1 Introduction
Hessenberg varieties are subvarieties of the full flag variety introduced by De Mari and Shayman and studied by De Mari, Procesi and Shayman [Reference De Mari, Procesi and Shayman11, Reference De Mari and Shayman12]. These varieties lie in a fruitful intersection of algebraic combinatorics and representation theory, such as hyperplane arrangements ([Reference Abe, Horiguchi, Masuda, Murai and Sato4, Reference Enokizono, Horiguchi, Nagaoka and Tsuchiya14, Reference Sommers and Tymoczko34]), Stanley’s chromatic symmetric functions ([Reference Brosnan and Chow9, Reference Guay-Paquet23, Reference Kiem and Lee27, Reference Shareshian and Wachs33]), Postnikov’s mixed Eulerian numbers ([Reference Berget, Spink and Tseng8, Reference Horiguchi24, Reference Nadeau and Tewari30]) and toric orbifolds associated with partitioned weight polytopes ([Reference Balibanu and Crooks7, Reference Horiguchi, Masuda, Shareshian and Song25]) in a recent development. In this paper, we generalize a result discovered by Dale Peterson to regular nilpotent Hessenberg varieties in type A via the explicit presentation of the quantum cohomology ring of flag varieties given by Ciocan–Fontanine and Givental–Kim.
Let n be a positive integer. The (full) flag variety
$Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n)$
is the collection of nested sequences of linear subspaces
${\mathbb {C}}^n$
, where each
denotes an i-dimensional subspace of
${\mathbb {C}}^n$
. Let N be the regular nilpotent matrix in Jordan canonical form, that is, the nilpotent matrix in Jordan form with exactly one Jordan block. The Peterson variety
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Pet}}_n$
is defined to be the subvariety of the flag variety
$Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n)$
as follows:

Dale Peterson has discovered a surprising connection between a geometry of the Peterson variety
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Pet}}_n$
and the quantum cohomologyFootnote
of the flag variety
$Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n)$
, as explained below. Let
be the set of lower triangular matrices in the general linear group
$\operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}})$
. Let
$\Omega _e^\circ $
be the opposite Schubert cell associated with the identity element e, which is the
-orbit of the standard flag
$F_\bullet =(F_i)_{i}$
, where
$F_i=\operatorname {\mathrm {span}}_{\mathbb {C}}\{e_1,\ldots ,e_i \}$
$e_1,\ldots ,e_n$
are the standard basis of
${\mathbb {C}}^n$
. Note that
$\Omega _e^\circ $
is the open chart around the standard flag
$F_\bullet =(F_i)_{i}$
$Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n)$
. Due to Peterson’s statements in [Reference Peterson31], the coordinate ring of the intersection
${\mathbb {C}}[\operatorname {\mathrm {Pet}}_n \cap \Omega _e^\circ ]$
is isomorphic to the quantum cohomology of the flag variety
$QH^*(Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n))$
${\mathbb {C}}$

This incredible result discovered by Peterson is unpublished, so we also refer the reader to [Reference Kostant29, Reference Rietsch32] for the result above. As
${\mathbb {C}}$
-vector spaces, the quantum cohomology
$QH^*(Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n))$
${\mathbb {C}}1[q_1,\ldots ,q_{n-1}] \otimes _{\mathbb {C}} H^*(Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n))$
where we call
$q_1,\ldots ,q_{n-1}$
quantum parameters. The product structure on
$QH^*(Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n))$
is a certain deformation by quantum parameters of the ordinary cup product on
$H^*(Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n))$
. More explicitly, Ciocan–Fontanine and Givental–Kim gave in [Reference Ciocan-Fontanine16, Reference Givental and Kim22] an efficient presentation of the quantum cohomology ring
$QH^*(Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n))$
in terms of generators and relations as follows. Let
$\check M_n$
be the following matrix

The quantized elementary symmetric polynomial
$\check E_i^{(n)} \ (1 \leq i \leq n)$
in the polynomial ring
${\mathbb {C}}[x_1,\ldots ,x_n,q_1,\ldots ,q_{n-1}]$
is defined by the coefficient of
$\lambda ^{n-i}$
for the characteristic polynomial of
$\check M_n$
multiplied by
, that is,

Note that by setting
for all
$1 \leq s \leq n-1$
we have that
$\check E_i^{(n)}$
is the i-th elementary symmetric polynomial in the variables
$x_1,\ldots ,x_n$
. Then it is known from [Reference Ciocan-Fontanine16, Reference Givental and Kim22] that there is an isomorphism of
${\mathbb {C}}$

Combining Peterson’s statement and the presentation above, we obtain the isomorphism

${\mathbb {C}}$
-algebras. In this paper, we generalize this isomorphism to regular nilpotent Hessenberg varieties by further quantizing the right-hand side above.
Consider a nondecreasing function
$h: [n] \rightarrow [n]$
such that
$h(j) \geq j$
for all
$j=1,\ldots ,n$
, which is called a Hessenberg function. We frequently write a Hessenberg function h as
$h = (h(1), h(2), \ldots , h(n))$
. The regular nilpotent Hessenberg variety
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h)$
associated with a Hessenberg function h is defined as

This object is a generalization of the Peterson variety
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Pet}}_n$
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h)$
is equal to
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Pet}}_n$
$h=(2,3,4,\ldots ,n,n)$
. We also note that if
$h=(n,n,\ldots ,n)$
, then
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h)=Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n)$
by definition. Recall that the flag variety
$Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n)$
can be identified with
$\operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}})/B$
where B is the set of upper triangular matrices in
$\operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}})$
so that the first j column vectors of a matrix
$g \in \operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}})$
generate the j-th vector space
$j \in [n]$
. Under the identification
$Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n) \cong \operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}})/B$
, one can write

is the set of matrices
$(a_{ij})_{i,j \in [n]}$
such that
$a_{ij} = 0$
$i> h(j)$
. (Note that a matrix
$(a_{ij})_{i,j \in [n]}$
is not necessarily invertible.) Since
$\Omega _e^\circ $
is an affine open set in
$Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n)$
which is naturally identified with the set of lower triangular unipotent matrices, the intersection
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
is described as

Motivated by this, we set

We remark that this scheme can be regarded as a zero scheme of some section of certain vector bundle over
$\operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}})/B$
, which is introduced in [Reference Abe, DeDieu, Galetto and Harada1]. See Section 3 for the details.
We now generalize the matrix
$\check M_n$
in equation (1.1) to the following matrix

Then we define the
-quantized elementary symmetric polynomial
$E_i^{(n)} \ (1 \leq i \leq n)$
in the polynomial ring
${\mathbb {C}}[x_1,\ldots ,x_n,q_{rs} \mid 1 \leq r < s \leq n]$
by the coefficient of
$\lambda ^{n-i}$
for the characteristic polynomial of
multiplied by
, namely

Note that by setting
$q_{s \, s+1}=q_s$
, our polynomial
is the (classical) quantized elementary symmetric polynomial
$\check E_i^{(n)}$
${\mathbb {C}}[x_1,\ldots ,x_n,q_1,\ldots ,q_{n-1}]$
. For a Hessenberg function
$h: [n] \rightarrow [n]$
, we define
$^h E_i^{(n)}$
as the polynomial
by setting
for all
$2 \leq s \leq n$
$1 \leq r \leq n-h(n+1-s)$

We will pictorially explain which variables
are set to
in the definition of
$^h E_i^{(n)}$
in Example 4.11 and surrounding discussion. The main theorem of this paper is as follows:
Theorem 1.1. Let
$h: [n] \rightarrow [n]$
be a Hessenberg function. Then there is an isomorphism of
${\mathbb {C}}$

$\Gamma (\mathcal {Z}(N,h)_e, \mathcal {O}_{\mathcal {Z}(N,h)_e})$
is the set of global sections.
Note that we explicitly construct the isomorphism above. See Theorem 4.13 and Proposition 7.3 for the correspondence. In particular, we see that our quantum parameters
’s correspond to polynomials which define regular nilpotent Hessenberg varieties (up to signs). See Corollary 7.4.
As is well known, the cohomology ring
$H^*(Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n))$
is isomorphic to the quotient of the polynomial ring
${\mathbb {C}}[x_1,\ldots ,x_n]$
by the ideal generated by elementary symmetric polynomials, so the following is a consequence of Theorem 1.1.
Corollary 1.2. There is an isomorphism of
${\mathbb {C}}$

We say that a Hessenberg function
$h: [n] \rightarrow [n]$
is indecomposable if it satisfies
for all
$j \in [n-1]$
. It is known from [Reference Abe, DeDieu, Galetto and Harada1, Proposition 3.6] that if h is indecomposable, then the affine scheme
$\mathcal {Z}(N,h)_e$
is reduced. Therefore, we can conclude the following result from Theorem 1.1.
Corollary 1.3. If
$h: [n] \rightarrow [n]$
is an indecomposable Hessenberg function, then there is an isomorphism of
${\mathbb {C}}$

${\mathbb {C}}[\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h) \cap \Omega _e^\circ ]$
is the coordinate ring of the open set
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h)$
The isomorphism in Corollary 1.3 is a natural generalization of equation (1.2) since the Hessenberg function
$h=(2,3,4,\ldots ,n,n)$
which defines the Peterson variety
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Pet}}_n$
is indecomposable. In particular, our proof gives an elementary proof for Peterson’s statement via the presentation for the quantum cohomology
$QH^*(Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n))$
given by [Reference Ciocan-Fontanine16, Reference Givental and Kim22].
We next apply Corollary 1.3 to the study of the singular locus of the open set
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h)$
for some Hessenberg functions h. There are partial results for studying singularities of Hessenberg varieties in [Reference Abe and Insko3, Reference Escobar, Precup and Shareshian15, Reference Insko and Yong26]. Indeed, an explicit presentation of the singular locus for the Peteson variety
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Pet}}_n$
is given by [Reference Insko and Yong26]. The singular locus for nilpotent Hessenberg varieties of codimension one in the flag variety
$Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n)$
is explicitly described in [Reference Escobar, Precup and Shareshian15]. Also, a recent paper [Reference Abe and Insko3] combinatorially determines which permutation flags in arbitrary regular nilpotent Hessenberg variety
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h)$
are singular points. We focus on the following Hessenberg function

