The paper alluded to in the title contains the following striking result [Reference Kalton8, Theorem 6.4]: Let $I$ be the unit interval and $\Delta$
the Cantor set. If $X$
is a quasi Banach space containing no copy of $c_0$
which is isomorphic to a closed subspace of a space with a basis and $C(I,\,X)$
is linearly homeomorphic to $C(\Delta ,\, X)$
, then $X$
is locally convex, i.e., a Banach space.
Here $C(K,\,X)$ denotes the space of continuous functions $F:K \longrightarrow X$
. When $K$
is a compact space and $X$
a quasi Banach space $C(K,\,X)$
is also a quasi Banach space under the quasinorm $\|F\|=\sup \{\|F(t)\|: t\in K\}$
When $X$ is a Banach space, the isomorphic theory of the spaces $C(K,\,X)$
is somehow oversimplified by Miljutin theorem (the spaces $C(K)=C(K,\,\mathbb {R})$
for $K$
uncountable and metrizable are all mutually isomorphic) and, above all, by Grothendieck's identity $C(K,\,X)=C(K)\check {\otimes }_{\varepsilon } X$
which implies that the isomorphic type of the Banach space $C(K,\,X)$
depends only on those of $C(K)$
and $X$
. The situation for quasi Banach spaces is more thrilling and actually some seemingly innocent questions remain open: Is $C(I,\,\ell _p)$
isomorphic to $C(I^{2},\,\ell _p)$
? Is $C(I,\,L_p)$
isomorphic to $C(\Delta ,\,L_p)$
? These appear as Problems 7.2 and 7.3 at the end of [Reference Kalton8]. Problem 7.1, namely if $C(K)\otimes X$
(the subspace of functions whose range is contained in some finite-dimensional subspace of $X$
) is always dense in $C(K,\,X)$
, was posed by Klee and is connected with quite serious mathematics. While it seems to be widely open for quasi Banach spaces $X$
, the answer is negative for $F$
-spaces (complete linear metric spaces) as shown by Cauty's celebrated example [Reference Cauty4] (see also [Reference Kalton and Dobrowolski9]) and affirmative for locally convex spaces. See Waelbroeck [Reference Waelbroeck13, Section 8] for a discussion on Klee's density problem.
The aim of this short note is much more modest: we will show that Kalton's result is sharp by exhibiting non-locally convex quasi Banach spaces $X$ with a basis for which $C(I,\,X)$
and $C(\Delta ,\, X)$
are isomorphic. Our examples are rather specific and actually, in all cases, $X$
is isomorphic to $C(K,\,X)$
if $K$
is a metric compactum of finite covering dimension.
Recall that the (Lebesgue) covering dimension of a (not necessarily compact) topological space $K$ is the smallest number $n\geq 0$
such that every open cover admits a refinement in which every point of $K$
lies in the intersection of no more than $n+1$
sets of the refinement.
A quasi Banach space $X$ has the $\lambda$
-approximation property ($\lambda$
-AP) if for every $x_1,\,\ldots ,\, x_n\in X$
(or in some dense subset) there is a finite-rank operator $T$
on $X$
such that $\|T\|\leq \lambda$
and $\|x_i-Tx_i\|<\varepsilon$
. We say that $X$
has the bounded approximation property (BAP) if it has the $\lambda$
-AP for some $\lambda \geq 1$
We end these preliminaries by recalling that a $p$-norm, where $0< p\leq 1$
, is a quasinorm satisfying the inequality $\|x+y\|^{p}\leq \|x\|^{p}+\|y\|^{p}$
and that every quasinormed space has an equivalent $p$
-norm for some $0< p\leq 1$
, so says the Aoki–Rolewicz theorem.
Lemma If $K$ has finite covering dimension and $X$
has the BAP, then $C(K,\,X)$
has the BAP.
Proof. We first observe that if $K$ has finite covering dimension or $X$
has the BAP, then $C(K)\otimes X$
is dense in $C(K,\,X)$
. The part concerning the BAP is obvious; the other part is a result by Shuchat [Reference Shuchat12, Theorem 1].
