1. Introduction and main results
1.1. Introduction
Poisson cluster processes are an important class of point process models (see [Reference Bordenave and Torrisi5]). They occur frequently in applications such as cellular networks [Reference Chun, Hasna and Ghrayeb6], [Reference Tabassum, Hossain and Hossain23], insurance [Reference Jessen, Mikosch and Samorodnitsky18], [Reference Matsui19], [Reference Matsui and Mikosch20], queueing theory [Reference Fasen11], [Reference Fasen and Samorodnitsky12], [Reference Faÿ, González-Arévalo, Mikosch and Samorodnitsky13], and cosmology [Reference Neyman and Scott22]. Theoretical studies of Poisson cluster processes have attracted considerable attention; for example, see [Reference Bogachev and Daletskii4] for quasi-invariance, [Reference Faÿ, González-Arévalo, Mikosch and Samorodnitsky13] for some asymptotic behaviors of a Poisson cluster process, and [Reference Bordenave and Torrisi5] for functional large deviation principles for a large class of the processes. Linear Hawkes processes [Reference Hawkes15] are a class of Poisson cluster processes. They are amenable to statistical analysis. Thus they have a wide range of applications in large networks [Reference Delattre, Fournier and Hoffmann8], finance [Reference Hawkes16], and many other fields. The asymptotic behaviors of Hawkes processes have been widely studied; for example, see [Reference Bacry, Delattre, Hoffmann and Muzy1] for a functional central limit theorem and [Reference Bordenave and Torrisi5] for functional large deviation principles.
This paper considers functional central limit theorems and moderate deviations for Poisson cluster processes. Maximal inequalities, such as Ottaviani’s inequality and the maximal inequalities for martingales [Reference Billingsley3], play a very important role in functional limits. In this paper, we first propose a maximal inequality for Poisson cluster processes. Then we establish a functional central limit theorem under the second moment and a functional moderate deviation principle under the Cramér condition for Poisson cluster processes. As an application, we obtain a functional moderate deviation principle for linear Hawkes processes.
The paper is organized as follows. In the remainder of this section, we give some preliminaries on Poisson cluster processes, present a maximal inequality for Poisson cluster processes, and state the main results of this paper. The proofs of the functional central limit theorem and the functional moderate deviation principle are given in Sections 2 and 3, respectively. The proof of the maximal inequality is postponed to the appendix.
1.2. Main results
Let us recall some basic definitions related to Poisson cluster processes (see [Reference Bordenave and Torrisi5]). A Poisson cluster process $\mathbf{X}\subset \mathbb{R}$ is a point process generated from an immigrant process and a family of offspring processes. The formal definition of a Poisson cluster process is the following:
(i) The immigrant process I is a homogeneous Poisson process with points $X_i\in \mathbb{R}$ and intensity constant $\nu\in (0,\infty)$.
(ii) Each immigrant $X_i$ generates a cluster, i.e. an offspring process $C_i=C_{X_i}$ which is a finite point process.
(iii) Given the immigrants, the centered clusters
\begin{equation*}C_i-X_i=\{Y-X_i\,{:}\,Y\in C_i\}, \qquad X_i\in I,\end{equation*}are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) and independent of I.(iv) $\mathbf{X}$ consists of the union of all the clusters.
For a point process $\mathbf{Y}$ on $\mathbb{R}$, let $N_{\mathbf{Y}}(0,t]$ denote the number of points of $\mathbf{Y}$ in the interval (0, t]. A process $\mathbf{Y}$ is called stationary if its law is translation-invariant; it is said to be ergodic if it is stationary with a finite intensity $\mathbb{E}(N_{\mathbf{Y}}(0,1])$, and
almost surely.
Let S denote the number of points in a cluster and assume $\mathbb{E}(S)<\infty$. Let $C_0$ be the cluster generated by an immigrant at 0, and let $L=\sup_{Y\in C_0}|Y|$ be the radius of $C_0$. Then we can see from the definition of a Poisson cluster process that $\mathbf{X}$ is ergodic with finite intensity $\nu \mathbb{E}(S)$.
