1 Introduction
A set S of natural numbers is said to be p-automatic if the set of representations base p of the elements of S forms a regular language—meaning that it is recognized by a finite automaton. Motivated by the isotrivial Mordell–Lang problem, Bell and Moosa were led in [Reference Bell and Moosa2] to extend this notion to the context where the natural numbers are replaced by an abelian group
$\Gamma $
and multiplication by p is replaced by a fixed injective endomorphism F of
$\Gamma $
. The intended examples were when
$\Gamma $
is a finitely generated subgroup of a semiabelian variety G over a finite field
$\mathbb {F}_q$
, with
$\Gamma $
preserved by the q-power Frobenius endomorphism F of G. In that setting, Bell and Moosa show in [Reference Bell and Moosa2] that if X is a closed subvariety of G then
$X\cap \Gamma $
is F-automatic; they do so using the isotrivial Mordell–Lang theorem of Moosa and Scanlon in [Reference Moosa and Scanlon6], which describes
$X\cap \Gamma $
. These results have recently been made effective and generalized to arbitrary commutative algebraic groups by Bell, Ghioca, and Moosa in [Reference Bell, Ghioca and Moosa1].
Our interest here is in the general theory of F-automata. The precise definition of an F-automatic subset of
$\Gamma $
is recalled in Section 2, but let us give an informal explanation now. First one needs to know that
$(\Gamma ,F)$
admits a “spanning set”: this is a finite subset
$\Sigma $
such that every element of
$\Gamma $
can be expressed as
$s_0+Fs_1+\cdots + F^ns_n$
for some
$s_0,\ldots ,s_n\in \Sigma $
. Then a subset S of
$\Gamma $
is said to be F-automatic if the set of words
$s_0s_1\cdots s_n$
such that
$s_0+Fs_1+\cdots +F^ns_n\in S$
forms a regular language on the alphabet
$\Sigma $
Our goals in this paper are twofold: (1) to clarify and further develop the foundations of this theory, and (2) to investigate the model-theoretic properties of F-automatic sets, in particular with respect to the stability-theoretic hierarchy.
Regarding foundations, our main results are:
• A characterization of when
$(\Gamma ,F)$ admits a spanning set in terms of the existence of a height function on
$\Gamma $ (Theorem 3.10) and, in the finitely generated case, in terms of the eigenvalues of
$F \otimes _{\mathbb {Z}}\operatorname {\mathrm {id}}_{\mathbb {C}}$ (Theorem 3.12).
• A characterization of F-automaticity in terms of kernels; this is Theorem 4.2 below. This result brings the basic theory of F-automatic sets closer to the classical case of p-automaticity.
• A characterization of F-sparsity. In the theory of regular languages there is a natural sparse/non-sparse dichotomy in terms of the growth of the number of accepted words of bounded length. This was extended and investigated in [Reference Bell and Moosa2]; see Definition 5.1 below for details. We clarify some properties of F-sparse sets (answering a question in [Reference Bell and Moosa2] along the way) and characterize them in terms of length functions (Theorem 5.10). As a consequence, we obtain in Corollary 5.12 a useful criterion for verifying F-sparsity; this criterion is used by Bell–Ghioca–Moosa in the recent preprint [Reference Bell, Ghioca and Moosa1] on effective isotrivial Mordell–Lang.
We next turn to the model-theoretic analysis. Here our main results are:
• An explicit characterization of stable F-sparse sets as finite Boolean combinations of translates of finite sums of sets of the form
$\{a+Fa+\cdots +F^na : {n <\omega}\}$ —these are the “groupless F-sets” of [Reference Moosa and Scanlon6]. That the groupless F-sets are stable is from [Reference Moosa and Scanlon6]; the converse is Theorem 6.3 below.
• The production of some new NIP expansions of
$(\Gamma ,+)$ ; see Theorem 7.7. This includes
$(\Gamma ,+,A)$ for any F-sparse
$A\subseteq \Gamma $ , but it also includes some examples that are not even F-automatic, most notably the expansion of
$(\mathbb {F}_p[t],+)$ by the graph of multiplication restricted to
$t^{\mathbb {N}}$ , when
$p\ge 7$ . This last example is Theorem 7.8 below.
2 Preliminaries
We first recall the relevant theory of regular languages; the interested reader is directed to [Reference Yu7] for further details. Fix a finite set
$\Lambda $
, which we will use as an alphabet. We use
$\Lambda ^*$
to denote the set of strings of elements of
$\Lambda $
. A language is any subset
$L\subseteq \Lambda ^*$
. We use
$\epsilon $
to denote the empty string. Given
$\sigma \in \Lambda ^*$
${\lvert \sigma \rvert }$
denotes the length of
$\sigma $
Definition 2.1. The set of regular languages over
$\Lambda $
is the smallest set of languages that contains the finite languages and is such that if
$L_1,L_2\subseteq \Lambda ^*$
are regular then so are
$L_1\cup L_2$
$L_1L_2 = \{\sigma \tau :\sigma \in L_1,\tau \in L_2\}$
, and
$L_1^* = \{\sigma _1\cdots \sigma _n : \sigma _1,\ldots ,\sigma _n\in L_1\}$
Regular languages can be characterized as those recognized by machines of a certain form:
Definition 2.2. A non-deterministic finite automaton (or NFA) is a
$M = (\Lambda , Q,q_0,\Omega ,\delta )$
, where:
$\Lambda $ is a finite alphabet.
• Q is a finite set of states.
$q_0\in Q$ is the initial state.
$\Omega \subseteq Q$ is the set of finish states.
$\delta \colon Q\times \Lambda \to 2^Q$ is the transition function: given
$(q,a)\in Q\times \Lambda $ it outputs the set of states the machine could transition to if it is in state q and reads input a.
We identify
$\delta $
with its natural extension
$Q\times \Lambda ^*\to 2^Q$
given by
$\delta (q,\sigma a) = \bigcup \{\delta (q',a) : q'\in \delta (q,\sigma )\}$
. If
$\sigma \in \Lambda ^*$
we say M accepts
$\sigma $
$\delta (q_0,\sigma )\cap \Omega \ne \emptyset $
; the set of such
$\sigma $
is the language recognized by M. If
${\lvert {\delta (q,a)} \rvert } = 1$
for all
$q\in Q$
$a\in \Lambda $
we say M is a deterministic finite automaton (or DFA). In this case we regard
$\delta $
as having codomain Q, rather than
Fact 2.3 [Reference Yu7, Lemma 2.2 and Sections 3.2 and 3.3]
$L\subseteq \Lambda ^*$
then the following are equivalent:
• L is regular.
• L is recognized by some DFA.
• L is recognized by some NFA.
A note on exponential notation: we use
$\Lambda ^r$
to denote the alphabet of r-tuples of elements of
$\Lambda $
, and we use
$\Lambda ^{(r)}$
to denote the language
$\{\sigma \in \Lambda ^* : {\lvert \sigma \rvert } =r\}$
Throughout the paper, we fix an infinite abelian group
$\Gamma $
equipped with some injective endomorphism
$F\colon \Gamma \to \Gamma $
. We let
$\mathbb {Z}[F]$
denote the subring of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {End}}(\Gamma )$
generated by F, and consider
$\Gamma $
as a
$\mathbb {Z}[F]$
-module. Our context is slightly more general than that of [Reference Bell and Moosa2]: they require that
$\Gamma $
be a finitely generated abelian group, which we do not. Most of the results of [Reference Bell and Moosa2] go through in this context with no additional effort.
Following [Reference Bell and Moosa2], given a string
$s_0\cdots s_n$
of elements in
$\Gamma $
we let
Note that when
$(\Gamma ,F) = (\mathbb {Z},d)$
$s_i\in \{0,\ldots ,d-1\}$
this is just computing the number represented by
$s_0\cdots s_n$
base d. Given a set L of strings of elements of
$\Gamma $
, we let
Definition 2.4. If
$\Sigma $
is a finite subset of
$\Gamma $
we say
$\Sigma $
is an F-spanning set (for
$\Gamma $
) if it satisfies the following axioms:
(i) For all
$a\in \Gamma $ there is
$\sigma \in \Sigma ^* $ such that
$a = [\sigma ]_F$ .
$0\in \Sigma $ , and if
$a\in \Sigma $ then
$-a\in \Sigma $ .
(iii) If
$a_1,\ldots ,a_5\in \Sigma $ then
$a_1+\cdots +a_5\in \Sigma +F\Sigma $ .
(iv) If
$a_1,a_2,a_3\in \Sigma $ and
$a_1+a_2+a_3\in F\Gamma $ then
$a_1+a_2+a_3\in F\Sigma $ .
Condition (i) is what allows us to make a sensible definition of F-automaticity: it says that every element of
$\Gamma $
has an “F-expansion with digits in
$\Sigma $
.” Conditions (iii) and (iv) are somewhat technical. Roughly speaking, their main use is to constrain how addition and application of powers of F can affect the length of the shortest F-expansion of a given group element; see for example [Reference Bell and Moosa2, Lemma 5.3] and the proof of Proposition 3.8. The latter is the only place we will directly make use of condition (iii) or (iv); for more details on how they are used in establishing the basic properties of F-automatic sets, see [Reference Bell and Moosa2, Sections 5 and 6].
Note that the existence of an F-spanning set will imply that
$\Gamma $
is finitely generated as a
$\mathbb {Z}[F]$
-module, and that
$\Gamma /F\Gamma $
is finite.
It is pointed out in [Reference Bell and Moosa2, Lemmas 5.6 and 5.7] that for
$\Sigma $
is an F-spanning set then
$[\Sigma ^{(r)}]_F$
is both an F-spanning set and an
-spanning set.Footnote
Definition 2.5. We say
$A\subseteq \Gamma $
is F-automatic if there is an
-spanning set
$\Sigma $
for some
such that
$\{\sigma \in \Sigma ^* : [\sigma ]_{F^r} \in A\}$
is regular.
The following is a useful strengthening of [Reference Bell and Moosa2, Proposition 6.3]:
Proposition 2.6. Suppose
$A\subseteq \Gamma $
is F-automatic. Then for any
and any
-spanning set
$\Sigma $
$\{\sigma \in \Sigma ^*:[\sigma ]_{F^r}\in A\}$
is regular.
Proof By F-automaticity there is
and an
-spanning set
$\Sigma _0$
such that
$\{\sigma \in \Sigma _0^* : [\sigma ]_{F^{r_0}}\in A\}$
is regular. Now
$\Theta := [\Sigma ^{(r_0)}]_{F^r}$
is an
-spanning set, and by [Reference Bell and Moosa2, Proposition 6.3] we have that
$\{\sigma \in \Theta ^* : [\sigma ]_{F^{rr_0}}\in A\}$
is regular. Suppose it is recognized by the automaton
$M=(\Theta ,Q,q_0,\Omega ,\delta )$
. Now define a new automaton
$M' = (\Sigma ,Q\times \Sigma ^{(<r_0)},(q_0,\epsilon ),\Omega ',\delta ')$
(Note if
${\lvert \sigma \rvert } <r_0$
$[\sigma ]_{F^r} = [\sigma 0^{r_0-{\lvert \sigma \rvert }}]_{F^r} \in \Theta $
, so
$\delta (q,[\sigma ]_{F^r})$
is defined.) Given
$\sigma \in \Sigma ^*$
we can write
$\sigma =\sigma _1\cdots \sigma _{n+1}$
${\lvert {\sigma _1} \rvert }=\cdots ={\lvert {\sigma _n}\rvert } = r_0$
${\lvert {\sigma _{n+1}} \rvert }< r_0$
. Now,
$\sigma $
if and only if M accepts
$[\sigma _1]_{F^r}\cdots [\sigma _{n+1}]_{F^r}$
(where again
$[\sigma _{n+1}]_{F^r} = [\sigma _{n+1}0^{r_0-{\lvert {\sigma _{n+1}} \rvert }}]_{F^r}\in \Theta $
), which is in turn equivalent to
$[\sigma ]_{F^r} = [[\sigma _1]_{F^r}\cdots [\sigma _{n+1}]_{F^r}]_{F^{rr_0}}\in A$
. So
$\{\sigma \in \Sigma ^*:[\sigma ]_{F^r}\in A\}$
, as desired.
3 Existence of spanning sets
We first study what it means for
$\Gamma $
to admit an F-spanning set. It is clear in [Reference Bell and Moosa2] that the authors do not expect all finitely generated abelian groups to admit spanning sets, but no example was given. Here is one:
Example 3.1. Consider
$\Gamma =\mathbb {Z}^2$
. Fix
$T\in M_2(\mathbb {Z})$
invertible and diagonalizable over
$\mathbb {C}$
, and with an eigenvalue
$\mu $
${\lvert \mu \rvert } <1$
; for example
$T = \begin {pmatrix} 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 \end {pmatrix}$
. Let
$F\colon \mathbb {Z}^2\to \mathbb {Z}^2$
be the associated linear map on
$\mathbb {Z}^2$
. Suppose for contradiction that there were an F-spanning set
$\Sigma $
$\mathbb {Z}^2 $
. Let
$\{v,w\}\subseteq \mathbb {C}^2$
be an eigenbasis for T, say with
$Tv = \mu v$
$Tw = \nu w$
. Write each element of
$\Sigma $
(uniquely) in the form
$a,b\in \mathbb {C}$
, and let M be the largest
${\lvert a\rvert } $
obtained in this way. Given
$x\in \mathbb {Z}^2$
we can write
$s_i = a_i v+ b_iw\in \Sigma $
. So by independence of
if we write
$x = av + bw$
On the other hand, if we had
$a\ne 0$
then since
$\mathbb {Z}^2$
is closed under integer scaling there would be some
$x\in \mathbb {Z}^2$
such that the corresponding a did not satisfy
${\lvert {a}\rvert } \le M(1-{\lvert {\mu }\rvert })^{-1}$
, a contradiction. So
$a = 0$
, and
$\mathbb {Z}^2\subseteq \mathbb {C}w$
, contradicting the fact that the
$\mathbb {C}$
-linear span of
$\mathbb {Z}^2$
is all of
$\mathbb {C}^2$
. So no F-spanning set exists for
$\mathbb {Z}^2$
Bell and Moosa [Reference Bell and Moosa2] give a sufficient condition for
$\Gamma $
to admit an
-spanning set for some r (under the assumption that
$\Gamma /F\Gamma $
is finite) in terms of the existence of what they call a height function on
$\Gamma $
. Our first goal is to show that this is also necessary.
Definition 3.2. A height function for
$(\Gamma ,F) $
is a map
$h\colon \Gamma \to \mathbb {R}_{\ge 0}$
satisfying the following:
(Symmetry and triangle inequality) There are
$\alpha ,\kappa {{\kern-1.5pt}\in{\kern-1.5pt}} \mathbb {R}$ with
$\alpha{{\kern-1.5pt}>{\kern-1.5pt}}1$ and
$\kappa{{\kern-1.5pt}>{\kern-1.5pt}}0$ such that
$h(-a){{\kern-1.5pt}\le{\kern-1.5pt}} \alpha h(a)+\kappa $ and
$h(a+b){{\kern-1.5pt}\le{\kern-1.5pt}} \alpha (h(a)+h(b))+\kappa $ for all
$a,b{{\kern-1.5pt}\in{\kern-1.5pt}} \Gamma $ .
(Northcott property) For all
$N\in \mathbb {N}$ there are finitely many
$a{{\kern-1.5pt}\in{\kern-1.5pt}} \Gamma $ with
$h(a){{\kern-1.5pt}\le{\kern-1.5pt}} N$ .
(Canonicity) There is
$\beta \in \mathbb {R}$ with
$\beta>1$ such that
$h(Fa)\ge \beta h(a)$ for cofinitely many
$a\in \Gamma $ .
We will find it useful to work with a different class of functions on
$\Gamma $
Definition 3.3. A length function for
$(\Gamma ,F) $
is a map
$\lambda \colon \Gamma \to \mathbb {R}_{\ge 0}$
satisfying the following:
$\lambda (a) = \lambda (-a)$ for all
$a\in \Gamma $ .
(Ultrametric inequality) There is
$D\in \mathbb {R}$ with
$D\ge 0$ such that
$\lambda (a+b)\le \max (\lambda (a),\lambda (b))+D$ for all
$a,b\in \Gamma $ .
(Northcott property) For all
$N{{\kern-1.5pt}\in{\kern-1.5pt}} \mathbb {N}$ there are finitely many
$a{{\kern-1.5pt}\in{\kern-1.5pt}} \Gamma $ with
$\lambda (a)\le N$ .
