In neurobiology, reductionism has proven to be an effective approach to uncovering facts. Yet, facts by themselves are like colorful but tiny pieces of fabric that we might store in a drawer. To understand behavior, we also need a theory that acts as the creative seamstress, connecting the pieces, stitching together a tapestry. But what are the critical facts, and which theory might bring the pieces together?
Suppose at a family gathering your mother brings over a small tray with a few desserts. You look over the various options and select a cookie with a sliver of almond on top, reach for it and take a bite. What are the critical facts in this simple act? You might focus on the act of decision-making, consider the chosen cookie as a demonstration of preference, and rationalize it using a theory of economics. On the contrary, you might focus on the reaching movement, the patterns of kinematics and muscle activations, and justify it with a theory born in robotics. But what if both facts are important, and neither theory is sufficient?
In Vigor, we argued that the acts of decision-making and movement are linked because our preferences affect how we move, and the effort it takes to move affects what we prefer. A theory that provides a link between decision-making and movement is optimal foraging. And the colorful fabrics that the theory brings together are as diverse as the behavior of crows when they choose between clams on a sandy beach, and the release of dopamine as monkeys view images of fractals on a video screen.
To be sure, there are many aspects of the theory that can be improved. As Clark points out, there are known paradoxes in decision-making regarding preference of certainty over risk. Does this certainty preference translate into greater vigor? Experiments that include probabilistic terms in the reward and effort variables, and then simultaneously measure preferences and movements, can answer this question. Teixeira points out that an important term missing in the mathematical formulation of utility is stability. That is, the act of moving can affect postural stability, which in turn may act as a cost. Schrock notes that although resting is a state that incurs a negative cost because of energetic loss, it also has a positive gain in terms of somatic maintenance (repairing tissue damage, etc.). This view is notable because it helps explain puzzling data in which given two rewarding options that each require some effort, animals sometimes choose to not make a choice, and simply rest (Bautista, Tinbergen & Kacelnik, Reference Bautista, Tinbergen and Kacelnik2001). Bookstein also reminds us that there are many factors that can affect the speed of movement, such as age, general health, and even social context. It is important to understand why vigor would change in these situations, because the analysis may reveal additional factors that need to be considered such as physical and emotional pain. This would help explain the finding by Hunter and colleagues that individuals walk slowly down inclines even though a faster pace would cost less energy: These savings would come at the expense of a sharper impact with each step (Hunter, Hendrix & Dean, Reference Hunter, Hendrix and Dean2010). Thus, the nature of the cost function is broader than metabolic costs of action and energetic gains of reward, and likely includes probabilistic terms, as well as terms that convey costs of stability, and benefits of rest.
Mastrogiorgio notes that our proposed isomorphism between vigor and subjective value is a powerful idea because it overcomes a basic limitation of standard economic theory: The standard theory does not admit a cardinal representation, but only an ordinal one (Shadmehr et al., Reference Shadmehr, Reppert, Summerside, Yoon and Ahmed2019; Yoon et al., Reference Yoon, Jaleel, Ahmed and Shadmehr2020). However, instead of maximizing an objective function during the process of decision-making, agents often choose so that they can satisfy a minimum set of requirements. A similar point is raised by Thura, who notes that actions often meet a minimum standard, rather than maximize a global function. For instance, “when we look for a restaurant in a new city, we plausibly choose the first one that is acceptable to us – it reaches the threshold of our own aspiration level – instead of comparing (all) the restaurants of the city.” Thus, these authors suggest an alternate theory in which the individual preferences are viewed through the lens of bounded rationality.
In this alternate view, the prediction is that we move faster toward things that surpass our aspirational level. This view is important because items that surpass our aspirational level may also produce a reward prediction error. Notably, a component of vigor is related to release of dopamine, which in turn is related to reward prediction error: When an option is better than expected, vigor may be higher than when the same option is worse than expected. Another component of vigor is related to serotonin, which as Tops, Boksem, Montero-Marin, & van der Linden (Tops et al.) point out, may function as a neuromodulator that increases satiety, signaling sufficiency of resources, thus indicating proximity to an aspiration level. Serotonin would encourage restraint, enhancing response to longer-term outcomes and delay of gratification. Indeed, under conditions of food shortage, there is depletion of tryptophan, a precursor of serotonin. Under such conditions, the chances of survival may increase by being more vigorous.