First, let us present a maximal inequality which will play an important role in studying functional limits of Poisson cluster processes.
Lemma 1. Define
Let $0\leq s< t$ and $s=t_0<t_1<\cdots<t_n=t$. Then for any $r>0$,
The proof of the inequality is given in the appendix.
Now let us state our main results. Let D[0, 1] denote the space of càdlàg functions on the interval [0, 1] and let $AC_0[0,1]$ be the family of all absolutely continuous functions f with $f(0)=0$. Set $\|\,f\|=\sup_{t\in [0,1]}|\,f(t)|$. Let $\rho_s$ denote the Skorokhod topology on D[0, 1].
Theorem 1. Assume that
holds. Then as $\alpha \to \infty$,
where $\sigma ^2=\nu \mathbb{E}(S^2)$, $\{B(t),t\geq 0\}$ is the standard Brownian motion, and $\stackrel{d} {\rightarrow}$ denotes convergence in distribution.
Theorem 2. Let $\{b(\alpha),\alpha>0\}$ be a positive function satisfying
Assume that the Cramér condition holds, i.e., that there exists a constant $\theta_0>0$ such that
satisfies the large deviation principle (LDP) on $(D[0,1],\|\cdot\|)$ with speed $\frac{b^2(\alpha)}{\alpha}$ and good rate function $J\,{:}\,D[0,1]\to [0,\infty]$ defined by
That is,
(1) for any $l\leq 0$, $\{f;\, J(\,f)\leq l\}$ is compact in $(D[0,1],\|\cdot\|)$;
(2) for any closed F in $(D[0,1],\|\cdot\|)$,
\begin{equation*} \limsup_{\alpha\rightarrow \infty}\frac{\alpha}{b^2(\alpha)}\log \mathbb{P}\!\left(\frac{N_{\mathbf{X}}(0,\alpha\cdot]-\mathbb{E}(N_{\mathbf{X}}(0,\alpha\cdot])}{b(\alpha)}\in F\right)\leq -\inf_{f\in F}J(\,f), \end{equation*}and for any open G in $(D[0,1],\|\cdot\|)$,\begin{equation*} \liminf_{\alpha\rightarrow \infty}\frac{\alpha}{b^2(\alpha)}\log \mathbb{P}\!\left(\frac{N_{\mathbf{X}}(0,\alpha\cdot]-\mathbb{E}(N_{\mathbf{X}}(0,\alpha\cdot])}{b(\alpha)}\in G\right)\geq -\inf_{f\in G}J(\,f). \end{equation*}
Next, let us apply Theorems 1 and 2 to linear Hawkes processes. A Poisson cluster process $\mathbf{X}$ is called a Hawkes process if each cluster $C_i=C_{X_i}$ is a random set formed by the points of generations $n=0,1,\cdots$ with the following branching structure:
• The immigrant $X_i$ is said to be of generation 0.
• Given generations $0,1,\cdots,n$ in $C_i$, each point $Y\in C_i$ of generation n generates a Poisson process on $(Y,\infty)$ of offspring of generation $n+1$ with intensity function $h(\cdot-Y)$, where $h\,{:}\,(0,\infty)\rightarrow [0,\infty)$ is a nonnegative Borel function.
As usual, we assume that the mean number of points in any offspring process satisfies
We also assume that
It is known (cf. Bordenave and Torrisi [Reference Bordenave and Torrisi5]) that for a linear Hawkes process, the distribution of S is given by
From the proof of Theorem 3.2.1 in [Reference Bordenave and Torrisi5], under the conditions (B1) and (B2), there exists a constant $0<\theta_0< \mu-1-\log \mu$ such that $\mathbb{E}\left((1+L) e^{\theta_0 S}\right)<\infty$; that is, the condition (A2) holds. Furthermore, the function
satisfies the equation $F(\theta)=e^{\theta}\exp\{\mu(F(\theta)-1)\}.$ Thus,
The following results are consequences of Theorems 1 and 2.