(Logarithmic property) There is a finite exceptional set A and
$C,E\in \mathbb {R}$ with
$C>0$ and
$E\ge 0$ such that
$\lambda (Fa)\le \lambda (a)+C$ for all
$a\in \Gamma $ , and
$\lambda (F^na)\ge \lambda (a)+nC - E$ for all
$a\in \Gamma \setminus A$ and
$n\in \mathbb {N}$ .
Note that if
$\lambda $
satisfies all the axioms of being a length function besides symmetry, then
$\lambda '(a) := \max (\lambda (a) , \lambda (-a))$
will be a length function.
There is an immediate connection between length functions and height functions. Suppose
$\lambda $
is a length function for
$(\Gamma ,F)$
with exceptional set A and associated constants
. Pick r so that
. It is then straightforward to check that
$h(a) := 2^{\lambda (a)} $
is a height function for
$(\Gamma ,F^r)$
with exceptional set A and associated constants
$\alpha =2^D$
$\beta = 2^{rC-E}$
, and
$\kappa =1$
. It is harder to derive a length function from a height function. One might attempt to reverse the above, and given a height function h ask whether
$\lambda (a):= \log (h(a))$
is a length function. A first obstacle is that we might have
, though this could be dealt with by setting
$\lambda (a) = 0$
for such a. A more fundamental problem is that the axioms of height functions place no upper bound on
in terms of
, whereas the axioms of length functions demand such a bound on
$\lambda (Fa)$
. We will see in Theorem 3.10, however, that the existence of a height function indeed implies the existence of a length function, and moreover that both are equivalent to the existence of a spanning set.
Remark 3.4. It will sometimes be convenient to assume that C is large compared to some function of D and E (and possibly other constants). If we are willing to pass from F to a power thereof, this can always be assumed: if
$\lambda $
is a length function for
$(\Gamma ,F)$
with associated constants
, we can take r such that
satisfied the desired inequalities. Then
$\lambda $
is a length function for
$(\Gamma ,F^r)$
with associated constants
Lemma 3.5. Suppose
$\lambda $
is a length function for
$(\Gamma ,F)$
with exceptional set A and associated constants
. By increasing E we can assume that every element of the exceptional set A has finite F-orbit.
Proof Suppose the F-orbit of
$a\in A$
is infinite; so there is
such that
$F^{i_a}a\notin A$
. Now, for all
$n\ge i_a$
we have
and for
$n< i_a$
we have
Hence taking
to be the maximum of E and all the quantities marked
, we get that
$\lambda (F^na)\ge \lambda (a)+ nC-E'$
so that a is no longer exceptional with respect to this new
. Iterating this procedure for each
$a\in A$
with infinite F-orbit, we eventually produce a new
$\widetilde {E}\ge E$
such that only the elements of A of finite F-orbit remain exceptional.
Remark 3.6. If there is a length function for
$(\Gamma ,F)$
$a\in \Gamma $
has finite F-orbit, then a must have finite order. Indeed, the F-orbit of
is finite for all
$k\in \mathbb {N}$
; but the logarithmic property then implies that all
lie in the finite exceptional set.
Combining Lemma 3.5 and Remark 3.6 we may assume the logarithmic property applies to all elements of infinite order.
Here is the motivating example of a length function.
Definition 3.7. If
$\Sigma $
is an F-spanning set for
$\Gamma $
, we define
$\lambda _{\Sigma } \colon \Gamma \to \mathbb {R}_{\ge 0}$
by setting
$\lambda _{\Sigma } (a)$
to be the length of the shortest
$\sigma \in \Sigma ^*$
such that
$[\sigma ]_F = a$
Proposition 3.8. If
$\Sigma $
is an F-spanning set for
$\Gamma $
$\lambda _{\Sigma } $
is a length function for
$(\Gamma ,F)$
with associated constants
and exceptional set
$\Sigma $
Proof We verify the axioms. Symmetry of
$\lambda _{\Sigma } $
is simply by symmetry of
$\Sigma $
. Lemma 5.3 of [Reference Bell and Moosa2] implies that the ultrametric inequality holds of
$\lambda _{\Sigma } $
. Since
$\Sigma $
is finite there are finitely many
$\sigma \in \Sigma ^*$
of length
$\le N$
, and hence
$\lambda _{\Sigma } $
satisfies the Northcott property. Finally, we prove that
$\lambda _{\Sigma } $
satisfies the logarithmic property with
and exceptional set
$\Sigma $
. For the upper bound, note that if
$a = [s_0\cdots s_{\ell } ]_F$
$s_0,\ldots ,s_{\ell } \in \Sigma $
$Fa = [0s_0\cdots s_{\ell } ]_F$
; so
$\lambda _{\Sigma } (Fa)\le \lambda _{\Sigma } (a)+1$
. It remains to show the lower bound.
$a\notin \Sigma $
. Write
$\lambda _{\Sigma } (a) = \ell $
for some
; say
$a = [s_0\cdots s_{\ell -1}]_F$
. Suppose for contradiction that
$\lambda _{\Sigma } (F^ma) < m+\ell -1 $
; so we can write
$F^ma = [t_0\cdots t_{m+\ell -3}]_F$
. Then
$t_0\in F\Gamma $
, so by axiom (iv) we get that
$t_0 = Ft_0^{\prime }$
for some
$t_0^{\prime }\in \Sigma $
. Inductively suppose for some
we can write
$t_0 + \cdots + F^it_i = F^{i+1}t_i^{\prime }$
for some
$t_i^{\prime }\in \Sigma $
. Then
$F^{i+1}(t_i^{\prime }+t_{i+1}) = t_0 + \cdots + F^{i+1}t_{i+1}$
which can be seen to be in
$ F^{i+2}\Gamma $
using Equation (1) and the fact that
$m\ge i+2$
. Hence
$t_i^{\prime }+t_{i+1}\in F\Gamma $
by injectivity of F, and again by axiom (iv) we can write
$t_i^{\prime }+t_{i+1} = Ft_{i+1}^{\prime }$
for some
$t_{i+1}\in \Sigma $
. So
$t_0 + \cdots + F^{i+1}t_{i+1} = F^{i+2}t_{i+1}^{\prime }$
. It follows that
$t_0+\cdots +F^{m-1}t_{m-1} = F^mt_{m-1}^{\prime }$
for some
$t_{m-1}^{\prime }\in \Sigma $
. (Note
is defined since
$\ell \ge 2$
.) So
$F^ma = F^mt_{m-1}^{\prime } + F^mt_m + \cdots + F^{m+\ell -3}t_{m+\ell -3}$
, and thus
Hence by [Reference Bell and Moosa2, Lemma 5.3] we get that a can be represented by a string of length
$\le \ell -1$
, contradicting our assumption that
$\lambda _{\Sigma } (a) = \ell $
We will want to use a result of [Reference Bell and Moosa2] to deduce that the existence of a height function implies the existence of a spanning set. To do so we will need to know that
$\Gamma /F^r\Gamma $
is finite for all r.
Lemma 3.9. Suppose
$S\subseteq \Gamma $
contains a representative of each coset of
$F\Gamma $
. Then
contains a representative of each coset of
$F^r\Gamma $
. In particular, if
$\Gamma /F\Gamma $
is finite then so too is
$\Gamma /F^r\Gamma $
for all
Proof Given
$a\in \Gamma $
we can find
$s_0\in S$
such that
$a\equiv s_0{\pmod {F\Gamma }}$
. Then inductively we can find
$s_1,\ldots ,s_{r-1}\in S$
such that
$F^{-1}(a-s_0)\equiv s_1+\cdots +F^{r-2}s_{r-1}{\pmod {F^{r-1}\Gamma }}$
, at which point it follows that
$a\equiv s_0+\cdots + F^{r-1}s_{r-1}{\pmod {F^r\Gamma }}$
Putting all this together, we deduce the following characterization for the existence of spanning sets, which in particular provides a converse to [Reference Bell and Moosa2, Proposition 5.8].
Theorem 3.10. Suppose
$\Gamma /F\Gamma $
is finite. The following are equivalent
$\Gamma $ admits an
$F^r$ -spanning set for some
$r>0$ .
2. There is a length function for some
$(\Gamma ,F^r)$ .
3. There is a height function for some
$(\Gamma ,F^r)$ .
Proof (1)
$\implies $
(2) is Proposition 3.8, and we noted (2)
$\implies $
(3) after the definition of length functions. For (3)
$\implies $
(1), we appeal to [Reference Bell and Moosa2, Proposition 5.8]. Formally they require that
$\Gamma $
be finitely generated as a group, but this is only used to deduce that
$\Gamma /F^r\Gamma $
is finite for all r; by Lemma 3.9 we can assume as much from the fact that
$\Gamma /F\Gamma $
is finite.
Corollary 3.11. Suppose there is an
-spanning set for
$\Gamma $
for some
$H\le \Gamma $
is F-invariant. Then there is an
-spanning set for H for some
. Furthermore if
$A\subseteq H$
then A is F-automatic in
$\Gamma $
if and only A is F-automatic in H.
Proof By Theorem 3.10 there is a length function
$\lambda $
for some
$(\Gamma ,F^r)$
. One can check that
$\lambda \restriction H$
is a length function for
$(H,(F\restriction H)^r)$
. So again by Theorem 3.10 there is an
-spanning set for H for some
For the “furthermore,” note by the above and [Reference Bell and Moosa2, Lemmas 5.6 and 5.7] there is s such that there is an
-spanning set
$\Sigma $
$H $
that is contained in an
-spanning set
$\Sigma '$
$\Gamma $
. The right-to-left direction then follows from [Reference Bell and Moosa2, Proposition 6.8(b)]. For the left-to-right, note that
$\{\sigma \in \Sigma ^* : [\sigma ]_{F^s}\in A\} = \{\sigma \in (\Sigma ')^* : [\sigma ]_{F^s}\in A\}\cap \Sigma ^*$
is the intersection of two regular languages, and is thus regular (see [Reference Yu7, Theorem 2.1]); so A is F-automatic in H.
In fact when
$\Gamma $
is a finitely generated abelian group, we can use the above to deduce a concrete and verifiable characterization of the existence of spanning sets.
Theorem 3.12. Suppose
$\Gamma $
is a finitely generated abelian group. Then
$\Gamma $
admits an
-spanning set for some
if and only if the eigenvalues of
$F\otimes _{\mathbb {Z}}\operatorname {\mathrm {id}}_{\mathbb {C}}$
(viewed as a linear map on the
$\mathbb {C}$
-vector space
$\Gamma \otimes _{\mathbb {Z}}\mathbb {C})$
all have modulus
We will want to restrict our attention to the torsion-free case; the following lemma tells us that the torsion subgroup can be ignored for the purposes of determining whether there is a spanning set.
Lemma 3.13. Suppose
$\Gamma $
is a finitely generated abelian group
$\Gamma =\Gamma _0\times H$
$\Gamma _0$
is torsion-free and H is finite. Let
$\pi \colon \Gamma \to \Gamma _0$
be the projection, and let
$F_0\colon \Gamma _0\to \Gamma _0$
be the map induced by F. Then
$\pi ([s_0\cdots s_n]_F) = [(\pi (s_0))\cdots (\pi (s_n))]_{F_0}$ for
$s_0,\ldots ,s_n\in \Gamma $ .
2. If
$\Sigma $ is an F-spanning set for
$\Gamma $ then
$\pi (\Sigma )$ is an
$F_0$ -spanning set for
$\Gamma _0$ .
3. If
$\Sigma _0 $ is an
$F_0$ -spanning set for
$\Gamma _0$ then
$\pi ^{-1}(\Sigma _0 )$ is an F-spanning set for
$\Gamma $ .
Proof Note first that since F is injective and H is finite we get that
$FH = H$
; so there is indeed a well-defined and injective
$F_0\colon \Gamma _0\to \Gamma _0$
that satisfies
$\pi \circ F=F_0\circ \pi $
1. Note that
$\pi ([s_0\cdots s_n]_F) {{\kern-1.5pt}={\kern-1.5pt}} \pi (s_0) + \pi (Fs_1) + \cdots + \pi (F^ns_n) {{\kern-1.5pt}={\kern-1.5pt}} \pi (s_0) + F_0(\pi (s_1)) + \cdots + F_0^n(\pi (s_n)) {{\kern-1.5pt}={\kern-1.5pt}} [(\pi (s_0))\cdots (\pi (s_n))]_{F_0}$ .
2. Suppose
$\Sigma $ is an F-spanning set for
$\Gamma $ ; we verify that
$\pi (\Sigma )$ satisfies the axioms.
(i) Suppose
$a\in \Gamma _0$ . Since
$\Sigma $ satisfies axiom (i) there is
$s_0\cdots s_n \in \Sigma ^*$ such that
$[s_0\cdots s_n]_F = a$ . Then by part (1) we get that
$a = \pi (a) = [(\pi (s_0))\cdots (\pi (s_n))]_{F_0}$ .
(ii) Since
$0\in \Sigma $ we get that
$0=\pi (0)\in \pi (\Sigma )$ . If
$\pi (a)\in \pi (\Sigma )$ then since
$\Sigma $ satisfies axiom (ii) we get that
$-a\in \Sigma $ , and hence
$-\pi (a)\in \pi (\Sigma )$ .
(iii) Suppose
$\pi (a_1),\ldots ,\pi (a_5)\in \pi (\Sigma )$ . Since
$\Sigma $ satisfies axiom (iii) there are
$b_0,b_1\in \Sigma $ such that
$a_1+\cdots +a_5 = b_0 + Fb_1$ . Then
$\pi (a_1)+\cdots +\pi (a_5) = \pi (b_0) + \pi (Fb_1) = \pi (b_0) + F_0(\pi (b_1))\in \pi (\Sigma ) + F_0(\pi (\Sigma ))$ , as desired.
(iv) Suppose
$\pi (a_1),\pi (a_2),\pi (a_3)\in \pi (\Sigma )$ and
$\pi (a_1)+ \pi (a_2) + \pi (a_3) = F_0b$ for some
$b\in \Gamma _0$ . Then
$\pi (a_1+a_2+a_3) = F_0(\pi (b)) = \pi (Fb)$ , so there is
$h\in H$ such that
$a_1+a_2+a_3 = Fb + h$ . Since F is bijective on H, there is
$h_0\in H$ such that
$Fh_0 = h$ . So
$a_1+a_2+a_3 = F(b+h_0)$ ; thus since
$\Sigma $ satisfies axiom (iv) we get that
$b+h_0\in \Sigma $ , and hence that
$b=\pi (b+h_0) \in \pi (\Sigma )$ .
3. Suppose
$\Sigma _0 $ is an
$F_0$ -spanning set for
$\Gamma _0 $ ; we verify that
$\pi ^{-1}(\Sigma _0 )$ satisfies the axioms.
(i) Suppose
$a\in \Gamma $ . Since
$\Sigma _0 $ satisfies axiom (i) there is
$s_0\cdots s_n\in \Sigma _0^*$ such that
$\pi (a) = [s_0\cdots s_n]_{F_0} = [(\pi (s_0))\cdots (\pi (s_n))]_{F_0} = \pi ([s_0\cdots s_n]_F)$ (since each
$s_i\in \Sigma _0\subseteq \Gamma _0$ ). Let
$h=a-[s_0\cdots s_n]_F\in H$ . Then
$a = h + [s_0\cdots s_n]_F = [(s_0+h)s_1\cdots s_n]_F$ and
$s_0+h,s_1,\ldots ,s_n\in \pi ^{-1}(\Sigma _0)$ , as desired.
(ii) Since
$0\in \Sigma _0$ we get that
$0 \in \pi ^{-1}(0)\subseteq \pi ^{-1}(\Sigma _0)$ . If
$a+h\in \pi ^{-1}(\Sigma _0)$ with
$a\in \Sigma _0$ and
$h\in H$ , then since
$\Sigma _0$ satisfies axiom (ii) we get that
$-a\in \Sigma _0$ , and hence
$-(a+h)\in \pi ^{-1}(\Sigma _0)$ .
