From the definition of
and (3) it follows that
Hence, using (8) and the fact that
$\eta\geq \varepsilon/4$
$4^{2\alpha-1}e^{2+1/e}(2-\alpha)^{-2}\le 4e^{2+1/e}$
, we have
For the second term in (12), set
and notice that
$\varepsilon^{\prime}\geq \varepsilon/2$
. It holds that
it follows that
$ \mathbb{P}\big(M_t(\eta)>\varepsilon^{\prime}+\eta)\leq \mathbb{P}\big(M_t(\eta)>\eta)$
. The Markov inequality and (8), combined with the fact that
$f\in{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$
, yield
To treat the term
we suppose that
; the case
is handled similarly. After a change of variable, we obtain
First observe that for
$f\in{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$
we get
Furthermore, using that
$b(\eta)\leq 2{\rm K} (1-\alpha)^{-1} \eta^{1-\alpha}\leq 2{\rm K} (1-\alpha)^{-1} \varepsilon^{1-\alpha}$
, we conclude that
Next we consider
. By (6), for any
$\tilde x\in(0,\eta)$
, we write
$M_t(\eta) =M_t(\tilde x)+Z_t(\tilde x,\eta)-t(b(\eta)-b(\tilde x))$
. Observe that, as
$0<t\leq (1-\alpha) {\rm K}^{-1} \varepsilon^{\alpha}4^{-(1+\alpha)}$
, it holds that
$2{\rm K}t\eta^{1-\alpha} (1-\alpha)^{-1}\leq \eta/2$
. Consider
$x\in(2{\rm K}t\eta^{1-\alpha} (1-\alpha)^{-1},\eta/2)$
and set
$\tilde x\,:\!=\,x-2{\rm K}t\eta^{1-\alpha} (1-\alpha)^{-1}$
. Using that
$f\in{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$
we have
from which we derive that
$\mathbb{P}(M_t(\tilde x) >x+t(b(\eta)-b(\tilde x)))\leq \mathbb{P}(M_t(\tilde x)>\tilde x)$
. It follows that for
$x\in(2{\rm K}t\eta^{1-\alpha} (1-\alpha)^{-1},\eta/2)$
we may write, decomposing on the values of
$N(\tilde x,\eta)$
where, in the second-to-last inequality, we used the Markov inequality and (8), and in the last inequality we used (7) and (10). Consequently, using that
and noticing that
$3/8\varepsilon\leq \varepsilon^{\prime}-x\leq 1$
for all
, we derive
To treat the term
we proceed analogously. Let
$\tilde Z_t(x,\eta)$
be a centered version of
, that is,
In particular, by the definition of
, it follows that
and Lemma 7 applies. On the one hand we derive that
where we used that
$f\in {\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$
. On the other hand, we have that
where we used the Markov inequality, (8), (7), (10), and that
. Finally, by the triangle inequality and using that
$\varepsilon^{\prime}-\eta\geq \eta\geq \varepsilon/4$
, we deduce that
Then, for the term
, the Markov inequality and (8), for any
, lead to
Therefore, using that
$\varepsilon^{\prime}-\eta\geq \eta\geq \varepsilon/4$
, we get
Gathering Equations (15), (16), (17), and (18) yields
Combining (14) and (19), we conclude that if
$b(\eta)\geq 0$
, then
The case
is treated similarly and therefore not detailed here. Inserting in (12) Equations (13), (10), and (20), we conclude that
as desired.
For a symmetric Lévy measure, the above computations can be simplified. In this case
and one can directly take
in the previous lines. More precisely, it holds that
To control the first two summands, use Lemma 2
$\big(\textrm{using} \, \textrm{that} \, 4t\sigma^2(\varepsilon/2)\leq \varepsilon^2\big)$
and (10). It follows that
To treat the last term we proceed as follows:
where in the last inequality we used (8) and (10). The term
is controlled by applying Lemma 2, using that
$4t\sigma^2(\varepsilon/2)\leq \varepsilon^2$
. By means of (8) it follows that
Collecting all the pieces together, one derives the following result: for all
such that
$t\leq \varepsilon^\alpha(2-\alpha){\rm K}^{-1}2^{-\alpha-1}$
(implying that
$t\lambda_{\varepsilon/2,\varepsilon}\leq 1$
), it holds that
$\mathbb{P}(M_t(\varepsilon)>\varepsilon)\leq t^2\varepsilon^{-2\alpha}{\rm K}^2 {\rm C}_2,$
3.3. Proof of Theorem 2
To prove Theorem 2 we first introduce an auxiliary result.