We derive an explicit presentation of the singular locus of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_m)$
from Corollary 1.3. For this purpose, we first study the singular locus of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_2)$
. More precisely, we show that the singularity of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_2) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
is related with a cyclic quotient singularity. We briefly explain the cyclic quotient singularity. Let
$\mathfrak C_n$
be the cyclic group of order n generated by
$\zeta $
, where
$\zeta $
is a primitive n-th root of unity. Define the action of
$\mathfrak C_n$
${\mathbb {C}}^2$
$\zeta \cdot (x,y)=(\zeta x, \zeta ^{-1} y)$
$\zeta \in \mathfrak C_n$
$(x,y) \in {\mathbb {C}}^2$
. Then, the quotient space
${\mathbb {C}}^2/\mathfrak C_n$
is called the cyclic quotient singularity or the type
Theorem 1.4. There is an isomorphism

$h_2=(2,n,\ldots ,n)$
Recall that
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_m) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
is given in equation (1.3). As a corollary of Theorem 1.4, one can give the singular locus of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_2) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
as the solution set of the equations
$2 \leq i \leq n$
. Combining this description and Corollary 1.3, we can explicitly describe the singular locus of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_m) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
as follows.
Theorem 1.5. Let
be the Hessenberg function defined in equation (1.6) for
$2 \leq m \leq n-1$
. Then, the singular locus of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_m) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
is described as

The explicit presentation in Theorem 1.5 is certain Schubert variety in the open set
$\Omega _e^\circ $
, as explained below. Let
$\mathfrak S_n$
be the permutation group on
. For
$w \in \mathfrak S_n$
, the Schubert variety
is defined by

$F_\bullet =(F_i)_{i}$
is the standard flag, that is,
$F_i=\operatorname {\mathrm {span}}_{\mathbb {C}}\{e_1,\ldots ,e_i \}$
$e_1,\ldots ,e_n$
are the standard basis of
${\mathbb {C}}^n$
. For
$2 \leq m \leq n-1$
, we define the permutation
$w_m \in \mathfrak S_n$

in one-line notation. (See also equation (10.6).) Then one can see that

so we obtain the following result from Theorem 1.5.
Corollary 1.6. Let
$2 \leq m \leq n-1$
. Then, the singular locus of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_m) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
is equal to

The paper is organized as follows. After reviewing the definition of Hessenberg varieties and their defining equations in Section 2, we focus on regular nilpotent Hessenberg varieties in Section 3. Then we state the main theorem (Theorem 4.13) in Section 4. In Section 5, we show that the homomorphism (1.5) is well defined and surjective. In order to prove that it is in fact an isomorphism, we use the commutative algebra’s tool of Hilbert series and regular sequences. More specifically, we define certain degrees for the variables
$\{x_{ij} \mid 1 \leq j < i \leq n \}$
appeared in equation (1.3) and
$\{x_1,\ldots ,x_n, q_{rs} \mid 1 \leq r < s \leq n \}$
introduced in equation (1.4) so that the two sides of equation (1.5) are graded
${\mathbb {C}}$
-algebras in Section 6. We give a proof of our main theorem in Section 7. Next, turning our attention to the singular locus of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_m) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
, where
is defined in equation (1.6), we give an explicit formula for partial derivatives
$\frac {\partial }{\partial x_s} \, ^h E_{i}^{(n)}$
$\frac {\partial }{\partial q_{rs}} \, ^h E_{i}^{(n)}$
in Section 8. Then we relate the singularity of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_2) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
to the cyclic quotient singularity (Theorem 9.7) in Section 9. One can see that this fact yields an explicit description for the singular locus of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_2) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
(Corollary 9.9). In Section 10, we generalize this result to the singular locus of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_m) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
(Theorem 10.1) by using our main theorem together with the computations for partial derivatives
$\frac {\partial }{\partial x_s} \, ^h E_{i}^{(n)}$
$\frac {\partial }{\partial q_{rs}} \, ^h E_{i}^{(n)}$
. We also see that the singular locus of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_m) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
is equal to the intersection of the Schubert variety
$\Omega _e^\circ $
(Corollary 10.2).
2 Hessenberg varieties
In this section, we recall the definitions of Hessenberg varieties in type
and their defining equations. We use the notation
throughout this paper.
Let n be a positive integer. A Hessenberg function is a function
$h: [n] \to [n]$
satisfying the following two conditions
$h(1) \leq h(2) \leq \cdots \leq h(n)$ ;
$h(j) \geq j$ for all
$j \in [n]$ .
Note that
by definition. We frequently denote a Hessenberg function by listing its values in sequence, namely
$h = (h(1), h(2), \ldots , h(n))$
. It is useful to see a Hessenberg function h pictorially by drawing a configuration of boxes on a square grid of size
$n \times n$
whose shaded boxes consist of boxes in the i-th row and the j-th column such that
$i \leq h(j)$
$i, j \in [n]$
Example 2.1. Let
. Then,
is a Hessenberg function and the configuration of the shaded boxes is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 The configuration corresponding to
$\mathfrak {gl}_n({\mathbb {C}})$
be the set of
$n \times n$
matrices. For a Hessenberg function h, we define

which is called the Hessenberg space associated to h.
The (full) flag variety
$Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n)$
is the set of nested complex linear subspaces of
${\mathbb {C}}^n$

Let B be the set of upper triangular matrices in the general linear group
$\operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}})$
. As is well known, the flag variety
$Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n)$
can be identified with
$\operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}})/B$
. Indeed, each flag
$V_\bullet \in Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n)$
is determined by a matrix g whose first j column vectors generate the j-th vector space
$j \in [n]$
. The correspondence
$gB \mapsto V_{\bullet }$
above gives the identification
$Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n) \cong \operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}})/B$
. For a linear operator
$A: {\mathbb {C}}^n \rightarrow {\mathbb {C}}^n$
and a Hessenberg function
$h: [n] \to [n]$
, the Hessenberg variety
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(A,h)$
is defined to be the following subvariety of the flag variety
$Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n)$

Hessenberg varieties are introduced in [Reference De Mari, Procesi and Shayman11, Reference De Mari and Shayman12]. Note that if
$h=(n,n,\ldots ,n)$
, then
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(A,h)=Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n)$
. By identifying
$Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n)$
$\operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}})/B$
, we can write the definition above as

is the Hessenberg space defined in equation (2.1).
Definition 2.2. Let
$A \in \mathfrak {gl}_n({\mathbb {C}})$
$i,j \in [n]$
. We define a polynomial
$\operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}})$

$g=(v_1 \, \ldots \, v_n) \in \operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}})$
is the decomposition into column vectors. In other words, the polynomial
is the determinant of the matrix obtained from g by replacing the i-th column vector of g to the j-th column vector of
$A g$
Lemma 2.3. Let
$A \in \mathfrak {gl}_n({\mathbb {C}})$
. For
$g \in \operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}})$
$i,j \in [n]$
, we have

$(g^{-1} A g)_{ij}$
denotes the
-th entry of the matrix
$g^{-1} A g$
. In particular, we have

Proof. Let
be the
cofactor of g, namely
is obtained by multiplying the
minor of g by
. Set
$\tilde g=(c_{ij})_{i,j \in [n]}^t=(c_{ji})_{i,j \in [n]}$
. Since
$g^{-1}=\frac {1}{\det (g)} \, \tilde g$
, it suffices to show that

We write
$g=(v_1 \, \ldots \, v_n)$
$A v_j=(b_{1j},\ldots ,b_{nj})^t$
. By the definition of
$\tilde g$
, we have

where we used the cofactor expansion along the i-th column for the last equality. This yields equation (2.4) as desired. The latter statement follows from the former statement and equation (2.3).
3 Regular nilpotent Hessenberg varieties
In this section, we review geometric properties for regular nilpotent Hessenberg varieties.
Let N be a regular nilpotent element in
$\mathfrak {gl}_n({\mathbb {C}})$
, that is, a matrix whose Jordan canonical form consists of exactly one Jordan block with corresponding eigenvalue equal to
. For a Hessenberg function h,
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h)$
is called the regular nilpotent Hessenberg variety. If
$h=(2,3,4,\ldots ,n,n)$
, then
is called the Peterson variety, which is an object of an intense study by Dale Peterson [Reference Peterson31]. Surprisingly, the Peterson variety is related with the quantum cohomology of the flag variety ([Reference Kostant29, Reference Rietsch32]). We will explain the relation in Section 4. For any
$p \in \operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}})$
, one can see that
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h) \cong \operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(p^{-1}Np,h)$
which sends
. Thus, we may assume that N is in Jordan form:

We summarize geometric properties of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h)$
as follows.
Theorem 3.1 [Reference Anderson and Tymoczko5, Reference Insko and Yong26, Reference Kostant29, Reference Sommers and Tymoczko34].
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Pet}}_n$
be the Peterson variety. Let
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h)$
be the regular nilpotent Hessenberg variety associated with a Hessenberg function h.
(i) The Peterson variety
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Pet}}_n$ is singular for
$n \geq 3$ . Also,
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Pet}}_n$ is normal if and only if
$n \leq 3$ .
(ii) The complex dimension of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h)$ is given by
$\sum _{j=1}^n (h(j)-j)$ . In particular, we have
${\dim _{\mathbb {C}} \operatorname {\mathrm {Pet}}_n = n-1}$ .
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h)$ is irreducible.
As a property of regular nilpotent Hessenberg varieties, a special case of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h)$
can be decomposed into a product of smaller regular nilpotent Hessenberg varieties, as explained below. To explain this, we first recall the following terminology from [Reference Drellich13, Definition 4.4].
Definition 3.2. A Hessenberg function h is decomposable if
for some
$j \in [n-1]$
. A Hessenberg function h is indecomposable if
for all
$j \in [n-1]$
. Note that an indecomposable Hessenberg function h satisfies
If h is a decomposable Hessenberg function, that is,
for some
$j \in [n-1]$
, then the Hessenberg function h can be decomposed into two smaller Hessenberg functions
defined by
$h_1=(h(1),\ldots ,h(j))$
$h_2=(h(j+1)-j,\ldots ,h(n)-j)$
as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 The decomposition of
Then, every
$V_\bullet \in \operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h)$
$V_j = \operatorname {\mathrm {span}}_{\mathbb {C}} \{e_1,\ldots ,e_j\}$
, where
$e_1,\ldots , e_n$
denote the standard basis of
${\mathbb {C}}^n$
and hence we have