(iii) Suppose
$a_1+h_1,\ldots ,a_5+h_5\in \pi ^{-1}(\Sigma _0)$ with each
$a_i\in \Sigma _0$ and each
$h_i\in H$ . Since
$\Sigma _0$ satisfies axiom (iii) there are
$b_0,b_1\in \Sigma _0$ such that
$$ \begin{align*}a_1+\cdots +a_5 {{\kern-1pt}={\kern-1pt}} b_0 + F_0b_1 {{\kern-1pt}={\kern-1pt}} b_0 + F_0(\pi (b_1)) {{\kern-1pt}={\kern-1pt}} b_0 + \pi (Fb_1) {{\kern-1pt}={\kern-1pt}} b_0 + Fb_1 + h, \end{align*} $$
$h\in H$ . Then
$$ \begin{align*}(a_1+h_1)+\cdots +(a_5+h_5) = (b_0+ h_1+h_2+\cdots +h_5+h) + Fb_1 \end{align*} $$
$b_0+h_1+h_2+\cdots +h_5+h, b_1\in \pi ^{-1}(\Sigma _0)$ .
(iv) Suppose
$a_1+h_1,a_2+h_2,a_3+h_3\in \pi ^{-1}(\Sigma _0)$ with each
$a_i\in \Sigma _0$ and each
$h_i\in H$ ; suppose further that
$(a_1+h_1) + (a_2+h_2) + (a_3+h_3) = Fb$ for some
$b\in \Gamma $ . Then
$a_1+a_2+a_3 = \pi (Fb) = F_0(\pi (b))$ ; thus since
$\Sigma _0$ satisfies axiom (iv) we get that
$\pi (b)\in \Sigma _0$ , and
$b\in \pi ^{-1}(\Sigma _0)$ .
Proof of Theorem 3.12 We first reduce to the torsion-free case. By the fundamental theorem of finitely generated abelian groups we may assume
$\Gamma =\mathbb {Z}^m \times H$
where H is a finite group; let
$\pi \colon \Gamma \to \mathbb {Z}^m$
be the projection. Let
be the endomorphism of
$\mathbb {Z}^m$
induced by F; note then that
is the endomorphism of
$\mathbb {Z}^m$
induced by
. So by Lemma 3.13
$\Gamma $
admits an
-spanning set for some
if and only if
$\mathbb {Z}^m$
admits an
-spanning set for some
. Moreover under the identification
$\Gamma \otimes _{\mathbb {Z}}\mathbb {C}=\mathbb {Z}^m\otimes _{\mathbb {Z}}\mathbb {C}$
we have that
$F\otimes _{\mathbb {Z}}\operatorname {\mathrm {id}}_{\mathbb {C}} \sim F_0\otimes _{\mathbb {Z}}\operatorname {\mathrm {id}}_{\mathbb {C}}$
, and in particular they have the same eigenvalues.
We may therefore assume
$\Gamma =\mathbb {Z}^m$
for some m and
$F\in M_m(\mathbb {Z})$
$(\impliedby )$ By replacing F with a power, we may assume
${\lvert \mu \rvert }>2$ for all
$\mu \in \sigma (F)$ . We show there exists a height function for
$(\Gamma ,F)$ . Pick a basis
$\{e_1,\ldots ,e_m \}$ for
$\mathbb {C}^m$ that puts F in Jordan canonical form. Let
$h\colon \mathbb {C}^m\to \mathbb {R}_{\ge 0}$ be the infinity norm associated with
$\{e_1,\ldots ,e_m\}$ : so
$h(a_1e_1+\cdots +a_me_m) = \max _i {\lvert {a_i}\rvert }$ . We show that
$h\restriction \mathbb {Z}^m$ is a height function for
$(\Gamma ,F)$ . Triangle inequality and symmetry are clear. For the Northcott property, recall that two norms
$\lVert {\cdot }\rVert _1$ and
$\lVert {\cdot }\rVert _2$ on a vector space V are equivalent if there are
$c_1,c_2>0$ such that
$c_1\lVert {v}\rVert _1\le \lVert {v}\rVert _2 \le c_2\lVert {v}\rVert _1$ for all
$v\in V$ ; recall further that all norms on a finite-dimensional space are equivalent. In particular, our infinity norm is equivalent to the usual infinity norm
$\lVert {\cdot }\rVert _{\infty } $ on
$\mathbb {C}^m$ , and there is
$c>0$ such that
$\lVert {v}\rVert _{\infty } \le ch(v)$ for all
$v\in \mathbb {C}^m$ . So if
$h(v)\le N$ then
$\lVert {v}\rVert _{\infty } \le cN$ , and there can only be finitely many such
$v\in \mathbb {Z}^m$ .
It remains to check canonicity. Fix some
$\beta>1$ such that
$\beta +1<{\lvert \mu \rvert }$ for all
$\mu \in \sigma (F)$ . Suppose
$v = v_1e_1+\cdots +v_me_m\in \mathbb {C}^m\setminus \{0\}$ ; write
$Fv = w_1e_1+\cdots +w_me_m$ . Fix i such that
${\lvert {v_i}\rvert } = h(v)$ . Depending on the structure of the Jordan blocks, we get that
$w_i$ is either
$\mu v_i + v_{i+1}$ or
$\mu v_i$ (for
$\mu \in \sigma (F)$ corresponding to
$v_i$ ). In the first case, reverse triangle inequality yields
$$ \begin{align*}h(Fv)\ge {\lvert{w_i} \rvert}\ge {\lvert {\mu }\rvert}{\lvert{v_i}\rvert} - {\lvert{v_{i+1}\rvert}} \ge ({\lvert\mu -1 \rvert}){\lvert{v_i} \rvert}> \beta {\lvert {v_i}\rvert} = \beta h(v), \end{align*} $$
$$ \begin{align*}h(Fv)\ge {\lvert{w_i} \rvert} = {\lvert\mu \rvert}{\lvert{v_i} \rvert}> \beta {\lvert{v_i} \rvert} = \beta h(v). \end{align*} $$
$(\implies )$ Suppose there is
$\mu \in \sigma (F)$ with
${\lvert \mu \rvert } \le 1$ . There are two cases:
Case 1. Suppose there is
$\mu \in \sigma (F)$ with
${\lvert \mu \rvert } <1$ ; the argument in this case is similar to Example 3.1. Since the same is true for all powers of F it suffices to show that there is no F-spanning set. Pick a basis
$\{e_1,\ldots ,e_m\}$ for
$\mathbb {C}^m$ that puts F into Jordan canonical form; for
$x\in \mathbb {C}^m$ we write
$$ \begin{align*}x = \sum_{i=1}^m f_i(x)e_i; \end{align*} $$
$f_i\colon \mathbb {C}^m\to \mathbb {C}$ is linear. Pick some
$e_k$ corresponding to the bottom-right of some Jordan block for
$\mu $ ; so
$f_k(Fx) = \mu f_k(x)$ for
$x\in \mathbb {C}^m$ .
Suppose for contradiction we had an F-spanning set
$\Sigma $ . Let
$M = \max \{{\lvert {f_k(a)} \rvert }:a\in \Sigma \}$ . Then if
$$ \begin{align*}y = \sum_{i=0}^{\ell} F^ia_i \end{align*} $$
$a_i\in \Sigma $ then
$$ \begin{align*}{\lvert{f_k(y)} \rvert} &= {\bigg\lvert {\sum_{i=0}^{\ell} \mu ^if_k(a_i)}\bigg\rvert} \le \sum_{i=0}^{\ell} {\lvert{\mu ^if_k(a_i)} \rvert} \\ &= \sum_{i=0}^{\ell} {\lvert \mu \rvert}^i{\lvert{f_k(a_i)} \rvert} \le M\sum_{i<\omega }{\lvert \mu \rvert}^i = M\frac1{1-{\lvert\mu \rvert} }. \end{align*} $$
$y{{\kern-1.2pt}\in{\kern-1.2pt}} \mathbb {Z}^m$ satisfies
${\lvert {f_k(y)}\rvert }{{\kern-1.2pt}\le{\kern-1.2pt}} M\frac 1{1-{\lvert \mu \rvert } }$ . So since the integers are closed under doubling and
$f_k$ is linear, we get that
$f_k(y) = 0$ for each
$y\in \mathbb {Z}^m$ . So
$\mathbb {C}^m = \operatorname {\mathrm {span}}_{\mathbb {C}}\mathbb {Z}^m$ is spanned by
$\{e_1,\ldots ,e_m\}\setminus \{e_k\}$ , a contradiction.
Case 2. Suppose
${\lvert \mu \rvert } \ge 1$ for all
$\mu \in \sigma (F)$ ; pick some
$\mu \in \sigma (F)$ with
${\lvert \mu \rvert } =1$ . We show that there is non-zero
$a\in \mathbb {Z}^m$ such that
$F^ia=F^ja$ for some
$i\ne j$ , and deduce that no power of F admits a length function.
$p_{\mu } (x)$ be the minimal polynomial for
$\mu $ over
$\mathbb {Q}$ . Note that if
$\nu \in \mathbb {C}$ is a root of
$p_{\mu } $ then so is
$\nu ^{-1}$ . Indeed, this is true of
$\mu $ since
$\mu ^{-1}=\overline {\mu }$ and
$p_{\mu } \in \mathbb {Q}[x]$ , and hence is true of all
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Aut}}(\overline {\mathbb {Q}}/\mathbb {Q})$ -conjugates of
$\mu $ . But
$p_{\mu } $ divides the characteristic polynomial of F, and hence
$p_{\mu } $ has no roots of modulus
$<1$ by hypothesis. It follows that
$p_{\mu } $ has no roots of modulus
$>1$ either. That is, the roots of
$p_{\mu } $ lie on the unit circle.
$p_{\mu } (F)$ isn’t invertible over
$\mathbb {C}$ , since
$p_{\mu } (F)v= p_{\mu } (\mu )v = 0$ for any eigenvector v of F with eigenvalue
$\mu $ . So
$p_{\mu } (F)$ isn’t invertible over
$\mathbb {Q}$ , and thus
$V:=\ker _{\mathbb {Q}}(p_{\mu } (F))$ is a non-trivial F-invariant subspace of
$\mathbb {Q}^m$ . Furthermore
$p_{\mu } (F\restriction V) = 0$ , so the minimal polynomial of
$F\restriction V$ is separable (since
$p_{\mu } $ is); so
$F\restriction V$ is diagonalizable (over
$\mathbb {C}$ ) with eigenvalues that are roots of
$p_{\mu } $ , and hence lie on the unit circle. In particular in the inner product induced by the eigenbasis for
$F\restriction V$ we get that
$F\restriction V$ is unitary.
Since V is a non-trivial subspace of
$\mathbb {Q}^m$ it contains a non-zero
$a\in \mathbb {Z}^m$ . So
$Fa\in V\cap \mathbb {Z}^m$ as well and
$\lVert {Fa}\rVert = \lVert {a}\rVert $ (where the norm is induced by the aforementioned inner product); inductively we get
$\lVert {F^na}\rVert = \lVert {a} \rVert $ and
$F^na\in \mathbb {Z}^m$ for all n. But
$\lVert {\cdot }\rVert $ is equivalent to the Euclidean norm (since both are norms on a finite-dimensional space); so there are finitely many
$b\in \mathbb {Z}^m$ with
$\lVert {b}\rVert = \lVert {a}\rVert $ . So
$F^i a = F^ja$ for some
$i\ne j$ . By injectivity of F we get
$F^{i-j}a = a$ , and hence that
$(F^n)^{i-j} a = a$ for all n. It follows that the
$F^n$ -orbit of a is finite for all
$n>0$ . Since a has infinite order, Remark 3.6 yields that no power of F admits a length function. Hence by Theorem 3.10
$\Gamma $ does not admit an
$F^r$ -spanning set for any
$r>0$ .
4 A characterization of F-automaticity
A useful characterization of classical automaticity is in terms of “finiteness of kernels.” A version of this for F-automaticity is given in [Reference Bell and Moosa2, Lemma 6.2]. Using length functions we are able to improve this result. First, here is what kernels mean in our setting, as introduced in Definition 6.1 of [Reference Bell and Moosa2]. As before, we fix an abelian group
$\Gamma $
with an injective endomorphism F.
Definition 4.1. Suppose
$A\subseteq \Gamma $
. Given
$s_0,\ldots ,s_{n-1}\in \Gamma $
we set
$A_{\epsilon } = A$
). Given
$S\subseteq \Gamma $
, by the
-kernel of A we mean the set
$\{A_{\sigma } :\sigma \in S^*\} $
Theorem 4.2. Suppose
$\Gamma $
admits an
-spanning set for some
(and so in particular that
$\Gamma /F\Gamma $
is finite). Fix finite
$S\subseteq \Gamma $
containing a representative of each coset of
$F\Gamma $
$\Gamma $
. Then
$A\subseteq \Gamma $
is F-automatic if and only if the
-kernel of A is finite.
The big improvement here is that S need not be a spanning set—being a complete set of representatives for
$\Gamma /F\Gamma $
is a much weaker condition. A nice feature of this characterization is that, apart from the hypothesis on existence of a spanning set, F-automaticity of a set A can be checked without references to higher powers of F.
Lemma 4.3. Let
$\Gamma $
, F, and S be as in Theorem 4.2. Suppose
. The
-kernel of A is finite if and only if the
-kernel of
$A $
is finite.
Proof The
-kernel is clearly contained in the
-kernel. Suppose the
-kernel is infinite.
Note that if
$\sigma =s_0\cdots s_{k-1},\tau =t_0\cdots t_{\ell -1}\in S^*$
, and
$a\in \Gamma $
$(A_{\sigma } )_{\tau } = A_{\sigma \tau }$
; in particular, if
$A _{\sigma \tau }\ne A _{\sigma '\tau }$
$A _{\sigma } \ne A _{\sigma '}$
Since the set of all
$A_{\sigma } $
is infinite, there is
$0\le i<n$
such that the set of
$A_{\sigma } $
${\lvert \sigma \rvert } \equiv i{\pmod {n}}$
is infinite. Now, as S is finite, this means there is
$\tau \in S^*$
of length i such that
$\{A _{\rho \tau } : \rho \in S^*,{\lvert \rho \rvert } \in n\mathbb {Z}\} $
is infinite. It follows by the above observation that
$\{A _{\rho } :\rho \in S^*,{\lvert \rho \rvert } \in n\mathbb {Z}\}$
is infinite, and so the
$(S^{(n)}, F^n)$
-kernel is infinite.
Lemma 4.4. Suppose
$\Gamma $
admits a length function
$\lambda $
$(\Gamma ,F)$
with associated constants
such that
$C\ge D$
. Suppose
$S,T\subseteq \Gamma $
are finite sets both containing a representative of each coset of
$F\Gamma $
. Then A has finite
-kernel if and only if it has finite
Proof Let
$N = \max \{\lambda (s-t) : s\in S,t\in T\}$
. Suppose the
-kernel of A is finite.
Take an element
$A _{\sigma } $
of the
-kernel of
$A $
, say with
$\sigma = s_0\cdots s_{n-1}\in S^*$
. By Lemma 3.9 there is
$\tau = t_0\ldots t_{n-1}\in T^*$
such that
$A_{\tau } $
lies in the
-kernel of
$A $
. Let
so for
$a\in \Gamma $
we have
$A_{\sigma } = A_{\tau } -\delta $
. Hence to show that the
-kernel of A is finite it suffices to show that
$\delta $
can take on one of only finitely many values (as
$\sigma ,\tau $
vary). We show that
$\lambda (\delta )$
is bounded in terms of
, which suffices by the Northcott property.
We first bound
$\lambda (F^n\delta ) = \lambda ((s_0-t_0) + \cdots + F^{n-1}(s_{n-1}-t_{n-1})) $
. Since
$\lambda (s_0-t_0)\le N$
$\lambda (F(s_1-t_1))\le N+C$
, the ultrametric inequality yields
$\lambda (F^2(s_2-t_2))\le N+2C$
, another application of ultrametric inequality yields
(since by hypothesis
$C\ge D$
). Continuing inductively, we find that
$\lambda (F^n\delta )\le N+(n-1)C+D$
. Hence by the logarithmic property we get that
$\lambda (\delta )\le N-C+D+E$
Proof of Theorem 4.2 Suppose
$\Gamma $
admits an
-spanning set
$\Sigma $
for some
. By Proposition 3.8
$\lambda _{\Sigma } $
is a length function for
$(\Gamma ,F^n)$
with associated constants
such that
$C\ge D$
. Suppose
$A\subseteq \Gamma $
. Then by the previous two lemmas, the
-kernel of A is finite if and only if the
-kernel of A is, which occurs if and only if the
$(\Sigma ,F^n)$
-kernel of A is. (Note that an
-spanning set must contain a representative of every coset of
$F\Gamma $
.) But by [Reference Bell and Moosa2, Lemma 6.2] this is equivalent to A being F-automatic, as desired.