Lemma 3. Let f be a Lévy density and
. Set
$\rho\,:\!=\,\varepsilon\wedge 1$
$Q\,:\!=\,|\lambda_\rho t \mathbb{P}\big(\big|M_t(\rho)+tb(\rho)+Y_1^{(\rho)}\big|>\varepsilon\big)-\lambda_\varepsilon t |.$
Then the following hold:
$\varepsilon\in(0,1]$ and
$f\in{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$ for some
$\alpha\in(0,1)$ and
${\rm K}>0$ , then
\begin{equation*}Q\leq t^{2}({\rm K}^2{\rm D}_1\varepsilon^{-2\alpha}+{\rm K}\lambda_\varepsilon\varepsilon^{-\alpha}{\rm D}_2),\quad \forall\ 0<t < (1-\alpha) {\rm K}^{-1} \varepsilon^{\alpha}4^{-(1+\alpha)},\end{equation*}
$\rm D_1$ and
$\rm D_2$ are defined as in (41).
$\varepsilon>1$ and
$f\in{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}\cap {\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K}}$ for some
$\alpha\in(0,1)$ and
${\rm K}>0$ , then for all
$0<t<(1-\alpha)(5{\rm K})^{-1}$ it holds that for
$\tilde{\rm D}_1$ as defined in (49),
\begin{align*}Q&\leq 2{\rm K}^2t^2\Big(\tilde{\rm D}_1+\frac{4}{2-\alpha}(\varepsilon-3/2-t|b(1)|)\mathbf{1}_{\varepsilon>3/2+t|b(1)|}\Big)\\&\quad +{\rm K}t^2\bigg(4\times 5^{\alpha}\mathbf{1}_{1<\varepsilon<1+2t|b(1)|}+\frac{8}{5}+3\lambda_2+\frac{4\lambda_1}{2-\alpha}\bigg).\end{align*}
If in addition we suppose that
is a symmetric measure, then the following hold:
$\varepsilon\in(0,1]$ and
$f\in{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$ for some
$\alpha\in(0,1)$ and
${\rm K}>0$ , it holds that
\begin{equation*}Q\leq \frac{t^2{\rm K} }{2(2-\alpha)}\big(\lambda_\varepsilon \varepsilon^{-\alpha}+4\lambda_{2\varepsilon} \varepsilon^{-\alpha}\big)+2t^2{\rm K}^2{\rm D_3} \varepsilon^{-2\alpha},\quad \forall \ t>0,\end{equation*}
${\rm D_3}$ is defined as in (50).
$\varepsilon>1$ and
$f\in{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}\cap {\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K}}$ for some
$\alpha\in(0,1)$ and
${\rm K}>0$ , it holds that
\begin{equation*}Q\leq \frac{t^2{\rm K} }{2-\alpha}\bigg(\lambda_1 2^{-\alpha}+\frac{4{\rm K}}{\alpha(1-\alpha)}+\lambda_{1+\varepsilon} \bigg),\quad \forall\ t>0.\end{equation*}
Proof of Theorem 2
. Using the decomposition
$\rho=\varepsilon\wedge 1$
, we derive, decomposing on the Poisson process
, that
The term
is controlled with Theorem 1,
with Lemma 3; for
use that
$1-e^{-x}\leq x$
for all
to get
$I_{3}\leq \lambda_{\rho}^{2}t^{2}$
; and finally, it follows from an argument similar to (7) that
$I_{4}=\mathbb{P}(N_{t}(\rho)\geq 2)\leq \lambda_{\rho}^{2}t^{2}$
$1-e^{-x}-xe^{-x}\leq x^2$
for all
3.4. Proof of Theorem 3
is symmetric it holds that
$\mathbb{P}(|M_t(\varepsilon)|\geq \varepsilon)=2\mathbb{P}\big(M_t(\varepsilon)\geq \varepsilon\big)$
. Using the same reasoning as in the proof of Theorem 1, we get
By means of Lemma 2 together with (8), we get that
and, using (10), that
Finally, using the symmetry of
, we have that
To control the term
, observe that
Next, for
$z\in (t^{1/\alpha},\varepsilon/2)$
, the decomposition
, Equation (7), the Markov inequality, and (8) lead to
Therefore, for any
then, using that
$\varepsilon-t^{1/\alpha}\geq \varepsilon/2$
, we derive that
If, instead,
, we get
To control the term
we use once again the Markov inequality together with (8) and (10) to obtain
Gathering (26) and (28) we have, for
Combining (23) with (24), (25), and (29), we conclude that for all
it holds that
If, instead,
, then using (27) we have
This concludes the proof.
