Let I be an independent set drawn from the discrete d-dimensional hypercube Qd = {0, 1}d according to the hard-core distribution with parameter λ > 0 (that is, the distribution in which each independent set I is chosen with probability proportional to λ|I|). We show a sharp transition around λ = 1 in the appearance of I: for λ > 1, min{|I ∩ Ɛ|, |I ∩
|} = 0 asymptotically almost surely, where Ɛ and
are the bipartition classes of Qd, whereas for λ < 1, min{|I ∩ Ɛ|, |I ∩
|} is asymptotically almost surely exponential in d. The transition occurs in an interval whose length is of order 1/d.
A key step in the proof is an estimation of Zλ(Qd), the sum over independent sets in Qd with each set I given weight λ|I| (a.k.a. the hard-core partition function). We obtain the asymptotics of Zλ(Qd) for
, and nearly matching upper and lower bounds for
, extending work of Korshunov and Sapozhenko. These bounds allow us to read off some very specific information about the structure of an independent set drawn according to the hard-core distribution.
We also derive a long-range influence result. For all fixed λ > 0, if I is chosen from the independent sets of Qd according to the hard-core distribution with parameter λ, conditioned on a particular v ∈ Ɛ being in I, then the probability that another vertex w is in I is o(1) for w ∈
but Ω(1) for w ∈ Ɛ.