As an illustration of the usefulness of this characterization we give quick proof of [Reference Bell and Moosa2, Lemma 6.7(a)]: that if a spanning set exists then the equivalence relation of “representing the same element” on strings is characterized by a finite automaton.
Corollary 4.5. Suppose
$\Sigma $
is an F-spanning set. Then
$\{(\sigma ,\tau )\in (\Sigma ^2)^* : [\sigma ]_F = [\tau ]_F\}$
is a regular language over
$(\Sigma ^2)^*$
Here we are conflating
$(\Sigma ^2)^*$
with the subset of
$(\Sigma ^*)^2$
consisting of the
$(\sigma ,\tau )$
such that
${\lvert \sigma \rvert } ={\lvert \tau \rvert } $
Proof By Proposition 2.6 this is equivalent to
$\Delta = \{(a,a) : a\in \Gamma \}\subseteq \Gamma ^2$
being F-automatic. Fix a set S containing exactly one representative of each coset of
$F\Gamma $
$\Gamma $
; we will show that the
-kernel of
$\Delta $
is finite. Note that if
$s_0\cdots s_{n-1},t_0\cdots t_{n-1}\in S^{(n)}$
are unequal, say with i minimal such that
$s_i\ne t_i$
, then since
$s_{i} \not \equiv t_{i}{\pmod {F\Gamma }}$
and F is injective we get that
$s_0+\cdots +F^{n-1}s_{n-1}{\not \equiv } t_0+\cdots + F^{n-1}t_{n-1}{\pmod {F^{i+1}\Gamma }}$
. So
$s_0+\cdots +F^{n-1}s_{n-1}{\not \equiv } t_0+\cdots +F^{n-1}t_{n-1}{\pmod {F^n\Gamma }}$
, and thus
$s_0 + \cdots + F^{n-1}s_{n-1} + F^na \ne t_0 + \cdots + F^{n-1}t_{n-1} + F^nb$
for any
$a,b\in \Gamma $
. So
$\Delta _{(\sigma ,\tau ) }$
is empty if
$(\sigma , \tau ) \in (S^2)^*$
$\sigma \ne \tau $
. Furthermore if
$\sigma =\tau $
then by injectivity of F we get
$\Delta _{(\sigma ,\tau )} = \Delta $
. So the
-kernel of
$\Delta $
contains two elements.
5 A characterization of F-sparsity
Recall that a language
$L\subseteq \Sigma ^*$
is sparse if it is regular and
${\lvert {\{\sigma \in L : {\lvert \sigma \rvert } \le x\}}\rvert }$
grows polynomially in x. See the beginning of [Reference Bell and Moosa2, Section 7] for a brief overview of sparsity.
$(\Gamma ,F)$
an abelian group equipped with an injective endomorphism. In [Reference Bell and Moosa2] Bell and Moosa adapt the notion of sparsity to the setting of F-automatic sets.
Definition 5.1. A subset
$A\subseteq \Gamma $
is F-sparse if there is an
-spanning set
$\Sigma $
for some
and a sparse
$L\subseteq \Sigma ^*$
such that
$A = [L]_{F^r}$
While the definition of F-sparsity is sufficient for the purposes of [Reference Bell and Moosa2], it is cumbersome in some contexts. In particular, in order to show a set is not sparse one needs to check every possible set of representatives in every possible spanning set for every possible power of F. For example, it is not immediate from the definition that
$\Gamma $
itself isn’t F-sparse.
In this section we will give a characterization of F-sparsity in terms of length functions, and deduce from that some natural properties of F-sparsity. We will use the following characterization of sparsity:
Fact 5.2 [Reference Bell and Moosa2, Proposition 7.1]
$L\subseteq \Sigma ^*$
is sparse if and only if it is a finite union of sets of the form
$v_0w_1^*v_1\cdots v_{n-1}w_n^*v_n$
$v_0,\ldots ,v_n,w_1,\ldots ,w_n\in \Sigma ^*$
We call languages of the form
$v_0w_1^*v_1\cdots v_{n-1}w_n^*v_n$
simple sparse. By Fact 5.2 an F-sparse set is a finite union of sets of the form
where L is a simple sparse language. The following further simplification in the structure of F-sparse sets will be useful both for proving basic closure properties below, and for studying stability in the next section.
Proposition 5.3. Suppose
$A\subseteq \Gamma $
is F-sparse. There is
$s_0\in \mathbb {N}$
such that for all
$s\in s_0\mathbb {N}$
we can write A as a finite union of translates of sets of the form
$[a _1^*\cdots a _n^*]_{F^s}$
$a_1,\ldots ,a_n\in \Gamma $
Proof By Fact 5.2 we can write A as a finite union of sets of the form
$[v_0w_1^*v_1\cdots w_n^*v_n]_{F^r}$
for some strings
$v_i,w_i\in \Gamma ^*$
. By replacing F with
we may assume
. Let
be the least common multiple of all the
${\lvert {w_i}\rvert }$
In the case where
$\Gamma =\mathbb {Z}^m$
and F is multiplication by some
, an intermediate result in the proof of [Reference Hawthorne5, Lemma 3.4] is that we can write A as a finite union of translates of sets of the form
$[\tau _1^*\cdots \tau _n^*]_F$
$\tau _1,\ldots ,\tau _n\in \Gamma ^*$
all have length
. In fact with little additional effort the proof of this generalizes to our setting, and can be made to show that if
$s\in s_0\mathbb {N}$
then we may take all
$\tau _i$
to have length s rather than
. But if we let
$a_i = [\tau _i]_F$
$[\tau _1^*\cdots \tau _n^*]_F = [a_1^*\cdots a_n^*]_{F^s}$
; so we have written A in the desired form.
We note some closure properties:
Proposition 5.4.
1. For any
$A\subseteq \Gamma $ and
$s>0$ , A is F-sparse if and only if it is
$F^s$ -sparse.
2. If
$A,B\subseteq \Gamma $ are F-sparse then so is
$A\cup B$ .
3. If
$A\subseteq \Gamma $ is F-sparse and
$X\subseteq \Gamma $ is F-automatic then
$A\cap X$ is F-sparse.
4. If
$A,B\subseteq \Gamma $ are F-sparse then so is
$A+B$ .
1. The right-to-left is by definition; for the left-to-right, take an
$F^r$ -spanning set
$\Sigma $ for some
$r{{\kern-1pt}>{\kern-1pt}}0$ and a sparse language
$L{{\kern-1pt}\subseteq{\kern-1pt}} \Sigma ^*$ such that
$A = [L]_{F^r}$ . Recall by [Reference Bell and Moosa2, Lemma 5.7] that
$\Sigma ' = [\Sigma ^{(s)}]_{F^r}$ is an
$F^{rs}$ -spanning set. Given
$\sigma \in \Sigma ^*$ with
$s\mid {\lvert \sigma \rvert } $ we can associate
$\sigma '\in (\Sigma ')^*$ as follows: write
$\sigma = \sigma _1\cdots \sigma _{\frac {{\lvert \sigma \rvert } }s}$ with each
$\sigma _i\in \Sigma ^{(s)}$ , and set
$\sigma ' = [\sigma _1]_{F^r}\cdots [\sigma _{\frac {{\lvert \sigma \rvert } }s}]_{F^r}$ . So
$[\sigma ]_{F^r} = [\sigma ']_{F^{rs}}$ , and
${\lvert {\sigma '} \rvert } = \frac {{\lvert \sigma \rvert } }s$ .
Note now that
$$ \begin{align*}A = [L]_{F^r} = [L0^*\cap (\Sigma ^{(s)})^*]_{F^r} = [\underbrace{\{\sigma ' : \sigma \in L0^*\cap \Sigma ^{(s\mathbb{N})}\}}_{L'}]_{F^{rs}}. \end{align*} $$
$L0^*\cap (\Sigma ^s)^*$ is regular; one can then use a DFA that recognizes
$L0^*\cap (\Sigma ^s)^*$ to construct an NFA that recognizes
$L'$ . By Fact 5.2
$L0^*$ , and hence
$L0^*\cap (\Sigma ^s)^*$ , is a sparse language; thus since
${\lvert {\sigma '} \rvert }= \frac {{\lvert \sigma \rvert } }s$ we get that
$L'$ is sparse. So
$A = [L']_{F^{rs}}$ is
$F^s$ -sparse.
2. Take an
$F^r$ -spanning set
$\Sigma $ and an
$F^s$ -spanning set
$\Theta $ with sparse languages
$L_1\subseteq \Sigma ^*$ and
$L_2\subseteq \Theta ^*$ such that
$A = [L_1]_{F^r}$ and
$B = [L_2]_{F^s}$ . By the argument given in the proof of (1), we may assume
$r=s$ . By [Reference Bell and Moosa2, Lemma 5.6], there is an
$F^r$ -spanning set
$\Omega $ containing
$\Sigma \cup \Theta $ . Then
$L_1\cup L_2$ is a sparse language in
$\Omega ^*$ , and
$A\cup B = [L_1\cup L_2]_{F^r}$ . So
$A\cup B$ is F-sparse.
3. Take an
$F^r$ -spanning set
$\Sigma $ for some
$r>0$ and a sparse language
$L\subseteq \Sigma ^*$ such that
$A = [L]_{F^r}$ . By Proposition 2.6
$\{\sigma \in \Sigma ^*:[\sigma ]_{F^r}\in X\}$ is regular. So if
$L' = \{\sigma \in L : [\sigma ]_{F^r}\in X\}$ then
$L'$ is regular (as the intersection of two regular languages; see [Reference Yu7, Theorem 2.1]) and thus sparse (as it’s contained in L). But
$[L']_{F^r} = A\cap X$ ; so
$A\cap X$ is F-sparse.
4. We first check the case where
$B = \{\gamma \}$ is a singleton. Take an
$F^r$ -spanning set
$\Sigma $ for some
$r>0$ and a sparse language
$L\subseteq \Sigma ^*$ such that
$A = [L]_{F^r}$ . By [Reference Bell and Moosa2, Lemma 5.6] there is an
$F^r$ -spanning set
$\Sigma '\supseteq \Sigma $ that contains
$a+\gamma $ for every
$a\in \Sigma $ . Given
$\sigma = a_1\cdots a_{{\lvert \sigma \rvert } } \in \Sigma ^*$ non-empty let
$\sigma _{\gamma } = (a_1+\gamma )a_2\cdots a_{{\lvert \sigma \rvert } }\in (\Sigma ')^*$ ; so
$[\sigma _{\gamma } ]_{F^r} = [\sigma ]_{F^r}+\gamma $ . It is routine to check that sparsity of L implies sparsity of
$L_{\gamma } := \{\sigma _{\gamma } : \sigma \in L\} \subseteq (\Sigma ')^*$ . So
$A+\gamma = [L_{\gamma } ]_{F^r}$ is F-sparse.
We now do the general case. By Proposition 5.3 there is s such that there is an
$F^s$ -spanning set and such that both A and B can be written as a finite union of translates of sets of the form
$[a_1^*\cdots a_n^*]_{F^s}$ . Distributing, it suffices to check the case
$A = \gamma + [a_1^*\cdots a_n^*]_{F^s}$ and
$B = \gamma '+[b_1^*\cdots b_{n'}^*]_{F^s}$ . By the first case, we may assume
$\gamma =\gamma '=0$ . Given
$\sigma \in a_1^*\cdots a_n^*$ and
$\tau \in b_1^*\cdots b_{n'}^*$ we let
$\sigma \oplus \tau \in \Gamma ^*$ denote the string obtained by characterwise addition; so
$[\sigma \oplus \tau ]_{F^s} = [\sigma ]_{F^s}+[\tau ]_{F^s}$ . Then
$$ \begin{align*}a_1^*\cdots a_n^*\oplus b_1^*\cdots b_{n'}^* &= (a_1+b_1)^*(a_2^*\cdots a_n^*\oplus b_1^*\cdots b_{n'}^*)\\ &\quad\cup (a_1+b_1)^* (a_1^*\cdots a_n^* \oplus b_2^*\cdots b_{n'}^*) \end{align*} $$
$(n,n')$ . So
$A+B = [a_1^*\cdots a_n^*\oplus b_1^*\cdots b_{n'}^*]_{F^s}$ is F-sparse.
Remark 5.5. A special case of Proposition 5.4(4) is that the F-sparse sets are closed under translation. This answers a question posed in [Reference Bell and Moosa2, Remark 7.3].
We now work towards a characterization of F-sparsity using length functions.
Definition 5.6. Suppose
$A\subseteq \Gamma $
$\lambda $
is a length function for
$(\Gamma ,F)$
. We let
$f_{A,\lambda }(x) = {\lvert {\{a\in A : \lambda (a)\le x\}}\rvert }$
, and we say A is
$\lambda $
-sparse if
$f_{A,\lambda }(x)\in O(x^d)$
for some
$d\in \mathbb {N}$
For our characterization of F-sparsity we will need the following reverse ultrametric inequality:
Lemma 5.7. If
$\lambda $
is a length function for
$(\Gamma ,F)$
with associated constants
$a,b\in \Gamma $
$\lambda (b) < \lambda (a)-D$
$\lambda (a+b)\ge \lambda (a)-D$
Proof Otherwise
$\lambda (a)> \max (\lambda (b), \lambda (a+b))+D= \max (\lambda (-b),\lambda (a+b))+D\ge \lambda (a)$
We will also require the following observation relating the length of a string to the length of the group element it represents:
Lemma 5.8. Suppose
$\lambda $
is a length function for
$(\Gamma ,F)$
with associated constants
$S $
is a finite subset of
$\Gamma $
. Then there is
$M\ge 0$
such that
$\lambda ([\sigma ]_F)\le {\lvert \sigma \rvert } C+M$
for all
$\sigma \in S ^*$
Proof Pick
$r\in \mathbb {N}$
such that
$rC\ge D$
, and let
$K = \max \{\lambda ([\sigma ]_F) : \sigma \in S ^{(r)}\}$
We show by induction on
$k\ge 1$
that if
$\sigma \in S ^{(kr)}$
$\lambda ([\sigma ]_F)\le (k-1)rC + D + K$
. The base case is just the definition of K. For the induction step, write
$\sigma = \sigma _1\sigma _2$
${\lvert {\sigma _2} \rvert } =r$
. Then by the induction hypothesis
$\lambda ([\sigma _1]_F)\le (k-2)rC + D + K$
, and by the logarithmic property we get that
$\lambda (F^{(k-1)r}[\sigma _2]_F) \le \lambda ([\sigma _2]_F)+ (k-1)rC \le {(k-1)rC + K}$
. So by the ultrametric inequality we get that
$rC\ge D$
Now, for any
$\sigma \in S ^*$
we can pad by some string of zeroes
$\tau $
of length
to get that
${\lvert {\sigma \tau } \rvert }\in r\mathbb {Z}$
, at which point we get
$\lambda ([\sigma ]_F) = \lambda ([\sigma \tau ]_F) \le ({\lvert {\sigma \tau } \rvert }-r)C+ D+ K\le C{\lvert \sigma \rvert } + D+K$
Lemma 5.9. Suppose
$\Sigma $
is an
-spanning set for some
. Suppose
$L\subseteq \Sigma ^*$
is regular and
$\preceq $
is a linear ordering on
(which induces a length-lexicographicalFootnote
ordering on
$\Sigma ^*$
which we also denote by
$\preceq )$
. Let
$\widetilde {L}$
is regular. Moreover if
$\lambda _{\Sigma } $
-sparse then
$\widetilde {L}$
is sparse.
Proof Be replacing F with
we may assume
. Let
$K\subseteq (\Sigma ^2)^*$
be the set of
$\begin {pmatrix}{\sigma }\\{\tau }\end {pmatrix}$
such that
$\sigma \in L$ ;
$[\sigma ]_F = [\tau ]_F$ ; and
$\tau \in L\ \mathrm{and}\ \tau \prec \sigma,\ \mathrm{or}\ \tau \in L00^*$ .
So if
$\sigma \in L$
${\begin {pmatrix}{\sigma }\\{\tau }\end {pmatrix}} \in K$
if and only if
$\tau $
(with possibly the trailing
removed) witnesses that
$\sigma \notin \widetilde {L}$
; so
$\widetilde {L} = L\setminus \pi (K)$
, where
$\pi \colon (\Sigma ^2)^*\to \Sigma ^*$
is projection to the first coordinate. So since L is regular it suffices to show that
$\pi (K)$
is regular (since by [Reference Yu7, Theorems 2.1 and 2.2] regular languages are closed under Boolean combinations).