3.5. Proof of Theorem 4
Lemma 4. Let f be a symmetric Lévy density such that
$f\in {\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}\cap {\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K}}$
for some
${\rm K}>0$
. Let
and set
. Then, for all
$0<t<((\varepsilon{\wedge 1})/2)^\alpha\big(1\land ((2-\alpha)/2{\rm K} )\big)$
, it holds that
$C\,:\!=\,\big(1\wedge\big((2-\alpha)/2{\rm K} \big)\big)^{1/\alpha}$
${\rm L}_{1}$
is defined in (68).
Proof of Theorem 4. The result follows from Theorem 3 and Lemma 4 using the decomposition
$\rho\,:\!=\,\varepsilon\wedge 1$
3.6. Proof of Theorem 5
We first introduce two auxiliary lemmas whose proofs can be found in the appendix.
Lemma 5. Let f be a symmetric Lévy density such that
$f\in {\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$
for some
${\rm K}>0$
. Let
. Then there exist three positive constants
${\rm H}_1$
${\rm H}_2$
, and
${\rm H}_3$
, dependent only on
, such that for all
it holds that
For explicit formulas for
${\rm H}_1,\ {\rm H}_{2}$
, and
${\rm H}_3$
, see (53) and (58).
Lemma 6. Let f be a symmetric Lévy density f in
$ {\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$
for some
${\rm K}>0$
. Let
, set
, and assume that f is
${\rm K}(\varepsilon\wedge 1)^{-(2+\alpha)}$
-Lipschitz on the interval
. Then for all
it holds that
${\rm H}_4,\ {\rm H}_5$
, and
${\rm H}_{6}$
are positive universal constants, depending only on
, defined in (67).
Proof of Theorem 5. Let
; using (2) at the point
, we derive
By Lemma 5 and Lemma 6 it follows that
Furthermore, by (7) and (9), it holds that
${\rm F}_{2}={\frac{{\rm H}_{6}}{{\rm K}}} $
${\rm F}_{3}={\rm H}_{5}$
${\rm F}_{5}=2{\rm H}_{3} $
, and
where in defining
${\rm F}_{4}$
we used that
$((4/3)^\alpha-1)^2\leq 1$
Appendix A. Technical lemmas and additional proofs
A.1. Proof of Lemma 2
For any
we have that
Therefore, using that
$\int |y|^k\nu_\varepsilon(dy)\leq \varepsilon^{k-2}\sigma^2(\varepsilon)$
for all
$k\geq 2$
, we have
in (33), we find that
as claimed. To derive (3), we use that
$u^{-u}\leq e^{e^{-1}}$
for all
$u> 0$
. Indeed, set
and notice that
The first part of Equation (3) then follows under the assumption
$t\sigma^2(\varepsilon)\varepsilon^{-2}\leq 1$
. Analogous arguments, with
replaced by
, allow us to deduce the right-hand part of Equation (3).
A.2. Proof of Lemma 3
First, we consider the general case where
is not symmetric. We control the quantity
. It holds that
; both assumptions on t ensure that
$t|b(\rho)|\leq \rho/2$
, and thus
By means of the Markov inequality and (8) we then derive
To treat the terms S and T we distinguish the cases
. Moreover, we restrict to the case
$b(\rho)\geq 0$
; the case
can be obtained similarly and leads to the same result. Decompose
, where
We detail only the computations for the term
, those for the term
being analogous.