are the regular nilpotent matrices in Jordan canonical form of size j and
, respectively ([Reference Drellich13, Theorem 4.5]).
In a recent paper, Abe–Insko gave the condition that
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h)$
is normal as follows.
Theorem 3.3.
[Reference Abe and Insko3, Theorem 1.3]
Let h be an indecomposable Hessenberg function. Then the regular nilpotent Hessenberg variety
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h)$
is normal if and only if h satisfies the condition that
$h(i-1)> i$
$h(i)> i + 1$
for all
$1 < i < n-1$
There is a natural partial order on Hessenberg functions. For two Hessenberg functions
$h:[n] \rightarrow [n]$
$h':[n] \rightarrow [n]$
, we say
$h' \subset h$
$h'(j) \leq h(j)$
for all
$j \in [n]$
. Note that if
$h' \subset h$
, then
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h')$
is a closed subvariety of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h)$
by the definition (2.2). Since
$h=(2,3,4,\ldots ,n,n)$
is the minimal Hessenberg function among indecomposable Hessenberg functions with respect to the partial order
$\subset $
, the Peterson variety
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Pet}}_n$
is the minimal Hessenberg variety among indecomposable regular nilpotent Hessenberg varieties with respect to the inclusion.
Let h be a Hessenberg function. One can see that the Hessenberg space
in equation (2.1) is stable under the adjoint action of B, so this induces a B-action on the quotient space
$\mathfrak {gl}_n({\mathbb {C}})/H(h)$
. We denote by
$\overline {x}$
the image of
$x \in \mathfrak {gl}_n({\mathbb {C}})$
under the surjection
$\mathfrak {gl}_n({\mathbb {C}}) \rightarrow \mathfrak {gl}_n({\mathbb {C}})/H(h)$
. In [Reference Abe, DeDieu, Galetto and Harada1], we consider the vector bundle
$\operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}}) \times _B (\mathfrak {gl}_n({\mathbb {C}})/H(h))$
over the flag variety
$\operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}})/B$
and its section
$A \in \mathfrak {gl}_n({\mathbb {C}})$
defined by

where we denote by
$[g,\overline {x}]$
the image of
$(g,\overline {x}) \in \operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}}) \times (\mathfrak {gl}_n({\mathbb {C}})/H(h))$
under the surjection
$\operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}}) \times (\mathfrak {gl}_n({\mathbb {C}})/H(h)) \rightarrow \operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}}) \times _B (\mathfrak {gl}_n({\mathbb {C}})/H(h))$
such that
$[g,\overline {x}]=[gb,\overline {b^{-1}xb}]$
for all
$b \in B$
. By the definition (2.3), one can see that the zero set of
is the Hessenberg variety
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(A,h)$
In general, let
$\pi :E \rightarrow X$
be a vector bundle of rank r over a scheme X. If s is a section of E, then the zero scheme
$\mathcal {Z}(s)$
of s is defined as follows (cf. [Reference Fulton20]). Let
$(U_i, \varphi _i)_i$
be a local trivialization of E, that is, an open covering
of X and isomorphisms
$\varphi _i$
$\pi ^{-1}(U_i)$
$U_i \times {\mathbb {C}}^r$
such that the composites
$\varphi _i \circ \varphi _j^{-1}$
are linear. Let
$s_i: U_i \rightarrow {\mathbb {C}}^r$
determine the section s on
$s_i=(s_{i_1},\ldots ,s_{i_r})$
in the coordinate ring of
; then
$\mathcal {Z}(s)$
is defined in
by the ideal generated by
$s_{i_1},\ldots ,s_{i_r}$
Motivated by the discussion above, we use the following definition introduced in [Reference Abe, DeDieu, Galetto and Harada1].
Definition 3.4.
[Reference Abe, DeDieu, Galetto and Harada1, Definition 3.1]
$N \in \mathfrak {gl}_n({\mathbb {C}})$
be the regular nilpotent element in equation (3.1). For a Hessenberg function h, let
$\mathcal {Z}(N,h)$
denote the zero scheme in
$\operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}})/B$
of the section
Locally around
$gB \in \operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}})/B$
, the section
is represented by a collection of regular functions, and the scheme
$\mathcal {Z}(N, h)$
is locally the zero scheme of those functions. (See [Reference Abe, DeDieu, Galetto and Harada1, Lemma 3.4] for the detail.)
Theorem 3.5.
[Reference Abe, DeDieu, Galetto and Harada1, Proposition 3.6]
If h is an indecomposable Hessenberg function, then the zero scheme
$\mathcal {Z}(N,h)$
of the section
is reduced.
We analyze the intersection of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h)$
and the opposite Schubert cell
$\Omega _e^\circ $
associated with the identity element e. Recall that
$\Omega _e^\circ $
is the
-orbit of the identity flag
$\operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}})/B$
, where
denotes the set of lower triangular matrices in
$\operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}})$
. In particular, each flag
$V_\bullet \in \Omega _e^\circ $
spanned by the first j columns of a matrix with
’s in the diagonal positions and
’s to the right of these
’s (cf. [Reference Fulton19, Section 10.2]). Thus, one can see that the opposite Schubert cell
$\Omega _e^\circ $
can be regarded as the following affine space:

Note that
$\Omega _e^\circ $
is an affine open set of the flag variety
$\operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}})/B$
and its coordinate ring is isomorphic to the polynomial ring
${\mathbb {C}}[x_{ij} \mid 1 \leq j < i \leq n]$
. Thus, we may identify
$\Omega _e^\circ $
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Spec}} {\mathbb {C}}[x_{ij} \mid 1 \leq j < i \leq n]$
. From now on, we write

for simplicity. Since the first column vector of
$(x_{21},x_{31},x_{41},\ldots ,x_{n1},0)^t$
and the j-th column vector of
$(\underbrace {0,\ldots ,0}_{j-2},\underbrace {1,x_{j+1 \, j},\ldots ,x_{nj},0}_{n-j+2})^t$
$j \geq 2$
, we can explicitly write

from Definition 2.2. Here, we take the convention that
. The determinant of
$g \in \Omega _e^\circ $
, so we have

by Lemma 2.3. We set

By the discussion above, we have the following.
Proposition 3.6. Let h be a Hessenberg function. Then

In other words, the set of global sections
$\Gamma (\mathcal {Z}(N,h)_e, \mathcal {O}_{\mathcal {Z}(N,h)_e})$
is given by

In particular, if h is indecomposable, then the coordinate ring
${\mathbb {C}}[\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h) \cap \Omega _e^\circ ]$
of the open set
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h)$

by Theorem 3.5.
4 The main theorem
It can be extracted from Peterson’s statements in [Reference Peterson31] that the coordinate ring
${\mathbb {C}}[\operatorname {\mathrm {Pet}}_n \cap \Omega _e^\circ ]$
is isomorphic to the quantum cohomology ring of the flag variety
$QH^*(Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n))$
. This result is unpublished, so we also refer the reader to [Reference Kostant29, Reference Rietsch32] for the result. In this section, we first review an explicit presentation for the quantum cohomology ring
$QH^*(Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n))$
given by [Reference Ciocan-Fontanine16, Reference Givental and Kim22]. Then we introduce a further quantization of the ring presentation for
$QH^*(Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n))$
in natural way. Our main theorem relates
$\Gamma (\mathcal {Z}(N,h)_e, \mathcal {O}_{\mathcal {Z}(N,h)_e})$
and our quantized ring presentation.
The quantum cohomology ring of the flag variety
$QH^*(Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n))$
is given by

${\mathbb {C}}$
-vector spaces. Here,
$q_1,\ldots ,q_{n-1}$
are called the quantum parameters. The product structure of
$QH^*(Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n))$
is a certain deformation of the cup product in the ordinary cohomology
$H^*(Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n))$
. In order to describe an explicit presentation for
$QH^*(Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n))$
, we need quantized elementary symmetric polynomials. Consider the matrix

and define quantized elementary symmetric polynomials
$\check E_1^{(n)}, \ldots , \check E_n^{(n)}$
in the polynomial ring
${\mathbb {C}}[x_1,\ldots ,x_n,q_1,\ldots ,q_{n-1}]$
by the following equation

is the identity matrix of size n. By using the cofactor expansion along the s-th column for
$\det (\lambda I_s - \check M_s)$
, we have

This implies the following recursive formula

where we take the convention that
$\check E_0^{(s-1)}=1, \check E_{-1}^{(s-2)}=0$
$\check E_{s}^{(s-1)}=0$
. By setting
$q_s = 0$
for all
$s \in [n-1]$
$\check E_i^{(n)}$
is the (ordinary) i-th elementary symmetric polynomial in the variables
$x_1,\ldots ,x_n$
Theorem 4.1 [Reference Ciocan-Fontanine16, Reference Givental and Kim22].
There is an isomorphism of
${\mathbb {C}}$

Remark 4.2. The isomorphism above is stated in [Reference Givental and Kim22, Theorem 1] for integral coefficients. An explicit presentation of the quantum cohomology ring of partial flag varieties is given by [Reference Astashkevich and Sadov6, Reference Ciocan-Fontanine17, Reference Kim28].
Remark 4.3. By setting
$q_s = 0$
for all
$s \in [n-1]$
, the isomorphism (4.1) yields the well-known presentation for the (ordinary) cohomology ring of
$Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n)$
. Note that
is geometrically the first Chern class of the dual of the i-th tautological line bundle over
$Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n)$
. See, for example, [Reference Fulton19, Section 10.2, Proposition 3].
Theorem 4.4 (D. Peterson and [Reference Kostant29, Reference Rietsch32]).
There is an isomorphism of
${\mathbb {C}}$

Remark 4.5. Although we restricted the above discussion to the case of the full flag variety, the isomorphism above is in fact stated in [Reference Rietsch32, Theorem 4.2] for partial flag varieties. We also refer the reader to a recent paper [Reference Chow10] for general Lie types.
By Theorems 4.1 and 4.4, we obtain an isomorphism

${\mathbb {C}}$
-algebras. One can see from [Reference Rietsch32, Theorems 3.3 and 4.2] that the isomorphism above sends
$\check E_{i-j}^{(n-j)}$
under the presentation (3.8) for
$h=(2,3,4,\ldots ,n,n)$
. We generalize equation (4.2) to arbitrary Hessenberg function h.
Definition 4.6. Consider the matrix

and define
-quantized elementary symmetric polynomials
$E_1^{(n)}, \ldots , E_n^{(n)}$
in the polynomial ring
${\mathbb {C}}[x_1,\ldots ,x_n,q_{rs} \mid 1 \leq r < s \leq n]$
by the following equation

In other words,
is the coefficient of
$\lambda ^{n-i}$
$\det (\lambda I_n - M_n)$
multiplied by
Remark 4.7. If
$q_{s \, s+1}=q_s$
, then the polynomial
is equal to the (classical) quantized elementary symmetric polynomial
$\check E_i^{(n)}$
in the polynomial ring
${\mathbb {C}}[x_1,\ldots ,x_n,q_1,\ldots ,q_{n-1}]$
Lemma 4.8. For
$1 \leq r \leq s \leq n$
, we have

with the convention that
for arbitrary
$\sum _{k=1}^{r-1} E_{r-1-k}^{(s-1-k)} q_{s-k \, s}=0$
, and
Proof. It follows from the cofactor expansion along the s-th column for
$\det (\lambda I_s - M_s)$
$\det (\lambda I_s - M_s)$
is equal to

Since we have

for each
$1 \leq k \leq s-1$
by the definition, the coefficient of
$\lambda ^{s-r}$
for equation (4.3) is given by

Namely, the coefficient of
$\lambda ^{s-r}$
$\det (\lambda I_s - M_s)$

as desired.
Example 4.9. Let
. Then the
have the following form.