Corollary 1. Assume that (B1) and (B2) hold.
\begin{equation*}\bigg\{\frac{N_{\mathbf{X}}(0,\alpha t]-\mathbb{E}(N_{\mathbf{X}}(0,\alpha t])}{\sqrt{\alpha}},t\in[0,1]\bigg\}\end{equation*}
converges in distribution to
in $(D[0,1],\rho_s)$.
\begin{equation*}\bigg\{\frac{N_{\mathbf{X}}(0,\alpha t]-\mathbb{E}(N_{\mathbf{X}}(0,\alpha t])}{b(\alpha)},\ t\in[0,1]\bigg\}\end{equation*}
satisfies the LDP on $(D[0,1],\|\cdot\|)$with speed $\frac{b^2(\alpha)}{\alpha}$and good rate function $J^H(\,f)$defined by
Applying Corollary 1(2) to $F=\{f\in D[0,1]\,{;}\, f(0)=0,\ \|\,f\|\geq r\}$ for $r>0$ and $b(\alpha)=\alpha^{p}$ for $1/2<p<1$, we have
For convenience, before we close this section, let us introduce some notation and state a Laplace integral formula for marked point processes (see Daley and Vere-Jones [Reference Daley and Vere-Jones7], Section 6.4).
• A marked point process N, with locations in a Polish space $\mathcal X$ and marks in a Polish space $\mathcal K$, is a point process $\{(X_i,\kappa_i)\}$ on $\mathcal X \times\mathcal K$ with the additional property that the process $ \{X_i\}$ is itself a point process. The process $\{X_i\}$ is referred to as the ground process.
• A marked point process N is said to have independent marks if, given the ground process $ \{X_i\}$, the $\{\kappa_i\}$ are mutually independent random variables such that the distribution of $\kappa_i$ depends only on the corresponding location $X_i$.
• Let N be a marked point process with i.i.d. marks and let $\{F(K|x)\,{:}\,K \in\mathcal B(\mathcal K), x \in\mathcal X\}$ be a kernel. This kernel is called the mark kernel of the process N if, for any $x\in\mathcal X$ and $K\in \mathcal K$, $F(K |x) =\mathbb{P}(\kappa_i\in K |X_i=x)$ almost surely.
• A marked point process N is called a marked Poisson process or a compound Poisson process if the process N has i.i.d. marks and the ground process is a Poisson process.
For the next lemma, see Proposition 6.4.IV and Lemma 6.4.VI in [Reference Daley and Vere-Jones7].
Lemma 2. A marked Poisson process that has mark kernel $F(\cdot |\cdot)$, and for which the Poisson ground process $N_g$ has intensity measure $\mu$, is equivalent to a Poisson process on the product space $\mathcal X \times\mathcal K$ with intensity measure $\Lambda(dx \times dz) = \mu(dx) F(dz | x)$. In particular, the probability generating functional of the process N is
where $\mathcal V(\mathcal X \times\mathcal K)$ is the space of measurable functions $h(x,\kappa)$ such that $0\leq h(x,\kappa)\leq 1$ and, for some bounded set A, $h(x, \kappa)=1$ for all $\kappa\in K$ and $x\not\in A$.
2. Functional central limit theorem
In this section we prove Theorem 1. First, let us decompose $N_\mathbf{X}(0, t]$ into the following three parts:
It is easy to show that the terms $\sum_{X_k\in I_{|(-\infty,0]}}N_{C_k}(0,\alpha t]$ and $\sum_{X_k\in I_{|(\alpha t , \infty)}}N_{C_k}(0,\alpha t]$ are negligible; see Propositions 1 and 2. Thus, our main work is to show that the term C(t) satisfies a functional central limit theorem; see Proposition 3.