In this case,
, and it holds that
From the fact that
$f\in{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha} $
and (11), it follows that
To control the term
we proceed as for the control of the term
in the proof of Theorem 1. Observe that
$0<t\leq (1-\alpha) {\rm K}^{-1} \varepsilon^{\alpha}4^{-(1+\alpha)}$
$2{\rm K}t\varepsilon^{1-\alpha} (1-\alpha)^{-1}<\varepsilon/2$
. Let
$x\in(2{\rm K}t\varepsilon^{1-\alpha} (1-\alpha)^{-1},\varepsilon/2)$
and set
$\tilde x\,:\!=\,x-2{\rm K}t\varepsilon^{1-\alpha} (1-\alpha)^{-1}$
. In particular we can write
$M_t(\varepsilon)=M_t(\tilde x)+Z_t(\tilde x, \varepsilon)-t(b(\varepsilon)-b(\tilde x))$
. From the assumption
$f\in{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$
it also follows that
$|b(\varepsilon)-b(\tilde x)|\leq 2{\rm K} \varepsilon^{1-\alpha}(1-\alpha)^{-1}$
, and so
Therefore, for all
$x\in(2{\rm K}t\varepsilon^{1-\alpha} (1-\alpha)^{-1},\varepsilon/2)$
, the Markov inequality and (8) lead to
Furthermore, by means of (11),
$t|b(\varepsilon)|\leq2{\rm K}t\varepsilon^{1-\alpha} (1-\alpha)^{-1}$
, and
$f\in{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$
, we get
We derive that
To treat the term
we notice that, for any
$t\in(0,(1-\alpha) {\rm K}^{-1} \varepsilon^{\alpha}4^{-(1+\alpha)})$
, we have that
$t\lambda_{x,\varepsilon}\leq 1$
, and hence, by Lemma 7, we derive that for all
Then, using (7), the Markov inequality, (8), and (10), we get
Moreover, the fact that
$f\in{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$
$ \sup_{|y|\in[x,\varepsilon]} f(y)\leq {\rm K} x^{-(1+\alpha)}\leq {\rm K} 2^{1+\alpha} \varepsilon^{-(1+\alpha)}$
and so we deduce that
Combining this with
$ \int_{\varepsilon/2}^{\varepsilon} f({-}\varepsilon-tb(\varepsilon)-x)dx\leq \lambda_\varepsilon$
, we obtain
Finally, for the term
we have that
From the Markov inequality and (8) we then derive
Combining (36), (37), (38), and (39) yields
The term
can be controlled in a similar way; in particular it holds that
Finally, we observe that when
the term T is identically zero.
Gathering Equations (34), (35), and (40), we conclude that for
In this case
, and using that
$f\in{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}\cap{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K}}$
we readily derive
The term
$\tilde S_{1,2}$
is the analogue of
above. Observe that under the assumptions
$0<t\leq (1-\alpha) (5{\rm K})^{-1}$
$f\in{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$
, we get
$t|b(1)|\leq 1/2$
. For any
$x\in (2{\rm K}t(1-\alpha)^{-1},1/2)$
, set
$\hat x\,:\!=\, x-2{\rm K}t(1-\alpha)^{-1}.$
The same reasoning as for the term
allows us to conclude that, for any
$x\in \big(2{\rm K}t(1-\alpha)^{-1},1/2\big)$
where in the last inequality we used the fact that
$f\in{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$
together with the Markov inequality, (8), and (10). Therefore, from (43) and using again that
$f\in{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K}}$
, we get
Furthermore, by the Markov inequality and (8), we deduce that
Gathering (42), (44), and (45), we conclude that
Thus the term S in (34) can be bounded by
By means of (35), the term R in (34) is bounded by
To control J it remains to control the term T in (34). We provide an upper bound for
the control of the quantity
can be treated similarly. We have, using
$t|b(1)|\le 1/2$
, that
$f\in{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K}}$
, recalling the definition of
$\tilde S_{1,2}$
given in (42) and that we assumed
, for
$\varepsilon\geq 1+2tb(1)$
we write
where we used (44), the Markov inequality, and (8). For the term
, using
$f\in{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$
together with (11) and the assumption
$t<(1-\alpha)(5{\rm K})^{-1}$
, we get
This implies that
Combining (34), (46), (47), and (48), and using (10), we conclude that, for any
$0<t< (1-\alpha)(5{\rm K})^{-1}$
, and
$f\in{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}\cap{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K}}$
, using
$t|b(1)|\le 1/2$
, we have
where we used the notation
symmetric and
In the case where
is symmetric the proof can be simplified. Since
for all
, and it holds that
By the same arguments as those used to treat the term
above, one finds that for any
Therefore, by the Markov inequality, (8), and the fact that
$f\in{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}$
, we conclude that for all
If instead
, then assuming in addition that
$f\in {\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K}}$
, we derive
This concludes the proof.