Note that K is regular: this is because
$L\times L$
, equality (see Corollary 4.5), ending in
, and
$\prec $
are regular, and so K is a Boolean combination of regular languages. Fix a DFA
$(\Sigma ^2, Q, q_0,\Omega ,\delta )$
for K; we use this to construct an NFA
$(\Sigma ,Q',q_0^{\prime },\Omega ',\delta ')$
$\pi (K)$
. We let
$Q' = Q$
$q_0^{\prime } = q_0$
, and
$\Omega ' = \Omega $
. For the transition function we set
$\sigma $
is accepted by our NFA if and only if there is
$\tau \in \Sigma ^*$
${\lvert \tau \rvert } ={\lvert \sigma \rvert } $
such that
$\delta \left ( {q_0,{\begin {pmatrix}{\sigma }\\{\tau }\end {pmatrix}} }\right )\in \Omega $
; i.e., such that
${\begin {pmatrix}{\sigma }\\{\tau }\end {pmatrix}} \in K$
. So our NFA recognizes
$\pi (K)$
, and
$\pi (K)$
is regular. So
$\widetilde {L}$
is regular.
For the “moreover” clause, suppose
$\lambda _{\Sigma } $
-sparse. Note that
$[\cdot ]_F$
is a bijection
$ \widetilde {L}\to [L]_F $
; furthermore by definition of
$\lambda _{\Sigma } $
we have that
$\lambda _{\Sigma } ([\sigma ]_F)\le {\lvert \sigma \rvert } $
. It follows that
$\widetilde {L}$
is sparse: since
$\lambda _{\Sigma } $
-sparse, we get that
for some d.
The construction of the NFA in the above proof can be generalized to show that the projection away from some coordinate of a regular language over
$\Sigma ^{m+1}$
is regular over
$\Sigma ^m$
. We also used the fact that Boolean combinations of regular languages are regular; combining these two facts gives us a sense in which regular languages interact nicely with first-order logic.
Theorem 5.10. Suppose
$\lambda $
is a length function for some
$(\Gamma ,F^r)$
. Then
$A\subseteq \Gamma $
is F-sparse if and only if it is F-automatic and
$\lambda $
Proof By Proposition 5.4-(1) it suffices to check the case
; so assume
$\lambda $
is a length function for
$(\Gamma ,F)$
. Let
be the constants associated with
$\lambda $
$(\implies )$ Suppose A is F-sparse; so there is some
$F^s$ -spanning set
$\Sigma $ and some sparse
$L\subseteq \Sigma ^*$ such that
$A = [L]_{F^s}$ . We get by [Reference Bell and Moosa2, Proposition 6.8(b)] that A is F-automatic; it remains to show that A is
$\lambda $ -sparse. Since
$\lambda $ is also a length function for
$(\Gamma ,F^s)$ (see Remark 3.4), we can replace F with
$F^s$ and thus assume that
$s=1$ . By Fact 5.2 L is a finite union of simple sparse languages. One can verify that a finite union of
$\lambda $ -sparse sets is
$\lambda $ -sparse; it thus suffices to check the case where L is simple sparse, say
$L = v_0w_1^*\cdots v_{n-1}w_n^*v_n$ with
$u_i,v_i\in \Sigma ^*$ . We apply induction on n; the base case
$n=0$ is trivial.
For the induction step, we have two cases.
Case 1. Suppose
$[w_n^*v_n]_F$ is finite. Then
$$ \begin{align*}A = \bigcup _{a \in [w_n^*v_n]_F} [v_0w_1^*\cdots w_{n-1}^*v_{n-1}a ]_F, \end{align*} $$
$[v_0w_1^*\cdots w_{n-1}^*v_{n-1}a ]_F$ is
$\lambda $ -sparse. So A is
$\lambda $ -sparse.
Case 2. Suppose
$[w_n^*v_n]_F$ is infinite.
Claim 5.11. There is
$M\in \mathbb {R}$ and
$i\in \mathbb {N}$ such that if
$k_n\ge i$ then
$\lambda ([v_0w_1^{k_1}\cdots w_n^{k_n}v_n]_F)\ge C{\lvert {v_0w_1^{k_1}\cdots w_n^{k_n}v_n} \rvert }+M $ .
Proof Our strategy will be to write
$$ \begin{align*}\underbrace{[v_0w_1^{k_1}\cdots w_n^{k_n}v_n]_F}_a &= [v_0w_1^{k_1}\cdots w_{n-1}^{k_{n-1}}v_{n-1}w_n^{k_n-i}]_F\\[-3pt] &\quad+ \underbrace{F^{{\lvert {v_0w_1^{k_1}\cdots w_{n-1}^{k_{n-1}}v_{n-1}w_n^{k_n-i}}\rvert}}[w_n^iv_n]_F}_b \end{align*} $$
and then use the reverse ultrametric inequality to show that
$\lambda (a)$ is not much less than
$\lambda (b)$ .
Applying Lemma 5.8 with
$S=\Sigma $ , we find that there is
$M_0\ge 0$ such that
$\lambda ([\sigma ]_F)\le C{\lvert \sigma \rvert } +M_0$ for all
$\sigma \in \Sigma ^*$ . Then by Northcott property there is some i such that
$\lambda ([w_n^iv_n]_F)> M_0+D+E$ . Suppose
$k_1,\ldots ,k_n\in \mathbb {N}$ with
$k_n\ge i$ ; to avoid notational clutter we abbreviate
$\sigma = v_0w_1^{k_1}\cdots w_{n-1}^{k_{n-1}}v_{n-1}w_n^{k_n-i}$ . We then wish to show that
$\lambda ([\sigma w_n^iv_n]_F)$ is not much less than
$\lambda (F^{{\lvert \sigma \rvert } }[w_n^iv_n]_F)$ .
Note that
$$ \begin{align*}\lambda (F^{{\lvert \sigma\rvert} }[w_n^iv_n]_F) {{\kern-1pt}\ge{\kern-1pt}} \lambda ([w_n^iv_n]_F){{\kern-1pt}+{\kern-1pt}}{\lvert \sigma\rvert} C -E{{\kern-1pt}>{\kern-1pt}} C{\lvert \sigma\rvert} {{\kern-1pt}+{\kern-1pt}}D{{\kern-1pt}+{\kern-1pt}}M_0 {{\kern-1pt}\ge{\kern-1pt}} \lambda ([\sigma ]_F){{\kern-1pt}+{\kern-1pt}}D \end{align*} $$
by hypothesis on
$M_0$ . So by the reverse ultrametric inequality we get that
$$ \begin{align*}\lambda ([\sigma w_n^iv_n]_F) &= \lambda ([\sigma ]_F + F^{{\lvert \sigma\rvert} }[w_n^iv_n]_F) \ge \lambda (F^{{\lvert \sigma\rvert} }[w_n^iv_n]_F)-D\\ &\ge \lambda ([w_n^iv_n]_F)+{\lvert \sigma\rvert} C - D - E. \end{align*} $$
$M = \lambda ([w_n^iv_n]_F)- {\lvert {w_n^iv_n} \rvert }C -D -E$ . Then if
$k_n\ge i$ then
$\lambda ([v_0w_1^{k_1}\cdots w_n^{k_n}v_n]_F)\ge {\lvert {v_0w_1^{k_1}\cdots w_n^{k_n}v_n} \rvert } C +M$ , as desired.
$$ \begin{align*}L {{\kern-1pt}={\kern-1pt}} \{v_0w_1^{k_1}\cdots w_n^{k_n}v_n : k_1,\ldots ,k_n\in\mathbb{N},\ k_n\ge i\}{{\kern-1pt}\cup{\kern-1pt}}\bigcup _{j<i} v_0w_1^*\cdots w_{n-1}^*v_{n-1}w_n^jv_n. \end{align*} $$
$[v_0w_1^*\cdots w_{n-1}^*v_{n-1}w_n^jv_n]_F$ is
$\lambda $ -sparse; it remains to check the case
$k_n\ge i$ .
$\tau =v_0w_1^{k_1}\cdots w_n^{k_n}v_n$ with
$k_n\ge i$ and
$\tau $ satisfies
$\lambda ([\tau ]_F)\le x$ then by the claim
${\lvert \tau \rvert } C+M\le x$ , and thus
${\lvert \tau \rvert } \le C^{-1}( x-M)$ . But by hypothesis there are
$d,K$ such that eventually
${{\lvert {\{\tau \in L :{\lvert \tau \rvert } \le y\,\}} \rvert } \le Ky^d}$ . So if x is sufficiently large there are at most
$K(C^{-1}(x-M))^d\in O(x^d)$ strings
$\tau \in L$ satisfying
$\lambda ([\tau ]_F)\le x$ ; so A is
$\lambda $ -sparse.
$(\impliedby )$ Let
$\Sigma $ be an
$F^s$ -spanning set for some
$s>0$ . Note first that A is
$\lambda _{\Sigma } $ -sparse. Indeed, by Lemma 5.8 (applied to
$(\Gamma ,F^s)$ with
$S=\Sigma $ ) there is
$M\in \mathbb {R}$ such that
$\lambda ([\sigma ]_{F^s}) \le {\lvert \sigma \rvert } C+M$ for all
$\sigma \in \Sigma ^*$ . So if
$\lambda _{\Sigma } (a)\le x$ then
$\lambda (a)\le xC+M $ ; thus
$f_{A,\lambda _{\Sigma } }(x)\le f_{A,\lambda }(xC+M)\in O(x^d)$ for some d, and A is
$\lambda _{\Sigma } $ -sparse.
$L = \{\sigma \in \Sigma ^* : [\sigma ]_{F^s}\in A\}$ ; so L is regular by Proposition 2.6. Fix any total order
$\preceq $ on
$\Sigma $ , and let
$\widetilde {L}$ be as in Lemma 5.9; so
$\widetilde {L}$ is sparse, since
$[L]_{F^s} = A$ is
$\lambda _{\Sigma } $ -sparse. So
$A = [\widetilde {L}]_{F^s}$ is F-sparse.
It follows from Lemma 5.9 and Theorem 5.10 that F-sparsity can be checked in any spanning set by looking at a set of “minimal” representations of elements of A.
Corollary 5.12. Suppose
$\Sigma $
is an
-spanning set for some
. Suppose
$L\subseteq \Sigma ^*$
is regular and
$\preceq $
is a linear ordering on
(which we again identify with the induced length-lexicographic ordering on
$\Sigma ^*)$
. Let
is F-sparse if and only if
$\widetilde {L}$
is sparse.
Proof The right-to-left direction is by definition of F-sparsity. For the left-to-right direction, we use Theorem 5.10 to deduce that
$\lambda _{\Sigma } $
-sparse, at which point it follows from Lemma 5.9 that
$\widetilde {L}$
is sparse.
Another consequence is that if A is contained in an F-invariant subgroup H then sparsity of A can be checked in H:
Corollary 5.13. Suppose there is an
-spanning set for some
. Suppose
$H\le \Gamma $
is F-invariant and
$A\subseteq H$
. Then A is F-sparse in
$\Gamma $
if and only if A is F-sparse in H.
Proof For the right-to-left direction, note by Proposition 5.4(1) that A is
-sparse. So there is
with an
-spanning set
$\Sigma $
for H and
$L\subseteq \Sigma ^*$
sparse such that
$A = [L]_{F^{rs}}$
. Then using [Reference Bell and Moosa2, Lemmas 5.6 and 5.7], since there is an
-spanning set for
$\Gamma $
we may assume there is an
-spanning set
$\Sigma '$
$\Gamma $
$\Sigma $
. Then
$L\subseteq (\Sigma ')^*$
witnesses that A is F-sparse in
$\Gamma $
For the left-to-right direction, fix any length function
$\lambda $
for some
$(\Gamma ,F^s)$
(using Theorem 3.10). One can check that
$\lambda $
is a length function for H; so by Theorem 5.10 applied to H it suffices to show that A is F-automatic in
$H $
$\lambda $
-sparse. By Theorem 5.10 applied to
$\Gamma $
we get that A is F-automatic in
$\Gamma $
$\lambda $
-sparse. Then Corollary 3.11 yields that A is F-automatic in H, and since
$A\subseteq H$
we get that
$\lambda $
-sparsity in
$\Gamma $
agrees with
$\lambda $
-sparsity in H. So A is F-sparse in H.
We can now see that
$\Gamma $
(and more generally any set containing an infinite F-invariant subgroup of
$\Gamma $
) is not F-sparse.
Corollary 5.14. Suppose
$A\subseteq \Gamma $
is F-sparse.
1. A does not contain any coset of any infinite F-invariant subgroup.
2. If
$\;\Gamma $ is finitely generated then A does not contain any coset of any infinite subgroup.
1. We first show that
$\Gamma $ itself is not F-sparse. Since F-sparse implies
$F^r$ -sparse (Proposition 5.4 (1)) and F-invariant implies
$F^r$ -invariant, we may assume there is an F-spanning set
$\Sigma $ . By Lemma 3.5 we may assume the exceptional set of
$\lambda _{\Sigma } $ contains only elements of finite F-orbit; say the new associated constants are
$C,D,E$ . Note that we can take
$C=1$ : the constants obtained from Proposition 3.8 are
$C=D=E=1$ , and Lemma 3.5 doesn’t require changing C. Note that there is
$a\in \Sigma $ of infinite F-orbit: otherwise by Remark 3.6 all
$a\in \Sigma $ would be of finite order as well, and thus
$$ \begin{align*}\mathbb{Z}[F]a= \left\{\sum_{i<{\lvert{\{a,Fa,\ldots \}}\rvert} } k_iF^ia : \text{ each } k_i < {\lvert {a} \rvert}\right\} \end{align*} $$
$\Gamma = \mathbb {Z}[F]\Sigma $ would be finite, a contradiction.
$a\in \Sigma $ of infinite F-orbit; fix
$s>D+E$ .
Claim 5.15. Suppose
$\sigma \in \{- a,0,a\}^*\setminus \{0\}^* $ . Then
$[\sigma ]_{F^s}\ne 0$ .
Proof We show that
$\lambda _{\Sigma } ([\sigma ]_{F^s})\ne 0$ , which will suffice.
$\ell ={\lvert \sigma \rvert }>0$ . The claim is clear when
$\ell =1$ ; assume then that
$\ell \ge 2$ . We may assume
$\sigma $ has no trailing zeroes and, by possibly negating, that
$\sigma _{\ell -1}=a$ ; so
$$ \begin{align*}\lambda _{\Sigma} ([\sigma ]_{F^s}) = \lambda_{\Sigma} ([\sigma _0\cdots \sigma _{\ell -2}]_{F^s} + F^{s(\ell -1)}a). \end{align*} $$
We look to apply the reverse ultrametric inequality. Note that
$\lambda _{\Sigma } ([\sigma _0\cdots \sigma _{\ell -2}]_{F^s})\le s(\ell -2)+1 $ by definition of
$\lambda _{\Sigma } $ . Thus
$$ \begin{align*}\lambda _{\Sigma} (F^{s(\ell -1)}a)\ge 1+s(\ell -1)-E> 1+s(\ell -2)+D \ge \lambda_{\Sigma} ([\sigma _0\cdots \sigma _{\ell -2}]_{F^s})+D \end{align*} $$
by the logarithmic property (recalling that
$C=1$ ) and since
$s>D+E$ ; note that the logarithmic property applies since a has infinite F-orbit. So by the reverse ultrametric inequality
$$ \begin{align*}\lambda _{\Sigma} ([\sigma ]_{F^s})\ge \lambda_{\Sigma} (F^{s(\ell -1)}a) -D\ge 1+s(\ell -1)-E -D \ge 1+s-E-D> 0, \end{align*} $$
$\ell \ge 2$ and
$s>D+E$ . So in particular
$[\sigma ]_{F^s}\ne 0$ .
$[\cdot ]_{F^s} \restriction \{0,a\}^*a$ is injective. Indeed, suppose
$\sigma ,\tau \in \{0,a\}^*a$ are distinct; then we can write
$[\sigma ]_{F^s}-[\tau ]_{F^s}= [\nu ]_{F^s}$ for some
$\nu \in \{-a,0,a\}^*\setminus \{0\}^*$ . Hence by the claim
$[\sigma ]_{F^s}-[\tau ]_{F^s}\ne 0$ .