Proposition 1. Assume that (A1) holds. Then for any $\delta>0$,
Proposition 2. Assume that (A1) holds. Then for any $\delta>0$,
Proposition 3. Assume that (A1) holds. Then
in $(D[0,1],\rho_s)$.
2.1. Proof of Proposition 1
For any $\delta>0$, for $\alpha$ large enough, by Chebyshev’s inequality we have
which implies that (4) holds.
2.2. Proof of Proposition 2
Let us give some moment estimates. Applying Lemma 2, for $l=1,\cdots, \lfloor\alpha\rfloor+1$ we have
Therefore, the sums $ \sum_{X_k\in I_{|(l-1,\infty)}}N_{C_k}(-\infty,l]$, $l=1,\cdots, \lfloor\alpha\rfloor+1$, are identically distributed. Note that $N_{C_0}(- \infty, -s]\leq N_{C_0}(\mathbb{R})=S$. Using the above characterization functions, it is easy to obtain the following moment estimates:
Noting that for any $1\leq l\leq \lfloor\alpha\rfloor+1$,
we have that
Thus, for any $\delta>0$, when $\alpha$ is large enough, we have
By Chebyshev’s inequality, for any $\delta>0$,
2.3. Proof of Proposition 3
By the general theory of weak convergence (see Theorems 15.1, 15.4, and 15.5 in [Reference Billingsley2]), in order to obtain Proposition 3 it is sufficient to prove the convergence of finite-dimensional distributions and the tightness of $\{C(\alpha t), t\in [0,1];\ \alpha>0\}$. Lemma 3, below, gives the convergence of finite-dimensional distributions, and Lemma 4 gives the tightness.
Lemma 3. Assume that (A1) holds. Then for each $n\geq 1$ and $0\leq t_1 < \cdots < t_n \leq 1$,
Lemma 4. Assume that (A1) holds. Then for any $\delta>0$,
The following elementary result will be used in the proof of Lemma 4.
Lemma 5. Let f(t) and g(t) be two nondecreasing functions on $[0,\alpha]$, and let $0=t_0<t_1<\cdots <t_n=\alpha$. Then
Proof. For $k=0,1,\cdots,n-1$, $t\in [t_k,t_{k+1}]$, we have
Thus, (10) holds. □
2.3.1. Proof of Lemma 3
We can write
By the definition of a Poisson cluster process, for each i, $I_{|{(0, \alpha t_i ]}}$ can be viewed as the superposition of the i independent Poisson processes $I_{|( \alpha t_{j-1}, \alpha t_j]}$ on $(\alpha t_{j-1}, \alpha t_j]$, $j=1,\cdots,i$, with intensity $\nu$, and for each j, $\{(X_k,C_k);\ X_k \in I_{|(\alpha t_{j-1}, \alpha t_j]}\}$ is an independently marked Poisson process. By Lemma 2 and (11), we have that
which implies that
Noting that for $i \leq j$, $N_{C_0}(-\alpha t_{j-1}-s,\alpha(t_i-t_{j-1})-s]\leq N_{C_0}(\mathbb{R})=S$, and by the elementary inequality
we have that
Using Taylor expansion in (12) with (13), we have
First letting $\alpha\to \infty$, then letting $\epsilon\to 0$, and noting that
as $\alpha\uparrow \infty$, we obtain that
2.3.2. Proof of Lemma 4
Given $\eta>0$, set
Thus, if for any $\delta>0$,
then (9) holds. Thus, we only need to prove (14).
For any $\eta\in (0,1)$, $s\in(0,1)$, set $t_l=s\alpha+l\eta$ for $l=0,1,\cdots, \lfloor\alpha\rfloor+1$. Then by Lemmas 5 and 1, for any $\delta>0$,
Thus, we only need to show that
Let us first prove (16). Applying Lemma 2, we have that for any $t\geq 0$,
Thus, $ \sum_{X_k\in I_{|(-\infty,t_l]}}N_{C_k}(t_l, \infty)$, $l=0,1,\cdots, \lfloor\alpha\rfloor+1$, are identically distributed with $ \sum_{X_k\in I_{|(-\infty,0]}}N_{C_k}(0, \infty)$, and
Therefore, for $\alpha$ large enough,
That is, (16) is valid.
