Plane-wave scattering from metamaterials exhibiting toroidal dipole moments is a rapidly growing research area. Toroidal multipole moment is the higher-order multipole in the multipole scattering expansion. When the object size approaches the order of incident wavelength, then multipole theory shows the presence of toroidal moments. For sub-wavelength particles, only the first-order electric and magnetic dipole moments will be excited. Kerker and coworkers pointed out that when the electric and magnetic moments on these sub-wavelength inclusions are equal in magnitude and oscillating in phase, then forward scattering is observed [Reference Kerker, Wang, Chew and Cooke1, Reference Kerker, Wang and Giles2]. An out-of-phase oscillation reduces the scattering cross-section of the object [Reference Kerker3]. The lack of natural magnetic materials remained a bottleneck until Pendry et al. demonstrated the first practical realization of artificial magnetism using the so-called split-ring resonator array [Reference Pendry, Holden, Robbins and Stewart4]. The practical applications of such metamaterials are listed in various review reports [Reference Ziolkowski and Engheta5].
Recently, toroidal dipole excitation in metamaterials has gained considerable interest due to their promising electromagnetic behaviors such as high near-field energy localization, high Q-factor, etc. Toroidal moments are created by the poloidal or the axial current distributions excited on the composite [Reference Afanasiev and Stepanovsky6]. Classical electromagnetic theory neglects the excitation of this higher-order moment [Reference Jackson7], and Zel'dovich first reported their excitation in nuclear systems [Reference Zel'dovich8]. Specially designed asymmetric configurations of split-ring resonators and stacked structures show toroidal moments [Reference Kaelberer, Fedotov, Papasimakis, Tsai and Zheludev9–Reference Fan, Wei, Li, Chen and Soukoulis12]. Dielectric resonator-based techniques are also employed to overcome losses due to conduction currents [Reference Tasolamprou, Tsilipakos, Kafesaki, Soukoulis and Economou13]. Toroidal moments are created in the visible and ultraviolet range, using silicon-based dielectric materials [Reference Zografopoulos, Ferraro, Algorri, Martín-Mateos, García-Cámara, Moreno-Oyervides, Krozer, Acedo, Vergaz, Sánchez-Pena and Beccherelli14, Reference Kuznetsov, Miroshnichenko, Brongersma, Kivshar and Luk'yanchuk15]. Recently, scattering from composite metamaterial structures is manipulated using toroidal dipole moments. Toroidal dipole excitation also ensures coherent forward scattering [Reference Sarin, Vinesh, Manoj, Aanandan, Mohanan and Vasudevan16, Reference Terekhov, Baryshnikova, Shalin, Karabchevsky and Evlyukhin17]. The parallel excitation of overlapped toroidal and electric dipole moments is an anapole, and the resulting structure is invisible to a radar located at the far-field [Reference Miroshnichenko, Evlyukhin, Yu, Bakker, Chipouline, Kuznetsov, Luk'yanchuk, Chichkov and Kivshar18, Reference Nemkov, Stenishchev and Basharin19]. Recently, toroidal metamaterial with tunable resonant behavior is observed in the THz range [Reference Song, Deng, Zhou and Liu20].
The specialty of dogbone metamaterials is that its dimensions are the order of the operation wavelength at resonance. Hence, toroidal dipole moments could be excited in specialized cylindrical configurations of dogbone structures. One such design is the cylindrically arranged dogbone elements around a metallic target [Reference Sarin, Vinesh, Manoj, Aanandan, Mohanan and Vasudevan16] and is a modification of the authors' cylindrical cloaking structure [Reference Sarin, Jayakrishnan, Vinesh, Aanandan, Mohanan and Vasudevan21]. The authors also detected a Fano-like resonance profile by exciting strong magnetic resonance to create an electromagnetic invisibility cloaking scheme in a separate spectral window devoid of toroidal excitation [Reference Pushpakaran, Vinesh, Manoj, Aanandan, Mohanan and Kesavath22]. This paper proposes a modified dogbone-based cylindrical structure that shows a significant improvement in toroidal excitation. The authors have used full-wave electromagnetic simulations for optimization, and backscattering from the design is measured using PNA E8362B network analyzer.
The geometry of the structure
The unit-cell structure is a modification of our previous work [Reference Sarin, Vinesh, Manoj, Aanandan, Mohanan and Vasudevan16], and the main difference is that it is devoid of the enclosed metallic cylindrical target, as shown in Fig. 1. All the other parameters remain the same. Eight dogbone metallic elements, printed on a substrate of dielectric constant 4.4 and height 1.6 mm, are arranged in a coaxial fashion, as depicted in Fig. 1(a). Figure 1(b) shows the top view of the structure. The inner diameter d is selected to be 14.5 mm. Figure 1(c) illustrates the unit-cell dimensions. We have used photolithographic etching techniques for fabrication, and the engraved copper thickness is 35 μm. The final full design used for measurement utilizes five such unit cells arranged vertically, as shown in Fig. 1(d).