Definition 4.10. Let
$h: [n] \to [n]$
be a Hessenberg function. For each
$1 \leq i \leq j \leq n$
, we define
$^h E_i^{(j)}$
as the polynomial
by setting
for all
$2 \leq s \leq n$
$1 \leq r \leq n-h(n+1-s)$

The surviving variables in the polynomial
$^h E_i^{(j)}$
are pictorially shown as follows. Let
be the longest element of the symmetric group
$\mathfrak S_n$
on n letters
. Consider the matrix

is regarded as the permutation matrix. Then
$w_0 M_n w_0 \in H(h)$
if and only if
for all
$2 \leq s \leq n$
$1 \leq r \leq n-h(n+1-s)$
is the Hessenberg space defined in equation (2.1). In other words, the surviving variables in the polynomial
$^h E_i^{(j)}$
are pictorially the variables
arranged in
$w_0 M_n w_0$
such that
belongs to the configuration of the shaded boxes for the Hessenberg function h.
Example 4.11. Let
, which is depicted in Example 2.1. Then
$^h E_i^{(j)}$
is a polynomial in the variables
$x_1,\ldots ,x_5,q_{12},q_{23},q_{34},q_{35},q_{45}$
$1 \leq i \leq j \leq 5$
, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 The polynomial
$^h E_i^{(j)} \in {\mathbb {C}}[x_1,\ldots ,x_5,q_{12},q_{23},q_{34},q_{35},q_{45}]$
Remark 4.12. In our setting, the flag variety
$Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n)$
is identified with
$\operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}})/B$
, while
$Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n)$
is regarded as
$\operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}})/B^{-}$
in [Reference Rietsch32]. Recall that the conjugation by
gives an isomorphism
$\operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}})/B \cong \operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}})/B^{-}$
$B^{-}=w_0 B w_0$
. This relation might affect the reason why we take the conjugation by
in equation (4.4).
We now state the main theorem of this paper.
Theorem 4.13. Let
$h: [n] \to [n]$
be a Hessenberg function and
$\mathcal {Z}(N,h)_e$
the intersection defined in equation (3.6). Then there is an isomorphism of
${\mathbb {C}}$

which sends
$^h E_{i-j}^{(n-j)}$
under the presentation (3.7). In particular, if h is indecomposable, then there is an isomorphism of
${\mathbb {C}}$

which sends
$^h E_{i-j}^{(n-j)}$
under the presentation (3.8).
We will prove Theorem 4.13 in Section 7. For this purpose, one first see that the homomorphism in equation (4.5) is well defined and surjective in the next section.
Remark 4.14. We will introduce certain degrees for the variables
$\{x_{ij} \mid 1 \leq j < i \leq n \}$
$\{x_1,\ldots ,x_n, q_{rs} \mid 1 \leq r < s \leq n \}$
so that the two sides of equation (4.5) are graded
${\mathbb {C}}$
-algebras (see Section 6 for the detail). We will prove that equation (4.5) is in fact an isomorphism as graded
${\mathbb {C}}$
-algebras in Section 7.
5 Properties of
In this section, we see relations between
’s, and
’s. Then we construct an explicit map from
$\Gamma (\mathcal {Z}(N,h)_e, \mathcal {O}_{\mathcal {Z}(N,h)_e})$
to our quotient ring
${\mathbb {C}}[x_1,\ldots ,x_n, q_{rs} \mid 2 \leq s \leq n, n-h(n+1-s)<r<s]/(^h E_1^{(n)}, \ldots , \, ^h E_n^{(n)})$
Lemma 5.1. For
$1 \leq r < s \leq n$
, we have

in the polynomial ring
${\mathbb {C}}[x_1,\ldots ,x_n,q_{rs} \mid 1 \leq r < s \leq n]$
Proof. For
$1 \leq s \leq n$
, it follows from Lemma 4.8 that

In other words, we have

By Cramer’s rule, we obtain the desired result.

and define a map
$\varphi $
${\mathbb {C}}[x_{ij} \mid 1 \leq j < i \leq n]$
to the ring

Proposition 5.2. The map
$\varphi $
above sends

Here, we take the convention that
$x_{n-s+2 \, n-s+1}=0$
$x_{n-s+1 \, n-s}=0$
. In particular,
$\varphi $
is surjective.
Proof. First, one can see from Definition 4.6 that

for any
$s \in [n]$
, which implies that
$x_s=E_1^{(s)} -E_1^{(s-1)}$
. By the definition of
$\varphi $
we have
$\varphi (x_{n-s+1 \, n-s} - x_{n-s+2 \, n-s+1}) = E_1^{(s)} -E_1^{(s-1)} = x_s$
$s \in [n]$
. (Note that if
, then we used the relation
in the quotient ring
$Q_n={\mathbb {C}}[x_1,\ldots ,x_n, q_{rs} \mid 1 \leq r < s \leq n]/(E_1^{(n)}, \ldots , E_n^{(n)})$
Next, it follows from equation (3.3) that

$1 \leq r \leq n-1$
. On the other hand, by Lemma 5.1 we have

$E_1^{(n)}=0, \ldots , E_{n-r+1}^{(n)}=0$
in the quotient ring
$Q_n={\mathbb {C}}[x_1,\ldots ,x_n, q_{rs} \mid 1 \leq r < s \leq n]/(E_1^{(n)}, \ldots , E_n^{(n)})$
. By equations (5.3) and (5.4), we have
$\varphi (F_{n-r+1,1})=-q_{rn}$
$1 \leq r \leq n-1$
as desired.
$s <n$
, then by equation (3.4) we have

$1 \leq r < s < n$
, which is
from Lemma 5.1. This completes the proof.
It follows from Proposition 5.2 that the image of
$\{-F_{i,j} \mid j \in [n-1] \ \text {and} \ h(j) < i \leq n \}$
under the map
$\varphi $
in equation (5.2) is
$\{q_{rs} \mid 2 \leq s \leq n \ \text {and} \ 1 \leq r \leq n-h(n+1-s) \}$
. Thus, the surjective map
$\varphi $
induces the surjective homomorphism

6 Hilbert series
In order to prove that
$\varphi _h$
in equation (5.5) is an isomorphism, we introduce certain degrees for the variables
$\{x_{ij} \mid 1 \leq j < i \leq n \}$
$\{x_1,\ldots ,x_n, q_{rs} \mid 1 \leq r < s \leq n \}$
so that the two sides of equation (5.5) are graded
${\mathbb {C}}$
-algebras. We then show that the two sides have identical Hilbert series.
${\mathbb {C}}[x_{ij} \mid 1 \leq j < i \leq n]$
${\mathbb {C}}[x_1,\ldots ,x_n,q_{rs} \mid 1 \leq r < s \leq n]$
be the polynomial rings equipped with a grading defined by

Remark 6.1. As mentioned in Remark 4.3,
’s are degree
elements in the cohomology ring of the flag variety by forgetting quantum parameters. Motivated by this fact, our definition for degrees are concentrated in even degrees.
Lemma 6.2. For
$1 \leq r \leq s \leq n$
, the polynomial
is homogeneous of degree
in the polynomial ring
${\mathbb {C}}[x_1,\ldots ,x_n,q_{rs} \mid 1 \leq r < s \leq n]$
Proof. We prove this by induction on s. The base case is
, which is clear since
. Now, suppose that
$s> 1$
and assume by induction that the claim is true for arbitrary
$s' \leq s-1$
. From Lemma 4.8, we have

By the inductive hypothesis with equations (6.2) and (6.3), one can see that
is homogeneous of degree
In order to see that the polynomial
is homogeneous, we introduce the following polynomials.
Definition 6.3. Let
$1 \leq j \leq n-1$
$j \leq m_j <n$
. For
, we define polynomials
$\tilde F^{\langle m_j\rangle }_{i,j}$

Here, we take the convention that
$j \in [n-1]$
By equations (3.3) and (3.4) one has

$1 \leq j < i \leq n$
Lemma 6.4. For
$1 \leq j < i \leq n$
, the polynomial
is homogeneous of degree
in the polynomial ring
${\mathbb {C}}[x_{ij} \mid 1 \leq j < i \leq n]$
Proof. It suffices to show that
$\tilde F^{\langle m_j\rangle }_{i,j}$
is homogeneous of degree
$j \leq m_j <i$
by equation (6.4). At first, we fix j. We prove this statement by induction on
with this fixed j. The base case is
$m_j =j$
. For arbitrary
$i> j$
, since we have

one can easily see from equation (6.1) that
$\tilde F^{\langle j \rangle }_{i,j}$
is homogeneous of degree
. This shows the base case.
We proceed to the inductive step. Suppose now that
$m_j> j$
and that the claim holds for
with any allowable choices of the first subscript
$\tilde F^{\langle m_j -1\rangle }_{i',j}$
. By the cofactor expansion along the second-to-last column, we have

By the inductive hypothesis and equation (6.1), the right-hand side above is homogeneous of degree
, as desired. This completes the proof.
Recall from the end of Section 5 that we constructed the map
$\varphi _h$
in equation (5.5) from
${\mathbb {C}}[x_{ij} \mid 1 \leq j < i \leq n]/(F_{i,j} \mid j \in [n-1] \ \text {and} \ h(j) < i \leq n)$
$Q_n/(q_{rs} \mid 2 \leq s \leq n \ \text {and} \ 1 \leq r \leq n-h(n+1-s))$
. One can see from Lemmas 6.2 and 6.4 that these are graded
${\mathbb {C}}$
-algebras. (Note that
is also a graded
${\mathbb {C}}$
-algebra.) For the rest of this section, we prove that these graded
${\mathbb {C}}$
-algebras have the same Hilbert series.
Definition 6.5. Let
$R=\oplus _{i=0}^\infty R_i$
be a graded
${\mathbb {C}}$
-algebra where each homogeneous component
of degree i is a finite-dimensional vector space over
${\mathbb {C}}$
. Then its Hilbert series is defined to be