A.3. Proof of Lemma 5
First, by the symmetry of
, it holds that
, where we write
. Since
together with (6) and (7), we obtain
Applying the second part of Lemma 2 and using (8), we derive
Using again the symmetry of
we can establish
Applying (6), (7), the Markov inequality, and (8), for any
$y\in (\varepsilon/4,\varepsilon/2)$
we have
It follows that
Furthermore, note that Lemma 2 applies as
$4t\sigma^2(\varepsilon/2)\varepsilon^{-2}\leq 1$
. Together with (8), this gives
From (54), (55), and (56), we obtain that
Finally, gathering (51), (52), and (57), we derive
A.4. Proof of Lemma 6
Using that
is symmetric gives
Moreover, since
and using again the symmetry, we obtain
We begin by controlling the term
. Recalling that
$\rho=3/4(\varepsilon\wedge 1)$
and setting
, we have
where we used the symmetry of
in the second line. The triangle inequality gives
Therefore, by (6), (7), the Markov inequality, (8), and the fact that f is
${\rm K}(\varepsilon\wedge 1)^{-(2+\alpha)}$
-Lipschitz on the interval
$\big(3/4(\varepsilon\wedge 1),2\varepsilon-3/4(\varepsilon\wedge 1)\big)$
, it follows that
Concerning the term
, we have
Using (6), (7), the Markov inequality, (8), and (10), we get
Therefore, from (62), (63), and (10), using the fact that
$f\in {\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}\cap {\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K}}$
, we derive
Gathering Equations (60), (61), and (64), we get
To complete the proof it remains to control the term
in (59). The Markov inequality, (8), the symmetry of
, and the fact that
Therefore, from (59), (65), and (66), we conclude that
${\rm H}_4,\ {\rm H}_5$
, and
${\rm H}_{6}$
are positive universal constants, depending only on
, defined as follows:
A.5. Proof of Lemma 4
The decomposition (59) as in the proof of Lemma 6 in
$\lambda_\rho t \mathbb{P}(|M_t(\rho)+Y_1^{(\rho)}|>\varepsilon)-\lambda_\varepsilon t\,=\!:\,2t (R_1+R_2)$
still holds with
$C=\big(1\wedge\big((2-\alpha)/2{\rm K} \big)\big)^{1/\alpha}$
and note that
$C(\varepsilon\wedge 1)/2>t^{1/\alpha}$
. Using the symmetry of f we get
Next, as
$f\in{\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K},\alpha}\cap {\mathscr{L}}_{{\rm K}}$
, it follows from Equations (6), (7), (8), and (10) and the Markov inequality that
with the convention that
$0\ln 0=0$
. Therefore, we get
A.6. A result for compound Poisson processes
Lemma 7. Let N be a Poisson random variable with mean
$0<\lambda\leq 1$
$(Y_i)_{i\geq 0}$
a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables independent of N with bounded density g (with respect to the Lebesgue measure). Furthermore, let M be any random variable independent of
$\big(N,(Y_i)_{i\geq 0}\big)$
. Then, for all
Proof. Note that
Observe that, for
, it holds that
$\mathbb{E}[|N-\lambda|]=2\lambda e^{-\lambda}.$
We conclude the proof by observing that for any real random variable
independent of
and any
, it holds that
$|\mathbb{P}(Z_1+Z_2>z)-\mathbb{P}(Z_1+Z_3>z)|\leq\sup_{x\in\mathbb{R}} |\mathbb{P}(Z_2>x)-\mathbb{P}(Z_3>x)|.$