But then
$$ \begin{align*}f_{\Gamma ,\lambda _{\Sigma} }(s\ell +1) &= {\lvert{\{[\sigma ]_F : \sigma \in\Sigma ^*, {\lvert \sigma\rvert} \le s\ell +1\}} \rvert} \ge {\lvert{\{ [\sigma ]_{F^s} : \sigma \in\{0,a\}^{(\ell )}a\}} \rvert}\\ &= {\lvert{\{0,a\}^{(\ell )}a} \rvert} = 2^{\ell}. \end{align*} $$
$f_{\Gamma ,\lambda _{\Sigma } }\notin O(x^d)$ for any d; so
$\Gamma $ is not
$\lambda _{\Sigma } $ -sparse, and hence by Theorem 5.10
$\Gamma $ is not F-sparse.
Suppose now that H is an infinite F-invariant subgroup of
$\Gamma $ ; we show that A contains no coset of H. Replacing A by a translate (which is harmless by Proposition 5.4(4)), it suffices to show that A doesn’t contain H. By the above special case we get that H isn’t F-sparse in H; so Corollary 5.13 yields that H isn’t F-sparse in
$\Gamma $ . Since H is F-invariant, it is F-automatic in
$\Gamma $ ; this follows from Corollary 3.11. So if we had
$A\supseteq H$ then by Proposition 5.4(3) H would be F-sparse in
$\Gamma $ , a contradiction. So
$A\not \supseteq H$ , as desired.
2. Again using Proposition 5.4(1) we may assume there is a length function
$\lambda $ for
$(\Gamma ,F)$ . Since F-sparsity is closed under translation (Proposition 5.4(4)), it suffices to show that A does not contain any infinite
$H\le \Gamma $ ; suppose for contradiction there is such an H. Since
$\Gamma $ is finitely generated and H is infinite there is some
$a\in H$ of infinite order; we will show that
$\mathbb {Z}a$ isn’t
$\lambda $ -sparse. We show by induction on k that if
$1\le n\le 2^k$ then
$\lambda (na)\le \lambda (a)+kD$ . The base case
$k=0$ is immediate. For the induction step, suppose the claim holds of k; suppose
$2^k < n\le 2^{k+1}$ . Then
$$ \begin{align*}\lambda (na) &= \lambda (2^ka + (n-2^k)a) \le \max(\lambda (2^ka),\lambda ((n-2^k)a))+D\\ &\le (\lambda (a)+kD)+D\le \lambda (a)+(k+1)D \end{align*} $$
$\{na : n\in \mathbb {Z},\lambda (na)\le \lambda (a)+kD\}\supseteq \{na: 1\le n\le 2^k\}$ contains at least
$2^k$ elements. So
$f_{\mathbb {Z}a,\lambda }(x)\notin O(x^d)$ for any d, and
$\mathbb {Z}a$ isn’t
$\lambda $ -sparse. But
$A\supseteq H\supseteq \mathbb {Z}a$ ; so
$f_{A,\lambda }(x)\ge f_{\mathbb {Z}a,\lambda }(x)$ , and A isn’t
$\lambda $ -sparse. So A isn’t F-sparse by Theorem 5.10, a contradiction.
6 F-sparse sets and stable expansions of finitely generated abelian groups
Fix an infinite abelian group
$\Gamma $
and a subset
$A\subseteq \Gamma $
. We say that A is stable in
$\Gamma $
if there do not exist arbitrarily long tuples
$(a_1,\ldots ,a_N; b_1,\ldots ,b_N)$
of elements of
$\Gamma $
such that
$a_i + b_j\in A$
if and only if
$i\le j$
. This can be expressed model-theoretically by requiring that in
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Th}}(\Gamma ,0,+,A)$
the formula
$x+y\in A$
be a stable formula. The question of which subsets of
$\Gamma $
are stable has been of significant interest to model theorists for some time. We refine the question here as follows:
Question 6.1. Suppose
$\Gamma $
is a finitely generated abelian group and
$F\colon \Gamma \to \Gamma $
is an injective endomorphism, such that
$(\Gamma ,F)$
admits a spanning set for some
. Which F-automatic sets of
$\Gamma $
are stable?
In [Reference Hawthorne5] I answered this question in the classical case where
$\Gamma =\mathbb {Z}$
and F is multiplication by a positive integer. Here, we generalize the methods of [Reference Hawthorne5] to answer the above question for F-sparse sets. This is Theorem 6.3 below. There are some issues that arise in generalizing; we focus our exposition on what needs to be done beyond what was done in [Reference Hawthorne5].
Our answer will be in terms of the “F-cycles” introduced in [Reference Moosa and Scanlon6]:
Definition 6.2. Suppose
$\Gamma $
is an abelian group and F is an injective endomorphism. An F-cycle is a set of the form
$C(a;F^{\delta } ) := \{a + F^{\delta } a + \cdots + F^{\delta n}a : n<\omega \}$
. An F-set of
$\Gamma ^m$
is a finite union of sets of the form
$\gamma + H+ C(a_1;F^{r_1})+\cdots + C(a_n; F^{r_n})$
$\gamma \in \Gamma ^m$
$H\le \Gamma ^m$
is F-invariant, each
$a_i\in \Gamma ^m$
, and each
. A groupless F-set is a finite union of sets of the form
$\gamma +C(a_1;F^{r_1})+\cdots + C(a_n; F^{r_n})$
$\gamma ,a_i,r_i$
as above. The F-structure
$(\Gamma ,\mathcal {F})$
$\Gamma $
has domain
$\Gamma $
and a predicate for every F-set of every
$\Gamma ^m$
Note in particular that the graph of addition is an F-invariant subgroup of
$\Gamma ^3$
, and is thus an F-set; so
$(\Gamma ,\mathcal {F})$
$(\Gamma ,+)$
In [Reference Moosa and Scanlon6] it was shown that if
$\Gamma $
is finitely generated and
holds in
$\mathbb {Z}[F]$
then the F-structure
$(\Gamma ,\mathcal {F})$
is stable. (Here
is the ideal generated by
$\mathbb {Z}[F]$
.) In particular, all F-sets are stable in
$\Gamma $
. Here we prove a converse for F-sparse sets.
Theorem 6.3. Suppose
$\Gamma $
is a finitely generated abelian group and F is an injective endomorphism of
$\Gamma $
such that
$\Gamma $
admits an
-spanning set for some
. If
$A\subseteq \Gamma $
is F-sparse and stable in
$\Gamma $
then A is a finite Boolean combination of groupless F-sets.
We would like to use the results of [Reference Moosa and Scanlon6] to deduce quantifier elimination of
$(\Gamma ,\mathcal {F})$
; unfortunately, this requires that
$\mathbb {Z}[F]$
satisfy (†), which doesn’t follow from the existence of a spanning set. Consider for example
$\Gamma {{\kern-1pt}={\kern-1pt}} \mathbb {Z}{{\kern-1pt}\times{\kern-1pt}} (\mathbb {Z}/2\mathbb {Z})$
with the endomorphism
$F(a,b) = (2a,b)$
. One can check using, e.g., Theorem 3.12 that
$\Gamma $
admits an
-spanning set for some
, but
$F-2 {{\kern-1pt}={\kern-1pt}} F^i(F-2){{\kern-1pt}\in{\kern-1pt}} (F^i)$
for all
$i{{\kern-1pt}\in{\kern-1pt}} \mathbb {N}$
We give a sufficient condition for (†) to hold, and then reduce Theorem 6.3 to the case where this condition holds.
Lemma 6.4. If
$\Gamma $
is torsion-free and admits an
-spanning set for some
$\mathbb {Z}[F]$
satisfies (†).
Proof Fix
for which there is a length function
$\lambda $
$(\Gamma ,F^r)$
, say with associated constants
. By Lemma 3.5 and Remark 3.6 we may assume the logarithmic property applies to all non-zero elements.
$G\in \bigcap _{i\in \mathbb {N}}(F^i)$
, and suppose
$a\in \Gamma $
; suppose for contradiction that
$Ga\ne 0$
. For
$n\in \mathbb {N}$
$G\in (F^{rn})$
there is
$G_n\in \mathbb {Z}[F]$
such that
$G = F^{rn}G_n$
. Since
$Ga\ne 0$
we get that
$G_na\ne 0$
, and thus the logarithmic property applies to
. So
$\lambda (Ga) = \lambda (F^{rn}G_na) \ge \lambda (G_na)+nC-E\ge nC-E$
. But this grows without bound, a contradiction. So
$Ga = 0$
for all
$a\in \Gamma $
, and
We can now show Theorem 6.3 under the assumption that
$\Gamma $
is torsion-free.
Proposition 6.5. Suppose
$\Gamma $
is torsion-free and finitely generated, and admits an
-spanning set for some
. If
$A\subseteq \Gamma $
is stable and F-sparse then A is a finite Boolean combination of groupless F-sets.
Proof By replacing F with a power thereof we may assume
$\Gamma $
admits an F-spanning set (since A is also
-sparse by Proposition 5.4(1)). By Proposition 5.3 we can write A as a finite union of sets of the form
$\gamma +[a_1^*\cdots a_n^*]_{F^s} $
for some
$\gamma ,a_1,\ldots ,a_n\in \Gamma $
. If we let
$b_1,\ldots ,b_n\in \Gamma $
be such that
$a_i = \sum _{j\ge i} b_i$
then we can rewrite
and thus write A as a finite union of sets of this form. Fix one such
$\gamma +\{[b_1^{e_1}]_{F^s} + \cdots + [b_n^{e_n}]_{F^s} : e_1\le \cdots \le e_n\}$
in the union; we show it is contained in some B of the desired form that is itself contained in A.
We will proceed by examining the
such that
$[b_1^{e_1}]_{F^s} + \cdots + [b_n^{e_n}]_{F^s}\in A$
Claim 6.6.
$X:=\{(e_1,\ldots ,e_n)\in \mathbb {N}^n : [b_1^{e_1}]_{F^s}+\cdots + [b_n^{e_n}]_{F^s}\in A-\gamma \}$
is quantifier-free definable in
$(\mathbb {N},0,S,\delta \mathbb {N})$
for some
$\delta \in \mathbb {N}\setminus \{0\}$
, where S is the successor function.
Proof Fix
$\sigma \in S_n$
, and suppose
$e_{\sigma (1)}\le \cdots \le e_{\sigma (n)}$
. Let
$c_i = \sum _{j\ge i}b_{\sigma (i)}$
; so
By [Reference Bell and Moosa2, Lemmas 5.6 and 5.7] there is an
-spanning set
$\Sigma $
containing all the
; so by Proposition 2.6
$\{\sigma \in \Sigma ^* : [\sigma ]_{F^s}\in A-\gamma \}$
is regular. Then as argued in the proof of [Reference Hawthorne5, Proposition 2.2] there is some Boolean combination
$\phi (x_1,\ldots ,x_n)$
of congruences and equalities between one variable and one constant such that
(again, under the assumption that
$e_{\sigma (1)}\le \cdots \le e_{\sigma (n)}$
). But a congruence or equality between a constant
$N\in \mathbb {N}$
and either
can be expressed as a formula in
$(\mathbb {N},0,S,\delta \mathbb {N})$
, for some sufficiently large
$\delta $
. So this is in turn equivalent to
$(\mathbb {N},0,S,\delta \mathbb {N})\models \psi (e_1,\ldots ,e_n)$
for some quantifier-free
$\psi $
Doing this for all
$\sigma $
and taking LCMs of the
$\delta $
and disjunctions over the possible orderings of the
, we find that there is a single quantifier-free formula
$\phi $
$(\mathbb {N},0,S,\delta \mathbb {N},<)$
such that
$X = \phi (\mathbb {N}^n)$
. Then
$\phi $
is a stable formula under any partitioning of its variables: large ladders for
$\phi $
would yield large ladders for the corresponding partitioning of
and the latter is stable under any partitioning of the variables as A is stable (and addition is commutative and associative).
But the stable quantifier-free formulas in
$(\mathbb {N},0,S,\delta \mathbb {N},<)$
are known to be quantifier-free formulas in
$(\mathbb {N},0,S,\delta \mathbb {N})$
; this is [Reference Hawthorne5, Proposition 3.3]. So X is quantifier-free definable in
$(\mathbb {N},0,S,\delta \mathbb {N})$
Claim 6.7.
$Y := \{[b_1^{e_1}]_{F^s} + \cdots + [b_n^{e_n}]_{F^s} : (e_1,\ldots ,e_n)\in X\}$
is definable in
$(\Gamma ,\mathcal {F})$
Proof Fix
$a\in \Gamma $
such that
$F^ia\ne F^ja$
$i\ne j$
; the logarithmic property of any length function for any
$(\Gamma ,F^t)$
shows such a must exist. Then
$[a^i]_{F^s}\ne [a^j]_{F^s}$
$i\ne j$
; indeed, otherwise applying
to both sides we would have
$F^{si}a= F^{sj}a$
, a contradiction.
$\Phi \colon \mathbb {N}\to \Gamma $
given by
$i\mapsto [a^i]_{F^s}$
. By a similar argument to the one given in the proof of [Reference Hawthorne5, Lemma 3.6] we get that
$\Phi $
is an interpretation of
$(\mathbb {N},0,S,\delta \mathbb {N})$
$(\Gamma ,\mathcal {F})$
. Furthermore each map
$[a^i]_{F^s}\mapsto [b^i]_{F^s}$
is definable in
$(\Gamma ,\mathcal {F})$
, as is addition. So
$Y = \{[b_1^{e_1}]_{F^s}+\cdots + [b_n^{e_n}]_{F^s} : ([a^{e_1}]_{F^s},\ldots ,[a^{e_n}]_{F^s})\in \Phi (X)\}$
is definable in
$(\Gamma ,\mathcal {F})$
, as desired.
We get by Lemma 6.4 that
$(\Gamma ,F)$
satisfies (†). Moreover the fact that
$\Gamma $
is infinite and finitely generated and that F is injective implies that
$\mathbb {Z}[F]$
satisfies the other conditions assumed by [Reference Moosa and Scanlon6]: namely that
$\mathbb {Z}[F]$
is a finite extension of
$\mathbb {Z}$
generated by F and that F is not a zero divisor in
$\mathbb {Z}[F]$
. So by [Reference Moosa and Scanlon6, Theorem A]
$(\Gamma ,\mathcal {F})$
admits quantifier elimination; so Y (and hence
$\gamma +Y$
) is a Boolean combination of F-sets. At this point the argument given in the proof of [Reference Hawthorne5, Theorem 3.1] shows that
$\gamma +Y$
is a Boolean combination of F-sparse F-sets. Now by Corollary 5.14 an F-sparse F-set must be groupless; so
$\gamma +Y$
is a Boolean combination of groupless F-sets. But
So we can replace
$\gamma +\{[b_1^{e_1}]_{F^s} + \cdots + [b_n^{e_n}]_{F^s}: e_1\le \cdots \le e_n\}$
$\gamma +Y$
in the union defining A without changing the union. Applying this to all sets in the union, we have written A as a Boolean combination of groupless F-sets.
Proof of Theorem 6.3 By Proposition 5.4(1) we may replace F with
, and thus assume that
$\Gamma $
admits an F-spanning set
$\Sigma $
. Using the fundamental theorem of finitely generated abelian groups we can write
$\Gamma =\Gamma _0\oplus H$
where H is the torsion subgroup of
$\Gamma $
$\Gamma _0$
is torsion-free. Let
$F_0\colon \Gamma _0\to \Gamma _0$
be the endomorphism of
$\Gamma _0$
induced by F, as in Lemma 3.13, and let
$\pi _0\colon \Gamma \to \Gamma _0$
be the projection. Then Lemma 3.13 yields that
$\pi _0(\Sigma )$
is an
-spanning set for
$\Gamma _0$
. Moreover if
$v_i,w_i\in \Sigma ^*$
then Lemma 3.13 also yields that
$\pi _0([v_0w_1^{k_1}v_1\cdots w_n^{k_n}v_n]_{F^r}) = [\pi _0(v_0)\pi _0(w_1)^{k_1}\pi _0(v_1)\cdots \pi _0(w_n)^{k_n}\pi _0(w_n)]_{F_0^r}$
, where for
$\sigma \in \Sigma ^*$
we obtain
$\pi _0(\sigma )\in (\pi _0(\Sigma ))^*$
by applying
$\pi _0$
to each letter of
$\sigma $
. So if
$B\subseteq \Gamma $
is F-sparse then
$\pi _0(B)\subseteq \Gamma _0$
$b\in H$
$A_b = \{a\in \Gamma _0 : a\oplus b\in A\}$
. Note that
$x+y\in A_b$
is stable in
$\Gamma _0$
: if we had arbitrarily long tuples
$(a_1,\ldots ,a_N; b_1,\ldots ,b_N)$
$\Gamma _0$
witnessing the contrary, then the tuples
$(a_1,\ldots ,a_N; b_1+b,\ldots ,b_N+b)$
would witness the instability of A in
$\Gamma $
, a contradiction. We wish to show that
is F-automatic in
$\Gamma $
; since regular languages are closed under intersection and
is F-automatic it suffices to show that
$\Gamma _0$
is. Fix a generating set
$\{\gamma _1,\ldots ,\gamma _{\ell }\}$
$\Gamma $
, and write
$a_{ij}\in \mathbb {Z}$
; let
$X = (a_{ij} + {\lvert {H}\rvert } \mathbb {Z})_{i,j=1}^{\ell } \in M_{\ell } (\mathbb {Z}/{\lvert {H}\rvert } \mathbb {Z})$
. We construct a DFA recognizing
$\Gamma _0$
. Let
$\pi _H\colon \Gamma \to H$
be the projection. The idea is to observe that if
$c = c_1\gamma _1+\cdots +c_{\ell } \gamma _{\ell } \in \Gamma $
then to compute
$\pi _H(F^nc)$
it suffices to know
$X^n(c_i+{\lvert {H}\rvert } \mathbb {Z} )_{i=1}^{\ell } $
, and since X is a matrix over a finite ring, its powers can be tracked using a finite automaton. Using this we can determine
$\pi _H([\sigma c]_F)$
$\pi _H([\sigma ]_F)$
$X^n(c_i+{\lvert {H}\rvert } \mathbb {Z})_{i=1}^{\ell } $
, which are finitary objects.