Given $g\in C(K)$ and $x\in X$
, we denote by $g\otimes x$
the function $t\longmapsto g(t)x$
. Since every function in $C(K)\otimes X$
can be written as a finite sum $\sum \nolimits _{i} g_i\otimes x_i$
with $g_i\in C(K),\, x_i\in X$
(which justifies our notation, see [Reference Shuchat12, Proposition 1]), it suffices to see that there is a constant $\Lambda$
such that, given $f_1,\,\ldots ,\,f_m\in C(K),\, y_1,\,\ldots ,\,y_m\in X$
and $\varepsilon >0$
, there is a finite-rank operator $T$
on $C(K,\,X)$
such that $\|T\|\leq \Lambda$
and $\|f_i\otimes y_i - T(f_i\otimes y_i)\|<\varepsilon$
. As $\varepsilon$
is arbitrary, there is no loss of generality in assuming that $\|f_i\|=\|y_i\|=1$
for $1\leq i\leq m$
Take an open cover $U_1,\,\ldots ,\,U_r$ of $K$
such that for every $i,\,j$
, one has $|f_i(s)-f_i(t)|<\varepsilon$
for all $s,\,t\in U_j$
. Put $n=\dim (K)$
and take a refinement $V_1,\,\ldots ,\, V_k$
so that each point of $K$
lies in no more than $n+1$
of those sets. Finally, let $\phi _1,\, \ldots ,\, \phi _k$
be a partition of unity of $K$
subordinate to $V_1,\,\ldots ,\, V_k$
For each $j$, pick $t_j\in V_j$
and define an operator $L$
on $C(K,\,X)$
by letting $L(F)=\sum \nolimits _{j\leq k} \phi _j\otimes F(t_j)$
, that is, $(LF)(t)=\sum \nolimits _{j\leq k} \phi _j(t) F(t_j)$
. Let us estimate $\|L\|$
assuming $X$
is $p$
-normed: one has
but for each $t\in K$ the sum has no more than $n+1$
nonzero summands, so
We claim that $\|f_i\otimes y_i - L(f_i\otimes y_i)\|\le \varepsilon$ for all $i$
. We have $L(f_i\otimes y_i)(t)=\sum \nolimits _{j\leq k}f_i(t_j)\phi _j(t) y_i$
, hence
For each $j$ and each $t\in K$
one has $|f_i(t)\phi _j(t)-f_i(t_j)\phi _j(t)|\le \varepsilon \phi _j(t)$
: this is obvious if $t\notin V_j$
since in this case $\phi _j(t)=0$
, while for $t\in V_j$
we have $|f_i(t)-f_i(t_j)|\le \varepsilon$
by our choice of $V_1,\,\ldots ,\, V_k$
and thus
holds for all $t\in K$; consequently, we have
Let $R$ be a finite-rank operator on $X$
such that $\|y_i-R(y_i)\|<\varepsilon$
, with $\|R\|\leq \lambda$
, where $\lambda$
is the ‘approximation constant’ of $X$
, and define $T$
on $C(K,\,X)$
by $(TF)(t)=R((LF)(t))$
. Clearly, $T$
has finite-rank since for an elementary tensor $f\otimes x$
one has
Finally, let us estimate $\|f_i\otimes y_i - T(f_i\otimes y_i)\|$. Write
and then
so that $C(K,\,X)$ has the BAP with constant at most $\lambda (n+1)^{1/p -1}$
The proof raises the question of whether the lemma is true for, say, the Hilbert cube $I^{\omega }$.
The other ingredient we need is a complementably universal space for the BAP. A separable $p$-Banach space is complementably universal for the BAP if it has the BAP and contains a complemented copy of each separable $p$
-Banach space with the BAP. The existence of such spaces (one for each $0< p<1$
) was first mentioned by Kalton himself in [Reference Kalton6, Theorem 4.1(b)]. A complete proof appears in the related issues of [Reference Cabello Sánchez, Castillo and Moreno1]. In any case, it easily follows from the Pełczyński decomposition method that any two separable $p$
-Banach spaces complementably universal for the BAP are isomorphic, so let us denote by $\mathscr K_p$
the isomorphic type of such specimens and observe that since each separable $p$
-Banach space with the BAP is complemented in one with a basis, it follows that $\mathscr K_p$
does have a basis. Needless to say, $\mathscr K_p$
is not locally convex since it contains a complemented copy of $\ell _p$
Corollary If $K$ is a (non-empty) metrizable compactum of finite covering dimension, then $C(K,\,\mathscr K_p)$
is linearly homeomorphic to $\mathscr K_p$
. In particular, $C(I,\,\mathscr K_p)$
and $C(\Delta ,\,\mathscr K_p)$
are linearly homeomorphic although $\mathscr K_p$
is not locally convex.