However, production of greater vigor during periods of low reward rate is inconsistent with our framework of optimal foraging. In Vigor, we point out a paradoxical function of serotonin in the study of Seo et al. (Reference Seo, Guru, Jin, Ito, Sleezer, Ho and Warden2019), who found that whereas under normal conditions, suppression of serotonin enhanced vigor, under threat conditions this effect was reversed. Under low-threat conditions, activation of 5-HT neurons leads to immediate and dramatic reductions in locomotor activity, while sparing more habitual movements such as grooming (Seo et al., Reference Seo, Guru, Jin, Ito, Sleezer, Ho and Warden2019). Effects were context-specific and not observed in tasks with high motivational or threatening components.
There is an intriguing implication to the observation that vigor is affected by dopamine and serotonin. These are ancient neuromodulatory systems that project throughout the brain and the spinal cord, reaching far beyond the motor system. For example, Hanakawa suggests that the idea of vigor control may be extended to mental operations. “Does mental vigor have similar control mechanisms and neural correlates with motor vigor?” In Parkinson's disease, although loss of dopamine clearly reduces vigor of movements, it also affects speed of mental operations (slowing of thinking, bradyphrenia). “My claim here is that the concept of vigor may be extended into the non-motor cognitive domains, and cognitive vigor is also likely supported by the midbrain dopaminergic system.”
But why might vigor be regulated by global neuromodulators such as dopamine and serotonin, rather than via a specific factor that affects the motor system alone? The commentary of Rolfs and Ohl highlights an intriguing possibility. There is a link between movements and allocation of attention for the purpose of accelerating or decelerating the rate of information processing. When movement vigor increases, there is also a need for an increase in the efficiency in the sensory system. For example, some 100 ms before the eyes move to a new location, the part of the visual space that the saccade is aiming has a virtual spotlight that stands out from the background (Rolfs & Carrasco, Reference Rolfs and Carrasco2012), resulting in a pre-saccadic shift of attention. Thus, during periods of high vigor, the reduced reaction times and increased saccade velocity affect not just the motor system, but also the visual system's ability to receive information (Jonikaitis & Deubel, Reference Jonikaitis and Deubel2011). This seems to beg for a global brain mechanism, rather than one that is specific to the motor system. Perhaps this is why neuromodulators such as dopamine and serotonin play such an integral role in the control of vigor, and perhaps these same systems are also involved in regulating information processing in the sensory system.
R1. Who computes the costs and rewards?
Spurrett notes that in order to move well, there needs to be an estimate of the relevant costs, in time, calories, and so on, and potential rewards, and then an integration into a common currency, applied to select deployment of the whole body. “Nonetheless, if there can't be a central executive able to integrate everything quickly enough to make selection and control of all skeletal movement consistently sensitive to a single value function responsive to all available information, something else must be going on.” In Vigor, we show that even in the context of an elementary movement like a saccade, there is no central executive. Rather, numerous structures, including some in the cortex, and others in the basal ganglia, express their opinions about where to move to, and how to make that movement. These opinions arrive via excitation and inhibition upon the superior colliculus, which in turn houses the neural machinery to make movements. The various opinions become potential control policies in the colliculus, with each policy translating the perceived costs and rewards into a potential goal directed movements with a specific vigor. Through a process akin to a race, one policy rises above the rest, achieves a threshold, and becomes action.
As Matsushima, Kawamori, & Ogura (Matsushima et al.) point out, the question of how the brain computes utility has been largely the focus of cortical neurophysiologists; yet fishes and birds, to name just a few species, make do quite well despite less developed cortical structures. Indeed, there is a fundamental role for the subcortical structures in decision-making. For example, in order to make a saccade, the decision-making process in mammals involves not only the attention allocation and value-based judgment of parietal and frontal lobe structures, but also the motor costs computed by the superior colliculus (Lovejoy & Krauzlis, Reference Lovejoy and Krauzlis2010). For example, a small regional deactivation of the colliculus not only makes movements to that region more difficult, but more importantly, it makes attention allocation for that region more costly. This implies that the process of decision-making is a collaboration between cortical and subcortical structures.
We might naively guess that this cortical and subcortical collaboration is proforma, because the ultimate arbiter is the cortex. Surprisingly, the opposite may be true, as illustrated by the fact that the nucleus that sets the threshold for making a saccade is not in the cortex, but in the brainstem. Omnipause neurons integrate excitatory and inhibitory inputs from the cortex, basal ganglia, and the colliculus, and then pause when the sum exceeds a threshold, thereby allowing the saccade that is encoded by the upstream neurons to take place. Thus, the fabled threshold that determines arrival of a decision to move is not in the cortex, but in the brainstem.