A sequence of homogeneous polynomials
$\theta _1,\ldots ,\theta _p \in R$
of positive degrees is a regular sequence in R if
$\theta _k$
is a nonzero divisor of
$R/(\theta _1,\ldots ,\theta _{k-1})$
for all
$1 \leq k \leq p$
The following facts are well known in commutative algebra. See [Reference Stanley35, Chapter I, Section 5]. (See also [Reference Fukukawa, Harada and Masuda18, Proposition 5.1].)
Lemma 6.6. Let
$R=\oplus _{i=0}^\infty R_i$
be a graded
${\mathbb {C}}$
-algebra with
$\dim _{\mathbb {C}} R_i < \infty $
for each i. A sequence of homogeneous polynomials
$\theta _1,\ldots ,\theta _p \in R$
of positive degrees is a regular sequence in R if and only if the Hilbert series of
$R/(\theta _1,\ldots ,\theta _p)$
is given by

Lemma 6.7. Let R be a polynomial ring
${\mathbb {C}}[y_1,\ldots ,y_n]$
. A sequence of homogeneous polynomials
$\theta _1,\ldots ,\theta _n \in R$
of positive degrees is a regular sequence in R if and only if the solution set of the equations
$\theta _1=0,\ldots ,\theta _n=0$
${\mathbb {C}}^n$
consists only of the origin
We remark that the number of the homogeneous polynomials
$\theta _1,\ldots ,\theta _n$
is equal to the number of the variables
$y_1,\ldots ,y_n$
in the polynomial ring
${\mathbb {C}}[y_1,\ldots ,y_n]$
in Lemma 6.7. By using two lemmas above, we compute the Hilbert series of
${\mathbb {C}}[x_{ij} \mid 1 \leq j < i \leq n]/(F_{i,j} \mid j \in [n-1] \ \text {and} \ h(j) < i \leq n)$
$Q_n/(q_{rs} \mid 2 \leq s \leq n \ \text {and} \ 1 \leq r \leq n-h(n+1-s))$
Lemma 6.8. The polynomials
$F_{i,j} \ (1 \leq j < i \leq n)$
form a regular sequence in the polynomial ring
${\mathbb {C}}[x_{ij} \mid 1 \leq j < i \leq n]$
Proof. By Lemma 6.7, it is enough to show that the solution set of the equations
$F_{i,j}=0 \ (1 \leq j < i \leq n)$
${\mathbb {C}}^{\frac {1}{2}n(n-1)}$
(with the variables
$x_{ij} \ (1 \leq j < i \leq n)$
) consists only of the origin
. The intersection of the zero set of
for all
$1 \leq j < i \leq n$
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,id) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
by Lemma 2.3. However, since
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,id)$
consists only of the point
$\{eB \}$
, this means that the equations
$F_{i,j}=0 \ (1 \leq j<i \leq n)$
implies that
for all
$1 \leq j < i \leq n$
, as desired.
Proposition 6.9. The Hilbert series of
${\mathbb {C}}[x_{ij} \mid 1 \leq j < i \leq n]/(F_{i,j} \mid j \in [n-1] \ \text {and} \ h(j) < i \leq n)$
equipped with a grading in equation (6.1) is equal to

Proof. Since a subsequence of a regular sequence is also a regular sequence from the definition of a regular sequence, by Lemma 6.8, the polynomials
$F_{i,j} \ (j \in [n-1], h(j) < i \leq n)$
form a regular sequence in the polynomial ring
${\mathbb {C}}[x_{ij} \mid 1 \leq j < i \leq n]$
. Thus, it follows from Lemma 6.6 that

Here, we note that

In fact, exponents appeared on the left-hand side and exponents on the right-hand side are described as numbers in shaded boxes of the left figure and the right figure in Figure 4, respectively.

Figure 4 The values
$1 \leq j < i \leq n$
This equality leads us to the equality

so by equation (6.5), one has

as desired.
Lemma 6.10. The polynomials
$E_1^{(n)},\ldots ,E_n^{(n)}, q_{rs} \ (1 \leq r<s \leq n)$
form a regular sequence in the polynomial ring
${\mathbb {C}}[x_1,\ldots ,x_n, q_{rs} \mid 1 \leq r < s \leq n]$
Proof. From Lemma 6.7, it suffices to show that the solution set of the equations
$E_1^{(n)}=0,\ldots ,E_n^{(n)}=0, q_{rs}=0 \ (1 \leq r<s \leq n)$
${\mathbb {C}}^{\frac {1}{2}n(n+1)}$
(with the variables
$x_1,\ldots ,x_n, q_{rs} \ (1 \leq r < s \leq n)$
) consists only of the origin
. Since
for all
$1 \leq r<s \leq n$
$E_1^{(n)}=0,\ldots ,E_n^{(n)}=0$
implies that
$e_1(x_1, \ldots , x_n)=0,\ldots ,e_n(x_1, \ldots , x_n)=0$
, where
$e_i(x_1, \ldots , x_n)$
is the (ordinary) i-th elementary symmetric polynomial in the variables
$x_1,\ldots ,x_n$
. Then one can easily see that
for all
$i \in [n]$
. In fact,
$x_1x_2 \cdots x_n = e_n(x_1, \ldots , x_n) = 0$
implies that some
must be equal to
. Without loss of generality, we may assume that
$x_n = 0$
. This implies that
$e_i(x_1, \ldots , x_{n-1}) = 0$
for all
$i \in [n-1]$
. Proceeding in this manner, we conclude that
for all
$i \in [n]$
. Thus, the equations
$E_1^{(n)}=0,\ldots ,E_n^{(n)}=0, q_{rs}=0 \ (1 \leq r<s \leq n)$
implies that
for all
$i \in [n]$
for all
$1 \leq r<s \leq n$
, as desired.
Proposition 6.11. The Hilbert series of
$Q_n/(q_{rs} \mid 2 \leq s \leq n \ \text {and} \ 1 \leq r \leq n-h(n+1-s))$
equipped with a grading in equations (6.2) and (6.3) is equal to

Proof. Recall from the definition (5.1) that

Lemma 6.10 implies that the monomials
$q_{rs} \ (2 \leq s \leq n, 1 \leq r \leq n-h(n+1-s))$
form a regular sequence in
by the definition of a regular sequence. Hence, by Lemma 6.6, we have

Since a subsequence of a regular sequence is again a regular sequence from the definition of a regular sequence, the polynomials
$E_1^{(n)},\ldots ,E_n^{(n)}$
form a regular sequence in the polynomial ring
${\mathbb {C}}[x_1,\ldots ,x_n, q_{rs} \mid 1 \leq r < s \leq n]$
by Lemma 6.10. By using Lemma 6.6 again, one has

By equations (6.6) and (6.7), we obtain

as desired.
7 Proof of Theorem 4.13
We now prove Theorem 4.13.
Proof of Theorem 4.13.
We first note that there exists a canonical isomorphism

by Definition 4.10 and equation (5.1). Under the identification above and the presentation in equation (3.7), we can rewrite
$\varphi _h$
in equation (5.5) as

which is defined by

Here, by slightly abuse of notation we used the same symbol
$\varphi _h$
for the map above. The map
$\varphi _h$
is surjective and this preserves the gradings on both graded
${\mathbb {C}}$
-algebras from equation (6.1) and Lemma 6.2. It follows from Propositions 6.9 and 6.11 that the two sides of
$\varphi _h$
have identical Hilbert series. Therefore, we conclude that
$\varphi _h$
is an isomorphism.
Remark 7.1. Our proof gives an alternative proof of the isomorphism (4.2).
Corollary 7.2. There is an isomorphism of
${\mathbb {C}}$

Proof. Applying the isomorphism (4.5) to the case when
, we obtain

$e_i(x_1, \ldots , x_n)$
denotes the i-th elementary symmetric polynomial in the variables
$x_1,\ldots ,x_n$
. As is well known, the right hand side above is a presentation for the cohomology ring
$H^*(Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n))$
(e.g., [Reference Fulton19, Section 10.2, Proposition 3]).
We constructed the isomorphism of graded
${\mathbb {C}}$

which sends
$^h E_{i-j}^{(n-j)}$
for all
$1 \leq j < i \leq n$
from the homomorphism
$\varphi $
in equation (5.2). The following result follows from Proposition 5.2.
Proposition 7.3. The inverse map of
$\varphi _h$
in equation (7.1) is given by

with the convention that
$x_{n-s+2 \, n-s+1}=0$
$x_{n-s+1 \, n-s}=0$
We conclude the following result from the discussion above.
Corollary 7.4. Let
$h:[n] \rightarrow [n]$
be a Hessenberg function. Then the following commutative diagram holds

where both vertical arrows denote the canonical surjective maps under the presentation (3.7). In particular, if h is indecomposable, then we obtain the following commutative diagram

where the left vertical arrow is induced from the inclusion
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h) \cap \Omega _e^\circ \hookrightarrow Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
. Note that both vertical arrows are surjective.
8 Jacobian matrix
It is an interesting and challenging problem to find an explicit description of the singular locus of (regular nilpotent) Hessenberg varieties
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h)$
. There are already partial results for the problem stated above in [Reference Abe and Insko3, Reference Escobar, Precup and Shareshian15, Reference Insko and Yong26]. For the rest of the paper, we will analyze the singular locus of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
for some Hessenberg function h as an application of our result. The isomorphism (4.6) in Theorem 4.13 yields that if h is indecomposable, then the singular locus of the open set
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h)$
is isomorphic to the singular locus of the zero set defined by n polynomials
$^h E_1^{(n)}, \ldots , \, ^h E_n^{(n)}$
${\mathbb {C}}^{n+\sum _{j=1}^n (h(j)-j))}$
with the variables
$x_1,\ldots ,x_n, q_{rs} \ (2 \leq s \leq n, n-h(n+1-s)<r<s)$
. In this section, we give an explicit formula for partial derivatives
$\partial E_i^{(n)}/\partial x_s \ (1 \leq s \leq n)$
$\partial E_i^{(n)}/\partial q_{rs} \ (1 \leq r < s \leq n)$
for each
$i \in [n]$
For positive integers a and b with
$1 \leq a \leq b \leq n$
, we set

As in Definition 4.6, we introduce the following polynomials.
Definition 8.1. Let
be the matrix of size
$(b-a+1) \times (b-a+1)$
defined as