Proof. This clearly follows from the lemma since $C(K,\,\mathscr K_p)$ is separable, has the BAP and contains $\mathscr K_p$
complemented as the subspace of constant functions.
We do not know of any other non-locally convex quasi Banach space $X$ for which $C(I,\,X)$
and $C(\Delta ,\, X)$
are isomorphic, apart from the obvious ones arising as direct sums of $\mathscr K_p$
and Banach spaces lacking the BAP. An obvious candidate is the $p$
-Gurariy space, introduced by Kalton in [Reference Kalton7, Theorem 4.3] and further studied in [Reference Cabello Sánchez, Garbulińska-Wȩgrzyn and Kubiś2]. Note that if $X$
is a quasi Banach space isomorphic to $X\oplus F$
, with $F$
finite dimensional and $C(I,\,X)$
and $C(\Delta ,\, X)$
are not isomorphic then neither are $C(I,\,X\oplus c_0)$
and $C(\Delta ,\, X\oplus c_0)$
It's time to leave. Perhaps the most important question regarding the general topological properties of quasi Banach spaces is to know whether every quotient operator $Q:Z \longrightarrow X$ (acting between quasi Banach spaces) admits a continuous section, namely a continuous $\sigma : X \longrightarrow Z$
such that $Q\circ \sigma =\textbf {I}_X$
. More generally, let us say that $f\in C(K,\,X)$
lifts through $Q$
if there is $F\in C(K,\,Z)$
such that $f=F\circ Q$
. Now, given $0< p<1$
, a quotient operator between $p$
-Banach spaces $Q:Z \longrightarrow X$
and a compactum $K$
, consider the following statements:
(1) $Q$
admits a continuous section.
(2) Every continuous $f:K \longrightarrow X$
has a lifting to $Z$
(3) $C(K)\otimes X$
is dense in $C(K,\,X)$
Clearly, (1)$\implies$(2): set $F=\sigma \circ f$
, where $\sigma$
is the hypothesized section of $Q$
. Besides, if (1) is true for some quotient map $\ell _p(J) \longrightarrow X$
then so it is for every $Q$
. Similarly, if (2) is true for a given $K$
for some quotient map $\ell _p(J) \longrightarrow X$
, then it is true for any quotient map onto $X$
and (3) holds.
Following (badly) Klee [Reference Klee10, Section 2], let us say that the pair $(K,\,X)$ is admissible if (3) holds, that $K$
is admissible if (3) holds for every quasi Banach space $X$
and that $X$
is admissible if (3) holds for every compact $K$
. We do not know whether the $p$
-Gurariy spaces are admissible or not.
We have mentioned Shuchat's result that every compactum of finite covering dimension is admissible. Actually one can prove that (2) holds for any $Q$ if $\dim (K)<\infty$
. This indeed follows from Michael's [Reference Michael11, Theorem 1.2] but a simpler proof can be given using Shuchat's result, the argument of the proof of the lemma, and the open mapping theorem. Since every metrizable compactum is the continuous image of $\Delta$
, this implies that for every compact subset $S\subset X$
, there is a compact subset $T\subset Z$
such that $Q[T]=S$
Long time ago, Riedrich proved that the spaces $L_p$ are admissible for $0\leq p<1$
; see [Reference Caponetti and Lewicki3, Reference Ishii5] for more general results that cover all modular function spaces. We do not know if the quotient map $\ell _p \longrightarrow L_p$
has a continuous section or satisfies (2) for arbitrary compact $K$
and $0< p<1$
Research supported in part by MICIN Project PID2019-103961GB-C21 and Junta de Extremadura Project IB-20038.