From an evolutionary point of view, all the basic mechanisms for decision-making, including representation of a global capture rate, risks, rewards, and effort, exist in the brainstem, thus allowing numerous species without a highly developed cerebral cortex to make good decisions that lead to fecundity. With the development of a cerebral cortex, computing utility has become more sophisticated, but not divorced from the evaluation performed in the brainstem.
R2. Competition for reward can increase vigor
Although optimal foraging provides a metabolic perspective on why movement vigor may be linked to the subjective valuation of the goal, Becchio, Pullar, & Panzeri (Becchio et al.) make the novel suggestion that our vigor can act as a signal to others regarding how we value the objects in our environment. For example, the speed of our movement toward an empty seat on the train can serve as a clear indication to others that we subjectively have placed a high value on this seat, underlining our intentions for this limited resource, which in turn may result in a reduction in their vigor. This presents a novel view on why we run toward people we love: to let them know that we love them. Thus, vigor has benefits that go beyond energetics, conveying information regarding how we value the goal at our destination.
On the day after Thanksgiving in America, people line up outside of stores early in the morning and then when the doors open, run to grab the few televisions or gaming consoles that have been advertised at exceptionally low prices. For those standing in line, the probability of acquiring this reward is low, but they are willing to expend the energy required to acquire it. As Bufacchi and Iannetti correctly point out, competition and scarcity can produce increased vigor. Indeed, as they show in their simulations, this scenario reverses the usual relationship between expected reward and vigor, but remains entirely consistent with optimal foraging theory. Thus, the theory correctly predicts that facing competition, increased vigor is justified if it increases the probability of acquiring the scare reward.
In a recent experiment (Yoon et al., Reference Yoon, Geary, Ahmed and Shadmehr2018), we tested the prediction that scarcity of reward would increase vigor. Human subjects looked at a fixation point while an image was presented to a side of the screen. To simulate scarcity, they were limited in the amount of time that they had to view the image. Thus, when they made a saccade to the image, on one block of trials they only had 0.4 s to gaze at it, whereas in other blocks they had 1.0 or 1.5 s. This modulation of harvest duration had a strong effect on both reaction time and saccade velocity: Subjects reacted sooner, and moved with greater saccade velocity toward the image that was available for the shorter period of time (Figure 3.11 of Vigor). Importantly, the expected reward in the short gaze period was smaller than in the long gaze period, but as the theory predicted, subjects moved with greater vigor toward the reward that was available for the shorter period of time. However, an important direction to explore these theories is to present a limited quantity of reward and introduce competition between agents. These richer, more ecologically relevant experiments await to be performed.
Indeed, Wright and Mlynski point out that when considering effort expenditure, the critical variables are not just the value of the incentive, but also the probability that expenditure of effort will be successful in acquiring that incentive. Is there evidence that movement vigor shows sensitivity to probability of attaining the incentive?
There is little research on this topic but there is one example that touches on this in Vigor. Seideman et al. (Reference Seideman, Stanford and Salinas2018) trained monkeys to watch a monitor in which two yellow targets appeared to the left and right of a fixation point. After a short fixation period, the fixation point disappeared, instructing the animal to go, and a reward cue appeared shortly after identifying which of the two targets was to be rewarded. Once the rewarding target was identified, the monkeys had a maximum of 450 ms following the go cue to start the saccade.
Cue processing time refers to the time from the cue onset to the saccade onset, and reflects the amount of time the monkeys had to acquire information about the identity of the rewarding target. The greater the cue processing time, the more certain the animal would be regarding its decision. Indeed, the probability of choosing the rewarding target increased with greater cue processing time (Figure 3.15 in Vigor). Interestingly, saccade vigor also increased with cue processing time suggesting that the animal was more confident that they would be rewarded. However, as cue processing time became very long, vigor decreased to baseline. This surprising result can also be explained by considering the probability of attaining reward. As cue processing time increased, the monkey was more likely to exceed the maximum time limit of 450 ms, which would remove the possibility of reward entirely. That is, as cue processing time became very long, it became less likely that the animal would be rewarded, and vigor was reduced.
Thus, in the data of Seideman et al. (Reference Seideman, Stanford and Salinas2018), we see that as cue processing time increases, the probability of incentive attainment increases, and so does saccade vigor. But, as the processing time becomes too long, the probability of acquiring the incentive drops to zero, and now saccade vigor returns to baseline. Thus, for this elementary movement, vigor investment is responsive to probability of successful attainment of the incentive.