We define polynomials
$E_1^{[a,b]}, \ldots , E_{b-a+1}^{[a,b]} \in {\mathbb {C}}[x_a,\ldots ,x_b,q_{rs} \mid a \leq r < s \leq b]$

Note that if
, then we obtain

by the definition. In what follows, we use the symbol

and we take the following convention

$b \geq a-1$
. By the same argument for the proof of Lemma 4.8, one can prove the lemma below. We leave the detail to the reader.
Lemma 8.2. Let
$1 \leq a \leq b \leq n$
. For
$1 \leq i \leq b-a+1$
, we have

with the convention that
$\sum _{k=1}^{i-1} E_{i-1-k}^{[a,b-1-k]} q_{b-k \, b}=0$
Lemma 8.3.
1. Let
$s \in [n]$ . For
$i \in [n]$ , we have
$$ \begin{align*} \frac{\partial}{\partial x_s} E_i^{(n)} = \sum_{k=0}^{i-1} E_{i-1-k}^{[1,s-1]} E_{k}^{[s+1,n]}. \end{align*} $$
2. Let
$1 \leq r < s \leq n$ . Then
$$ \begin{align*} \frac{\partial}{\partial q_{rs}} E_{i+s-r}^{(n)} = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if} \ 1-(s-r) \leq i \leq 0, \\ \sum_{k=0}^{i-1} E_{i-1-k}^{[1,r-1]} E_{k}^{[s+1,n]} & \text{if} \ 1 \leq i \leq n-(s-r). \end{cases} \end{align*} $$
Proof. (1) By Definition 4.6, one has

We think of
$\lambda $
as a variable in the equality above, and we partial differentiate the both sides with respect to
. Then
$\frac {\partial }{\partial x_s} E_i^{(n)}$
is equal to the coefficient of
$\lambda ^{n-i}$
$\frac {\partial }{\partial x_s}\det (\lambda I_n - M_n)$
multiplied by
. Since the variable
appears in only the
-th entry of the matrix
$(\lambda I_n - M_n)$
, from the cofactor expansion along the s-th column for
$\det (\lambda I_n - M_n)$
, we can write

for some polynomial
$F \in {\mathbb {C}}[x_1,\ldots ,\widehat {x_s},\ldots ,x_n,q_{ij} \mid 1 \leq i < j \leq n]$
. Here, the caret sign
$\widehat {}$
means that the entry is omitted. Hence, we obtain

Therefore, we conclude that the coefficient of
$\lambda ^{n-i}$
$\frac {\partial }{\partial x_s}\det (\lambda I_n - M_n)$
multiplied by
is equal to

as desired.
(2) We partial differentiate the both sides of equation (8.3) with respect to
, then
$\frac {\partial }{\partial q_{rs}} E_j^{(n)}$
is equal to the coefficient of
$\lambda ^{n-j}$
$\frac {\partial }{\partial q_{rs}}\det (\lambda I_n - M_n)$
multiplied by
. Since the variable
appears in only the
-th entry of the matrix
$(\lambda I_n - M_n)$
, one can see from similar arguments as in the previous case that

Thus, the coefficient of
$\lambda ^{n-j}$
$\frac {\partial }{\partial q_{rs}}\det (\lambda I_n - M_n)$
multiplied by

as desired. This completes the proof.
In what follows, we set

and we see the Jacobian matrix
$\big (\frac {\partial }{\partial q_{rs}} E_{i}^{(n)} \big )_{i,(r,s)}$
Example 8.4. Let
. Then the Jacobian matrix
$\big (\frac {\partial }{\partial q_{rs}} E_{i}^{(3)} \big )_{i,(r,s)}$
is described as

by Lemma 8.3. Also, the Jacobian matrix
$\big (\frac {\partial }{\partial q_{rs}} E_{i}^{(4)} \big )_{i,(r,s)}$
is given by

The Jacobian matrices above have a full rank. In general, one can verify from Lemma 8.3 that the rank of the Jacobian matrix
$\big (\frac {\partial }{\partial q_{rs}} E_{i}^{(n)} \big )_{i,(r,s)}$
is full for arbitrary n. This fact also follows from the well-known fact that
$Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
is smooth and Theorem 4.13 for the case when
$h=(n,\ldots ,n)$
$h: [n] \to [n]$
be a Hessenberg function. As in Definition 4.10, for
$0 \leq i \leq n$
$b \geq a-1$
, we define

Note that we take the convention in equation (8.2). By the definition (8.5), it is straightforward to see that for arbitrary Hessenberg function
$h: [n] \to [n]$
$i \in [n]$
, and
$2 \leq s \leq n, n-h(n+1-s)<r \leq s$

Combining this and Lemma 8.3, we have that for
$1 \leq r \leq s \leq n$

$2 \leq m \leq n-1$
, we define a Hessenberg function
$h_m:[n] \rightarrow [n]$

The zero set of
$\{^{h_m} E_1^{(n)}, \ldots , \, ^{h_m} E_n^{(n)}\}$
${\mathbb {C}}^{\frac {1}{2}n(n+1)-(n-m)}$
with the variables
$x_1.\ldots ,x_n,q_{rs} \ (2 \leq s \leq n, n-h_m(n+1-s)<r < s)$
is denoted by
$V\big (\, ^{h_m} E_1^{(n)}, \ldots , \, ^{h_m} E_n^{(n)}\big )$
, that is,

where .
Proposition 8.5. Let
$2 \leq m \leq n-1$
be the Hessenberg function in equation (8.7). Then, the singular locus of
$V\big (\, ^{h_m} E_1^{(n)}, \ldots , \, ^{h_m} E_n^{(n)}\big )$
in equation (8.8) is given by the solution set of the equations

Here, we recall our convention (8.4) that
Before we prove Proposition 8.5, we give an example of the singular locus of the zero set
$V\big (\, ^{h_m} E_1^{(3)}, \, ^{h_m} E_2^{(3)}, \, ^{h_m} E_3^{(3)}\big )$
by using Proposition 8.5.
Example 8.6. Consider the case when
. The Jacobian matrix
$\big (\frac {\partial }{\partial q_{rs}} \, ^h E_{i}^{(3)} \big )_{i,(r,s) \neq (1,3)}$
is obtained from
$\big (\frac {\partial }{\partial q_{rs}} E_{i}^{(3)} \big )_{i,(r,s)}$
by forgetting the quantum parameter
. As seen in Example 8.4, the Jacobian matrix
$\big (\frac {\partial }{\partial q_{rs}} \, ^h E_{i}^{(3)} \big )_{i,(r,s) \neq (1,3)}$
is shown as

It follows from Proposition 8.5 that the singular locus of
$V\big (\, ^h E_1^{(3)}, \, ^h E_2^{(3)}, \, ^h E_3^{(3)}\big )$
is given by the solution set of the equations
$^h E_2^{[2,3]}=\, ^h E_1^{[1,1]} \, ^h E_1^{[3,3]}=\, ^h E_2^{[1,2]}=\, ^h E_1^{[3,3]}=\, ^h E_1^{[1,1]}=0$
. The resulting solution is as follows:

Then it follows from equation (4.6) and Proposition 7.3 that the singular locus of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Pet}}_3 \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
is given by the solution set of the equations
$x_{32}=0, \ x_{21}=0, \ F_{3,2}=0, \ F_{2,1}=0$
. This is equivalent to

Hence, the singular locus of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Pet}}_3 \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
$\{eB \}$
. Note that the singular locus of the Peterson variety
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Pet}}_n$
is given by [Reference Insko and Yong26]. We will explain this in Appendix A.
Proof of Proposition 8.5.
Recall that a point in
${\mathbb {C}}^{\frac {1}{2}n(n+1)-(n-m)}$
is a singular point of
$V\big (\, ^{h_m} E_1^{(n)}, \ldots , \, ^{h_m} E_n^{(n)}\big )$
if and only if the rank of the Jacobian matrix
$\big (\frac {\partial }{\partial q_{rs}} \, ^{h_m} E_{i}^{(n)}(a,p) \big )_{i,(r,s)}$
is not full. It is clear that the Jacobian matrix
$\big (\frac {\partial }{\partial q_{rs}} \, ^{h_m} E_{i}^{(n)}(a,p) \big )_{i,(r,s)}$
is not full if the n-th row vector is zero. Thus, it is enough to prove that if a point
${\mathbb {C}}^{\frac {1}{2}n(n+1)-(n-m)}$
is a singular point of
$V\big (\, ^{h_m} E_1^{(n)}, \ldots , \, ^{h_m} E_n^{(n)}\big )$
, then the n-th row vector
$\big ( \frac {\partial }{\partial q_{rs}} \, ^{h_m} E_{n}^{(n)}(a,p) \big )_{(r,s)}$
of the Jacobian matrix is zero.
Since the column vector with respect to
$\frac {\partial }{\partial q_{rs}}$
of the Jacobian matrix
$\big (\frac {\partial }{\partial q_{rs}} \, ^{h_m} E_{i}^{(n)}(a,p) \big )_{i,(r,s)}$
is of the form
$(\underbrace {0,\ldots ,0}_{s-r},1,*,\ldots ,*)^t$
by equation (8.6), the first
row vectors of the Jacobian matrix
$\big (\frac {\partial }{\partial q_{rs}} \, ^{h_m} E_{i}^{(n)}(a,p) \big )_{i,(r,s)}$
are linearly independent. By the assumption that
$\big (\frac {\partial }{\partial q_{rs}} \, ^{h_m} E_{i}^{(n)}(a,p) \big )_{i,(r,s)}$
does not have full rank, the n-th row vector must be written as a linear combination of the first
row vectors, that is,

for some
$c_1,\ldots ,c_{n-1} \in {\mathbb {C}}$
. We note that the pair
can be taken as
$2 \leq s \leq n$
$n-h_m(n+1-s)<r \leq s$
in the equality above. Recall that we denote the singular point
$(a_1,\ldots ,a_n,p_{rs})_{2 \leq s \leq n, n-h_m(n+1-s)<r < s}$
$V\big (\, ^{h_m} E_1^{(n)}, \ldots , \, ^{h_m} E_n^{(n)}\big )$
Claim 1.
The coefficients
of equation (8.9) must be
$(-1)^{n-i+1} a_n^{n-i}$
$i \in [n-1]$
We prove Claim 1 by descending induction on i. The base case is
. Comparing the
-th component of equation (8.9), we have

by equation (8.6). Since
$^{h_m} E_1^{[n,n]}=x_n$
, the equality above implies that
. This shows the base case.
We now assume that
and the assertion of the claim holds for arbitrary k with
$k \geq i+1$
. It follows from equation (8.6) that the
-th component of equation (8.9) gives