Similarly, we can get that
Therefore, when $\alpha$ is large enough,
which implies that (15) holds.
Now let us show (17). Set $S_k= N_{C_k}(\mathbb R)$. Define
Then $Z_l,\ l=0,1,\cdots, \lfloor\alpha\rfloor$, are i.i.d. random variables with mean 0 and variance $\mathbb{E}(Z_0^2)= \nu \eta \mathbb{E}(S^2)$, and the common distribution is not dependent on s.
Noting that
we have that
and by the Montgomery-Smith inequality [Reference Montgomery-Smith21],
we have the following moment estimates:
and by Chebyshev’s inequality,
Applying Chebyshev’s inequality again,
we have that
3. Functional moderate deviations
In this section, we give a proof of Theorem 2. As in the proof of the central limit theorem, we again decompose $N_{\bf X}$ into three parts as in (3), then show that the last two parts are negligible in the sense of moderate deviations; see Propositions 4 and 5 below. Thus, the proof of Theorem 2 is reduced to showing the moderate deviations of the first term $C(\alpha t)$, i.e., Proposition 6.
Proposition 4. Assume that (A2) holds. Then for any $\delta>0$,
Proposition 5. Assume that (A2) holds. Then for any $\delta>0$,
Proposition 6. Assume that (A2) holds. Then
satisfies the LDP on $(D[0,1],\|\cdot\|)$ with speed $\frac{b^2(\alpha)}{\alpha}$ and good rate function J(f).
3.1. Proof of Proposition 4
By Lemma 5, for any $\delta>0$,
Since $\{C_i;\ X_i \in I_{|(-\infty,0]}\}$ is an independently marked Poisson process, by Lemma 2, we have that
and by Chebyshev’s inequality, when $\alpha$ is large enough,
This implies that (23) holds.
3.2. Proof of Proposition 5
Let us give some moment estimates. Applying Lemma 2, we have that for any $\theta\leq \theta_0$,
For any $\delta>0$, when $\alpha$ is large enough,
By Chebyshev’s inequality, for any $\delta>0$, when $\alpha$ is large enough,
3.3. Proof of Proposition 6
By the general theory of large deviations (see [9, Theorem 5.1.2] and [10, Lemma A.1]), to obtain Proposition 6 it is sufficient to prove the large deviation principle for finite-dimensional distributions and the exponential tightness of $\{C(\alpha t), t\in [0,1];\ \alpha>0\}$, which are stated in Lemmas 6 and 7, respectively.
Let us first give a variational representation of the rate function J defined by (2) and show that it is a good rate function in $(D[0,1],\|\cdot\|)$. The proofs of these facts are standard (see [9, Lemma 5.1.6]). Set
Then the Fenchel–Legendre transform of $\Lambda(\theta)$ is
For each $n\geq 1$ and $0\leq t_1 < \cdots < t_n \leq 1$, define
where $x_0=0$ and $t_0=0$. Then J has the variational representation
and it is a good rate function in $(D[0,1],\|\cdot\|)$.