Fig. 1. Description of the structure under study. (a) Formation of the unit cell, (b) top view, (c) geometrical specifications (L 1 = 18 mm, L 2 = 12 mm, W 1 = 4 mm, W 2 = 2 mm, d = 14.5 mm), and (d) photograph of the fabricated structure.
Simulation and measurement studies
We have used CST Microwave Studio for full-wave simulation studies of the structure. For that, a plane wave with polarization along y-axis is incident on the full structure shown in Fig. 1(d). Reflectance from the design is measured using a monostatic scattering measurement setup for normal incidence. For that, two ultra wideband antennas, with an azimuth offset of 5°, are mounted on a turntable assembly. We placed a metallic cylinder at the turntable assembly center for performing a THRU calibration. To avoid possible multipath clutters, proper time gating is applied to receive reflections only from the target. Replacing the reference target with the studied structure gives the design's reflectance, as depicted in Fig. 2, and is well matched. The observed resonance is around 2 GHz, and it indicates strong backscattering suppression at resonance.
Fig. 2. Reflection coefficient of the proposed structure.
The far-field scattering characteristics are studied using full-wave simulations and shown in Fig. 3. The scattering cross-section thus obtained for the structure compared with a metallic plane target is shown in Fig. 3(a). Around resonance, the design shows tremendous enhancement in scattered power as that of the bare metallic cylinder. Figures 3(b) and 3(c) compare the 3D scattering characteristics of both these structures. The cylindrical reference target shows omni-directional scattering, whereas the proposed structure scatters more power along the forward direction. Figures 3(d) and 3(e) represent the scattering patterns along the azimuth and elevation planes. It shows coherent forward scattering in both these planes. The 3 dB beamwidth is 57.6° and 111°, respectively, in these planes.
Fig. 3. Results of scattering studies performed. (a) Scattering cross-sections, (b) 3D scattering pattern of a bare metallic cylinder, (c) 3D scattering pattern of the proposed dogbone array, (d) azimuth plane RCS patterns, and (e) elevation plane RCS patterns.
Multipole scattering theory helps to study the scattering contribution from different multipoles [Reference Kaelberer, Fedotov, Papasimakis, Tsai and Zheludev9]. The power scattered from different multipoles is found by extracting the surface current distributions from the structure and then performing spatial integration as
The results of these computations give scattered power from different multipoles. In the above equations, P and M represent the lower order electric, magnetic dipole moments, T represents the higher-order Toroidal dipole moment, c is the velocity of light in vacuum, $\vec{r}$ is the displacement vector from the origin, ω is the angular frequency, and J is the surface current density.
Figure 4 illustrates the radiated power contribution from the Py (electric), Mx (magnetic), and Ty (toroidal) moments. One could see here that power released from the magnetic dipole moment (black line) exceeds that from electric dipole moment Py (redline) throughout the entire bandwidth under consideration. The power radiated from the magnetic moment Mx is 7000 times higher than that from the electric moment Py at resonance. The radiated power contribution from the toroidal moment Ty is also indicated in the figure using a solid blueline. We could observe that power radiated from the toroidal moment is significantly high from this structure compared to our previous design [Reference Sarin, Vinesh, Manoj, Aanandan, Mohanan and Vasudevan16]. The excitation of toroidal mode is responsible for coherent forward scattering from it at normal incidence.
Fig. 4. Radiation contribution from different multipoles.
The cross-sectional magnetic field distributions are useful in studying the excitation of toroidal moments on the structure. Figure 5 shows the resonant surface current and the cross-sectional magnetic fields excited on the cell. Figure 5(a) confirms that the surface currents excited on the structure's input entrance and output faces are out of phase. These antiparallel current distributions create out-of-phase magnetic moments, creating strong in-phase magnetic field distribution at the center of the structure, causing toroidal moments Ty, as depicted in Fig. 5(b). The out-of-phase circulation of surface currents on the structure's input and output faces cancels the contribution of electric dipole moment Py on far-field radiation. The unit-cell system will act as an efficient dielectric sensor because the enhanced magnetic energy density at the center of the structure enhances the sensor's sensitivity due to toroidal excitation. Figure 5(c) illustrates the computed cross-sectional electric field distribution at resonance. The electric field is concentrated on the top and bottom boundaries of the dogbone particle and is found minimum at the center where the magnetic field is maximum.