$^{h_m} E_1^{[n,n]}(a,p)=a_n$
$c_k=(-1)^{n-k+1} a_n^{n-k}$
for all
$i+1 \leq k \leq n-1$
by our inductive assumption,
$^{h_m} E_{n-i-1}^{[1,n-i-1]}(a,p) \cdot a_n$
is equal to

This yields that
$c_i=(-1)^{n-i+1} a_n^{n-i}$
and we proved Claim 1.
It follows from Claim 1 and equation (8.9) that

for all
$2 \leq s \leq n$
$n-h_m(n+1-s)<r \leq s$
Claim 2.
It holds that
for all
$n-m+1 \leq i \leq n-1$
We show Claim 2 by descending induction on i. The base case is
. The
-th component of equation (8.10) is equal to

from equation (8.6). Since
$^{h_m} E_2^{[n-1,n]}(a,p)=a_{n-1}a_n+p_{n-1 \, n}$
$^{h_m} E_1^{[n-1,n]}(a,p)=a_{n-1}+a_n$
, we have
$p_{n-1 \, n}=0$
, which proves the base case.
Suppose now that
$i < n-1$
and that the claim holds for any k with
$k \geq i+1$
, that is,
for all
$i+1 \leq k \leq n-1$
. By equation (8.6), the
-th component of equation (8.10) is

Here, we note that

by the cofactor expansion along the last column. The left-hand side is written as

and the right-hand side is

by definition. Thus, we obtain that

In particular, by our inductive hypothesis
for all
$i+1 \leq k \leq n-1$
, one has

Substituting these equalities to equation (8.11), the left-hand side of equation (8.11) is

On the other hand, the right-hand side of equation (8.11) is

Hence, we obtain that
as desired. This proves Claim 2.
Claim 3.
We have
It follows from Theorem 4.13 that

We denote by
$b=(b_{ij})_{1 \leq j < i \leq n} \in \operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_m) \cap \Omega _e^\circ \subset {\mathbb {C}}^{\frac {1}{2}n(n-1)}$
the image of the singular point
$V\big (\, ^{h_m} E_1^{(n)}, \ldots , \, ^{h_m} E_n^{(n)}\big )$
under the isomorphism above. One can see from Proposition 7.3 and Claim 2 that

$b \in \operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_m) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
, we also have

by Lemma 2.3. It follows from equations (8.12) and (8.13) and Lemma 2.3 again that the point
${b=(b_{ij})_{1 \leq j < i \leq n}}$
belongs to
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_1) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
, where
is the decomposable Hessenberg function defined by
. As seen in Definition 3.2 and surrounding discussion, every flag
$V_\bullet \in \operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_1)$
$V_1 = {\mathbb {C}} \cdot (1,0,\ldots ,0)^t$
which implies that
for all
$2 \leq i \leq n$
. It then follows from Proposition 7.3 that

as desired. We have proven Claim 3.
Combining Claim 3 and equation (8.10), we conclude that the n-th row vector
$\big ( \frac {\partial }{\partial q_{rs}} \, ^{h_m} E_{n}^{(n)}(a,p) \big )_{(r,s)}$
of the Jacobian matrix is zero. This completes the proof.
By using Proposition 8.5, we will explicitly describe the singular locus of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_m) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
in Section 10. For this purpose, we will first study the singularity of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_2) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
in next section.
9 Cyclic quotient singularity
In this section, we analyze the singularity of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_2) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
, where
$h_2=(2,n,\ldots ,n)$
. In fact, we see that the singularity is related with a cyclic quotient singularity. Then we can explicitly describe the singular locus of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_2) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
First, we study relations between
’s and
$\tilde F^{\langle m_j\rangle }_{i,j}$
’s, which are defined in equations (3.3) and (3.4), and Definition 6.3, respectively.
Lemma 9.1. Let
$1 \leq j \leq n-1$
$j \leq m_j <n$
. For
, we have

where we take the convention that
$\sum _{\ell =m_j+1}^{m_j} x_{i\ell } F_{\ell ,j}=0$
Proof. It suffices to show that

Indeed, equation (9.1) for
is the desired equality by equation (6.4). We prove equation (9.1) by descending induction on k. The base case is
, which is clear. Now, suppose that
$k < i-m_j$
and assume by induction that the claim is true for
, that is,

Then we show equation (9.1). The left-hand side of equation (9.1) is equal to

by using the cofactor expansion along the second-to-last column. Combining this with the inductive hypothesis (9.2), we have proven equation (9.1).
Proposition 9.2. Let
$1 \leq j \leq n-1$
$j \leq m_j<n$
. For
, the ideal

is equal to the ideal

in the polynomial ring
${\mathbb {C}}[x_{ij} \mid 1 \leq j < i \leq n]$
. In particular, if
$h:[n] \to [n]$
is an indecomposable Hessenberg function such that
$h \neq (n,\ldots ,n)$
, then we have

where .
Proof. We prove the first statement by induction on i. The base case
$i = m_j+1$
is clear since
$F_{m_j+1,j}=\tilde F^{\langle m_j\rangle }_{m_j+1,j}$
by equation (6.4). We proceed to the inductive step. Suppose that
$i> m_j+1$
and that the claim holds for
. Then we have

as desired. The isomorphism (9.3) follows from equation (3.8) and the former statement by setting
Example 9.3. Let
. Then one has

By equation (9.3), the coordinate ring
${\mathbb {C}}[\operatorname {\mathrm {Pet}}_n \cap \Omega _e^\circ ]$

We now explain the cyclic quotient singularity which is also called the type A-singularity. Let
$\zeta $
be a primitive n-th root of unity and
$\mathfrak C_n$
the cyclic group of order n generated by
$\zeta $
. Consider the action of
$\mathfrak C_n$
${\mathbb {C}}^2$
defined by
$\zeta \cdot (x,y)=(\zeta x, \zeta ^{-1} y)$
$\zeta \in \mathfrak C_n$
$(x,y) \in {\mathbb {C}}^2$
. This induces the action of
$\mathfrak C_n$
on the polynomial ring
${\mathbb {C}}[x,y]$
(which is the coordinate ring of
${\mathbb {C}}^2$
), and it is given by
$\zeta \cdot x=\zeta x$
$\zeta \cdot y=\zeta ^{-1} y$
. As is well known, the
$\mathfrak C_n$
-invariants in
${\mathbb {C}}[x,y]$
is isomorphic to

which sends X to
, Y to
, and Z to
. The quotient space
${\mathbb {C}}^2/\mathfrak C_n$
is called the cyclic quotient singularity or the type
Example 9.4. Let
. As seen in Example 9.3, the coordinate ring of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Pet}}_3 \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
is given by

Here, one can compute
$\tilde F^{\langle 2 \rangle }_{3,1}$

Thus, we have

which sends X to
, Y to
and Z to
. The ring isomorphism above yields the isomorphism
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Pet}}_3 \cap \Omega _e^\circ \cong {\mathbb {C}}^2/\mathfrak C_3$
In Example 9.4, we constructed the polynomial
$\tilde F^{\langle 2 \rangle }_{3,1}$
. We now generalize this fact to arbitrary n. More specifically, we construct the polynomial
$\tilde F^{\langle 2 \rangle }_{i,1} \ (2 < i \leq n)$
defined in equation (9.4). By the cofactor expansion along the second column, we have

Lemma 9.5. For
$2 < i \leq n$
, we have

Proof. We prove this by descending induction on i. The base case
is the equality (9.6) for
. Suppose now that
$i < n$
and that the claim holds for
. Then we have

as desired.
Proposition 9.6. We set

Then one can write

Proof. By using Lemma 9.5 for
, we obtain

Theorem 9.7. If
$h_2=(2,n,\ldots ,n)$
, then there is an isomorphism of
${\mathbb {C}}$

which sends

In other words,

Remark 9.8. We have seen the case when
in Example 9.4.
Proof of Theorem 9.7.
By equation (9.3), we have


It then follows from Proposition 9.6 that

By the definition (9.4),
$\tilde F^{\langle 2 \rangle }_{i,1}=0$
if and only if

$3 \leq i \leq n-1$
. These equalities for
$i=n-1,n-2,\ldots ,3$
lead us to the isomorphism

It is straightforward to see that

which sends

In fact, the inverse map is given by

Combining equations (9.8), (9.9), (9.10) and (9.11), we conclude that

We complete the proof.
For a polynomial
$f \in {\mathbb {C}}[\Omega _e^\circ ] \cong {\mathbb {C}}[x_{ij} \mid 1 \leq j < i \leq n]$
, we denote the zero set of f by

Corollary 9.9. The singular locus of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_2) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
is given by

Proof. By Theorem 9.7, we have

denotes the hypersurface defined by the equation
${\mathbb {C}}^{\frac {1}{2}(n-1)(n-2)+2}$
with the variables
$X,Y,Z,x_{32},x_{42},\ldots , x_{n-1 \, 2}, x_{ij} \ (3 \leq j < i \leq n)$
. The singular locus of
is the solution set of the equations

It follows from the correspondence (9.7) that the image of the ideal
under the isomorphism
${\mathbb {C}}[\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_2) \cap \Omega _e^\circ ] \cong \frac {{\mathbb {C}}[X,Y,Z]}{(XY-Z^n)} \otimes {\mathbb {C}}[x_{32},x_{42},\ldots , x_{n-1 \, 2}] \otimes {\mathbb {C}}[x_{ij} \mid 3 \leq j < i \leq n]$

${\mathbb {C}}[\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_2) \cap \Omega _e^\circ ]$
. Hence, by the presentation (9.3), the singular locus of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_2)$
is the solution set of the equations

Note that the equation
$\tilde F^{\langle 2 \rangle }_{n,1}=0$
can be removed above since
$\tilde F^{\langle 2 \rangle }_{n,1}=0$
is derived from the equations (9.13) by Proposition 9.6. It then follows from the equality
$\tilde F^{\langle 2 \rangle }_{i,1} = x_{i+1 \, 1}+x_{21}^2x_{i2}-x_{21}x_{i1}-x_{31}x_{i2}$
$3 \leq i \leq n-1$
that the solution set of the equations (9.13) is given by
$2 \leq i \leq n$
, as desired.
10 Singular locus of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_m) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
We now give an explicit description for the singular locus of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_m) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
is defined in equation (8.7).
Theorem 10.1. Let
$2 \leq m \leq n-1$
. Then, the singular locus of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_m) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
is described as

where the notation
is defined in equation (9.12).
Proof. We prove this by induction on m. The base case is
, which follows from Corollary 9.9. Suppose now that
$m> 2$
and that the claim holds for
. It follows from Proposition 8.5 that the singular locus of
$V\big (\, ^{h_m} E_1^{(n)}, \ldots , \, ^{h_m} E_n^{(n)}\big )$
is given by the solution set of the equations