R3. Threats can increase vigor
Bufacchi and Iannetti note that as the level of threat increases, an animal is more likely to spend energy to defend or escape that threat. Thus, avoidance of loss can lead to increased vigor. Indeed, the foraging literature documents a distinct effect of starvation threat on risk-taking behavior, with animals more likely to engage in risky behavior when they are close to starvation than when they are not (Barnard & Brown, Reference Barnard and Brown1985). A recent experiment illustrates the dual nature of serotonin in control of vigor in low- and high-threat environments.
Seo et al. (Reference Seo, Guru, Jin, Ito, Sleezer, Ho and Warden2019) optogenetically stimulated serotonin neurons during open field locomotion and noted that this caused an immediate reduction in vigor: walking speed declined. Similarly, when the mice were placed in a chamber where they had learned to associate a tone with availability of water, stimulation of the serotonin neurons reduced their approach speed toward the water spout. In contrast to these low-threat scenarios in which increase in serotonin reduced vigor, the effect of serotonin release reversed during high-threat scenarios. To produce a high-threat condition that encouraged an attempt to escape, the authors hung the animals by their tail to a horizontal bar and then measured the resulting struggle using an accelerometer. Being hung upside down naturally induced occasional bursts of rapid movements. Surprisingly, these high vigor movements accompanied high serotonin activity. In this context, stimulation of serotonin neurons increased vigor of the escape movements.
Thus, under low-threat conditions the release of serotonin reduces vigor, but under high-threat conditions the same release enhances vigor. How the possibility of threat and loss is represented by the brain, and how that representation interacts with serotonin and dopamine release to affect vigor, are fascinating topics that remain to be better explored.
R4. Building roads that connect communities of science
In the lovely analogy drawn by Matsushima et al., Roman roads were the core infrastructure that brought together various nation-states, leading to exchange of goods and ideas. In Vigor, the mathematics of optimal foraging acts as a road that connects neurophysiology of decision-making, energetics of biomechanics, and kinematics of motor control. To continue this road-building, let us summarize some of the questions raised by the reviewers, and suggest experiments that might address them:
1. How does probability of reward affect vigor of movements? Decreasing probability should lower the expected value of a certain reward and correspondingly reduce vigor.
2. The effort required to attain a reward can discount its value. When the brain is deliberating a decision between two options, does the effort-discounted value of each option affect the vigor of movements toward the stimulus that represents the option?
3. As reward value increases, a level of difficulty (effort expenditure) that previously was too steep of a cost to pay may now become affordable. Thus, although the value of the stimulus can be discounted by its effort requirements, it is also affected by the probability that the expended effort will acquire the reward. Does vigor reflect this interplay between effort requirements and probability of incentive acquisition?
4. Does vigor reflect absolute reward and effort costs, or rather is vigor a measure of reward and effort costs relative to an aspiration level?
5. Do individuals infer another individual's subjective valuation of an acquisition by observing the vigor of their movements? If so, how does this affect their own valuation and hence the vigor of their own movements? In other words, does vigor serve as a social cue reflecting and driving valuation in ourselves and others?
6. How does scarcity of resources influence vigor? Scarcity can lead to competition for these resources; if vigor increases the probability of reward, then scarcity should lead to greater vigor. The subjective value of a scarce resource may also be greater than the subjective value of the same resource when more abundant. In this case as well, scarcity should lead to greater vigor.
7. What is the influence of threat on vigor? How do these effects interact with risky decision-making and what roles do dopamine and serotonin play in determining these effects?
Although the roads that we have built in Vigor have pitfalls, if they are to have a lasting effect, they must facilitate exchange of ideas between the fields of neuroeconomics, decision-making, and motor control. A most encouraging sign is the broad spectrum of science reflected in the reviewer comments, suggesting that this exchange has begun.
Financial support
This study was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (1R01NS096083 and 1R01NS078311).
Conflict of interest
Target article
Précis of Vigor: Neuroeconomics of Movement Control
Related commentaries (14)
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Reducing behavioral dimensions to study brain–environment interactions
Thoughts on vigor in the motor and cognitive domains
Time and the decider
Vigor and aspiration levels in neuroeconomics
Vigor of reactive postural responses is set from feedback and feedforward processes
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Author response
Movement control, decision-making, and the building of Roman roads to link them