Fig. 5. Resonant field distributions on the structure. (a) Computed current distribution, (b) cross-sectional view of the magnetic field, and (c) electric field distributions.
To study the effect of the inner diameter on reflection coefficient, we performed a detailed parametric analysis because this inner diameter significantly affects the coupling between dogbone metal strips. Figure 6 illustrates the effect of variation on reflection coefficient for normal incidence. An increase in the diameter of the cell redshifts the resonant frequency. The inner diameter increases the magnetic resonant patch length due to the significant increase in displacement current channel. Moreover, this change causes an increase in reflection from the structure, and the system becomes more inductive due to the enhancement in the mutual inductance between consecutive dogbone elements.
Fig. 6. Effect of inner diameter on reflection coefficient for normal incidence.
We performed the scattering measurements inside an anechoic chamber, and Fig. 7 illustrates these results. For that, the same methodology adopted for cloaking measurements is used [Reference Sarin, Jayakrishnan, Vinesh, Aanandan, Mohanan and Vasudevan21]. Figure 7(a) shows the monostatic backscattered power from the structure for normal incidence. In this measurement, we rotated the design in the azimuth plane and recorded the received power. Measurements show that more than −20 dB reduction in backscattered power is observed for all the azimuth angles at resonance. The polar plot of monostatic backscattered power at resonance shown in Fig. 7(b) verifies this observation. Figure 7(c) illustrates the measured bistatic radar cross section (RCS). A significant reduction in backscattered power better than −7.1 dB is observed in comparison with the reference cylinder.
Fig. 7. Results of RCS measurements. (a) Monostatic measurements, (b) polar plot of monostatic backscattered power, and (c) bistatic measurements.
This paper showed the physical excitation of toroidal moments on cylindrically arranged metallic dogbone inclusions in the microwave regime. The anti-phase magnetic moments excited on the structure's input and output faces create strongly enhanced magnetic field confinement at the center, yielding strongly enhanced toroidal moment. Multipole scattering reveals that significant excitation of magnetic and toroidal dipoles enhances forward scattering from the structure at resonance. The results are verified using full-wave electromagnetic simulations and are physically validated in experiments using radar cross-section measurements.
The research work is supported by the funding from the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India for the major research project ECR/2017/002204.
V. P. Sarin received his M.Sc. degree in Applied Electronics in 2006 and the Ph.D. degree in Microwave Electronics from the Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kerala, India, in 2012. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics, Government College Chittur, Palakkad, Kerala. His main research interests are metamaterials, microwave antennas, and FDTD techniques.
P. V. Vinesh received the B.Sc. degree in Electronics from the University of Kannur, India, and the M.Sc. degree in Electronics from the MES College Erumely, Kottayam, India, in 2004 and 2006, respectively. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree at the Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT), Cochin, India. His research interests include designing planar inverted F antennas, loop antennas, multiband antennas, etc.
M. Manoj received his M.Sc. in Electronics from the Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kerala, India, in 2015 and currently pursuing Ph.D. at the Centre for Research in Electromagnetics and Antennas. He was awarded the Junior Research Fellowship by the University Grants Commission in 2014 and had been working at the Cochin University of Science and Technology since 2015. His current research interests include electrically small antennas, RFID tags, and antennas for biomedical applications.
C. K. Aanandan was born in India. He received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT), Cochin, India, in 1981 and 1987, respectively. Currently, he is a Professor in the Department of Electronics, CUSAT. From 1997 to 1998, he worked at the Centro Studi Propagazione E Antenne, Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche, Torino, Italy, under the TRIL program of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP). His research interests include microstrip antennas, radar cross-section studies, and frequency-selective surfaces.
P. Mohanan was born in India. He received the Ph.D. degree in Microwave Antennas from the Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT), Cochin, India, in 1985. Previously, he worked as an Engineer at the Antenna Research and Development Laboratory, Bharat Electronics, Ghaziabad, India. Currently, he is a Professor in the Department of Electronics, CUSAT. He has published more than 100 refereed journal papers and numerous conference articles. He also holds several patents in the areas of antennas and material science. His research areas include microstrip antennas, dielectric resonator antennas, superconducting microwave antennas, reduction of radar cross-sections, and polarization agile antennas.
K. Vasudevan (SM’84) was born in India. He received the M.Sc. degree in Physics from Calicut University, Kerala, India, and the Ph.D. degree from Cochin University, Cochin, India, in 1976 and 1982, respectively. From 1980 to 1984, he worked at St. Alberts' College Ernakulam, Kerala, India. In 1985, he joined the Electronics Department of CUSAT, where he is currently the Emeritus Professor. His research interests include microstrip antennas, leaky wave antennas, and radar cross-section studies. Dr. Vasudevan is a Fellow of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India).