Lemma 6. Assume that (A2) holds. Then for each $n\geq 1$ and $0\leq t_1 < \cdots < t_n \leq 1$,
satisfies the LDP in $\mathbb{R}^n$ with speed $\frac{b^2(\alpha)}{\alpha}$ and good rate function $J_{t_1,\cdots,t_n}(x_1,\cdots,x_n)$. That is,
(a) for any closed set $F \subset \mathbb{R}^n$,
\begin{align*}&\limsup_{\alpha\rightarrow \infty}\frac{\alpha}{b(\alpha)}\log \mathbb{P}\Bigg(\Bigg(\frac{C(\alpha t_1)-\mathbb{E}(C(\alpha t_1))}{b(\alpha)},\cdots,\frac{C(\alpha t_n)-\mathbb{E}(C(\alpha t_n))}{b(\alpha)}\Bigg)\in F\Bigg)\\[4pt] & \leq -\inf_{(x_1,\cdots,x_n)\in F}J_{t_1,\cdots,t_n}(x_1,\cdots,x_n);\end{align*}(b) for any open set $G \subset \mathbb{R}^n$,
\begin{align*}&\liminf_{\alpha\rightarrow \infty}\frac{\alpha}{b(\alpha)}\log \mathbb{P}\bigg(\bigg(\frac{C(\alpha t_1)-\mathbb{E}(C(\alpha t_1))}{b(\alpha)},\cdots,\frac{C(\alpha t_n)-\mathbb{E}(C(\alpha t_n))}{b(\alpha)}\bigg)\in G\bigg)\\[4pt] & \geq -\inf_{(x_1,\cdots,x_n)\in G}J_{t_1,\cdots,t_n}(x_1,\cdots,x_n).\end{align*}
Lemma 7. Assume that (A2) holds. Then for any $\delta>0$ and $s\in(0,1)$,
3.3.1. Proof of Lemma 6
we have that
Thus, by the Gärtner–Ellis theorem, we need only show that for any $(\theta_1,\cdots,\theta_n)\in \mathbb{R}^n$,
We can write
By the definition of a Poisson cluster process, for each i, $I_{|{(0, \alpha t_i ]}}$ can be viewed as the superposition of the i independent Poisson processes $I_{|( \alpha t_{j-1}, \alpha t_j]}$ on $(\alpha t_{j-1}, \alpha t_j]$, $j=1,\cdots,i$, with intensity $\nu$, and for each j, $\{(X_k,C_k);\ X_k \in I_{|(\alpha t_{j-1}, \alpha t_j]}\}$ is an independently marked Poisson process. Applying Lemma 2, we have that
Note that $N_{C_0}(-\alpha t_{j-1}-s,\alpha(t_i-t_{j-1})-s]\leq N_{C_0}(\mathbb{R})=S$ and
as $\alpha\uparrow \infty$. Using Taylor expansion in (28) with (29), we have
3.3.2. Proof of Lemma 7
We now prove Lemma 7. The maximal inequality plays an important role in the proof.
For any $\eta\in (0,1)$, $s\in(0,1)$, set $t_l=s\alpha+l\eta$ for $l=0,1,\cdots, \lfloor\alpha\rfloor+1$. Then by Lemmas 5 and 1, for any $\delta>0$,
By Lemma 2, we have that
By (18),
and by Chebyshev’s inequality, when $\alpha$ is large enough,
which implies that
On the other hand, by Chebyshev’s inequality and Lemma 2, for any $\theta >0$,
Thus, for any $\theta>0$,
Letting $\theta\to \infty$, this yields that
Appendix: Proof of Lemma 1
In this appendix, we prove Lemma 1.
Proof of Lemma 1. Set $\tau=\inf\left\{l\geq 1; \left| C(t_l)-C(s)-\mathbb{E}(C(t_l)-C(s)) \right|>3r\right\}$. Then for any $1\leq l\leq n$, we can write
Thus, $\{\tau=l\}$ and $\sum_{X_k\in I_{|(t_l,t_n]}}N_{C_k}(0, t_n]$ are independent. When $\tau=l$,
and so $\left|C(t_n)-C(s)-\mathbb{E}(C(t_n)-C(s)) \right|>r$. We can write
then (1) is trivial. Otherwise,
and so
Now, noting that
we have
We would like to thank the editors and two anonymous referees for their careful reading of the manuscript and their valuable comments and suggestions. F. Gao was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 11571262, 11971361, and 11731012).