A.7. Proofs of the examples
1. Compound Poisson processes. Let X be a compound Poisson process with intensity
$\lambda=\nu(\mathbb{R})<\infty$ and jump density
$f/\lambda$ . Write
$X_t=\sum_{i=1}^{N_t} Y_i$ . For any
$\varepsilon>0$ , it holds that
\begin{align*}\mathbb{P}\big(|X_t|>\varepsilon\big)&=t\lambda_{\varepsilon} e^{-\lambda t}+\sum_{n=2}^\infty \mathbb{P}\Bigg(\Bigg|\sum_{i=1}^nY_i\Bigg|>\varepsilon\Bigg)\mathbb{P}(N_t=n).\end{align*}
$\mathbb{P}(N_{t}\ge 2)=O(t^{2})$ we obtain
$|\mathbb{P}\big(|X_t|>\varepsilon\big)-t\lambda_\varepsilon|=O(t^2),$ as
$t\to0.$ For f a Lévy density such that
$f=f\mathbf{1}_{[\varepsilon,\infty)}$ , it holds that
$\lambda=\lambda_{\varepsilon}$ , and later computations simplify to
\begin{equation*}\mathbb{P}(|X_{t}|>\varepsilon)=\mathbb{P}(N_{t}\ge 1)=1-e^{-\lambda_{\varepsilon}t}=\lambda_{\varepsilon}t-t^{2}\sum_{k\ge 2}t^{k-2}({-}\lambda_{\varepsilon})^{k}/k!.\end{equation*}
$t^{2}$ . Next, considering the small jumps, it holds for
$\varepsilon\in(0,1]$ that
$tb(\varepsilon)+M_{t}(\varepsilon)=\sum_{i=1}^{N_{t}^{(0,\varepsilon)}}Y_{i}^{(0,\varepsilon)}$ , and using (7),
\begin{equation*}\mathbb{P}(|tb(\varepsilon)+M_{t}(\varepsilon)|\ge \varepsilon)=\sum_{k=2}^{\infty}\mathbb{P}(N_{t}^{(0,\varepsilon)}=k)\mathbb{P}\Bigg(\Bigg|\sum_{i=1}^{k}Y^{(0,\varepsilon)}_{i}\Bigg|\ge \varepsilon\Bigg)\le t^{2}(\lambda-\lambda_{\varepsilon})^{2}.\end{equation*}
$t ^{2}$ for any Lévy density such that
$f=f\mathbf{1}_{[3\varepsilon/4,\infty)}$ .
2. Gamma processes. Set
$\Gamma(t,\varepsilon)=\int_\varepsilon^\infty x^{t-1}e^{-x}dx$ , so that
$\Gamma(t,0) = \Gamma(t)$ . Using that
$\Gamma(t,\varepsilon)$ is analytic, we can write
(69)As\begin{align} \bigg|\lambda_{\varepsilon}-\frac{\mathbb{P}(X_{t}>\varepsilon)}{t}\bigg| &=\frac{1}{\Delta\Gamma(t)}\bigg|\Delta\Gamma(t,0)\Gamma(0,\varepsilon) - \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{\Delta^k}{k!} \bigg\{\frac{\partial^k}{\partial t^k}\Gamma(t,\varepsilon)\bigg|_{t=0}\bigg\}\bigg| \nonumber\\ &\leq\Gamma(0,\varepsilon)\bigg|\frac{1-t\Gamma(t,0)}{t\Gamma(t)}\bigg|+\bigg|\frac{1}{t\Gamma(t)}\sum_{k=1}^\infty \frac{t^k}{k!} \bigg\{\frac{\partial^k}{\partial t^k}\Gamma(t,\varepsilon)\bigg|_{t=0}\bigg\}\bigg|. \end{align}
$\Gamma(t,0)$ is a meromorphic function with a simple pole at 0 and residue 1, there exists a sequence
$(a_k)_{k\geq 0}$ such that
\begin{equation*}\Gamma(t)=\frac{1}{t}+\sum_{k=0}^\infty a_kt^k.\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} 1-t\Gamma(t,0)=t\sum_{k=0}^\infty a_kt^k,\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*}\frac{1-t\Gamma(t)}{t\Gamma(t)}=\frac{t\sum_{k=0}^\infty a_kt^k}{1+t\sum_{k=0}^\infty a_kt^k} = O(t),\quad \text{as }t\to 0.\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*}\sum_{k=1}^\infty \frac{t^k}{k!} \big(\frac{\partial^k}{\partial t^k}\Gamma(t,\varepsilon)\big)\big|_{t=0}.\end{equation*}
