An Introduction to Cognitive Psychology: Processes and Disorders, Second Edition. 2006. By David Groome with Nicola Brace, Hazel Dewart, Graham Edgar, Helen Edgar, Anthony Esgate, Richard Kemp, Graham Pike, and Tom Stafford. New York: Psychology Press, 449 pp., $16.95 (PB).
Disorders of Volition. 2006. Natalie Sebanz and Wolfgang Prinz (Eds.). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 493 pp., $50.00 (HB).
Stuttering and Cluttering: Frameworks for Understanding and Treatment. 2006. By David Ward. New York: Psychology Press, 436 pp., $39.95 (HB).
What Causes ADHD? Understanding What Goes Wrong and Why. 2006. By Joel T. Nigg. New York: Guilford Press, 422 pp., $42.00 (HB).
Military Psychology. Carrie H. Kennedy and Eric A. Zillmer (Eds.). New York: Guilford Press, 400 pp., $45.00 (HB).
Hot Thought: Mechanisms and Applications Of Emotional Cognition. 2006. By Paul Thagard. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 301 pp., $36.00 (HB).