By Lemma 8.2, we have

Since it holds that

by equations (8.6) and (10.1), the equalities (10.2) lead us to the following equation

which yields that
$x_n = q_{n-1 \, n} = q_{n-2 \, n} = \cdots = q_{n-m+1 \, n} = 0$
. Since we have
$q_{n-m+1 \, n} = 0$

$2 \leq s \leq n$
$n-h_{m-1}(n+1-s)<r \leq s$
, the equations (10.1) imply that

Conversely, the equations (10.3) yield equation (10.1). In fact, since one can write
$\, ^{h_{m}}E_{n}^{(n)} = \, ^{h_{m-1}}E_{n}^{(n)}+q_{n-m+1 \, n} \cdot F$
for some polynomial F by Definition 4.10, we have
$\frac {\partial }{\partial q_{rs}} \, ^{h_{m}}E_{n}^{(n)} = \frac {\partial }{\partial q_{rs}} \, ^{h_{m-1}}E_{n}^{(n)}+q_{n-m+1 \, n} \cdot \frac {\partial }{\partial q_{rs}} F$
for all
$2 \leq s \leq n$
$n-h_{m-1}(n+1-s)<r \leq s$
. Hence, equation (10.1) is equivalent to equation (10.3). One has

from equations (8.1) and (8.6), so the singular locus of
$V\big (\, ^{h_m} E_1^{(n)}, \ldots , \, ^{h_m} E_n^{(n)}\big )$
is given by the solution set of the equations

By Corollary 7.4, the following commutative diagram holds

where both vertial arrows are surjective. The ideal defining the singular locus of the zero set
$V\big (\, ^{h_m} E_1^{(n)}, \ldots , \, ^{h_m} E_n^{(n)}\big )$

The image of the ideal above under the isomorphism
$\varphi _{h_m}^{-1}$
in equation (10.4) is equal to

${\mathbb {C}}[\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_m) \cap \Omega _e^\circ ]$
by the definition (7.1) and Proposition 7.3. Hence, the singular locus of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_m) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
is the solution set of the equations


by Lemma 2.3. Since the singular locus of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_{m-1}) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
is the solution set of the equations (10.5) from Proposition 8.5, Theorem 4.13 and Lemma 2.3 again, we can describe

One can see from our inductive assumption that
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Sing}}(\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_{m-1}) \cap \Omega _e^\circ )= \bigcap _{i=2}^n V(x_{i1}) \cap \bigcap _{j=2}^{m-1} V(x_{nj})$
, so we complete the proof.
$\mathfrak S_n$
be the permutation group on
. For
$w \in \mathfrak S_n$
, the Schubert cell
$X_w^\circ $
is defined to be the B-orbit of the permutation flag
in the flag variety
$\operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}})/B$
. The Schubert variety
is defined by the closure of the Schubert cell
$X_w^\circ $
, that is,
$X_w=\overline {BwB/B}$
. We put
$i \in [n]$
, where
$e_1,\ldots , e_n$
are the standard basis for
${\mathbb {C}}^n$
. Under the identification
$Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n) \cong \operatorname {\mathrm {GL}}_n({\mathbb {C}})/B$
, one can describe the Schubert variety

$r_w(p,q)=|\{i \in [p] \mid w(i) \leq q \}|$
(e.g., [Reference Fulton19, Section 10.5]). For
$2 \leq m \leq n-1$
, we define the permutation
$w_m \in \mathfrak S_n$

Then one can verify from [Reference Gasharov and Reiner21] that the Schubert variety
is described as

In other words,
$V_\bullet \in X_{w_m}$
if and only if
$V_1 = F_1=\operatorname {\mathrm {span}}_{\mathbb {C}} \{e_1 \}$
$V_m \subset F_{n-1}=\operatorname {\mathrm {span}}_{\mathbb {C}} \{e_1,\ldots ,e_{n-1} \}$
. In particular, we have

Hence, we obtain the following result from Theorem 10.1.
Corollary 10.2. Let
$2 \leq m \leq n-1$
. Then, the singular locus of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_m) \cap \Omega _e^\circ $
is equal to

Remark 10.3. Let A be a nilpotent matrix (not necessarily regular nilpotent). Then it is known from [Reference Escobar, Precup and Shareshian15, Theorem 5] that the singular locus of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(A,h_{n-1})$

Consider the regular nilpotent case. The Hessenberg function
$h=(1,n-1,\ldots ,n-1,n)$
is decomposable, so every flag
$V_\bullet \in \operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h)$
$V_{1} = \operatorname {\mathrm {span}}_{\mathbb {C}} \{e_1\}$
$V_{n-1} = \operatorname {\mathrm {span}}_{\mathbb {C}} \{e_1,\ldots ,e_{n-1}\}$
(see Definition 3.2 and surrounding discussion). Hence, the result of [Reference Escobar, Precup and Shareshian15, Theorem 5] for

A Singular locus of Peterson variety
The singular locus of the Peterson variety
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Pet}}_n$
has been studied in [Reference Insko and Yong26]. Combining the result of [Reference Insko and Yong26] and some result in [Reference Abe, Horiguchi, Kuwata and Zeng2], we describe the decomposition for the singular locus of the Peterson variety into irreducible components.
It is known that the flag variety
$Fl({\mathbb {C}}^n)$
has a decomposition into Schubert cells

where each
$X_w^\circ $
is isomorphic to
${\mathbb {C}}^{\ell (w)}$
$\ell (w)$
denotes the length of w (e.g., [Reference Fulton19]). Tymoczko generalized this fact to the Hessenberg varieties in [Reference Tymoczko36]. In what follows, we explain the work in [Reference Tymoczko36] for the case of the Peterson variety
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Pet}}_n$
Let I be a subset of
. We may regard
as the set of vertices of the Dynkin diagram in type
. Then,
$I \subset [n-1]$
can be decompose into the connected components of the Dynkin diagram of type

In other words, each
$I_j \ (1 \leq j \leq m)$
denotes a maximal consecutive subset of
. To each connected component
, one can assign the longest element
of the permutation subgroup
$\mathfrak S_{I_j}$
. Then, we define the permutation
$w_I \in \mathfrak S_n$

Example A.1. Let
$I=\{1,2,3\} \sqcup \{6,7\}$
. Then, the one-line notation of

The Schubert cell
$X_v^\circ $
intersects with the Peterson variety
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Pet}}_n$
if and only if
for some
$I \subset [n-1]$
by [Reference Tymoczko36] (see also [Reference Abe, Horiguchi, Kuwata and Zeng2, Lemma 3.5]). We set

By intersecting with the Peterson variety
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Pet}}_n$
, the decomposition in equation (A.1) yields that

It is known from [Reference Tymoczko36] that
$X_J^\circ \cong {\mathbb {C}}^{|J|}$
for any
$J \subset [n-1]$
. In general, it follows from [Reference Abe, Horiguchi, Kuwata and Zeng2, Equation (3.7)] that for each
$I \subset [n-1]$
, we have

It is known that
is a regular nilpotent Hessenberg variety for a certain Hessenberg function
as described below. For
$I \subset [n-1]$
, we define a Hessenberg function
$h_I : [n] \rightarrow [n]$

Note that if
, then
$h_I=(2,3,4,\ldots ,n,n)$
is the Hessenberg function for the Peterson case. Otherwise,
is decomposable (Definition 3.2).
Proposition A.2.
[Reference Abe, Horiguchi, Kuwata and Zeng2, Proposition 3.4]
For a subset I of
, we have

where N is the regular nilpotent element defined in equation (3.1).
It follows from Theorem 3.1 and Proposition A.2 that
is irreducible for any
$I \subset [n-1]$
. For positive integers
$a \leq b$
, we denote by
$[a, b]$
the set
$\{a, a + 1, \ldots , b\}$
. The singular locus of the Peterson variety
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Pet}}_n$
is described in [Reference Insko and Yong26] as follows.
Theorem A.3.
[Reference Insko and Yong26, Theorem 4]
The singular locus of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Pet}}_n$
is given by

Lemma A.4. We have

Proof. We first show that the left-hand side is included in the right-hand side. For this, we take a subset J of
such that
$J \neq [n-1], [2,n-1],[1,n-2]$
. Note that
$|J| \leq n-2$
Case (i): Suppose that
$|J| \leq n-3$
. If J contains
, then
$|J| \leq n-3$
. Otherwise, we have
$J \not \ni j$
for some
$2 \leq j \leq n-2$
. In both cases, J belongs to the right-hand side.
Case (ii): Suppose that
$|J| = n-2$
. Since
$J \neq [2,n-1],[1,n-2]$
, we see that
$J = [n-1] \setminus \{j \}$
for some
$2 \leq j \leq n-2$
, which belongs to the right-hand side.
Hence, we proved that the left-hand side is included in the right-hand side.
Conversely, let J be a subset of
appeared in the right-hand side. If
$J \not \ni j$
for some
${2 \leq j \leq n-2}$
, then we have that
$J \neq [n-1], [2,n-1],[1,n-2]$
. If
$J \subset [2,n-2]$
, then it is clear that
${J \neq [n-1], [2,n-1],[1,n-2]}$
. Thus, the right-hand side is included in the left-hand side, so the equality holds.
The following proposition gives the decomposition for the singular locus of the Peterson variety into irreducible components.
Proposition A.5. The singular locus of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Pet}}_n$
is decomposed into irreducible components as follows:

Proof. By Theorem A.3 and Lemma A.4, we have

By using the decomposition in equation (A.2), the right-hand side above is equal to

as desired. Also, this coincides with
$\left ( \bigcup _{2 \leq j \leq n-2} \operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_{[n-1] \setminus \{j\}}) \right ) \cup \operatorname {\mathrm {Hess}}(N,h_{[2,n-2]})$
by Proposition A.2.
We are grateful to Hiraku Abe for valuable discussions. We are also grateful to Satoshi Murai for helpful comments on the commutative algebra arguments. We thank the anonymous referee for valuable and perceptive comments.
Funding statement
This research was partly supported by Osaka Central Advanced Mathematical Institute (MEXT Joint Usage/Research Center on Mathematics and Theoretical Physics). The first author is supported in part by JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists: 19K14508.
Competing interest
The authors have no competing interest to declare.