\begin{align}\bigg|\frac{\partial^k}{\partial t^k}\Gamma(t,\varepsilon)\bigg|_{t=0}\bigg| &\leq \bigg|e^{-1}\int_\varepsilon^1x^{-1}(\ln(x))^kdx\bigg| + \bigg|\int_{1}^\infty e^{-x}(\ln(x))^kdx\bigg| \nonumber \\ &=e^{-1}\frac{|\ln(\varepsilon)|^{k+1}}{k+1}+\int_{1}^\infty e^{-x}(\ln(x))^kdx. \nonumber\end{align}
$x_0$ be the largest real number such that
$k\geq6$ . If no such point exists, take
$x_0 = 1$ . Then
\begin{align*} \int_{1}^\infty e^{-x}(\ln(x))^kdx&\leq \int_1^{x_0}\!e^{-x}(\ln(x))^kdx+\int_{x_0}^\infty\! e^{-\frac{x}{2}}dx\leq (\ln(x_0))^k \big(e^{-1}-e^{-x_0}\big)+2e^{-\frac{x_0}{2}}\\ &\leq e^{\frac{x_0}{2}-1} + e^{-\frac{x_0}{2}} \leq k^k+1,\end{align*}
$x_0 < 2k \ln k$ , for each integer k. Summing up, we get
\begin{align*} \bigg|\sum_{k=1}^\infty \frac{t^k}{k!} \bigg\{\frac{\partial^k}{\partial t}&\Gamma(t,\varepsilon) \bigg|_{t=0} \bigg\}\bigg|\leq e^{-1}\sum_{k=1}^\infty \frac{t^k}{k!}\frac{|\ln(\varepsilon)|^{k+1}}{k+1}+\sum_{k=1}^5 2e^{-\frac{1}{2}}\frac{t^k}{k!} + \sum_{k=6}^\infty \frac{t^k}{k!} (k^k+1)\\ &\leq |\ln(\varepsilon)|\big[e^{t|\ln(\varepsilon)|}-1\big]+\sum_{k=6}^\infty \frac{t^{\frac{k}{2}}}{k!}\bigg(\frac{k}{e}\bigg)^k + O(t)\leq (\ln(\varepsilon))^2t + O(t).\end{align*}
$t < e^{-2}$ and then the Stirling approximation formula to deduce that the last remaining sum is
$O(t^3)$ . Clearly, the factor
$\frac{1}{t\Gamma(t)}\sim 1$ , as
$t\to0$ , in (69) does not change the asymptotic. Finally we derive that
\begin{equation*}\big|t\lambda_{\varepsilon} -\mathbb{P}(X_t>\varepsilon)\Big| = O\big(t^2\big),\quad \text{as }t\to 0,\end{equation*}
3. Cauchy processes. Observe that
$\lambda_\varepsilon=\frac{2}{\pi \varepsilon}$ and
(70)Set\begin{equation}\lim_{t\to 0}\frac{2}{\pi}\bigg|\frac{\varepsilon^3}{t^3}\bigg(\frac{\pi}{2}-\arctan\Big(\frac{\varepsilon}{t}\Big)\bigg)-\frac{\varepsilon^2}{t^2}\bigg|<\infty.\end{equation}
$y=\frac{t}{\varepsilon}$ ; we compute the limit in (70) by means of de l’Hôpital’s rule:
\begin{align*} \frac{2}{\pi}\lim_{y\to 0}\bigg|\frac{1}{y^3}\bigg(\frac{\pi}{2}-\arctan\Big(\frac{1}{y}\Big)\bigg)-\frac{1}{y^2}\bigg|&= \frac{2}{\pi}\lim_{y\to 0}\bigg|\frac{\frac{\pi}{2}-\arctan\Big(\frac{1}{y}\Big)-y}{y^3}\bigg|\\ &=\lim_{y\to 0}\frac{y^2}{(1+y^2)3\pi y^2}<\infty.\end{align*}
E. Mariucci would like to thank Francesco Caravenna, Jean Jacod, and Markus Reiß for several enlightening discussions which initially motivated the underlying research of this paper. In addition, the authors are very grateful to the two anonymous referees for their detailed and constructive comments on the paper.
Funding information
The work of E. Mariucci was partially funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research through the sponsorship provided by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation)—314838170, GRK 2297 MathCoRe, and by DFG SFB1294/1–318763901.
Competing interests
There were no competing interests to declare which arose during the preparation or publication process for this article.