The set of states is
$Q = \{(h,Y ) : h\in H,Y\in M_{\ell } (\mathbb {Z}/{\lvert {H}\rvert } \mathbb {Z})\}$
. The initial state is
$q_0 = (0, I)$
, and the finish states are
$\Omega = \{(0,Y) : Y\in M_{\ell } (\mathbb {Z}/{\lvert {H}\rvert } \mathbb {Z})\}$
. For the transition map, suppose we are in state
$(h, Y)$
and receive input
$c\in \Sigma $
. Let
$Y' = XY$
. Write
$c = c_1\gamma _1+\cdots +c_{\ell } \gamma _{\ell } $
$c_i\in \mathbb {Z}$
, and let
$v = (c_i + {\lvert {H}\rvert } \mathbb {Z})_{i=1}^{\ell } \in (\mathbb {Z}/{\lvert {H}\rvert } \mathbb {Z})^{\ell } $
. Let
$(Yv)_i\in \mathbb {Z}/{\lvert {H}\rvert } \mathbb {Z}$
is the ith entry of
. Note that this is well-defined since
$\pi _H({\lvert {H}\rvert } \Gamma ) = 0$
. Our machine then transitions to
. One can check by induction on
${\lvert \sigma \rvert } $
$\delta (q_0,\sigma ) = (\pi _H([\sigma ]_F), X^{{\lvert \sigma \rvert } })$
. So our machine recognizes the representations over
$\Sigma $
$\pi _H^{-1}(0)=\Gamma _0$
; thus
$\Gamma _0$
(and hence
) is F-automatic in
$\Gamma $
$A_b\subseteq A-b$
, and A is F-sparse; so by Proposition 5.4(3) and (4)
is F-sparse in
$\Gamma $
. So as remarked above we get that
-sparse in
$\Gamma _0$
. So by Proposition 6.5 each
is a Boolean combination of groupless
-sets. So since
it suffices to show that we can write
as a union of translates of sets of the form
. Let
$\sigma = a0^{s-1}\in \Gamma _0^*$
. We would like to use the above automaton to compute
$\pi _H([\sigma ^i]_F)$
; unfortunately, there’s no guarantee that
$a\in \Sigma $
, so we may not have that
$\sigma \in \Sigma ^*$
. However, by [Reference Bell and Moosa2, Lemma 5.6] there is an F-spanning set
$\Sigma '$
containing a; running through the argument given above, we can assume the automaton accepts inputs from
$(\Sigma ')^*$
. Since there are only finitely many states, we see that
$\delta (q_0,\sigma ^i)$
, and hence
$\pi _H([\sigma ^i]_F)$
is ultimately periodic in i; say
$\pi _H([\sigma ^{i+\mu }]_F) = \pi _H([\sigma ^i]_F)$
$i\ge N$
. Then
$[\sigma ^{N+j+i\mu }]_F = \pi _H([\sigma ^{N+j+i\mu }]_F) + \pi _0([\sigma ^{N+j+i\mu }]_F) = \pi _H([\sigma ^{N+j}]_F) + [\sigma ^{N+j+i\mu }]_{F_0}$
(by Lemma 3.13). So
Substituting this into the above expression for
, we have written
as a union of translates of
$C(b; F^{\mu s})$
, as desired.
It is worth pointing out that, assuming the existence of spanning sets, there are always F-sparse sets that aren’t F-sets. Indeed, fix any
$a\in \Gamma $
of infinite F-orbit. One can check that
$A = \bigg \{\begin {pmatrix}{F^ia}\\{F^ja}\end {pmatrix} : i\le j\bigg \}\subseteq \Gamma ^2$
is F-sparse. If A were an F-set then by [Reference Moosa and Scanlon6] it would be stable, contradicting the fact that
$\begin {pmatrix}{F^ia}\\{0}\end {pmatrix} + \begin {pmatrix}{0}\\{F^ja}\end {pmatrix}\in A$
if and only if
$i\le j$
. With some effort one can encode sets like this into subsets of
$\Gamma $
7 NIP expansions of
$(\Gamma ,+)$
We now turn our attention to NIP expansions of
$(\Gamma ,+)$
. We produce a class of subsets
$A\subseteq \Gamma $
, which we call the F-EDP sets, that contains the F-sparse sets; we show that if A is F-EDP then
$(\Gamma ,+,A)$
is NIP. Our argument generalizes that of [Reference Hawthorne5, Section 6.2], which deals with the case when
$\Gamma =\mathbb {Z}$
and F is multiplication by some
. As an application of our general result, we will see that
$(\mathbb {F}_p[t],+,{\times \mathord \restriction t^{\mathbb {N}}})$
is NIP, where
${\times \mathord \restriction t^{\mathbb {N}}}$
is the graph of multiplication on
$t^{\mathbb {N}}$
We introduce some convenient multi-index notation. Suppose
$\textbf{s} = (\sigma _1,\ldots ,\sigma _n)$
$\sigma _1,\ldots ,\sigma _n\in \Gamma ^*$
$\textbf{k} = (k _1,\ldots ,k _n)\in \mathbb {N}^n$
. Then by
we mean the string
$\sigma _1^{k_1}\cdots \sigma _n^{k_n}$
. Note that if
$\textbf{0} = (0,\ldots ,0)$
$\textbf{s}^{\textbf{0}} = \epsilon $
, the empty word.
Definition 7.1. By an F-exponentially definable in Presburger (F-EDP) subset of
$\Gamma $
we mean a set of the form
$[\textbf{s}^{\phi (\mathbb {N})} ]_F := \{ [\textbf{s}^{\textbf{k}}]_F : (\mathbb {N},+)\models \phi (\textbf{k})\} $
for some tuple
of strings over
$\Gamma $
and some formula
$\phi (\textbf {x})$
$|{\textbf {x}}| = |{\textbf {s}}|$
Lemma 7.2.
1. F-EDP sets are closed under finite union.
2. F-sparse sets are F-EDP.
1. It suffices to check pairwise unions. Suppose we are given F-EDP sets
$[\textbf{s}_1^{\phi (\mathbb {N})}]_F$ and
$[\textbf{s}_2^{\psi (\mathbb {N})}]_F$ . Then their union can be written as
$[(\textbf{s}_1\textbf{s}_2)^{\chi (\mathbb {N})}]_F$ where
$\chi (\textbf{x},\textbf{y})$ is
$ (\phi (\textbf{x})\wedge \textbf{y}=\textbf{0})\vee (\psi (\textbf{y})\wedge \textbf{x}=\textbf{0})$ , and is thus F-EDP.
2. Suppose we are given an
$F^r$ -spanning set
$\Sigma $ for some
$r>0$ and a sparse
$L\subseteq \Sigma ^*$ . By Fact 5.2 we may assume L is a finite union of simple sparse languages; by part (1) we may assume L itself is simple sparse, say
$L = v_0w_1^*v_1\cdots w_n^*v_n$ for
$v_i,w_i\in \Sigma ^*$ . Given
$\sigma = s_0\cdots s_{{\lvert \sigma \rvert }-1}\in \Sigma ^*$ let
$\sigma ' = s_00^{r-1}s_10^{r-1}\cdots s_{{\lvert \sigma \rvert } -1}0^{r-1}$ . Then
$(\sigma \tau )' = \sigma '\tau '$ and
$[\sigma ']_F = [\sigma ]_{F^r}$ . So
$$ \begin{align*}[L]_{F^r} &= \{[(v_0^{\prime})^{\ell _0}(w_1^{\prime})^{k_1}(v_1^{\prime})^{\ell _1}\cdots (w_n^{\prime})^{k_n}(v_n^{\prime})^{\ell _n}]_F : k_1,\ldots ,k_n,\ell _0,\ldots ,\ell _n\in\mathbb{N},\\ &\qquad\ell _0 = \cdots = \ell _n = 1\} \end{align*} $$
The F-EDP sets contain significantly more than just the F-sparse sets. For instance, if
$a,b,c\in \Gamma $
$\{[a^ib^i]_F : i \in \mathbb {N}\}$
$\{[a^ib^jc^{i+j}]_F : i,j\in \mathbb {N}\}$
are F-EDP, but are not typically F-automatic, and hence not F-sparse.
Our goal is to prove that if we start with a weakly minimal abelian group
$(\Gamma ,+) $
, and if
$A\subseteq \Gamma $
is F-EDP, then
$(\Gamma ,+,A)$
is an NIP structure. Recall that
$\Gamma $
being weakly minimal means that
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Th}}(\Gamma ,+)$
is superstable and of U-rank
. Equivalently, for all
$n\Gamma $
and the subgroup of n-torsion are either finite or of finite index in
$\Gamma $
—see for example [Reference Conant and Laskowski4, Proposition 3.1]. So, for example, all finitely generated abelian groups are weakly minimal.
We begin by adapting Proposition 5.3 to EDP sets.
Lemma 7.3. If A is F-EDP then there is
such that for all
$s\in s_0\mathbb {N}$
we can write A in the form
$[\textbf{a}^{\phi (\mathbb {N})}]_{F^s}$
for some formula
$\phi $
in Presburger arithmetic and some tuple
of elements of
$\Gamma $
(i.e., strings of length
Proof Write
$A = \{[\textbf{s}^{\textbf{k}}]_F:(\mathbb {N},+)\models \phi (\textbf{k})\}$
$\textbf{s}= (\sigma _1,\ldots ,\sigma _n)$
. Let
$s_0 = \operatorname {\mathrm {lcm}}({\lvert {\sigma _1}\rvert },\ldots ,{\lvert {\sigma _n}\rvert })$
, and suppose
$s\in s_0\mathbb {N}$
. If
$\sigma _i^{\prime } = \sigma _i^{\frac s{{\lvert {\sigma _i}\rvert }}}$
Since sets of the desired form are closed under union (as in Lemma 7.2(1)) it thus suffices to check the case
where the
$w _i$
all have the same length s. But by the argument given in [Reference Hawthorne5, Lemma 3.4] (which generalizes to our context, as we noted in the proof of Proposition 5.3) there are
$\gamma \in \Gamma $
$\tau _1,\ldots ,\tau _n \in \Gamma ^* $
of length s such that if each
then we can write
$a_i = [\tau _i]_F$
. The case where some
can be dealt with inductively, again using closure under union; so it suffices to check the case
$\gamma + \{[a_1^{k_1}\cdots a_n^{k_n}]_{F^s} : (\mathbb {N},+)\models \phi (k_1,\ldots ,k_n)\}$
. But we can rewrite this as
which takes the desired form by closure under union.
The source of NIP in Theorem 7.7 will be that
$(\mathbb {N},+)$
is NIP. The following lemma and corollary relate automatic and F-EDP sets to sets definable in
$(\mathbb {N},+)$
Lemma 7.4. Suppose
$\Lambda $
is a finite alphabet and
$L\subseteq (\Lambda ^m) ^*$
is regular. Suppose
$ \textbf{a}_1,\ldots ,\textbf{a}_m$
are tuples from
$\Lambda $
. Then the relation
is definable in
$(\mathbb {N},+)$
. (Here we identify
$(\Lambda ^m)^*$
with the subset of
$(\Lambda ^*)^m$
of tuples whose constituent strings all have the same length.)
The important clause of the relation is
$\begin {pmatrix}{\textbf{a}_1^{\textbf{k}_1}}\\ \vdots \\ {\textbf{a}_m^{\textbf{k}_m}}\end {pmatrix}\in L$
; the condition
${| {\textbf{a}_1^{\textbf{k}_1}}|} = \cdots = {| {\textbf{a}_m^{\textbf{k}_m}}|}$
is only there so we can view
$\begin {pmatrix}{\textbf{a}_1^{\textbf{k}_1}}\\ \vdots \\ {\textbf{a}_m^{\textbf{k}_m}}\end {pmatrix}$
as an element of
$(\Lambda ^m)^*$
Proof Fix an automaton
$(\Lambda ^m,Q,q_0,\Omega ,\delta )$
$L $
; we show that for any
$q_1,q_2\in Q$
the relation
is definable in
$(\mathbb {N},+)$
. Applying this to
and the elements of
$\Omega $
yields the desired result.
We apply induction on
${|{\textbf{a}_1} |}\cdots {| {\textbf{a}_m}|}$
. For the base case, if some
${|{\textbf{a}_i} |} = 0$
then our relation is either empty or equivalent to all
being zero, depending on whether
$q_1 = q_2$
, and both of these are definable in
$(\mathbb {N},+)$
For the induction step, suppose no
${| {\textbf{a}_i}|} = 0$
. Write
$\textbf{a}_i = (a_{i1},\ldots ,a_{in_i})$
$\textbf{k}_i = (k_{i1},\ldots ,k_{in_i})$
. Suppose
is minimum among the
. For
$\ell \in \mathbb {N}$
we let
We will use the fact that if the machine is in state
and receives input
$\begin {pmatrix}\textbf{a}_1^{\textbf{k}_1}\\\vdots \\ {\textbf{a}_m^{\textbf{k}_m}}\end {pmatrix} $
, it will first read
$\begin {pmatrix}{a_{11}^{k_{11}}}\\ \vdots \\ {a_{m1}^{k_{11}}}\end {pmatrix}$
and move to state
, after which it will process the rest of the input.
$q'\in Q$
, let
$\phi _{q'}(\textbf{k}_1,\ldots ,\textbf{k}_m)$
be the statement
That is,
$\phi _{q'}$
asserts that if the machine starts in state
and receives as input
$\begin {pmatrix}\textbf{a}_1^{\textbf{k}_1}\\\vdots \\ {\textbf{a}_m^{\textbf{k}_m}} \end {pmatrix} $
with the prefix
$\begin {pmatrix}a_{11}^{k_{11}}\\\vdots \\ {a_{m1}^{k_{11}}} \end {pmatrix}$
deleted, then the machine ends in state
Then our relation is equivalent to the statement
$\phi _{q(k_{11})}(\textbf{k}_1,\ldots ,\textbf{k}_m)$
. But since there are finitely many states in Q, we get that
$q(\ell ) $
is eventually periodic in
$\ell $
. So for
$q'\in Q$
the statement
$ q(k_{11})=q'$
is definable in
$(\mathbb {N},+)$
. Moreover, for any fixed
$q'\in Q$
the induction hypothesis yields that
$\phi _{q'}(\textbf{k}_1,\ldots ,\textbf{k}_m)$
is definable in
$(\mathbb {N},+)$
; thus our relation is defined in
$(\mathbb {N},+)$
$\displaystyle \bigvee _{q'\in Q} (q(k_{11}) = q' \wedge \phi _{q'}(\textbf{k}_1,\ldots ,\textbf{k}_m)) $
(under the assumption that
is minimum among the
Similarly we get definability in the case
is minimum for some
. So taking disjunctions we get that our relation is definable in
$(\mathbb {N},+)$
Corollary 7.5. Suppose
$\Gamma $
admits an F-spanning set. If
$X\subseteq \Gamma ^m$
is F-automatic and
$\textbf{a}_1,\ldots ,\textbf{a}_m$
are tuples from
$\Gamma $
is definable in
$(\mathbb {N},+)$
Proof By [Reference Bell and Moosa2, Lemma 5.6] there is an F-spanning set
$\Sigma $
containing all the
; one can then check that
$\Sigma ^m$
is an F-spanning set for
$\Gamma ^m$
. Let
$L\subseteq (\Sigma ^m)^*$
be the set of representations of elements of X; so L is regular. Then by the previous lemma
is definable in
$(\mathbb {N},+)$
, say by
$\phi (\textbf{k}_1,\ldots ,\textbf{k}_m,\ell _1,\ldots ,\ell _m)$
. Then
$\exists \ell _1\cdots \exists \ell _m\phi (\textbf{k}_1,\ldots,\textbf{k}_m,\ell _1,\ldots ,\ell _m)$
defines the desired relation in
$(\mathbb {N},+)$
In order to apply the previous two results, we will need to relate the relations we wish to show are NIP to automatic sets. The following lemma does so. It is a straightforward generalization of a known result in classical automata theory; see for example [Reference Bruyere, Hansel, Michaux and Villemaire3, Theorem 6.1].
Lemma 7.6. Suppose
$\Gamma $
admits an
-spanning set for some
. If
$X\subseteq \Gamma ^m$
is definable in
$(\Gamma ,+)$
with parameters from
$\Gamma $
then X is F-automatic.
This result is similar in flavour to the proof of Lemma 5.9, in which it came out that regular languages are closed under Boolean combinations and projection. This proof is similar, but with a complication relating to mismatched lengths when dealing with projection; we get around this by changing the set of finish states.
Proof We first check the case where X is
-definable in
$(\Gamma ,+)$
; we apply structural induction on formulas. That the claim holds for
$x = y$
$x+y = z$
is [Reference Bell and Moosa2, Lemma 6.7]; that the claim holds for a union or complement is because regular languages are closed under union and complementation. It remains to check existential quantification.
Suppose then that
$X\subseteq \Gamma ^{m+1}$
is F-automatic. Fix an
-spanning set
$\Sigma $
for some
; then as before one can check that
$\Sigma ^{m+1}$
is an
-spanning set for
$\Gamma ^{m+1}$
. So by Proposition 2.6 there is an automaton
$M = (\Sigma ^{m+1},Q,q_0,\Omega ,\delta )$
recognizing the representations over
$\Sigma ^{m+1}$
of elements of X. Consider the non-deterministic automaton
$M' = (\Sigma ^m, Q,q_0,\Omega ',\delta ')$
$\delta '(q,\textbf{a}) = \left \{\delta \left ( {q,\begin {pmatrix}\textbf{a}\\b\end {pmatrix}}\right ) : b\in \Sigma \right \}$ for
$\textbf{a}\in \Sigma ^m$ , and
$\Omega ' = \left \{q\in Q : \text {there is }\tau \in \Sigma ^*\text { such that }\delta \left ( {q,\begin {pmatrix}\textbf{0}^{{\lvert \tau \rvert } }\\\tau \end {pmatrix} }\right )\in \Omega \right \}$ .
Then if
$\boldsymbol {\sigma }\in (\Sigma ^m)^*$
is accepted by
then there is
$\tau _1 \in \Sigma ^{({\lvert {\boldsymbol {\sigma }}\rvert }) }$
such that
$\delta \left ( {q_0,\begin {pmatrix}\boldsymbol {\sigma }\\\tau _1\end {pmatrix}}\right )\in \Omega '$
; i.e., such that there is
$\tau _2\in \Sigma ^*$
such that
$\delta \left ( {q_0,\begin {pmatrix}\boldsymbol {\sigma }\textbf{0}^{{\lvert {\tau _2} \rvert }}\\\tau _1\tau _2\end {pmatrix}}\right )\in \Omega $
. So
$\begin {pmatrix} [\boldsymbol {\sigma } ]_{F^r}\\ [\tau _1\tau _2]_{F^r}\end {pmatrix}\in X$
. Conversely suppose there is
$b\in \Gamma $
such that
$\begin {pmatrix} [\boldsymbol {\sigma }]_{F^r}\\b\end {pmatrix}\in X$
; say
$b = [\tau ] _{F^r}$
$\tau \in \Sigma ^*$
. Write
$\tau =\tau _1\tau _2$
${\lvert {\tau _1}\rvert } = {\lvert {\boldsymbol {\sigma }}\rvert }$
$\tau $
with some
$\tau 0^k$
if necessary). Then
$\begin {pmatrix} [\boldsymbol {\sigma }\textbf{0}^{{\lvert {\tau _2}\rvert }}]_{F^r}\\ [\tau _1\tau _2]_{F^r}\end {pmatrix} = \begin {pmatrix} [\boldsymbol {\sigma } ]_{F^r}\\b\end {pmatrix}\in X$
; so
$\begin {pmatrix}\boldsymbol {\sigma }\textbf{0}^{{\lvert {\tau _2}\rvert }}\\\tau _1\tau _2\end {pmatrix}$
is accepted by M. So
$\delta \left ( {q_0,\begin {pmatrix}\boldsymbol {\sigma }\\\tau _1\end {pmatrix}}\right ) \in \delta '(q_0,\boldsymbol {\sigma })\cap \Omega '$
, and
$\boldsymbol {\sigma }$
recognizes the representations over
$\Sigma ^r$
of the projection of X away from the last coordinate. So existentially quantifying an F-automatic set results in an F-automatic set.
So if X is
-definable in
$(\Gamma ,+)$
then X is F-automatic. For the general case, suppose we are given an F-automatic set
$X\subseteq \Gamma ^{m+1}$
$b\in \Gamma $
; it suffices to show that
$\left \{\textbf{a}\in \Gamma ^m : \begin {pmatrix}\textbf{a}\\b\end {pmatrix} \in X\right \}$
is F-automatic. Fix an
-spanning set
$\Sigma $
; fix
$s_0\cdots s_{n-1} \in \Sigma ^*$
such that
$[s_0\cdots s_{n-1}]_{F^r} = b$
. As before by Proposition 2.6 there is a DFA
$M= (\Sigma ^{m+1},Q,q_0,\Omega ,\delta )$
recognizing the representations over
$\Sigma ^{m+1}$
of elements of X. Consider the DFA
$M' = (\Sigma ^m, Q\times \{0,\ldots ,n\},(q_0,0),\Omega ',\delta ')$
$\textbf{a}\in \Sigma ^m$
, and
One can show by induction on
${\lvert {\boldsymbol \sigma }\rvert }$
$\boldsymbol \sigma \in \Sigma ^m$
. Hence
accepts the
$\boldsymbol \sigma \in (\Sigma ^m)^*$
such that
$\begin {pmatrix} [\boldsymbol \sigma ]_{F^r}\\b\end {pmatrix}\in X$
; so
$\left \{\textbf{a}\in \Gamma ^m : \begin {pmatrix}\textbf{a}\\b\end {pmatrix} \in X\right \}$
is F-automatic, as desired.
Theorem 7.7. Suppose
$(\Gamma ,+) $
is a weakly minimal abelian group and admits an
-spanning set for some
; suppose
$A\subseteq \Gamma $
is F-EDP. Then
$(\Gamma ,+,A)$
is NIP.
Proof We apply [Reference Conant and Laskowski4, Theorem 2.9], which tells us that in a weakly minimal group
$\Gamma $
$A_{\Gamma } $
is NIP then so is
$(\Gamma ,+,A)$
. Here
$A_{\Gamma } $
is the induced structure of
$(\Gamma ,+) $
on A: the domain of
$A_{\Gamma } $
is A, and for every
$(\Gamma ,+)$
-definable subset X of
$\Gamma ^m$
with parameters from
$\Gamma $
its trace
$X\cap A^m$
on A is an atomic relation of
$A_{\Gamma } $
. We show that
$A_{\Gamma } $
is interpretable in
$(\mathbb {N},+)$
, and thus is NIP.
By Lemma 7.3 we may assume A takes the form
$[\textbf{a}^{\phi (\mathbb {N})}]_{F^s}$
for some
$s\in r\mathbb {N}$
. So
$\Gamma $
admits an
-spanning set by [Reference Bell and Moosa2, Lemma 5.7]. Let
$\Phi \colon \mathbb {N}^{{\lvert {\textbf{a}}\rvert }}\to \Gamma $
$\textbf{k}\mapsto [\textbf{a}^{\textbf{k}}]_{F^s} $
; so
$\Phi $
is surjective
$\phi (\mathbb {N}^{{\lvert {\textbf{a} } \rvert }})\twoheadrightarrow A$
. We show that
$\Phi $
defines an interpretation of
$A_{\Gamma } $
$(\mathbb {N},+)$
, and hence that
$A_{\Gamma } $
is NIP.
By Corollary 7.5 the equivalence relation given by
$\textbf{k}_1\sim \textbf{k}_2$
if and only if
$\Phi (\textbf{k}_1) = \Phi (\textbf{k}_2)$
is definable in
$(\mathbb {N},+)$
(since the diagonal in
$\Gamma ^{2m}$
is F-automatic by [Reference Bell and Moosa2, Lemma 6.7]). Suppose now that
$X\subseteq \Gamma ^m$
is definable with parameters in
$(\Gamma ,0,+)$
; it remains to show that
$ \phi (\mathbb {N}^{{\lvert {\textbf{a}}\rvert }})^m\cap (\Phi ^m)^{-1}(X) $
is definable in
$(\mathbb {N},+)$
. We get by Lemma 7.6 that X is F-automatic; so by Corollary 7.5
$(\Phi ^m)^{-1}(X)$
is definable in
$(\mathbb {N},+)$
. So
$\phi (\mathbb {N}^{{\lvert {\textbf{a}}\rvert }})^m\cap (\Phi ^m)^{-1}(X)$
is definable in
$(\mathbb {N},+)$
, and
$\Phi $
defines an interpretation of
$A_{\Gamma } $
$(\mathbb {N},+)$
As an application of Theorem 7.7, we prove the following:
Theorem 7.8. Suppose
$p\ge 7$
is prime. Then
$(\mathbb {F}_p[t],+,{\times \mathord \restriction t^{\mathbb {N}}})$
is NIP, where
${\times \mathord \restriction t^{\mathbb {N}}} = \left \{\begin {pmatrix}t^i\\t^j\\t^{i+j}\end {pmatrix} : i,j\in \mathbb {N}\right \}$
Proof Let
$F\colon \mathbb {F}_p[t]\to \mathbb {F}_p[t]$
$f(t)\mapsto tf(t)$
. Note that
$\mathbb {F}_p$
is an F-spanning set for
$\mathbb {F}_p[t]$
. Indeed, an arbitrary element of
$\mathbb {F}_p[t]$
is of the form
$a_0 + a_1t+\cdots + a_nt^n = [a_0a_1\cdots a_n]_F$
, and the other axioms are easily verified using the facts that
$\mathbb {F}_p$
is a subgroup and
$\mathbb {F}_p\cap F(\mathbb {F}_p[t]) = \{0\}$
. Furthermore
$(\mathbb {F}_p[t],+)$
is weakly minimal: for each
$n\in \mathbb {N}$
we have
so weak minimality follows from [Reference Conant and Laskowski4, Proposition 3.1]. So Theorem 7.7 applies, and
$(\mathbb {F}_p[t],+,A)$
is NIP whenever
$A\subseteq \mathbb {F}_p[t]$
is F-EDP.
We encode
${\times \mathord \restriction t^{\mathbb {N}}}$
in an F-EDP subset of
$\mathbb {F}_p[t] $
. Write
$\mathbb {F}_p = \mathbb {Z}/p\mathbb {Z} = \{\overline {n}: n\in \mathbb {Z}\}$
. Let
Note that
is F-EDP as a union of F-EDP sets (see Lemma 7.2(1)). Since
$t^{\mathbb {N}} = \{[(\overline {0})^k\overline {1}]_F : k \in \mathbb {N}\}$
$\overline {2}t^{\mathbb {N}} = \{[(\overline {0})^k\overline {2}]_F : k\in \mathbb {N}\}$
, we get that A itself is F-EDP as a union of F-EDP sets; so
$(\mathbb {F}_p[t] ,+,A)$
is NIP. It remains to see that
${\times \mathord \restriction t^{\mathbb {N}}}$
is definable in
$(\mathbb {F}_p[t],+,A)$
Claim 7.9.
$t^{\mathbb {N}}$
$B := \{t^{i+j} - t^i - t^j : i,j\in \mathbb {N}\setminus \{0\}\}$
are both definable in
$(\mathbb {F}_p[t] ,+,A)$
Proof We first check
$t^{\mathbb {N}}$
. I claim that if
$\phi (x)$
$ (x\in A)\wedge (2x\in A)$
$\phi $
$t^{\mathbb {N}}$
. It is clear that
$\phi (\mathbb {F}_p[t] )\supseteq t^{\mathbb {N}}$
; suppose conversely that
$f\in \phi (\mathbb {F}_p[t] )$
. If we had
$f = \overline {2}t^i\in \overline {2}t^{\mathbb {N}}$
$2f = \overline {4}t^i$
, and hence
$2f\notin A$
$p\ge 7$
$\overline {4}\notin \{\overline {1},\overline {2},\overline {3}\}$
, and these are the only leading coefficients of elements of A). But this contradicts the assumption that
$f\in \phi (\mathbb {F}_p[t])$
. Similarly if we had
$f= \overline {3}t^{i+j}-\overline {3}t^i-\overline {3}t^j$
for some
$2f = \overline {6}t^{i+j} - \overline {6}t^i - \overline {6}t^j$
has leading coefficient
$\overline {6}$
; so by similar reasoning we conclude that
$2f\notin A$
, a contradiction. So having eliminated the other possibilities we conclude that
$f\in t^{\mathbb {N}}$
, as desired. Note then that
$\overline {2}t^{\mathbb {N}} = 2t^{\mathbb {N}}$
is also definable.
We now check B. I claim that if
$\psi (x)$
$3x\in A\setminus (t^{\mathbb {N}}\cup 2t^{\mathbb {N}})$
$\psi $
defines B. That
$\psi (\mathbb {F}_p[t] )\subseteq B$
is just injectivity of
$f\mapsto 3f$
; that
$\psi (\mathbb {F}_p[t] )\supseteq B$
is that
$\{\overline {3}t^{i+j}-\overline {3}t^i-\overline {3}t^j : i,j\in \mathbb {N}\}\cap (t^{\mathbb {N}}\cup \overline {2}t^{\mathbb {N}}) = \emptyset $
, which follows by considering the leading coefficients.
So it suffices to show that
${\times \mathord \restriction t^{\mathbb {N}}}$
is definable in
$(\mathbb {F}_p[t] ,+,t^{\mathbb {N}},B)$
. In fact if
$\phi (x,y,z)$
${\times \mathord \restriction t^{\mathbb {N}}} = \phi (\mathbb {F}_p[t] )$
. It is clear that
${\times \mathord \restriction t^{\mathbb {N}}}\subseteq \phi (\mathbb {F}_p[t] )$
; for the converse suppose
$\begin {pmatrix}t^i\\t^j\\t^k\end {pmatrix}\in \phi (\mathbb {F}_p[t] )$
. Note that if either of the first two disjuncts of
$\phi $
holds then
$\begin {pmatrix}t^i\\t^j\\t^k\end {pmatrix}\in {\times \mathord \restriction t^{\mathbb {N}}}$
; suppose then that the last holds. So there are
such that
$t^k-t^i-t^j = t^{i'+j'}-t^{i'} -t^{j'} $
. Since
we get that the leading coefficient of the right-hand side is
$\overline {1}$
; for the same to be true on the left-hand side we must have
, and thus
$k = i'+j'$
. So
$t^i + t^j = t^{i'} + t^{j'}$
, and
$\{i,j\} = \{i',j'\}$
. Thus
$i+j = i'+j' = k$
, and
$\begin {pmatrix}t^i\\t^j\\t^k\end {pmatrix}\in {\times \mathord \restriction t^{\mathbb {N}}}$
My thanks to Luke Franceschini for helping me work through the details of Example 3.1. Warm thanks to my advisor, Rahim Moosa, for his excellent guidance, thorough editing, and many helpful discussions. I am grateful to the reviewer for their comments, and in particular for pointing out that the notion of a length function could be simplified to its current form. This work was partially supported by an NSERC PGS-D and an NSERC CGS-D.